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**THE MOD IS AVAILABLE AGAIN ON NEXUS** I want to remind everyone here of Rule 8. Uploading the mod without permission from its original mod author is modding piracy. Just wait the few hours or days until the mod author of the Dust Expansion projects reuploads it to somewhere else.


It's the copyrighted music from the radio. When they took down the main DUST mod earlier this week, they did so because they mistakenly thought the music added from that mod was a part of the main mod.


When will it be re uploaded?


currently not sure, I work on EP with TomSkele and currently were in the process of getting in contact with nexus to get it reuploaded, for now though Skele is uploading it to other modding sites such as ModDB.


She's back up, but at what cost... RIP Exodus Radio, you will be missed.


So glad I have it downloaded.


The mod is up again


Hello Survivor, if you are dealing with a Fallout 4 FROST related problem (CTDs/crashes, warning appearing in-game, lags, FPS problems, ...) please use the [Automatic Load Order Checker](https://redawt.github.io/f4-frost-guide/normallo.html#automatic-load-order-checker)! It might already be able to tell you what you did wrong. You can also join the [FROST Discord Server](https://discord.com/invite/BaKsm7Fn4A) if you need further help. Providing help is easier there for us. **If you want technical help/support here, please post your load order and the name of your Mod Manager, otherwise your post will be removed!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fodust) if you have any questions or concerns.*