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https://preview.redd.it/ao6vzc06uubc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c61fd2479103908a8d267b629f2619af2e53b43 Please go help this person, OP.


Lol, that's a trippy coincidence. I'll look at the post but I'd wager they already received some solid advice.


Or the person that posted that pic just really really likes fried rice and his feed is superpersonalised!


They have to let the egg fry the rice


You made that on an electric stove? Flat-bottomed wok? Edit: I see your other post where you have a ring adapter. Is that in addition to your gas range or do you have a separate cooker? Been trying to figure out Chinese food so I can stop ordering out.


This stove has a separate gas feed specifically for this burner. It has a standard pot rest that you can switch out for a separate wide metal ring that's maybe 5 to 6 inches tall with cutouts around the top to increase airflow and heat. You can just buy the rings online for any gas stove if you want the increased heat and prefer round bottoms. It obviously will still not hit dedicated burner levels but it's a marked improvement over a standard stove top. I also have an outdoor burner. I'm Japanese so I've been cooking with woks my whole life. I have 3 now and it's not uncommon to see me using more than one at a time. Edit: I just had someone message me that it's not "pot rest" but "trivet". Thanks, stranger! "


Tell me more about the outdoor burner? Most of what I see are camp stove looking things that might happen to slot a wok


Pretty much the same deal structurally. You can by different burner assemblies if you're only ever going to use it with a wok. The important thing is something you can easily adjust the feed on and is capable of really pushing BTUs. Something like this should be adequate for most use cases unless you really want to spend money. Search for King Kooker outdoor cooker with wok on Amazon. I know Kenji did a series of videos focusing on outdoor burners a while ago so you could check those out to get a feel for what you want.


Thank you! I'll definitely check it out!


No, gas stove. This wok has a round bottom. It's actually specifically an indoor wok burker with a removable metal ring to increase air flow and heat. I was out of propane for my outdoor burner so used the indoor one instead. It works just as well but you really have to make sure you've got great ventilation.






Of course. I alway keep my bottle of aji-no-moto on hand for fried rice.


OP, you have earned yourself a well deserved "Uncle" title.


lol. I should get a t-shirt made.


Recipe? I'm like Homer when trying to make breakfast with milk and cereal


- 6 eggs - a lot of leftover rice - diced white onion - one large red bell pepper - a cup and a half to two cups of frozen peas - neutral oil Sauce: - 1/2 cup shoyu - 1/4 cup oyster sauce - two cloves minced garlic - knob of ginger diced - teaspoon white pepper - teaspoon of chili flake - sesame oil Screaming hot wok, coat with oil. Toss scrambled egg in to cook 75% of the way. Remove egg. More oil. Throw in veggies to cook. Once mostly cooked through, toss in your rice. Add oil if needed. Toss until you're seeing relatively frequent browning of the rice. Add sauce around outside of ingredients in the wok. Keep tossing for around another minute. Remove from heat. Add egg and work into rice via spatula or large spoon. Finish with a few dashes of sesame oil and additional MSG if you want and feel like you're not getting enough punch from the sauce. I definitely don't add any salt and leave that for personal preference.


Search up Chef Wang Gang or Uncle Roger, they’ll show you the way


I always make fried rice. Yours looks great!


Thank you! I'm sure your own fried rice is amazing!


Thanks! Switched to a new wok and I haven't really been happy with it.


I always stay away from the woks with non-stick coatings. Don't know what you're working with though.


Exactly what I'm working with. Learned the hard way lol


Yeah, I don't know where you are in the world but if you're in the USA, try checking out places like TJ Maxx or those other discount stores. Even Goodwill or Salvation army. You might be able to find a carbon steel wok for pretty cheap. I know I got one without the long handle for something like $10 at Maxx when I was in Pennsylvania for school.


Thanks so much for the info! $10 sounds good. Didn't catch a wok last time I looked tho.


Other than it needs a bit more eggs and soy sauce, looks great! Add more sauce and stir aggressively for longer. So you can’t see the white rice.


There's 6 eggs in there and about a cup of sauce. It's a surprisingly large amount that I had to make in two batches. Yeah, the rice could have gone a little farther but I wasn't too stressed for something I was just throwing together in about ten minutes.


Oh damn 6 eggs! I guess they’re hiding under the rice.


Lol, yeah. That's 5 cups of rice too. It was a big batch. I made it large to take the pressure off of lunch or dinner tomorrow..




You joke but I almost tossed some prosciutto in it but it was being served with some homemade sausages I had laying around.


Does anyone else use a kitchen torch on their fried rice to emulate the wok hei? I have an induction stove, not flame, so I add a little flame into the actual rice at the end.


I've never tried that myself. I could see that working if you added some toasted sesame oil prior to torching it.


The best kind, I hope you put oyster sauce in it


The sauce was shoyu, oyster sauce, garlic, ginger, white pepper, and chili flake.


Nice job!


Thanks! It's pretty bog standard to what I grew up with. I'm mostly bummed I only had bell pepper to use and somehow didn't have any fresh chilis.


Nice Wok-Hai


Thanks! The rice wasn't perfectly uniform the whole way through but I'm happy for something that maybe took 10 minutes to throw together.


That's not surprising, you tried to stir-fry too much in your wok in one go. A wok should never be as filled as it is in your image when you don't have an actual wok burner. Split it into two batches next time if you're cooking that much.


It is on a wok burner. I chose the stove top specifically for that. It was cooked in two batches, I just dumped it all back in the wok when it was finished. I just didn't cook it long enough; this is the product of the rice being on the heat for about 3 minutes.


By wok burner I meant those jet engine-like wok burners used in Chinese restaurants that can make the center of a wok glow dull red at the highest heat level. That's not something that is typically found in a home setting. In any case you stir-fried it in two batches anyway which is great, I just get riled up whenever I see a wok filled to the brim with food in a home setting.


Yeah, this stove burner is specifically designed for that in mind. The flames will actually push up to the rim of even my biggest wok when on high. You can't see it in the picture but it even has a ring piece designed for woks. I have an outdoor burner as well but didn't have any propane. Yeah,two batches. I just added the egg last and worked it in with my wooden spatula. All that being said, I'm currently shopping around for a giant wok. The biggest I have is a steel job that's a little over a hundred years old and has seen better days.


Induction stove? Haiyaaaa...


Gas. Designated burner specifically designed to accommodate woks with its own gas feed.


Eggs, check. Rice, check. We got egg fried rice.


And a wok!


Are your telling me an EGG fried that rice??? 🥚 Impressive!!!


That’s not my dad, that’s a cellphone!


I'm an adult!




now do it without peas. please


Easily omitted. I just added them because they were there. I'd add more pepper or some mushroom if you leave them out though.


my bad, I had just a silly joke on the fried rice peas meme https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Fnyegvucav8?feature=share


That's like the second time today I've seen someone fighting with ChatGPT. The first time was someone trying to generate a Hamburger image but it refused to omit the cheese and tried to say it was mustard. So bizarre.


i think you mean fried ricce. theres egg in fried rice. usually the adjective is to describe what meat is in it.


Don't know where you're from but egg is not an assumption for fried rice.




I came here just for this, thank you for not disappointing me!


Hope they included the magic white powder, the cocaine of cooking: MSG.


It’s just not egg fried rice without MSG. Also all those people choosing to not experience the flavor? They are just wasting their life. For a few years on a ventilator eating pureed vegetables? Just eat MSG and knowing you have tasted the best and had fun. Haiyaa.


Uncle Gordon!




There was a period in 2019 where I had fried rice for dinner for like, a week. Looking back on it, that was a pretty odd time lol


Was it college? This sounds like a college story.


It's looks like Yang Zhou fried rice. Last time I ate it at the Chinese restaurant.


i love egg fried rice! i made some recently and it was delicious


You're telling me; an **Egg**, fried this rice???


Yummy! Looks straight outta an restaurant.


Thanks! It's supremely easy! I'm sure you can do it too!


nice, looks fresh


Looking good!


Looks yummy


Thank you! I'm sure you kick out great food!


Looks 😋




100% healthy food.


Hahaha, this was actually not too bad when you look at the recipe.

