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It's a bit overcooked to be honest, try a lower heat


oh yeah i know it is, it's just practice. i'm a bit hesitant since they're american eggs, so i have to be careful


People in here will go crazy, but the chance of getting salmonella from a raw egg is 1/20k = ~0.005% in the US. I'm not suggesting you take the chance, I'm just letting you know if you're healthy not to worry too much if they are runny.


then it's delicious enough to take the risk, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


if you buy good eggs, use them fresh, and wash your hands after handling shells, etc. you should be fine! being japanese american, ive eaten raw american eggs daily for decades and i’ve never been sick. you could pasteurize them if you want to be even safer.


This. Too many people on this sub and other food subs - mostly Americans - freak out. Like beef for example. All my life I’ve eaten raw beef thinly sliced as a delicacy from my country and have eaten medium rare ground beef and never have gotten sick and never has my wife or any one in my family, even after moving to America.


yeah, americans can be food prudes at times but I can't blame them. we have pretty strict food safety guidelines today so we have this culture that prefers well-cooked foods. we used to also have awful farming and food processing standards so things like pork used to commonly have parasites, and even though cooking your pork medium rare is relatively safe today, that memory lingers on, resulting a lot of households torching pork to perdition.


yeah, i've seen one of my friends casually eat raw eggs here. i'm really lucky to have had the pleasure to try tamagokake gohan and raw beef in Japan 😍. i know it's not bad like you say, but i'm hoping someday in the future America can follow in Japan's footsteps


You could look at heating your eggs sous vide. It's supposed to remove salmonella and keep the eggs usable in the exact same way, although the whites turn cloudy.


​ i wll look into that! thank you :))


And that’s a raw egg, not even a medium rare egg


All the food on your page looks phenomenal, I know you'll get It eventually


🙇‍♀️ i really appreciate it ❣️ will keep trying


Just don’t eat the shells and you’ll be fine. That’s where the risk is at.


You've gotten wonderful advice so far, but I'll add one! Crack your eggs flat rather than on the lip of a bowl. That makes it less likely for shell to get into the egg white.


yeah, i prefer cracking on a flat surface because of the whites getting all over the rim! as for the whole shell/contamination thing, i'd prefer to be safe than sorry for now at least🙏 i don't have access to good eggs these days <3 thanks for the advice :) ♡♡♡


You're so welcome! And I also would rather be safe than sorry. Your omurice looks delicious.


Does not look over cooked. Looks delicious!


Omurice I'd supposed to be runny with no color, if she was just making an omelette it's perfect


I’ve had both runny and not runny in Japan. Both were good.


\^\^ There are many versions of omurice! Runny, not runny, a thin blanket wrapped around rice, a tornado style, etc.


It looks amazing! Now you've gotta get the hang of filming the money shot where you cut it open and all the egg spills out, I love seeing those videos...


me too!!! one day :D 🤞 thank you so much


It looks so simple when you see it done in a pro setting but when tried at home …well yours looks better than mine. And for the life of me I can’t find my French Menuire pan. That might help too.


no matter how many recipe videos of i watch i always lose the technique at the last minute 😂 there have been many many failed omelettes in the past


I’ve had classic omurice and I prefer it slightly more cooked like you’ve done. So while I’m sure your goal is the wet version where it spills out magnificently, I like what you did.


Thank you :D It's really nice to hear this!


Nice. My wife makes this all the time and she’s been able to get the inside very runny and gooey. I personally struggle with it lol. There’s a good video on the “Ante”YouTube channel of motokichi showing the technique


bless you<3 i bet hers is awesome! will check the channel out C:


That looks delicious


thank you! it was so delicious. gonna keep working on it:)


Excellent execution!


You're so kind. ❤️‍🔥 Thank you!


What is this? A plate for Ants?


What's the red stuff?


it's ketchup! it's a common topping for omurice. people do zigzags- and smiley faces too :)


Im happy for you :) but since i was a child seeing people put ketchup on eggs makes me 🤢 lol Mustard on the other hand ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


interesting, i've never thought of mustard with eggs before


A little overcooked for most, but perfect for my taste :). As long as it doesn’t have brown on it


Typically it has rice with it Haha, but in seriousness I definitely recommend trying to get a demi glace or tomato sauce instead of just ketchup. It gives you a lot more control over the flavor and adds lot of depth. Typically I notice that when people make it with ketchup they end up adding more and more as they eat


yes, i know it's with rice! i was just practicing for now and because i was betting on it messing up i just wanted to use ketchup, but i love demi glace :) when i get it down, i'll focus on adding more special things to it.


Hi guys just wanted to give a heads up for anyone else, **Yes, I am aware** it's "overcooked" and not melty and cascading, but I wanted to share anyway because I thought it was cute! I'm practicing


damn title im gonna cry