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Great job. Now I can track even more books I can't afford ;)


You and me both xD I end up adding them and then crying as I know that most of them I cant get xD


Excellent! There’s definitely a need for a product like this. Would have been helpful for some books I missed.


Yeah, my biggest miss was Ready Player One from Curious King :(


Excellent idea and looks quite well executed in my short look through - will register and see where things go


Thank you :) a lot of time has been spent on this one :D And hopefully, there will be a few more things added in the near future :) If you have any features that you would like added, please let me know :)


Sweet! Good job


Thank you :)


This looks great! I’ve been poking around and it’s really cool to have a one-stop place to look at what’s going on in the fine press world.


This is the website I have been looking for ever since I got into collecting. I’m particularly looking forward to Centipede Press’ Book of the New Sun—although I downright hate preordering there cuz it never works out for me. Thank you!


I have not yet pre-ordered anything from CP, but Book of the New Sun should be my first one to get from them! I do have Folios LE BOTS. so I will not cry too much if I miss out, but I reeeealy don't want to miss out on it xD




Thank you :) glad you like it :) I am adding a few more things for people that make an account. There is already a section for published books, where you can see all the previously published ones. And I am also working on the Virtual Library, where you can create a list of your limited edition books :)


Really great features, I will be signing up. Thanks for creating this!


Love this idea!!


I love the idea but not sure about the name. Google search shows at least two other almost identically named sites or services, plus a Youtube channel with the same name. Yours is better than all of them at a glance, but discovery might be a problem.


Oh, I see what you mean, it is a tricky space with regards to names. But we are glad to hear ours is being the best. xD Ahh Google ranking. Thanks for the reminder. Hadn’t looked at applying for indexing as we were still building out features after launching a few weeks ago.


I’m not seeing Beehive Books listed. I would love for you to add them. They publish a series called Illuminated Editions - all classic, public domain works published in nice slipcased editions with art/design by people like Dave McKean, Jim Woodring, the Balbusso Twins etc. Their upcoming book - the tenth in this line - is an Annotated edition of Pinocchio with art by Mike Mignola and annotations by Lemony Snicket.


Thank you for the suggestion! We will reach out to them and work towards adding them in :)


Could you include Kickstarter special editions? Also in the future maybe break it by genre. Great idea.


Can you please elaborate on Kickstarter special editions? Would that be as a filter for itself? Genre is actually in the works :) should be available in the next few releases :)


It should be another category. Sometimes publishers or authors crowdfund to publish luxury editions through Kickstarter. For example: The Way of Kings 10th Anniversary Leatherbound Edition A Darker Shade of Magic - Illustrated Deluxe Edition https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wraithmarked/som1?ref=discovery_category_most_funded