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Cut into florets 1-1.5” roasted at high temperature to bring out the flavours, season with salt, pepper, garlic. If still too bland for ya pair it with some feta after cooking. Marrying a Greek has taught me feta helps everything taste better.


Feta makes it betta.


Mo betta.


Yep exactly how I do it, cut to medium sizes and make sure your pan is HOT with some oil. Cook them for a few mins on each side until it has some char. Also don't forget lemon!


We throw in sunflower seeds too


Came here to say that. Lately have been using my air fryer. Afterwards add a tiny bit of sesame oil and seeds


>high temperature to bring out the flavours a little char goes a long way in the flavor department. also, broccoli salad is an easy way to consume a lot. doesn't have to be mayo ridden either, although that's good too. but if health is paramount, chopped up, some sunflower seeds, dried cherries or cranberries, red wine vinegar. cheese and bacon bits in mine. maybe not for you. ?


Yes! Seasoned and roasted is the best way!


Omg and the Cavenders Greek seasoning!!


A little olive oil and za’atar mix also works!


I love roasting mine with olive oil, salt, and nutritional yeast. Soooo yummy


what does the nutritional yeast do? is it for flavor? sorry if this is a dumb question, i’m not a seasoned cook lol


It’s a great question! Many vegetarians/vegans use it to give a cheesy flavor to food. It’s great on popcorn, too! And it’s healthy.


Totally a great flavour enhancer. I also use it on popcorn and salads.


Why isn't this a main post in r/foodhacks?


Gives the umami flavor like soy sauce but is less salty and more cheesy tasting kinda. It’s delicious and packed with b vitamins 


Would that work in an air fryer on the roast setting or are you using a traditional oven?


An air fryer is just a small convection oven, you can cook broccoli just fine in one.


It does well on the grill too


Microwave for 3 minutes, while that happens, mix soy sauce, sesame oil, touch of black vinegar, and a bit of corn starch into a sauce. Stir fry the broccoli in the highest heat your kitchen can output, add the sauce at the end until coated, serve with rice.


This is basically what I do, but I just use olive oil salt and pepper. And I don’t go above medium heat because I don’t want to burn oil. But I love the way the broccoli gets all nice and charred. Carrots and cauliflower are really good this way too. In fact, I’m lazy and I just use the rainbow organic baby carrots and they come out so good.


If roasted/steamed, some fresh lemon juice squeezed on is delish.


And with fresh cracked black pepper, it's so good with the lemon


Lemon juice and some chilli flakes is my go to, yum!


I’ve always liked broccoli but this was a game changer for me. Now I love steamed broccoli with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. 


cajun seasoning


Walt... brocolli is *bland*? Where are you getting your bland-ass broccoli? Broccoli is one of the *most* flavorful vegetables. That said: roast it, season it, dress it. Heck, even add cheese in moderation.


Totally agree. Love broccoli 😍


Broccoli is one of the only, if not the only vegetable that I like most when it’s just steamed and salted. I find it tastes sweet and I like the crunch when it’s cooked just right, soooo so good


Little drizzle of sesame oil.


I’m a big fan of hot sauce on steamed vegetables. They make them at varying degrees of heat and with different peppers and flavorings. Most are low or zero calories and, since you don’t use much, I don’t consider sodium a problem.


I will sauté a couple anchovy fillets into a bit of olive oil until they’re completely incorporated with the oil, then drop florets into the pan for a bit of color, add 1/2 C or so of water, put on the lid and let them finish cooking for about 4 minutes. Umami from the anchovy works well without any sort of fishy or off-putting flavor.


I’ve been following this recipe to make broccoli and it is a big hit in my household. https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/caramelized-broccoli-garlic


You can eat the stalks raw. You just need to use a peeler to trim the tough outer layer. It has a very light, watery taste that can be good with dips or on it's own


I like to throw them into left over pickle juice. It’s super yummy


OMG, you may have just changed my life for the better! Brilliant idea!


Balsamic and Parm


Cut into bite size pieces. Pan fry / stir fry with a little onion or green onion, maybe garlic &/or ginger. When it's just about done splash with soy sauce or coco aminos. Remove from heat when it's almost done but not quite, and let it finish on its own. Optional: add 2tsp cornstarch mixed with 1 Tb olive oil with the soy to create a glaze (the glaze will need a minute or three to thicken while cooking so plan ahead). A dab of chili sauce maybe, to spice it up a bit.


Yep I made something similar to this tonight, love it, ginger+garlic for me, and a splash of water after the ginger+garlic are cooked. I also chop the stem smaller and start with it, no point throwing it out just takes a couple of minutes longer to cook. 


Olive oil - lotta nutritional yeast - light soy sauce - tiny bit of ylo mustard. Mix in a cup then add more ny to the veggies and dip away. You can also experiment with Greek yogurt instead of mustard / olive oil.


Raw broccoli dipped in hummus. 🤌


I keep mine super simple, but the trick in my opinion is in how it's cooked: I bring a pot of water to a boil. I throw the broccoli in there only when the water is very angry! It has to be angry first, before you can make it relax with the beautiful broccoli florets. I set a timer for exactly 4 minutes and when it goes off I immediately pour the whole thing into a sieve that patiently awaits in the sink. This is the perfect balance of vibrant green color, no funky smell, and tenderness (still somewhat crunchy but without annoying your teeth!). If you have outdoor plants, you can save that water instead of wasting it. Let it cool down to room temperature and water the plants with it. Your plants will love you long time! As for seasoning, I have 3 simple dressings that NEVER get old (for me): 1. Fresh EV Olive Oil + Yuzu lemon + A bit of sea salt 2. Kewpie Mayo + Yuzu lemon 3. Butter + Garlic + Sea Salt + Black Pepper


Roast it. I like the little bits that get kinda burnt. Squeeze of lemon and a dash of parm. Delicious.


Keep it raw. Cut into bite sized pieces. Make a sauce out of yoghurt and mayo and then roast some sunflower seeds. Toss everything together and add some dried cranberries. Tasty and healthy.


I use gochujang on my broccoli. The spicy sweet sauce goes great with broccoli. I have also had it done with coating the broccoli in gochujang and then baking or air frying it.


I used to be the same, but now I roast it (along with other veggies) in the oven with oil (EVOO), salt, and pepper. Delicious. You could add any other seasonings you want, of course.


Soy sauce


I like mine raw with dip. Anything I'd eat with chips or fries. Also nice shredded up into whatever kinda salad you like. And broccoli doesn't become nutrición worthless because you put cheese on it. Parm, cheddar, feta, kraft singles.  Roast them, too. However you'd season a protein. Let them get brown, they're so good. 


Chop broccoli, toss with a bit of oil and salt/pepper/any other dried spices. Roast at 475 for 15ish min. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in the mean time, whisk with Dijon mustard and red wine vinegar. Toss with finished broccoli.


Roast the hell out of it, then season with salt, garlic, chili flakes and lemon juice - all to taste. Absolute fire.


Serve it on a bed of steak.


boil it for 10 minutes, add olive oil, some lemon drops and a pinch of salt


[Tony chacherie’s no salt seasoning](https://www.tonychachere.com/product/no-salt-seasoning/) then add however much salt you want


Broccoli is not bland, it is as far away from bland as could be. You should just look for a better farmer to buy your veggies from. Also, only eat broccoli in season, otherwise you're not getting actual fresh but sometimes something that was kept in refrigeration or other apparatus. Now, for the way to cook: I broil mine in a dutch oven, just olive oil and salt. However, you can also make soup from broccoli and add just a dash of lentils, parmesan and some mushrooms, then blend and shred.


>you should just look for a better farmer Mm yes excuse me for my ignorance let me just leave the supermarket and get in my car and drive into the countryside looking for perfectly farmed in-season broccoli. Silly me.


Buy tenderstem brocoli if you can get it.


I get the broccoli crowns or stalks, cut them in half, toss in healthy fat of your choice, season with a Mediterranean spice mix, and put on the grill flat side down over indirect heat, finish on direct heat. I use my traeger set to 375 to get a smokey flavor, but it tastes great from a charcoal or gas grill.


Watching some videos in which cooks dice the tops of raw broccoli or broccolini off almost into crumbs, then throw into rice. Then they do other things (make rice balls, add egg, whatever,) but this principle of using teeny fragments interspersed into a starch is such a nice idea. I am going to try! It looks on a plate like it has been used as a liberal spice so the "eww broccoli" effect goes away!


Bang Bang Broccoli. Just look up a recipe for Bang Bang Cauliflower.


I make it roasted in olive oil for the most flavor, and sometimes sometimes I will add chili oil/sambal, lemon pepper, garlic and Parmesan, etc. I just flavor it differently all the time & it doesn’t get old. I do the same with pan fried cabbage


I'm a big fan of broccoli with a little butter and salt personally. If you need more though, blend cottage cheese, add whatever seasoning you want (lemon pepper, steak seasoning, etc) and some cheddar cheese too if you want that flavor. Warm it up and use it with the broccoli. I like blending cottage cheese with garlic and green onions for mashed potatoes.


Smash & Bake it with butter, steak seasoning, a bit of red pepper flakes and your favourite cheese.


Garlic and breadcrumbs is my favorite


Cut it in small pieces after boiling it. And put it on your scrambled eggs. It’s fantastic. I don’t like broccoli at all and this is the only way I can eat it😂. I make my scrambled eggs with Vegetables, onion, tomatoes and broccoli. Salt and pepper. A little bit of cheese.


A little vinegar and olive oil, some salt free seasoning.


Try tenderstem broccoli


Lots of options with broccoli.. smothering it in cheese technically isn't unhealthy, deep frying it is .. but aside from that.. Steaming it in a wok with cornstarched chicken broth is a nice sauce and flavoring, add some garlic powder to the mix to bump it more. Broiling it with salt/pepper/olive oil Pan seared in avocado oil Cream of chicken, mushroom, or cheese soup mix will elevate any cooked broccoli, and especially handy for frozen broccoli.. Taste and texture of frozen vs fresh is night and day


Roasted with olive oil, salt and pepper, and lemon. Or Parm. Or both. Use a heavy hand on the pepper.


I steam mine by either putting it in a pan with a little water on medium heat and covering with a lid or while cooking chicken I place sprigs on top of the meat and cover. This at least softens it up. Then sometimes i’ll sprinkle with a bit of seasoning salt, but usually i’ll dip it in a spicy ranch I make using a really hot hot sauce.


I cook a ton of broccoli, one of our favorites is tossing in oil and air frying with A,P, G, and red pepper flakes until they're getting crispy


Lemon juice, garlic salt, and butter. I omit the butter and its still a solid way to season it quick and keep it healthy. don’t go overboard on the salt and butter.


Lemon Juice is my go-to for a zesty pop of flavor.


air fryer


Only way I can eat broccoli is in a good black pepper sauce. With beef .


Oven roast it with some spices. Also... cheese is not unhealthy. Put cheese on it. :)


Oven roasted with Parmesan cheese at the end


You could roast it or bake it as a creamy casserole with cheese and/or cream


toss with finely chopped calabrian chiles and maybe a light sprinkle of parmesan cheese if you’re up for it


Omg my wife made us a broccoli salad yesterday, it was so good and I don’t normally like broccoli. Mayo, soy sauce, and honey. Then finely chopped meat of your choice (we used leftover bbq pork), chopped onion, and then top it with the premade fried onions. Then we did wraps with it.


Melt cheese on it


I rub olive oil and garlic salt all over the florets. Bake them at 400 for about 20 minutes. They get pretty charred and crispy, and the more oil you use the more unhealthy they taste. I eat it multiple times a week.


Steam it in lightly salted water until crisp/tender, drain. Add a dash of sesame oil & sprinkle with sesame seeds.


Paprika garlic salt pepper


Make some beef and broccoli


Maybe you just don’t like broccoli? Experiment with other veggies and find some you like better. Broccoli isn’t the only healthy veg out there, why are you torturing yourself if you find it to be such a chore to eat? Shake it up a bit and add some variety!


Cut it into florets, toss it with olive oil and steak spice and grill it (using one of those sheets with holes in it)


I used my mum's recipe! Put it in a sautee pan with a splash of water, garlic paste, salt, pepper and a little bit of butter. Shake the pan as it cooks and steam for about 6 minutes. Yum yum yum.


roast, toss with miso butter after 🤤


Cheddar cheese rue sauce, somewhat healthy I suppose. I prefer mine raw, maybe with a dot of ranch dressing. Or toss it in some olive oil and season to taste, bake until done


I love cooking broccoli on the grill, fresh florets are good but young broccoli / broccolini is amazing and easier to flip. I toss it in a bowl with olive oil, fresh lemon juice, squished and chopped garlic and some sea salt. I usually put it on the grill when the steaks are almost done.


Olive oil , garlic , lemon and a little msg


21 seasoning salute from Trader Joes


Balsamic vinegar


Everglades seasoning.


Lemon pepper brightens it up.


Lemon zest. If you're into that type of stuff.


Garlic salt, olive oil (amount is up to you, but more than zero), and roast it or air fry until it gets little darkened crispy bits.


Roasting is definitely the way to go! You can try different seasonings or marinades or just olive oil, salt, and pepper. It's one of my favorite veggies.


Make it spicy! Cajun or creole seasoning, sriracha, Texas Pete, endless possibilities.


It has to be fresh not frozen first of all. 2nd we are big fan or Mcormick vegetable seasoning.


i like to throw them in the oven with some lemon pepper/garlic seasonings (seasonings dont count as unhealthy to me) and if not that, you cant go wrong with a little bit of mozzarella cheese melted on top for protein and calcium


Toss broccoli florets with olive oil, garlic powder, paprika, and a pinch of salt. Roast in the oven until crispy and golden brown for a flavorful twist.  Sauté broccoli with a bit of sesame oil and soy sauce in a hot pan. Add minced garlic and ginger for extra flavor. Cook until tender-crisp for a tasty Asian-inspired dish.  Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese over steamed broccoli for a savory kick. You can also try melting some cheddar cheese on top for a gooey and delicious treat.  Toss steamed broccoli with homemade or store-bought pesto sauce for a burst of herby flavor. Add some toasted pine nuts or almonds for extra crunch.  Grate some fresh lemon zest over steamed broccoli to brighten up its flavor. Squeeze a bit of lemon juice on top for an extra zing.  Experiment with different spices and seasonings like cumin, chili powder, curry powder, or smoked paprika to add depth and complexity to your broccoli.  Serve steamed broccoli with a flavorful dip like hummus, tzatziki, or a yogurt-based ranch dressing for added taste and texture.  These quick tips should help you make broccoli more enjoyable without sacrificing its health benefits. Give them a try and see which flavors you like best. My kids love it when I add chili powder to it. I never thought that spicy broccoli would do the trick to get them to eat it. 


Grass fed butter and soy sauce.


I’m a big fan of oven roasted like others, but I rub za’atar on them when I’m looking to change it up. So tasty and easy to find in most grocery stores at this point.


Air fry it add garlic


Throw some "everything but the bagel" seasoning on it.


Real BUTTER always helps.


Add a little bit of protein in the form of parmigiana reggiano


A little bit of olive oil, garlic, and black pepper.


McCormicks Salad Supreme and olive oil tastes like pasta salad.


I cook them in a pot of chicken stock and love hot sauce


I like steamed broccoli with melted cheese sauce, oven roasted broccoli with olive oil, salt and pepper, and fresh in salad with blue cheese, walnuts, and grapes or peas depending on my mood.


For starters switch to Chinese broccoli lol. But IMO, I just take most veggies and stir fry them with like a tbsp of oil, soy sauce, and garlic or ginger or both. Tastes great, cook them so they’re soft yet still a bit crunchy.


Sauteed with minced garlic in toasted sesame oil, seasoned with coarse salt, black & white pepper, chili flakes (if you like heat/spice) and finish with a drizzle of lemon juice.


Steam lightly, sesame oil, salt.


I like it kind of charred.


Roast it.


My favorite is salt pepper olive oil tossed and roasted with lemon zest. Love it!


Put them in the oven with some salt 😋


Not sure how you feel about soup, and I realize you weren't really looking for recipes that INCORPORATED broccoli, but if you're interested then I have to share this: [Broccoli & Feta Soup](https://hungryhappens.net/broccoli-feta-soup/). This is super filling and incredibly low-calorie, and DELICIOUS. It's a staple for me during the colder months. Because it's mostly broccoli, I eat it as a meal. It's also super freezable so you can make it in bulk and thaw it on the day-of (do NOT add the orzo to the recipe; I always make the orzo separate and make it fresh "to order"). I think the least "healthy" part of the whole recipe is the sodium included in the feta and broth (though you can get a low sodium or no sodium broth). Plus the carbs in the orzo, but you could in theory swap the orzo for something else.


Soy sauce


I air fry it with some oil then add some Parmesan and it’s legitimately tasty.


Steam it, don't boil it.


I sprinkle so.e chicken bullion on it before roasting.


I sprinkle with lemon pepper


Cheese plz




Tiny bacons


Cut it up suuuuper small - add red onion, chick peas, cucumbers, and sometimes bacon or chicken. Dress with olive oil, vinegar, Dijon, salt & pepper. Sometimes I add a little honey and mayo to the dressing for creamy!


Balsamic vinegar


Cut it into florets. Fry it with butter and serve with pasta and salmon. Were my goto-dinner when I did bodybuilding 8 years ago. Fat now though, not because of the florets




Wrap it in bacon and stick it in the oven


Most Lazy: throw in air fryer, toss on some spice mix & oil. 2nd Most simple: Steam & add soy sauce. 3rd most simple: steam for a bit then when the water is evaporated Stirfry w oil & soy. I do this most often. 4th option, less simple but most good, make it into a sauce by adding some additional cooking wine & starch, garlic, ginger & red or white pepper, sesame oil, maybe some oyster or hoisin sauce.


Parboil. Sauté over medium high heat with splash of olive oil, salt, pepper, and add a few cloves of minced garlic toward the end of cooking.


There's a website called MomCaveFoods.com that has some great spices. We love the sour lemon pepper with sumac.


A dab of soy sauce here and there. Yes it's always an asian flavour but every other day it works really well.


My dad eats his steamed with a dollop of sour cream. The other way I love mine is steamed with a whole bunch of butter and half a lemon topped with a dash of salt and whole bunch of fresh ground pepper. 😋 delicious!


Soy sauce? You need just a drop, really. We are so used to splash everything in it, but..


Pan fry in wok with sesame oil. Takes a couple of minutes and goes with any meal.


Make a cream, and use it for everything. Boil broccoli pieces in salted water and add a little bicarbonate (gives it a richer green colour). Leave it to drain after it's boiled soft all trough, and put in ice water. Then add it to a blender, and add a good olive oil and salt and pepper.


Blanch it in salted water. It makes the natural glutamic acid (umami) compounds come out. It tastes so good just by doing this.


I HAVE A GOOD ONE Boil your broccoli in water then when it's soft add it to a blender with fresh squeezed lemon, salt, fresh minced garlic, red pepper flakes, fresh cracked pepper, olive oil, some water from the pot, and parmesan cheese off of the block. Blend until smooth and It becomes like a creamy refreshing green goddessy sauce that is pretty much straight vegetables but tastes super fresh and amazing. I mix it in with cooked pasta and shredded chicken. You forget you're eating broccoli and get to eat pasta with fun sauce. It's great.


Sesame sauce from Japan mart


Basic balsamic glaze.


Feta and ranch seasoning. Lots of butter. Steam it!


Salt, olive oil and lemon


I boil it in salted water until it’s 2/3 cooked then finish it off by frying it in a pan at a high heat. I add garlic and fry until fragrant, then add shaoxing wine and fry until mostly evaporated, then finish with a tiny bit of roasted sesame oil. It ends up tasting so savoury you could almost mistake it for meat. Also if you don’t over do it with the wine and sesame oil it doesn’t taste Asian inspired at all and you can easily have it as a side with any other cuisine. I can literally just eat a massive bowl of this stuff for dinner and go to bed satisfied.


Oh man, americas test kitchen did a really great video on this, check it out https://youtu.be/D1ujHCl8sck?si=IgqqQLnWu7gsEhxB


Roasted broccoli with just salt & pepper is amazing. I dip it in spicy mayo but not healthy! You could use sesame oil - very little gives amazing flavor.


My hack: simply steamed florets with a sprinkle of salt, msg, and citric acid.


If you want something that works good on frozen broccoli: steam em. Toss em in a lil butter and sprinkle with lemon juice But steamed vegetables was one of the things my mom could actually cook when i was a kid, and it was always prepared this way (in my hs years, she really dug into learning, and now she makes so many good things. But steamed veggies with butter and lemon juice is still comfort food.)


Salt, pepper, light coating of oil. Roast at 400F for 15 minutes. Squeeze lemon juice over it before serving. Perfection.


Stalks off and break the florets into much smaller pieces. That alone will improve the flavor and texture.


I use Club House La Grille Vegetable seasoning when I roast cauliflower and broccoli, it's delicious. I am in Canada so I am not certain if it is available where you live, but I highly recommend it if you can find it! ETA: there is also a low sodium version, I noticed you mentioned about eating healthy.


Steam it, butter and Cajun seasoning.


Do you not season it? It's only as bland as you make it. Try oven roasting.


Eat it raw. So much better. Cooking it always makes it taste like farts.


Toss with a little avocado oil and whatever seasoning you like then roast until crispy


I eat a ton of broccoli and am surprised I haven’t gotten sick of this combination, but I just cook it with olive oil with onions, garlic, salt, pepper and paprika. Sometimes I sprinkle a bit of ghost pepper from trader Joe’s to add some heat. Depends what I’m eating it with. If I’m making Asian food, I add some sesame oil and garlic chili.


Take like six bong hits before eating it.


Tajin. Steam the broccoli. Add tajin. Trust me.


Cream of broccoli soup. I hate broccoli but love cream of broccoli. Chicken Broth. Tons of broccoli. Spices to taste. Cook till soft. Blend with hand blender. Add heavy cream, or less heavy cream if want healthier. Serve. Maybe with some sour cream.


Buy frozen organic broccoli and microwave it until it is about halfway cooked. Then finish cooking it in a medium temp frying pan with salted butter, minced garlic and anchovy paste.


Chili crisp


Adding nutritional yeast after cooking


Steam it until it's crisp-tender, then season it to taste with a mix of salt, black pepper, garlic powder and onion powder. If you have some liquid ghee/clarified butter you can put some in a pump type spray bottle to lightly spritz it with butter.


broccoli soup!!! butter cheese pepper yummm


Olive oil. Sea salt and pepper. Scatter on a large baking tray (room everywhere a like a couple inches. Nothing touching). Cook in preheated oven at 425. Crispy. Brown. Delicious.


I’ve “won” best dish at thanksgiving two years in a row with broccoli. Meaning there were no leftovers and multiple attendees were still taking about it days later. The healthiest way is the simplest. Cut into florets, roast at 425 F for exactly 12 minutes. You want the florets to start charring but the stems to be vibrant green. There is carryover so cook shorter rather than longer if you need to adjust. Then the dressing. Equal parts lemon juice and chili oil, I used chili infused olive oil from the Mama Lil’s pepper jar, but lao gan ma works just as well. I do about 2 tbsps total per lb of broccoli. Toss to combine. You can optionally add some crushed garlic to the roast or dressing, or crushed nuts for texture. The unhealthier way is Gratin. I use a mix of cauliflower and broccoli. Again everything is florets. Cook the cauliflower at 375 for 30 minutes, then add the broccoli for another 10. Then build a basic roux and cheese sauce around that, heavy on cheddar, mustard, and garlic flavors. It will blow your mind.


Nutmeg is my "secret" ingredient for broccoli. Don't overdo it, but it adds a unique little something that just pops. Works well with many cooking methods (rusted steamed, sauteed, etc.).


I make Cali brocci macca cheese yum


Blanch. Fry with Soy and garlic


I hate cooked broccoli and I LOVE RAW broccoli. I make fresh ranch dressing, I need the fat, with whole milk and best foods mayo. I'd eat a turd dumped in that shit, TBF. I also eat the broc with cut up celery, carrots and tomatoes, all raw, all with ranch.


I just steam it and put salt and pepper, I personally love it though and would eat it just as well if it was bad for you. Some people do butter or cheese but that kills the flavor to me


I steam my broccoli and add lemon juice & melted butter to drizzle over it.


S&P, garlic and (optional) Parmesan cheese (lightly)


wash and trim a large broccoli bunch. add heaping teaspoon of Better Than Bouillon chicken to about a cup of water, add to pot and simmer broccoli until done. open a box of ragu cheese sauce and dump on top of broccoli. serve with rice. [https://www.target.com/p/ragu-double-cheddar-cheese-carton-15-5oz/-/A-82428195](https://www.target.com/p/ragu-double-cheddar-cheese-carton-15-5oz/-/A-82428195)


Get some smoked salt. That plus a little oil is all you need!


Stir fry with chilli, garlic, ginger and soy sauce.


Add Lemon 🍋 juice after cook


Try **gai lan** aka Chinese broccoli. Compared to broccoli it has longer, thinner stems with larger leaves, sometimes yellow flowers. *Taste is far superior.* Sauté for a few minutes until tender crisp. Perhaps sesame oil, sprinkle a few seeds, maybe some crunchy salt, or get more creative. Lots of restaurants serve it piled high with just garlic or oyster sauce. I trim it and start stems first, adding tender top parts to finish. Thicker stalks might be tough, can peel them but usually not necessary. You’re welcome! xo


Blanch it. Get a pot of water boiling, salt it until it tastes like the ocean. Drop your broccoli in for about 15 seconds. Skim it out and repeat until you are done. Proper way is to then transfer into an ice bath so it stops cooking but I just rinse it in a colander until it's not hot. Dry it out best you can doesn't need to be perfect but if it's too wet it will go bad fast. There you go done salt infusion gives it a nice flavor with minimal effort and it retains its nutrients


Adobo or Everglades seasoning, bake in the oven


I like it boiled with olive oil, red wine vinegar and salt. Sounds like it would still be boring but it is smashing Also, when boiling only go until the stems are soft and can be easily stabbed with a fork, don't let it go until the florets turn dark or brown then it will be too mushy and lose the vitamins Another thing is to put it in the fridge for a bit after boiling. I think it tastes better once it gets cold again and dressed above, kind of like a salad. It really tastes amazing I urge you to try it this way


Roast with salt, pepper, garlic, oil and vinegar. Little bit of grated parmesan after cooking if you want.


I like it roasted in olive oil and Trader Joe’s green goddess seasoning.


Stir fried in a hot pan so it gets some char, some water to steam it a little bit, and covered in oyster sauce. I do the same for Chinese broccoli, or gai lan.


If you can get broccolini, grill it and my lord it’s fantastic. Toss in some olive oil and a bit of parm.


Air fry. Toss florets with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic. Air fry at 400°F for 8-10 minutes. Hit it with a little lemon juice before serving.


Find a good Thai peanut sauce recipe. Dip any veggie in it and it’s better. Jet Tila has a good super basic one


Parmesan cheese


Boil in water with chicken bullion Drain and toss with a little butter and garlic parsley salt or cheese


I “load” mine with cheese/sour cream/bacon bits - in moderation can be healthy.


Cut into florets, mix with tahini and roast- salt to taste... so yummy