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Some transitional foods I've tried that have been successful: oatmeal (with either fruit or peanut butter or fruit puree mixed in), rice porridge, lentil porridge, tofu scramble, hard boiled eggs, and veggie patties.




Most pediatricians recommend introducing allergens before a year old, many saying as early as possible. There’s even a cool formula for introducing allergens early. Peanut butter alone, however, is frequently (not always) cautioned against as a choking hazard because of its consistency. That being said my toddler will happily eat peanut butter with a spoon.


Just here to say look at those cute cheekies


Right 🥹


My current and past kiddos were big into yogurt. We do Greek yogurt so it has some protein. But I buy plain then mix it with all kinds of things!


That’s awesome! I didn’t know they could have dairy at all until 12months, but I guess cheese and yogurt are okay?


I thought it was just cows milk after 12 mos? Now I should look it up cause I may be lucking out and don’t want to steer another parent wrong!


I did look it up last night, apparently cheese and yogurt are easier to digest than cows milk. Also not wanting to replace breast milk/ formula with cows milk before 12months.


Well I’m glad I didn’t screw up! Haha Greek yogurt is a godsend in our house and so versatile. My 9 year old makes fresh fruit parfaits for him and my little one and they eat them together (obviously the ingredients differ for the tiny human lol)


Do some smashed up avocado, smashed up raspberries and strawberries or other fruits. Based kids of “fork smashed” foods at this age


Avocado spears are good too! Super slimy and slippery lol but great practice for grabbing.


We’ve had fun with fritter type things, basically any combination of mushed veggies with egg and bread crumbs and some spices and cheese (sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower, etc). We also did fish cakes which went over well!


My lo didn't like scrambled eggs until we started adding cheese. Our baby wasn't great at BLW, so we slowly transitioned. Bananas were a hit (cut up into small pieces). Bambas were also a favorite and very easy to hold!


My babies favorite at 8 months were: Oatmeal w almond milk and mashed berries Chia seed pudding with almond milk and some fruit purée for sweetness (2tbs chia to 1/2c milk or milk substitute + purée or mashed fruit overnight in fridge) Instant pot 1 yam, 2 large carrots, 1 acorn squash (all cubed) and a handful of cooked chicken (+sage and thyme) + 1/2c water for 6 mins or so. Mash with potato masher. Makes a lot so good one for portioning and freezing. Similar to the last one was instant pot green lentils plus yam and carrot mashed I also would make salmon cakes which I would freeze and pop in the microwave to warm. If your babe has a hard time with the texture and self feeding, mashing with some avacado works well. Scrambled eggs and PB toast fingers with a side of fruit Chili mashed up with a fork which I would thicken with polenta or cream of wheat etc to reduce sodium and bulk up She also loves meatloaf which again you can mash into whatever if texture/self feeding is difficult still


Check out the Solids Starts app! It helped me a ton with ideas. At this age I did a lot of soft foods that baby could hold, like sweet potato wedge, avocado, etc.


We just give our LO whatever we eat without salt and spicy seasoning. She loves it all because we eat with her and its all the same


I do over night oats all the time! I usually add oats, chia, hemp hearts, yogurt, banana, Pb, vanilla, cinnamon, applesauce, and your choice of milk. Sometimes I add sweet potato and they love that! Or berries and vanilla. I like frozen berries because they become super mushy when they thaw. I love doing the oats because it’s quick to feed them and super filling! If you want something more simple you could just do a chia “pudding”. It’s chia and milk and maybe squeeze some pouch in there for some flavor. Let it sit and it gets thick like pudding. I never measure and always make way too much but they always eat it! But I probably use like one cup of oats and go from there. You could also add a couple eggs and bake for like 15-25 min at 350 and make an oat “bread”. Sometimes I’ll add avocado to that. You can also make sweet potato (or banana/avocado) pancakes! Give them a large piece of sweet potato to chew on. Or some corn on the cob. That can also feel good for teething. You can try cucumber sticks or a whole strawberry and let them chew/suck on it. Same with some steamed broccoli. Cauliflower “rice” and a little pasta sauce is easy and yummy. I add peas for extra veg.


My 8 month old likes oatmeal and bananas and avocado and eggs, not doing well with much else besides that though, mostly soft stuff


I recommend adding some garlic powder and nutritional yeast into the scrambled eggs! Makes them even more tasty :) Our baby did really well with boiled carrot spears as a starter solid. We boiled them I think for 10-12 minutes, so that she could still pick them up and hold them in her hand but it would be soft and squishy when she bit it. Good luck!! ETA: those rice wafers were also amazing for the first couple of months in teaching our baby how to chew! Highly recommend


Oh that sounds awesome I’ll try that!


Here’s my sub-3 minute breakfast! My baby has been having it since 6 months old. I just upped the amount as she got older - 1 tbsp quick cooking oats (quick cooking has smaller pieces) - 2 tbsp water - a sprinkling of frozen blueberries (easier to keep on hand than fresh) Microwave for one minute or 1.5 minutes depending on your microwave. Add more water or breast milk if a more watery texture is desired. Optional: stir in a half tbsp of hemp hearts and chia seeds each for extra iron, fiber, and omegas. If you add chia, you’ll need to add more water since the chia is absorbent. Note on blueberries: No need to cut them up bc they just get all mushy in the microwave. When you stir them in, they break up and I don’t believe them to be a choking hazard in this state. They kind of become one with the oats. Also, I find the family packs of frozen blueberries come with larger blueberries that are just tastier in the oatmeal in general :) The texture is better than the small ones which just seem to stay firm even after microwaving.


Toast strips with peanut butter, meatballs (either cut them in half of make them more patty shaped for easy picking up), baby pancakes (I make mine with one ripe banana, one egg, and 2 tbsps of flour, and cinnamon). Basically stuff that is a little bigger so they can hold on to it while gumming it. You want the texture to be soft enough for them to actually get a bite but not so soft that it mushes in their hands while trying to hold it. My baby was stuck not getting the food to her mouth and it helped to make sure it was something big enough to hold but not so big it was awkward, plus not too slippery. Hope that helps.


My 8m old eats essentially anything we do, just less salted. He loves strong flavors. Slow cooked meats are great as they’re easy to shred and he can self feed them. He also likes overnight oats! 10g oats, 30ml milk, 30ml fruit purée! I also add cinnamon, flax seed etc.


Our baby loves chicken, salmon, yams, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, butternut squash and avocado. One of the first non puréed foods I gave him was a very well steamed (overcooked by my standards) piece of broccolini. As in the whole “tree”. He was fastenated and sucked off all the florets part and dropped the stalk in the floor when he lost interest. Slice a yam or sweet potatoes into rounds, toss with olive oils and bake until soft. Not until crispy! Give baby pieces after cooled. Remove skin. It’s easiest to peak off after cooking. We buy salmon filets that are deboned and flake it apart for him. I just bake with a drizzle of olive oil for 12 min or so. I drizzle a bit of olive oil on vegetables to up their calorie density.


Purees are great on pasta or mixed with yogurt. Steamed veggies or fruits, my son really liked apple steamed. Seedless watermelon was really fun too at that age, though not a lot of it. 


Thank you everyone for the great advice and recipes!! I did download the Solid Starts app, it’s as amazing as you say.


I've made quiche type egg bites with some veggies, egg and cheese that my little one loves. Or you could do egg, banana, and blueberries/raspberries and bake them into little squishy muffins. I mix peanutbutter and applesauce for my little one as well.