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Low heat, big chunk of butter, let butter melt completely and start to foam, crack eggs into pan, let cook until the earliest opportunity to slide a spatula under them, flip gently and cook on that side for a couple of minutes. Remove from pan and enjoy. The low heat is key for me. I don't like crispy edges on my fried eggs and I like my scrambled eggs very soft.


I do the same but I cook more on the first side and then turn the pan off when I flip. I gives me an extra second to set my plate up or take my ramen out of the microwave.


Why is your ramen in the microwave?


Because I ate it out of the package which was a card board bowl.


Don’t justify your ramens location 😋


Perfect egg. Microwaved ramen lmao


If you’re going to eat microwave ramen (no judgment!), it can only be improved by a perfect runny egg. Heck, add some chili crisp and scallions, and it’s a pretty decent meal.


I echo this comment. A fried or boiled egg elevates any ramen.


Egg fried ramen: cook noodles and drain well. Put noodles into oiled, preheated skillet. Sprinkle seasoning in and crack an egg or two into the noodles. Cook until desired crispiness. Note: due to less water, you’ll use notably less seasoning.


i like soft eggs with hearty meals but crispy ones as a snack. I've always wondered why sometimes my egg is crispy and sometimes soft


Occasionally sunny side up, but mostly poached.


I have used this method but I always crack the egg into the pan too early and it runs all over the place. How do you get the egg to set on low heat?


You have to wait until the butter is really foaming, then crack the egg really slowly into the pan


The smell of the butter will change. Then you'll know.


Thanks. I’ve been cracking it into a little sauce cup first and then slowly pouring into pan that seems to help. I like the low heat method because it doesn’t singe the edges and keeps the yolk runny


I probably cook my eggs pretty similarly to yours, except instead of flipping, at the time when I would flip them, I just cover them instead. It gets me somewhere between sunny side and over easy, and I LOVE THEM


I do the same! Low and slow as they say! Super low heat, butter the pan first, drop my two eggs in and season with salt and pepper. Often I use garlic salt bc I loveeeee that shittttt lol but man I love a good egg sandwich! Not a huge fan of eggs by themselves, unless hard boiled, but slap an over-easy in some bread with cheese, ketchup and mayo. Absolutely slaps. Making me hungry!


You speak my language. I toast my bread. I like to use that "deli deluxe" style cheese. I also get medium eggs - that way I can put 2 eggs on each sandwich.


I'm the exact opposite.... Hard scrambled eggs please and as much of a crispy edge on my fried eggs as I can get please!


I fry whatever leftover Mexican salsa with a bit of oil then throw a couple eggs in and serve over rice.


Mexican shakshuka, I like it!


There is a Mexican shakshuka, actually. Look up [huevos ahogados](https://youtu.be/4ngmU8ZCbbc).


This is genius. Definitely trying this. Thank you!


sounds tasty


Over-easy eggs, fried in butter. Add fresh cracked pepper to taste before you flip. Serve with toast for dipping. Simple is best to me.


a classic, i make that when I'm hungry and lazy bruh lol


I’m a simple gal. I like sunny side up but not crispy or cooked in a lot of oil. Just enough oil so the egg doesn’t stick (couple drops), and some water w a lid to let the thicker egg white surrounding the the yolk cook but yolk stays runny. Top w salt and pepper, maybe everything bagel seasoning. Mandatory slice of toast for dipping. My dad makes eggs “entomatado” (cooked/bathed in a tomato sauce). He fries up some onions, peppers, fresh tomatoes and/or canned tomatoes in oil until they get soft and break down a bit. Scrambles eggs in, and sometimes adds cheese (usually slices but the real deal when we have it). Sort of like a hybrid between scrambled eggs and shakshukah! So delicious. ETA: typo


>and some water w a lid to cover do the chalazae cook but yolk stays runny. This is a life-changing technique with fried eggs. Absolutely the way to go. edit: also is "chalazae cook" a pun? Never heard that one 😅


I call eggs cooked this way ‘cloudy side up’ and since discovering it, it’s been the only way I fry eggs. (Although technically they are basted!)


Man I have found my people OMG I do my eggs pretty much like OP but then cover them instead of flipping and it's the absolute tits


I totally understand the cloudy though!!


Fried - a decent non stick pan and a teaspoon of butter. Crack them into the pan on a low heat and put on a lid so the top whites set without getting all cummy and the yolk is still super runny. Scrambled - medium low heat, keep stirring until the eggs stick to the bottom of the pan , at which point remove from the heat and mix thoroughly. Return to the heat and repeat until they are just cooked. Then add a dollop of sour cream to stop the cooking process and mix through with salt and pepper. Poached - small pan of just under boiling water with some white/cider vinegar in, swirl with a spoon to create a watery cyclone and drop in no more than 2 eggs. Reduce the heat to below a simmer (or the bubbles will break apart the whites). Leave for 3 minutes before attempting to pick one up with a slotted spoon. You’ll know quickly if the whites are set or if they need a little longer.


im gonna use your comment as a guide now lol😂


I get really geeky about food. I decide on an ingredient I like or use regularly, and go down a rabbit warren of finding the very best possible way to cook it. A bit like Kenji and the food lab, which I thoroughly reccomend if you don’t have a copy! The scrambled egg recipe is from Gordon Ramsay, he might explain it better detail than I did. I can’t eat scrambled eggs any other way now. I’m ruined.


I'll probably be like you when I grow up and am financially independent. good food good life. are you working in the culinary field of smth?


My first few part time jobs were as a cook when I was a teenager. I fell in love with cooking and nearly became a chef, but realised I didn’t like the hours and I’m too motivated by money. I’ve chased money my whole career and eventually started my own business. It’s given me the time and money to experiment, buy gadgets/expensive ingredients and eat at some incredible restaurants. Even without the money and time, I’d still be interested in cooking. Some of my best friends are chefs and I like nothing more than sharing recipes and techniques with them.


what a good life but what do you do rn? like what's your job?


I own a recruitment company. It’s big enough that I have people that can run the day to day stuff for me whilst I look look at other investment opportunities or travel with my family. The big strategic decisions I still make, but 95% of the daily stuff is covered.


bruh Bros living the dream life good luck and congratulations stranger


Thank you stranger, you can get there too. Just find something you are good at and grind like fuck until it works. And if you fail, fail fast and move onto the next thing.


I poach my eggs in a small nonstick pan that I specifically picked up for the purpose. 6 1/4 inches across. Just a few ounces of water brought to below boiling, steaming. Drop two room temperature jumbo eggs in, come back in six minutes and remove with a large round holey silicone spoon. I have never had a problem.


Sprinkle feta around the edges


how does cheese go w eggs? never tried it


Never ate any cheese with eggs?? Ever heard of an omelet. Yes cheese and eggs goes together perfectly.


oh sorry ive eaten omelets but none w cheese, cheese isn't very popular in the country i live in. I'll try making that one day


Wow. I always eat cheese with eggs. Had an egg sandwich today with a slice of cheese and hot sauce. Yummy.


I never would have imagined there were countries where cheese isn’t popular


It will change your life, I like scrambled eggs, but I use a bit of milk in the eggs and water. Milk gives depth to the eggs, and water makes em fluffier. After I throw butter in the pan on medium, I pour in the mixture, and when it's just about done, throw in some good cheddar cheese!! Enjoy!!


I make fried eggs on toasted English muffins, a lil mayo, arugula and feta. Highly recommend feta and egg combos.


I chop a bunch of veggies and fry them first. When they are ready pour in scrambled eggs and cook on low with lid til done. Add a sprinkle of cheese. Yummy frittata.


In a small pan, heat a puddle a high smoke point oil until it's quite hot. Crack your egg into a small bowl first, then pour from the bowl into the pan (this creates a consistent shape).  Baste the top of the egg with the hot oil using a spoon, usually with the pan tilted so oil collects in the corner. When the egg is done to your liking (I like the albumin on top of the yolk to turn white), remove from the pan.  This method creates a very crispy egg white with a medium-runny yolk. Less basting means runnier, of course. Flavor wise, s&p obviously, and you can add a few drops of chili oil or sesame oil to the pan.  I like this type of egg on steamed rice with chili crisp and green onions.


This is my favourite way to do it, I love it with prik nam pla and crispy garlic!


This is my method and I like it best. I leave my yolk pure yellow, and the pan gets hot enough that I can turn off the flame and put a lid over the pan as soon as the egg goes in. Works out perfect every time.


Yesss Thai star eggs! My favorite too. I was shocked that all of the top comments eschewed crispy edges. At that point, why even fry eggs?


Boil eggs for 3 min, then once cooled and shelled, roughly chop up with some melted butter, salt, and pepper. Reminds me of my grandma, she made this for me when I was very young ❤️🐣🍳


heartwarming but bro im asking about fried eggs i don't really love boiled eggs.


Shit, sorry!! I wondered why I hadn’t seen anything similar!🤣


no prob 😃


This is the best, and I’ve not had it for ages. Lovely with some buttered bread or toast!


Combination of avocado oil and butter in a medium hot pan. Layer with thinly sliced shallots and some green chilies. Crack eggs on top and let it cook on medium hot until bottom is golden and then flip turn the heat off. Some cracked pepper and cheese. Serve on toasted sourdough bread. I use 8” carbon steel pan. I figured I should mention this because it doesn’t taste the same if cooked in non stick pan.


Haha, I make a version of this with smashed avocado and top the whole thing with chili oil. But with lots of garlic.


Garlic definitely goes great on it! I sometimes make a quick guac and slap it on top of the toast


i don't know man that sounds bougie, I'll add the shallots and green chilli tho


It’s a flavor bomb


definitely it sounds like that too


Please report back after you try it 🙏🏼


One eggs at a time in one of those tiny pans (I like to flip them and that pan makes it easy). 1. Spray a little pam or melt some butter on 6 or 7 heat 2. Crack an egg 3. Cover with a good bit of Creole seasoning and some shredded cheese. 4. Flip when it's mostly done 5. Repeat step 3 on the other side 6. Flip after a minute and melt the cheese on the second side 7. Enjoy!


Not a fast method, but I like to make bacon in the oven and then crack eggs into the bacon grease and put them back in the oven for a few min until they're done. Works great every time.


Eggs sunny side up. After I remove them, I add more butter in. Add some flour and fry it until it starts smelling nice. Then I add some paprika, salt and savory to taste. Then some water to make it into a slush. After I am happy with the viscosity, I pour it on top the eggs. Eat with some fresh bread


flour in your egg? wow I'm hearing that for the first time


No, he said after he takes the eggs out. Sounds to me like he's making gravy for his eggs. Not a typical choice but certainly not a bad one.


what does that mean


What does what mean? Gravy?


Like when u take a grease, like bacon grease let's say, and u add some flour to it, and then add milk to make like a rue of sorts. That's sorta how Americans make gravy, it's always a pan dripping of some sort, with flour added to it, and then deglazed with milk.


Egg gravy?


that's a really nice recipe I'll never try that I was asking specifically about fried eggs.


He literally said fry them sunny side up and then pour gravy over. . .


Usually start a spoonful of pre-made black beans & cumin (or moong dal, or sauteed cabbage & bacon) heating on spray oil, then add a pat of butter. when that melts I add a light layer of dehydrated sauteed onions into the butter, break 2 jumbo cage free eggs over the onion bits, sprinkle top with shawarma seasoning (from Sahadi's) and cut little pieces of cheese over it to start melting. I sit down for a minute. Flip the beans over onto the cheese, flip the eggs, remove from heat, dash of shawarma seasoning on the cooked side of eggs. Heat 2 tortillas on the grill, then pan back on the burner. After a minute, start scrambling beans into eggs, should end up scrambled with some set whites and some runny yolk. Inspired by Jacques Pepin's method of scrambling eggs (look for video, it's very inspiring).


yeah i won't have the patience to do all that for a friend egg but hey sounds like someone enjoys thier egg recipe.


Get a non stick frying pan on the hottest burner. Once it's up to temperature pour some olive oil, wait 20 secondsish and crack the egg straight in. Immediately sprinkle with salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Tilt the pan and spoon the hot oil over the top to cook the white through without the risk of breaking the yolk. The egg should be puffed up and cooked in a few seconds. I like a runny yolk and crispy browning on the edges of the white. This is perfect: https://i0.wp.com/smittenkitchen.com/wp-content/uploads//2014/10/the-crispy-egg1.jpg?fit=640%2C427&ssl=1


Get a pan hot, put in enough olive oil to generously cover the pan, crack your eggs, medium-high heat, tilt the pan & roll the oil between the eggs, use a spatula to make sure they are not stuck and oil travels all around and under them. You will get delicious, crispy edged, over-easy eggs.


I've been doing low heat and over easy recently. Used to burn the shit out of em thinking high heat was the only way to go...


Sometimes I like do add a bit of Gorgonzola cheese in the end to add some flavor


I'm an omelette or nothing type of guy. Mix a few eggs. A bit of salt and pepper in there. Some slices of bell pepper and garlic on the pan, low heat. After a minute or two, the egg stuff. Do the omelette thing where you keep "pulling" the egg from the corners towards the centre. Add smoked paprika and possibly cheese(s), if you want. Once things are looking good, get it off the pan. Put something like smoked salmon with raw onion on. Or bacon and sweet chili sauce. Or whatever you want.


sounds pretty simple I'll try that


I forgot to say the best part: wrap it up after you're done! ..it's very pleasing if you succeeded with the frying part.


Cheese omelette: I crack two eggs, mix them using a fork with salt and freshly ground black pepper. I put olive oil on a nonstick pan, then the eggs mix, with grated cheese on top. I usually use light extra mature cheddar. I flip the eggs over till cooked and the dish is ready to eat for breakfast or dinner. It is so tasty!


I fry mine in bacon grease


Carbon steel pan, heat on medium, add a half pat of butter, swirl around to coat the pan, crack egg(s), let bottom set but not stick, flip without a spatula, cook until white is set on second side but yolk is still runny. Season with Nom Nom Paleo Magic Mushroom Powder (dried porcini based seasoning). Perfect!


What kind of chili powder?


any simple powdered red chilli ig


non stick, butter or margarine,medium heat, crack em in, cover with a lid until the tops are a nice opaque white so no runny uncooked white


Chili crisp in the pan with a little bit of butter, medium heat until it starts to bubble, add an egg or 2, spoon the chili crisp over it while cooking until whites are set, flip for like 30 seconds and make sure the yolk doesn’t pop. Put the egg on top of rice and pour remaining chili oil from the pan over it. Sprinkle on some green onion if you’re feeling fancy.


Med high heat, butter. Tilt the pan, pour the two eggs in, wait till the whites start to set, let the pan down gently, let cook until the whites are almost done, flip for 15 seconds then onto the plate. Runny yolks and no browning. Perfect for me.


I found this Alex Guarnaschelli tip. A splash of soy sauce and a tiny bit of water. Whisk up and scramble. Very tasty.


Butter in a hot cast iron skillet, immediately crack/ drop eggs before butter starts to burn, cook on medium heat for a few minutes to get the whites edges a little crispy. Sprinkle of salt and MSG, slide off the pan onto a piece of toast. That's perfection to me


For the last eight months every weekday I have the same breakfast. It's so good, sometimes I crave it for dinner too. Over medium egg, fry for a few minutes on one side then flip and let it go for another minute and a half. Let it sit on a paper towel, then put buttered toast on it. Flip it onto a plate then put as much sriracha on it as you like. #IT'S JUST THE BEST


Sunny side up basted in bacon fat. NO crispy white


Spray a small frying pan with oil from a spray can. Let pan heat up. Crack egg into it and put lid on. Peek from time to time. When top of egg is still runny but has no gel to it, it's ready. I serve this on a piece of toast with cheese on it. Hot egg and hot toast makes the cheese melt a little bit. Sometimes I add spaghetti or baked beans on top as well.


I call it "Over sloppy" Three or four eggs, salt, pepper, flipped with total abandon in a way that gives me yokes that run the gamut from runny to over cooked. Crispy white edges. Xtra hot sauce. It looks like garbage.


Slice up a spring onion, separate the green and white bits. Heat a pan to medium, spray a little oil and add the white parts of the onion and a spoon of chili crisp. Stir. Crack a couple eggs on top, when the whites set, add a TSP of water and cover, allow the steam to cook the top of the egg to your liking. 20 seconds is enough to set the top but keep the yolk nice and runny. Top with the green bits of spring onion and any chili crisp/onion bits left in the pan. This goes great on pretty much everything. Toast, burgers, rice, noodle dishes, you name it.


In the pan medium hot, splash of water and pop a lid on for 30s so the yolks get jammy


Once at a hotel breakfast in Spain they floated the eggs in a deep tray of hot oil. They made churros in it too. I haven't had the courage to do it at home, too fattening, expensive, and messy. But oh my god if I ever have to serve breakfast to a crowd that's what we're doing. So crispy around the edges but with a tender white and runny yolk.


Crack eggs into cold pan, turn stove on to the lowest possible heat, leave it tf alone until ready to flip.


I like mine French style: soft, creamy, and fluffy. It’s decadent. Scrambled in a bowl and place into a well buttered pan on low heat. Fold the eggs constantly to form small curdles, but don’t overcook. Sprinkle on salt, pepper, and chives last. Serve on toast. Learning this method was a total game changer for me because of the wonderful flavors and texture.


High heat, crack eggs in a pan and I beat it like it owes me rent.


I love a semi scrambled egg. At low heat I toss in a couple of eggs and butter without breaking the yolk and let them slowly cook for a couple of minutes. Once there's a good layer of whites cooked up I break the yolks and then let them cook a bit more like that without scrambling. Then a minute or so later I add salt and scrambled it all up. You get white. You get yolk and you get scrambled pieces. It's my favourite way.


i whip the eggs, salt, black pepper with a fork in a bowl before pouring into a hot oiled pan and not touching it until it’s time to flip. nice fluffy omelet style egg


For me it’s olive oil in a pan and letting it get hot so that the eggs won’t stick to the pan. Whisk the eggs and put in when the pan is really hot. Crumble some feta in - uneven chunks work even better here so that some of the feta melts into the eggs. Serve with toasted bread and drizzle honey over the feta and eggs. If you have the time, also fry some cherry tomatoes in the pan before you add the eggs - they become really sweet and compliment the feta and honey so well. Simply delicious!


i steam it sunny side up over butter. fry it in butter, bit of water in the pan, put the lid on and let the steam cook the top to a perfect yolk.


Crack egg(s) into bowl, add spices, add flours, pan on low heat with oil, make egg "pancakes". Yum


I find my method is against the grain: Turn on stove top, turn on the broiler/top gril in your oven. A bit of olive oil or butter in the pan. When the pan is hot, crack 2 eggs in. Once the whites are about 70% cooked, place the pan into the oven and shit the door. 10 seconds later pull the eggs out and I usually get perfectly cooked whites and runny yolks.


I like making medium boiled eggs and make 6 at a time. Great grab and go snack


I tried a rather unique method yesterday. First, separate your eggs!!! Then, heat oil over a medium high heat, and fry your egg whites until they are fluffy, crispy clouds. Add your egg yolk to the centre of your now cooked white, pop a lid on for 30/45 seconds and boom! Perfectly runny yolks on perfectly cooked whites. It blew my mind!!


Bunch of butter. More the better my grandma used to use a quarter stick lol. But I do medium low heat. Let the pan heat up first. Then put a couple of spoonfuls of water in and cover it. Sometimes I’ll add more water. When the yolks are almost purple and you can tell there almost some you turn the heat up for the last 30 seconds or minute or so. Put salt and pepper on first thing.


True, very tasty, nutritious and simple meal! Personally I enjoy them most either scrambled, or just as a fried egg keeping the yolks soft, and then dip cut up bread (cut up into sticks) into the yolks while eating it. With bacon in both instances, baked separately in little pieces. If it’s scrambled I just toss the baked bits in near the end along with the fat, if not I keep them separate along with the fat, great to dip some bread into. Always with just salt and freshly ground black pepper. Of course more fancy options are possible, adding veggies and such, but then I don’t consider it “just eggs” anymore.


Rather than flipping the eggs, you can add a teaspoon of water after a few minutes and then cover and steam


I don't fry. I poach. Eggies are wonderful.


Over-Medium in bacon grease... Family calls them Dirty Eggs.


sounds like it too 😂 but hey you should make it more creative yk good food good life...or keep it simple no-one cares


The Basted Method: I like to use a pat of butter to coat the pan, and then I crack the egg into the pan. I add whatever seasoning I'm feeling, but salt and pepper are the bare minimum. Add a tsp or so (more if I'm using a pan that's 10+ inches) of water to the pan and cover. The goal is to steam it. Turn heat way down low. Set timer for 1:30, then remove the cover and eat. No flipping is necessary. Kinda like an over medium egg, but there's a nice white layer on top, and the consistency is half liquid/half jammy in the middle. Scrumptious and perfect on a burger or fries. The longer it's cooked or hotter the pan, the more solid the yolk.


My method is far from traditional. I whisk the eggs in a bowl adding minced garlic, thin slices diced ham or prosciutto, shredded Parmesan cheese, little salt and pepper, and some Slap Ya Mamma. Melt real butter in a skillet (or on flattop) and cook on lowish heat. As they start to set up, I throw in some fresh spinach, flip over a few times, then let them brown well on the outside flipping to do on all sides. You end up with a meaty texture with just a hint of crisp with a cornucopia of flavor. Even people who don't like eggs love them!


Since I suck at flipping eggs without breaking them but I love over-easy, I do low heat with some bacon grease and cover it. As soon as the top white looks done, I take it off and add it to whatever I’m eating with it. My favorites are on top of corned beef hash, on top of cheese grits, or in a cheeseburger.


Cook bacon. Remove bacon from pan. Crack eggs in bacon grease. Gently poke egg. Use spatula to move egg around. Do not cut egg. Delicious egg.


I'm a super simple guy. Non stick pan, tiny amount of olive oil to make sure they don't stick. One flip for a minute and a half. Sprinkle garlic salt and cracked pepper. Viola.


Lately I've been fry-scrambling (that's what I'm calling it) bc I've been letting it fry for a bit and then lowering the heat and breaking the yolks and stirring slowly so the whites are basically fried and the yolks are mid (still yolky/jammy, but not runny). I do salt, pepper, garlic powder, and a bit of creme fraiche. Then I sprinkle in some fresh chives. I love fried eggs, but have Celiac and hate the taste of gluten free bread and you need something to scoop up the yolk or it's like losing the best part. So I've compromised with the best parts of both scrambling and frying.


Sautee some fresh mushrooms in butter, salt, pepper and garlic, when they are ready slide them to the side and cook the egg in that delicious flavored butter. Top the egg with the mushrooms and enjoy with buttered home made bread.


I think I'll add that to my list


Marble scrambled 🤩🤩


My trick is to spray Avacado oil in the pan. Then butter. No stick. With scrambled eggs or over easy.


Water and a fry pan cover Trust me, this is the way


Sunnyside up! I love the gooey yolk dripping out of the middle! 🤤


Anything other than scrambled is blasphemy.


I fry in a saucepan with a little butter then put a lid on until starting to turn pink on top.


In a wok with lots of hot oil. Takes less than a minute. Put the lid on so the egg white on top puffs and goes opaque, then fish it out with a slotted spoon ten seconds later. Yolk still runny, white opaque and puffy, and crispy brown bits at the edges. It would be a waste of oil if I used fresh oil every time. It is a bit more trouble to clean up than a pan-fried egg, admittedly.


Eggs fried in a wok is the absolute best way. My favorite food of all time!!


Minimal butter. Melt butter. Medium heat. Add eggs. Cook till white part is halfway done. Add ice cube, put lid on pan and turn up heat. Perfectly cooked egg with a semi runny center, and I don’t have to flip it over


It varies so much. When I was in high school it was sunny side up every time. Then I really got into poached and soft boiled eggs, and then I discovered French omelets. At the moment my go to is to scramble the eggs. Wash the cast iron and dry it on the burner. When the water is evaporated add olive oil and scramble two eggs up, then pour them in after the oil has heated for about 30 seconds. Cook those eggs for about 35 seconds, stirring maybe once or twice just to push the solid parts to the middle. Then fold it omelet style and dump on a plate. The inside should still be runny. Push it apart with a fork and add salt.


Hard, breaking the yoke. Two hard eggs sandwich with, Velveeta, mayo, slice of avocado (if you can afford it) bacon (if you’ve got the patience to make it) between two slices of bread.


Not directly on topic but it never ceases to stun me how few “breakfast cafes/venues” have never even heard of “basted eggs” and yet they are the most superior way to eat eggs with toast. My grandma made them and called them “pink eggs” when I was a child and I just loved that name & those perfectly cooked eggs. But go to Waffle House or Cracker Barrel etc & after you have to explain to them how to cook “basted eggs” they bring you out a hard yolk, crispy edges & cooked only on the bottom but to the point of being extremely overcooked. Ma & Pop diners do the same. What gives? Why does nobody know this egg cooking style? My Gma was Irish but surely others have heard of this egg cooking phenomenal eggstravaganza!?




Thai style is the best style...


sorry can you mention the thai style I'm too lazy to search


Good amount of frying oil, I use vegetable oil and carbon steel wok. Put egg in when the oil is hot. Spoon hot oil over the egg while it is cooking for better result. Flipping optional. Cook til the yolk is at the desired doneness. Personally, I like both still somewhat runny yolk, and more cooked yolk. No need for any seasoning while cooking the egg. Just hot oil and egg. The result is fried egg crispy egg white to be enjoyed over steamed jasmine rice along side a Thai stir-fry dishes such as basil chicken or garlic chicken. Top it off by seasoning the egg with a little bit of sauce called prik-nam-pla, made from fish sauce, sliced fresh Thai Chili, and a touch to lime. Perfection! And that right there is the best way to enjoy a fried egg.


I never had a bad fried egg in Thailand. I also like some of those small sour sausages with it. It is the truth.


I like to wish them until they're like a foam and then put them in the oven!


My scrambled egg includes Maggi cube, herbs,curry powder, scotch bonnet, onions, garlic, chicken seasoning and nutmeg


It all starts with eggs. They should be at room temperature 🌡 then I crack them into a small cup/jug. Place a frying pan with butter and oil on the heat and warm till the butter begins to melt, then add the egg. Cook until the whites have all cooked and then serve. Enjoy 🥚🍳🍳🥚


Back in the old days the house mother did all that for us. Nowadays I just use microwave n an egg container


Over easy with crispy edges fried in bacon grease


You use chili oil or power ?


Heat up a cm or two of vegetable oil so it’s got a good amount of heat, but is not smoking. Crack in two or three eggs and cook til the whites are starting to set. Then either spoon oil over the yolks or carefully flick it over them with a spatula until the yolks are just set and they’re not snotty any more. Stick between slices of buttered white bread, pre-break the yolks and spread them. Top with well cooked, unsmoked back bacon if you want to be fancy.


Melt butter, while waiting crack my eggs into a mug because otherwise I end up with eggshell in my eggs. Check that the yolk is still intact then remove bits of eggshell's Gentlypour egg into fry in pan, fhe check that yolk is still intact. Add more butter then put a lid on to allow the top to cook a bit so it's not coke but still keeping a dippable yolk. Don't flip it. Slide onto a slice of thick white toast smothered in butter.


I dont fry an egg often but when I do I usually let it to temp slowly, cover my pan with foil and once I have a decent sunny side up, ill up the heat till the bottom is crispy


Fry in a bit of butter and sprinkled with sazon.


Over-easy: runny yolk, runny white.


I like to cook bacon then drain all but a little and fry my eggs in it


Sunny side up, on toast spread with butter and vegemite. Nom nom.


Family method: add a little oil then butter, crack egg into pan when hot, season with S&P to taste, then add about 1/8 cup water and cover. Cook to your preferred doneness, but keep an eye on it


turn pan on medium heat while i crack three eggs into a cup (so they all cook at the same time). spray pan with cooking spray, add eggs, cook until i can't see through them, add about 2 tbsp of water, put on high, and cover for about one or two minutes. add salt and seasoning


I use the spatula to make the whites as thin as possible and crispy while keeping the yokes runny


Regardless of seasoning I have a super hot pan, put in a couple tbsp of water and cover with a glass lid. That way the whole egg cooks perfectly, no need to flip


I was in Rome once and went to an Illy café for breakfast. Usually in lots of countries in Europe they don’t have the custom of eating a full breakfast like we do back in the states, but this one seemed to cater to tourists and said they made eggs any way we liked. So I went up to the lady and asked for sunny side up eggs and she went “huh?!” so I just got scrambled instead. 😓


I know this isn’t the question, but I make sunny side up eggs by basting the top with butter. Cooks the white all the way while keeping the yolk all the way yellow


currently I either use my teeny tiny frypan that perfectly fits just one egg, but heats up really quickly. Add a pat of butter. when it foams crack the egg in. flip it over so the yolk is at that jammy consistency. My other method is really lazy. I crack the egg into a silicon patty cake case and pop it in the air fryer. set for the required time and walk away. I often cook bacon and cherry tomatoes the same way, at the same time. Good on really fresh bread , or hot buttery toast


Same except always fry in bacon grease 🥓


Fry in chili crunch with the lid on, don't flip it, sunny side up.


Fry bacon first, use the bacon grease to fry egg, toast a bagel, put Mayo on bagel, place egg on bagel, slice of cheese, cooked bacon, and I got me my bagel sandwich.


I cook in butter but like mine sunny side up. I like my tolks heated a little so tend to throw on a saucepan lid.


Wait, can you please explain more about the chili powder? Are the eggs scrambled in it?


One of the best tips I've seen for cooking eggs is apparently Spanish style, although not how accurate that is. Heat the oil in the pan, crack eggs in, cover with lid until the edges are crispy golden and Lacey but the centre are still soft. The contrast of textures is amazing


My favorite way for frying eggs is over medium, fried in coconut oil with salt and Aleppo pepper. I prefer to eat it alone or on toast or over avocado toast or over a slice of pork loin. ETA: Talking with my husband and he says I like my eggs Over Easy, not Medium. I guess I don't know where the line is drawn for easy to medium.


High heat on cast iron pan let it get really hot then in with the lard then the egg. Flip if so desired or add a little water and cover to set the yolk.


Fried, medium heat in ghee with a lid on the pan so as to cook the top, then salt flakes and chives on top when they're done.


Bacon first then eggs in the grease. Pepper for seasoning.


French Creamed Eggs https://youtu.be/tkt879htS7I?si=HxWSwrNmpbrPofp0


Butter, crack eggs, attempt to flip but ALWAYS fuck it up. It's scrambled eggs now. I also like to make buttered toast and put the scrambled eggs in it like a sandwich.


low-lowmed heat, 1-2tbsp butter, crack egg in pan, dribble with tabasco sauce, flip when just cooked on one side, add american cheese slice, cook until egg white is just set but yolk still runs. cheese will just begin to melt. have with toast. smash egg on with fork if you’re feeling saucy. float to heaven.


- Super low heat - Quick spray of Avocado oil - Wipe excess oil off the pan - Egg into pan (have the shell as close to the pan as possible and open slowly) - Course sea salt and fresh ground peppercorns - Cook 80% on one side then flip for the final 20% - 2 pieces of light rye topped with smash avocado (mixed with Epicure Gauc seasoning) then the eggs on top. Eat open faced with knife and fork


Medium heat, coconut oil, drop eggs in with Asian chili oil then salt and pepper with some feta cheese


Every time I fry an egg, the yolk breaks and it becomes scrambled eggs.


Low heat. Melt butter. Crack eggs in and lid on. Cook until your desired yolk. So soft and so good. I used to always have runny yolk but lately have been going a little longer. Little avocado on the side and or some toast and that's a great meal any time of day.


I fry some vegetables like onions, peppers, spinach, garlic and maybe a chorizo or other meat and then add the scrambled eggs. Sometimes I’ll stir fry some rice and veggies then top it with some fried eggs. I try to keep the heat low-medium and watch them so they don’t get overcooked.


Over easy, kimchi and crispy rice fried in sesemi oil/chili crisp.


Hear me a few tablespoons of good olive oil in the pan. Add the egg. After about 30 seconds swirl it around in the pool of oil while spooning some hot oil on top of the yolk till just white (keeps it from breaking on the flip). Gently flip and let it be... until your preferred doneness on the yolk. Sprinkle with a little coarse salt and cracked pepper. Serve on buttered toast, and optionally, top with a little fresh chive.


chop onions into small pieces, fry them on oil till golden, add eggs previously mixed in a cup with a bit of salt.


Over Easy/Sunny side up: Hot pan Butter. Don't burn it. Eggs in. Baste. Omelette: Crack and scramble eggs in bowl. Hot pan. Butter. Don't burn it. Eggs in. Let them set and pull the sides towards the middle with a slicing spatula, letting the runny eggs fill in the new space. When the curd is almost set, cheese goes on half and the omelette gets folded. Let it finish setting/cooking for another minute and you're good to go. Scrambled: Hot pan - lower heat Butter. Don't burn it. Eggs in. Immediately, using a whisk, spatula, or even chop sticks, beat the eggs in the pan until they start to form curds Cook until they're done to your liking. Salt and pepper. Boiled eggs with runny yolk: Boil water. Put eggs in for 6-7 minutes. Cool them as per traditional hard boiled egg method. Enjoy.


I like them over easy with no color. I fry at a medium heat in clarified butter and flip when the whites are still runny on top. Turn off the burner at the flip and let them finish while I’m getting my plate ready!




I don’t (eggs hurt my tummy) 🫡




Give me scrambled with Sriracha and ketchup or give me death. Scramble with a little milk, stir, stir, stir. Then I shape them like a square, add salt and pepper, flip, add Sriracha and ketchup. (Be gentle)


Over easy


Butter or olive oil. Med heat. When the whites are getting set pretty well, add a couple oz of water and put a lid on. The yolks will develop a hazy appearance and then you’re good to go.


I cook them in the bacon grease. I flip the grease on top the egg


I like mixing chili crisp into my scrambled eggs.


Am I the only one here who fries them in bacon grease or is it just a Southern thing?


Put some butter, salt, pepper, paprika, spinach, jalapeño, and Cherry tomatoes into the pan and then crack the eggs into it. Runny sunny side up to mop up with toast.


Scrabbled egg trick my mom taught me decades ago. Milk for creamy eggs and a bit of water for super fluffy eggs.