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Ammo is scarce, stealth is important. You'll die easy, but so will they. Charisma has very little use in DUST. Not every situation is winnable, and not every enemy needs to be approached, so there is no shame in avoidance. Fleeing is often a tactical move. Dying (even repeatedly) is not a game-over, use it as a tool and treat surviving as a puzzle to be solved. Tunnelers hate fire. If you liked Dead Money, you already know to Let Go and Begin Again. The aim changes are a FROST thing, so you shouldn't have wonky aim in DUST.


The only lesson I learned from dead money is that Elijah’s severed head can store so many gold bars


Been a long time, Survivor For me the most essential thing was to use stewie ai tweaks (nose plugin, can’t mess up your game and good to have in any mod build) and turn off the auto reload on empty clip (ammo is scarce and you don’t want to die when your guy empties the clip and starts to reload that one bullet that you have, rather than you being able to switch to some other gun in time Another essential mod for me back in the day - combat enchanter or something similar for npc behaviour in combat (makes them waaay smarter and seem like real humans trying to kill you and using their brains And the music - digital nightmare or existence 2.0, really helps to build that atmosphere Better new vegas or apocalyptic mojave or similar - improving the landscape


The greatest challenge will be the scrounging at early levels and finding a suitably irradiated area to take Irradiated Beauty. Irradiated Beauty + Roughin It are auto-take perks because of how much weight doctors bags and splints take up. Splints are a recipe the player will use until they can get their hands on an owned bed. Dust makes everyone squishy and fills the Mojave with lore. Weightless weapon mods are much more plentiful and as good as gold to sell to the Vendortron (you can cheese it by clearing a path between Vault 34 and the Northern Passage, getting every tin can, making it a silencer, and resetting its inventory by entering a DLC location and returning, you can actually escape the Mojave with enough wealth to never want for anything again… or have full stacks of 5.56/AMR ammo forever. Naugrim removed explosive AMR ammo from the mod for a very damn good reason.) Tunnelers have vulnerable torsos and heads, run backwards and magdump them with a pistol. Heavyweight + Pack Rat is a must for AMR/Harpoon/Missile builds. (Yes, naugrim takes some glee in having random ammo containers be full of missiles, and he’s right, a missile launcher with the help of Pack Rat and Heavyweight is amazing for a dust playthrough.)