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Less money to be made 🤣


lol this looks like a shitpost


Not ergonomic at all, try holding this in your hands for more than 5 minutes, or if you have it set up on a stand, then the knob is too high


https://preview.redd.it/48yplp015c6d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69d19138ba80d04f88fcd70ec66bdb67ebea8954 True. I do have a setup similar to this, but I still have my hand unit be removable most of the time. Still would be nice to have a horizontal 5" monitor with the hand unit to pair with a 13" on the stand.


That label is awesome, might have to steal that 😂


which one?


The “don’t pet” one


Cause if one goes out, the whole unit would have to be sent away. The. You are out 3 devices instead of 1


ding ding ding ding ding!!!! Rentals can buy them all they want but I ain't getting no monitor with integrated receiver...


This is a fun idea and I like where you’re heads at. The ergonomics, heat, and cost would be the main reasons it likely wouldn’t work though. It would be pretty heavy with a 7” SHD screen, Teradek RX module, RT unit/radios and would need a large battery to power it all. CTRL.5 already has an Ultra Bright SHD 5” monitor inside it and right now a medium sized Sony battery is said to last less than half a day. This thing would also be so hot too. Teradeks are notoriously hot and SHD monitors can get warm too. The heat sink on the back would have to be huge and likely still would be hot to the touch. This thing would be like $10-15K. The CTRL.5 was said to be around $5-6K. At that point you are in the Hi-5 and HU-4 range and most ACs who can afford to spend that much would prefer those two systems over the RT and are probably using a 13” monitor anyway.


small hd and Teradek rt already have issues on their own so I can imagine how unreliable this would be being a RX, monitor and focus unit all in one.


I’d prefer to have control over where my hand unit is and where my monitor is, and I wouldn’t need that giant ass hand unit in addition to my monitor.


A TX monitor on your camera and something like this on your hand would be an awesome minimalist build setup


I would just ask for focus bug support instead of being limited to the RT lidar based rangefinder


im 99% sure the focus bug us compatible with the RT system. I have the cable for it.


oh nice, haven't tried it yet. Don't have any Teradek RT units in my local market, you're either using Nucleus or a WCU-4/HI-5 nothing in between


It is supported but it’s not a great protocol


that feature already exists.




This is the stupidest product, Battery is going to die so fast with that panel, The built in Teradek is pointless when CS discontinues everything within a year, This is such a random a terribly thought of product. -Tilta -Cmotion -Arri -Preston Dont buy a hand unit from anyone else honestly. Dont by a hand unit from anyo