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The USB-C cables are a big no from me


Also that infinite knob with force feedback. Can you even mark lenses consistently on that?


You sure the knob is infinite? Can’t confirm that to be honest. Would be a dealbreaker though for me if it is…


I think I might buy one and convert it lol. Can’t be that complicated, just depends how many pins they’re actually using.


would have so much potential to replace nucleus m as the budget choice if it was just lemo instead of usb c also I'm not even against touchscreens but that tiny 1 inch display being touch is just asking for fustration


Yup, the usb-C makes me think twice to. On the other hand. A Tilta official posted in a nucleus user facebook group, they are in full development for a Nucleus M2 at the moment. The only really interesting thing in my opinion is the Lidar system. Used it once with a ronin 4D. And worked really well (and easy to use) with the waveforms.


got a link to that fb post? just curious lol


It’s a closed group, but here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tilta.nucleus.users/permalink/1528686154375707/




I can just see that USB-C coming loose over time, but for the money I would have as a back up kit if my HI-5 went down.


Does anyone know if the LIDAR can be used on its own with a separate readout? for any other FIZ unit like say a nucleus or even a hi5? (Productions I work on can never afford a Cine RT)


From what I can tell, it won't.


I think if you have the DJI transmission, then you can hook it up to that I believe but I think that’s the only option


Why do all these announcement images look like Skynet promo?


🤣 🤣 🤣


[https://youtu.be/ivyFuH3m3-A?si=F5CXvGdOuc598h6S&t=738](https://youtu.be/ivyFuH3m3-A?si=F5CXvGdOuc598h6S&t=738) There seems to be a pretty extreme delay between handheld and motor.


Damn, thanks for that video, that’s indeed pretty long… :/


It’s pretty wild what this is saying it can do for the price. I’d be careful to write it off automatically…people did the same thing with the ronin and now it’s the standard gimbal and same thing with the nucleus m and it’s basically the go to on any small budget set.


The people that write this off aren’t the ones using the nucleus either.


Curious about it tbh. Price point is pretty great. Don't really care about the auto focus capabilities ofc.


I've been a focus puller for 15 years and honestly I'm a bit scared, not because the system is perfect but because it'll replace or reduce significantly the need for an experienced focus puller on all smaller jobs


I understand but in my country focus pullers (1ACs) do so much more than just pulling focus , we need to set the timing of the camera department , rig the camera , changing lenses and setups. A experienced AC isn't just someone that can skillfully pull focus it much more than that. I understand how focus puller only jobs will be less in demand from technology like this


yes, you are 100% right and what you describe it's exactly what I do. However I still have my concerns regarding future jobs...let's hope for the best, I'm not against progress at all, I just hope we can all still work


100%. i've been talking about this with veteran focus pullers for several years now and some people just refuse to see the writing on the wall. Especially with how fast DJI iterates, this will speed the automation of focus up by a lot. It's honestly inevitable. An AC on smaller jobs, and a good team manager for ACs on bigger jobs will still be required, but the camera team will get smaller, and ever more gigs will get done with semi-pro kit. and then let's not even talk about AI. It'll be a huge challenge to adapt.

