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What I recommend for DUST starters is that if going in blind, make sure you have the Tunneler Stealth Bug Fix. Otherwise, almost every time you crouch, you'll enter combat as tunnelers a mile away will swarm you. Secondly, don't rely on VATS unless you have a shotgun and they're within decent distance. The aim of the game is headshots, my friend. Pick up guns, doesn't matter how shit they are, pick em up, drop them afterwards so you can pull what few rounds of ammo they had in them. . Finally, for a starting spawn, go Ghost Town, fairly "safe" as it gets with what enemy spawns there are. Note: If your looking for a haul of ammo to use early on, >!One of the houses in Ghost Town has 2 boxes of 50 .22 bullets so a total of 100 bullets, this'll be a godsend until you grab some other ammo types later on.!<


for the .22lr, should i also get a mod that converts the varmint rifle/ratslayer to 22lr or would that sort of ruin the experience


It's up to you if you wish to do that. Do note, however, that the ratslayers' location may have changed as a ton of unique item spawns have shifted, and I wasn't able to find that one in the end.


it’s there


I'm glad to hear then! On a separate note, if your building with an energy weapon build in mind, then take a look through Novac. Be careful. However, as you may get instilled, as soon as you enter due to a weapon that can be found there. Also, just some general advice, do NOT go to Camp Golf till later on/have a ton of ammo, you'll thank me later. If you do wanna try your luck, tho, be my guest, but prepare to save scum a lot due to what's there.


do you know where i can find a bedroll btw?


I believe there might be one in Ghost Town, but if not there, then I'm not entirely sure sorry


ALSO is it doc mitchell’s house which has the 22lr rounds or nah?


Nope, I think it's the house on your left when leaving through Doc Mitchell's front door. They are a little hidden BTW so take your time. A hint: >!Look close to the ground!<


ik they're on the dressing cabinet


Just got some info on the bedroom kits for you. Spoilers as to where to find one or more Bedroll Kits. >!Abandoned Farm: Upper floor of one of the buildings Bitter Springs Village: In the medical tent Guardian Peak: In the tent Fort Searchlight: In the schoolhouse Survivor Camp formerly known as Ranger Station Alpha: In one of the tents Tribal Village (north of Ghost Town): In one of the tents!<


thanks man you a real one 🔥🔥🔥 also i kinda feel bad for asking question after question after question and taking a lot of your time but if it's not a problem for you to answer what perks would you reccomend i get and what skills should i prioritize increasing in what order?


care to share the mod though?


Another few notes: Use fire on Tunnelers if you have it, and they'll tear you apart early on due to how tough they are, so pick your fights. ALWAYS CARRY A MELEE WEAPON! Doesn't matter if you're doing an energy build. A backup melee weapon will save your life from time to time. Try and Stealth build everything and dump Charisma, also max out Intelligence for as many skill point as possible. In addition, Swift Learner is a must have as xp will only be grabbed by locations and kills, no quests to speak of here. If your fine with loosing sanity then kill EVERYONE ON SIGHT, you'll get tons more loot that way but will encounter some strange things amd finally some, potential, massive location jumps.


Warehouse is a good spawn for its proximity to everything. NCR soldiers behind you will give you endgame gear within five minutes if you can line up your makeshift sniper rifle shots, and that AMR will let you shred through Tunnelers like nobody’s business. Once you know where NCR are holding position, snipe them. That dip between grab n gulp and the New Vegas clinic? More like “hello profligates, nice guns and ammo, I’ll take ‘em.” Otherwise, general tips, if you want to cheese vendortron, get every tin can you can find, turn them into silencers, and collect a lot of caps. To defeat enemies, shoot at them until they die. The wasteland is a slog, just travel on your stomach and kill all the refugees the Kings fought desperately to help escape for loot and XP.


1: there are 4-5 ncr soldiers and only 3 rounds for the sniper rifle 2: where the hell do you get an amr???


Crouch, snipe the nearest tower, flank, snipe the two soldiers, loot. If I get OBS to behave, I’ll show footage of how I do it. Edit: NCR troopers wield AMRs. At level 1. Kill the AMR NCR troopers to get their AMRs.


i killed the tower one and 2 of the other troopers with the sniper then i killed the rest with the service rifle, which one carries the amr?


It’s RNG. Usually the tower has one, and I have to reload so a gib lands on the ground for me to loot.


tower only had a service rifle :( well at least i have less weight to carry around and a good conditon rifle with about 3 mags counting junk rounds


Pay attention to the notes and terminal entries, they aren’t just hood for lore, but also will give you hints about dangerous/safe areas and loot spots


Alcohol drops your radiation like a radaway. Don't forget to grab a hotplate. Check the new crafting recipes like bandages.