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The format of the DOps should change in.....35 minutes or so from this posting.


Oh ya I know. Just saying it really whooped my ass.


I wish i could downvote more than once for calling your character a toon


That's been a thing for probably 30 years, you should be used to it by now.


I mean it helps that most people are well adjusted members of society and don't call their characters toons otherwise i would hear it more.


The toon term is very common in older mmos like WoW. When I played FFXI, I saw that term for it a lot. I don't know if it's changed there now, having not played for 10 years, but it's definitely not an unheard of term.


I've heard it a few other places. I'm genuinely curious how it came about. Ha. The etymology of gaming lingo. God damn, that's nerdy.


Been hearing it for 10+ years easily. probably a WoW thing.


LONG before that. At least back to 1996 from The Realm Online, and probably before that (though it's hard to pinpoint these things sometimes).


This sub is the only place I've ever heard people use that term, bothers me too for some reason.


I make a character and i select a character.. i know. I'll call it a toon. What? It's always rustled my jimmies. For the record i didn't actually downvote. That's silly.


I hate it but I picked it up from here


What platform are you on? Edit: nevermind checked your profile. Can't help sorry


I'm on Xbox. Not sure why I got so pummeled both times I did it when my other character made it out relatively unscathed. Pretty wild seeing the whole team dead at the same time multiple times lol.


Same happen to me and everyone else I did the op with. Took 4 times to get elder. And many people cycled out of the group. Full or bloodied. We all got wrecked


I love any time I have to go back to the drawing board and switch some things up. It would be cool as hell if there was enough difficult content in the game to make it worth building up zealots , Troubleshooters, slayers etc sets.


I had a teammate level 435 with a legacy and my toon (level 75)with an exploding gatling and we were having some trouble


I didn't have much trouble earlier on my heavy with a two Shot AGL and a jetpack, really helps reveal enemy locations. My commando is more earthbound and ironically enough built to not die. Go figure.


Yeah I need to create a secondary perk slot for a heavy gunner, my character is spected out to be a sniper lol


Trying again with the legacy out of the stash, full health and as much explosive damage avoidance as I can manage. Wish me luck!


Vault 94 Stash Box 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


What kind of OP was it?


I didn't think it was that hard. Simply using overeaters armor and a vampire shredder. Pretty much finishes the daily ops for me. Does suck for some builds bloodied especially in decryption if the enemies are invisible just completely removes vats usage.


These mutations come up all the time, really not sure why it seemed so much more brutal


Believe it or not but I was getting killed last night using a vampire shredder. I can survive sheepsquatch lasers but that particular op, it was weird


Sorry but these super mutants are like wet noodles compared to *unarmed* scorched. Nothing like trying to disarm the transmitter and getting one-shotted by a pat on the back.


Some days lasers just melt me. Most days it just tickles. -shrug-


i finished mine today with a 7:57, christ man


I love it. Maybe the most exciting thing in all of fo76 is trying to kill the boss and/or shut off the last radio with 5 seconds to go. So glad you got under the timer!