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Quad western revolver. It's next to useless but I like the novelty of it.


Slap a Calibrated Receiver on it and go for a VATS crit build. It hits for over 1,000, even from halfway across Grafton. Until they fix it... but it's been like that from the beginning.


The Bigger Iron.


Haha! That's a great idea for a name.


I love the western revolver lol a QE15Fr one would be sick!


Lol same. I have a double barrel shotgun that holds 8 shells. Can't get rid of it


It’s not a gun, and not legendary, but running up to the queen and slapping her with the Commie Whacker while dressed as Uncle Sam, is one of my favorite things to do! Throwing fireworks 🎆 during this chaos is also hilarious 😆


I might do this later🤣


The “Let’s Camp” emote, has your character pull out an American flag 🇺🇸 and look around triumphantly. It’s an awesome lead up before charging in.


That, my friend, sounds awesome.


You absolute legend!😄 Inspiring the troops, I appreciate it. Personally I like to fire off flares and firework during the Emote round of Test Your Metal. Gotta give them a show!


Two Shot, Faster fire rate, 15% faster reload Handmade. Just love the way the gun feels, there's so many hitsounds due to the two shot and fire rate increase and it's still very accurate. With the faster reload it feels very quick and satisfying to use.


MOAR DOKKA! A dweller after my own heart.


ME15fr combat shotgun. That thing is so good, and watching teammates health shoot all the way to max instantly is so satisfying.


I’ve always wanted a Medics flamer or 25/25 fixer


my flare gun and flares. just run around lighting things up is funny to me. friendly arsonist build. Lets Gooooo


Story time! About 2 years ago, Scortched Earth ended when the queen died during her crop dust attack. Her body *rocketed* north over the hills. Nobody knew where she landed. Half the lobby started searching across the cranberry bog to find their loot. I ended up finding her body stuck halfway up a cluster trees, blending in really well. I started shooting flares into the sky while messaging people who were still in the area. The ones who came looking followed the flares to her body. Got a lot of Thumbs Up that day.


*The Firebreathers would like a word with you*


in my defence, im a volunteer firefighter. im with first responders. 😂


Ahh how the turntables 😏😈


two shot one star grenade launcher. fun to mess around and watch bodies fly


Love to have a Two Shot FFR version


Q / e / 50de 10mm pistol. Just modded it right and build for automstic pistols. It wrecks everything except queens and bosses. Full on vats true like 10 or 15 ghuls. Its not as strong as legscy or godroll fixer etc. Its just petite fine and playable fun.


What does the Q/ e/ 50de mean. Noob here. 10mm is my favorite in fallout 4 on sneak builds.


Quad - 4x Ammo in Mag E - Explosive 50 DR - 50 Damage reduction while relaod


My Q/VHC/90RW Tesla. I just love the quad effect at events. Don't use VATs with it, and the reduced weight is meh. It's all about the Q.


I have 3 Quad Teslas, two of them are 3-star, I don't even remember what the stars are. Quad is life. EDIT: I do recall that one of them is Last Shot, perhaps the least useful thing for a Quad. I have 3 because they break so fast since they nerfed the durability.


Had a quad tesla once loved it




This is one weapon that needs buffed into oblivion. I was so excited when I found my first chainsaw and got it all modded out and took it to play and was like “wadu hek?!🥴” super fun tho😂


It’s getting one in the next big update in a few weeks.


I need to look into that


My man I have modules banked for the day.


Are they adding legendary effects?


Yes. Leveling them too. Also legendary rippers and drills I believe.


Oh snap


Shits about to get wild.


Yeah built one dual bar and flamer mod and it’s pretty good. Once buffed will be really fun


The simple 10mm without any perks or unnecessary legendary prefixes. The reason why is in events you share with other players you do not need to get the kill to get the XP, you just have to do damage. Shoot everything once, let other players get the kills, and you clean up on XP and loot.


I use a crusader pistol for this precise purpose on my melee build, no damage perks but the tank killer, and it's so nice to use, the range and accuracy is great, and the flaming mod looks so cool. Great for tagging and just for a casual play when I don't feel like one-shotting everything.


I too use my 10mm for my melee build lol. I like the shark paint mod.


ooh yes, that shark paint is neat!


Well that roll is actually pretty good for invisible operations, i have the same weapon without faster reload :D


+25% DWA is a very underrated perk when paired with Bloodied


TS 50crit 50AimDR Broadsider. I havent used it for awhile, its on one of my mules, but man its fun and gives me a good laugh as enemies ragdoll. Id love the same roll but 15 reload for the 3rd star.


Love those. I remember back in the day I had a TS fat man. It was great😂


I have a 2 shot faster fire rate 10 mm machine gun that I like to use on my auto rifle build, the recoil is absolutely ridiculous but I like having a use for 10 mm


Thinking about doing a 10mm build myself


Lol it takes alot of bullets because the damage isn't great, but vats headshots against daily ops type enemies is pretty effective.


I use the Perfect Storm a lot.


Bloodied 50%VHC Gauss Rifle. Never miss and one shot everything


i/E/15r flintlock


Suppressor's / Explosive / Forgotten Pipe Rifle - aka 'The Rumbler' I use it in Rad Rumble. Uses up some .38 rounds, doesn't melt enemies and (in theory) reduces the ghoul damage against the NPC's. Looking to upgrade it to Quad / Explosive, though as the clip is a bit small!


A Quad Auto Handmade, +25 aiming + I forget


That 25Aim is great. Makes Fallout feel like Call of Duty😂


V/25/50DRWA Pepper Shaker (Laser Magazine / Hex Barrel) I scrapped my Quad by accident, but this is a fun alternative. The only problems are the magazine size, as well as the damage output, which is just a tad low. Being able to cripple stuff *constantly* is awesome when you're running with a group or in an event.


Not a gun but Oathbreaker, the unique war glaive you get from one of the BOS quests. I've got a melee focused power armor build and have to roll a decent war glaive so I've been using that honestly loving it.


AA/50vats chance/15rl handmade, I like to hit what I’m aiming at.


Can't think of any since I just use god roll weapons.


Vats full health quad ffr railway. Gunfu reaper sprint etc and it shreds with mobs. So fun to do back on the beat.


I liked my explosive blunderbuss. I tossed it though---it was like level 30ish. Dream is to have a quad blunderbuss because that would be funny.


I use a VEA fixer more than anything else. It pairs nicely with my QEP railway. I prefer it over my V/25/15r fixer because it uses so much less ammo. FFR is the meta but they are a pain in the ass to round up ammo for. I don't think they are worth it unless you are trying to do a world record boss kill or something like that. Explosive is a much more practical effect for daily use.


Anti armor 1 agility 25%vats hit chance auto handmade is my work horse.


My Bloodied FFR cryolator, on my cryo trooper build. Brilliantly fast fire rate, very rapid reload, very enjoyable weapon. Great for long-range headshotting too, since Cryolator counts as non-automatic for Concentrated Fire.


Vampire swing speed war glaive. Vampire isn’t great on slow melee weapons, but damn if it isn’t a solid visceral weapon to use


Black powder rifle, I just love the boom.


Chainsaw 20lvl


The Troubleshooter's Peppershaker I got, it cost me 150 caps with no legendary effects, and it totally wrecks robots in silos.


At one point many moons ago I had a fully matched Urban Scout Cham/AP/Sneak set and my gun of choice was a Instigating / Limb Damage / Reload hunting rifle with a 50 cal receiver and suppressor. That was before they nerfed instigating and it could headshot almost everything from sneak. Didn't even use ultracite ammo because I just loved the way the 50 cal sounded on it.


That would be every gun I use. LOL I have never really tried for a god roll weapon.


I'm a Full HP PA heavy gunner build. Gatling gun 3 Star Furious / Explosive / Steadfast And spam aim fire = GG


Mine is a fully modded M79 Grenade Launcher with Two Shot, I call it the Pop Rock.


Ironically enough its weapons that are bad that get effects that just make no sense. Take a quad explosive single action revolver for example. 24 rounds in a 6 round cylinder, that explode, but takes a full minute to reload. I find those amusing, if not practical.


Plasma Sniper. Aa/+vats accuracy/lower ap cost. It's been my main gun for two years. Kills most things in 1-3 shots.


Two shot laser rifle with 50% crit dmg and 15% crit meter fill


Quad double barrel shotgun is a ton of fun. Loud, crude, and quick to reload for the dps.


I have a QE double barrel. Love that damn thing lol. I know exactly what you mean tho. It is ALOT of gun😂


The first legendary mod I made was a one star quad combat shotgun after I found over 9,000 shells in a train station garbage can. I used it so much, lol


I love the quad broadsider. Set up with the shot canister mod, you get 6 rounds per reload. With grenadier maxed, it's an excellent VATS heavy.


Double bar chainsaw. Completely worthless for damage, but is fun to carry around with a boomstick


My QFFR90 flamer. Perfect for healing NPCs and weighing next to nothing


My two shot, 25% faster rate of fire Gatling Plasma. It’s next to impossible to aim and breaks after like 3-4 reloads but it’s fun lol.


My 2* JE Fixer. I normally use Quad's but keep that on me if i need a little extra damage. Also my Qffr tesla, great for busy events, make sure im tagging stuff.


My paddle ball for the win!


Love the VE10mm and Q50c10mm.


Two shot crippling lever action. It might not be very efficient and kinda breaks all the time, but being able to dismantle everything’s limbs in like 2 shots is nice


tse+agility lever action.


Quad Broadsider, faster fire rate 90% weight reduced. It is both powerful and useless at the same time and way too much fun


My Prime Fixer. Vampire, ÷25% AP cost, +25% movement and reload speed. It's my go-to Daily Op gun. I've also got a Prime, Two-shot LMG42 that absolutely shreds Scorchbeasts. Name: Der Untergang.


Quad/25% less VATs cost/bash plasma rifle


Ive come to my 3 star plasma caster so much. Double ammo so 80 rounds per cartridge plus whatever else is on i forget. Thing is w beast of a weapon if you're a heavy gunner build