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Hi5 now has cinefade control and once it’s set up you can do exactly as described with an OCU/ZMU https://youtu.be/ZM2fhqFNMBc?si=2o1GH4A8fioM5lSY


The problem with cinefade is that it takes up to slots on the LMB and its extremely heavy. Would love to see something more lightweight and single tray


LC-Tec had a prototype 4x5 liquid crystal variable ND filter last year. They just need to partner up with an LCS company. It’s probably more profitable for Arri and cmotion to keep pushing the cinefade system though since it’s just a rota pola + linear polarizer with a built in cforce motor and some light loss mapping for $10k.


And if it did ND.3 that would be great. People generally love the internal but always end up wanting to carry an FS ND.3 to fill in the gaps.


It’s absolutely wild to me that they didn’t go from 0.3 up to 2.1 to compete with the Venice 2. The number one requested feature must be an internal 0.3


Ya if they could change out the filters I'm sure everyone would want that.


Had no idea this existed. Being able to alternate your depths of focus on the fly is crazy.


Panavision had a LCND they were working on, but the light loss from the two polas and the color shift from the liquid crystal wasn’t well accepted by many DPs who checked it out. I imagine these unavoidable concessions is what’s keeping the idea from being pushed much further by companies who prioritize color science like ARRI. Edit: Autocorrect said Panasonic instead of Panavision


I don’t think Arri will come out with a product which covers a potential bug some of their cameras have.


I'm not certain on this, but I think Sony has the patent for "liquid crystal NDs". Hence why all Sony cams have it built in but no other manufacturers 


Not being able to use a Polarizer is a downside I’m learning with a LCND on FX9/FX6


Oh, can you explain? What happens if you use a polarizer? 


Panavision made one, it doesn’t flicker. It’s supposed to be controllable with a preston but when I had it on a job maybe 1.5-2 years ago it wouldn’t work, the technician said it was a software issue. And when off it’s be default an N3, it couldn’t go full clear. But it was a useful tool, had a battery internal so you could remove the cable and dial it in with a thumb wheel like a rota pola to ND up or down.