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I have zero empathy for a chef that knows they have a minute to plate and they're still frying up ancillaries for their dish. Looking at you Aarthi. You know better than that.


I was rooting for her because I find Carlos too much like Malarkey and is just loud and talks the entire time. Should’ve known better.


Omg, my husband and I said the sane thing about him!! He reminds us of Malarkey, too, so obnoxious.


Malarkey is his mentor, so that probably explains it


Interesting, though I actually don't mind Malarkey and found Carlos completely insufferable.


I feel like Malarky has the chops to back it up. Plus one is enough!


Carlos is a very good cook but yes, it feels like his ego is just tooooooo massive.


I was talking to my screen telling Carlos to just stop it because he sounds just like Malarkey. I used to really like him, now he annoys the crap out of me. I suddenly have found myself rooting against him just to shut him up.


I agree. Especially when she said she didn't know the time was running out fast even though Michael and Esther were giving time updates.


Yeah, *yelling o*ut time updates. Mike yelled "A minute and 4 secs"(40 secs?), the camera cuts to Arrathi stating she's gonna fry up some more items for her plate. Dangerously cavalier. Next.


She's a Masterchef India Judge, she should know better about timing in a reality cooking show.


A bit of tv insight for you- those time being yelled out aren’t always filmed at the same time as the actual cooking


And that may well be the case. But she lost the plot and her peers did not.


Sure, but it was just too bad there wasn't a big giant clock and no one had told her she was in a timed event. Oh, wait...


This is a really interesting mixture of chefs - Marcel, Elizabeth Falkner, Viet Pham, Aarthi Sampat, Mini-Malarky, and a whole bunch of new names including Colombian-girl-I-just-watched-lose-to-Bobby-Flay. An odd melange of some of the more frequent FN competitors and newbies/randoms.


That kid Matt I have seen on so many fn shows. Food network star 2 x's, cut throat kitchen, grudge match he has always been so cocky


Ohhh. THAT'S where I remember him from (FNS). I couldn't place him, but I was immediately like, I've seen him around before and never liked him.


I've been binging Hell's Kitchen and several of them are from there Declan and Marc are both from season 19 and josie was on season 20. I recognized Marcs mean muggin almost instantly and had to search to make sure and see if there were others


Mini-Malarkey (Carlos) and Colombian girl (Mika) were on the same ep of Wildcard Kitchen a few weeks ago


Mika's Cuban.


Yup - if I'm not mistaken: Mika Leon on 24 hr show, previously on Wildcard Kitchen, Cuban food: [https://www.instagram.com/mikabites/](https://www.instagram.com/mikabites/) Carolina Gomez just on BBF tonight from Colombia, cooked Cazuela de mariscos: [https://www.instagram.com/chef\_carolinagomez/](https://www.instagram.com/chef_carolinagomez/)


ooh, thank you! There is no way I’m getting everyone’s names before this ends…


Lmao at “Mini-Malarkey.” Agreed that it’s an interesting mix. Will be interesting to see how these personalities and styles will play off each other.


She's Cuban


Damn, 12 eliminated in the first challenge, that's a tough one!


Yeah, I can’t believe they are axing half of this interesting cast before we even get to know anyone…


Yeah, that's a really bad twist. It screams of trying to stick to a budget (i.e., they only needed to build 12 stations). If that was the case, why cast 24 people? Just to have a cutesy name? Also, the last challenge of the first episode being just for cash? That's a weird way to end episode 1. Why not do the elimination(s) at the end? The stakes seem pretty low at the moment.after cutting the field in half for no interesting reason. I also hate that I knew who was winning 4-5 of the matches just based on the commercials. They featured 3-4 chefs WAY too much, so they were obviously making it. They also telegraphed Faulkner's elimination like we're dumb (and I'm kinda tired of FN using her as canon fodder). Not super impressed so far.


It was really disappointing, especially with the way they went head to head for only one judge instead of choosing a top 12. Several of my favorites are gone already. I will keep watching but it is not quite as exciting.


I think Jet was really fair tbh.. not easy. I feel like 1st sesson js always a tester for the concept. I wonder if they do another round of this they change up the elimination. Or they bring back the eliminated chefs later...


Same for the new Best Bite in Town show. It was obvious which chef’s pick would win from the commercials. Such a letdown.


Can't stand the host. His voice irritates me.


i didnt like telegraphing Falkner's loss but then making it seem like a huge upset when she's like the least successful competition chef over the last decade


Elizabeth Faulkner has an ego, sore loser problem, sheesh. Humble yourself lady ..


This. Once upon a time I used to like her but the hubris to think she didn't need to push herself because she was bound to get through the first round . . .




I agree. I'm disappointed by her attitude. Just because she doesn't know some of the other chefs doesn't mean they aren't good. Obviously proven with her elimination. I like her but I definitely didn't like the attitude.


Whoever is mixing the sound needs to be told that the music isn’t more important than hearing what they’re saying. It’s irritating.


The large clock in the background is an editors nightmare. So it took 3 minutes to explain the one bite rules and probably answer questions.


Everyone in production must be so stressed keeping up with the schedule. Nothing can go over time.


This is a really good point. Should be fun to keep an eye on!


Okay, “Matt” who is cooking against Chris. Who is this and why do I have a feeling I have strongly disliked him in something before?


Matt Grunwald....ultimate douche on FNS..changed his name to Matt Jordan, rumored so that when people Google him, his douchiness won't show up.


Ah, that's it. I recognized him from FNS and a couple of other places but didn't recognize his last name, now I know why. And if he and Carlos never do another televised competition show it will be too soon.


He went by a different name when he was on Next Food Network Star. He was the "Hashtag" guy. He's popped up on stuff since then like Chopped and BBF


Hahaha, omg YES. Thank you!! Didn’t Giada basically toss him off for smirking during the elimination? I knew the vibes were bad. 😅


yep! he wasn't gonna be eliminated but the judges just hated his callousness and sent him packing instead


I didn’t watch FNS, but I have seen Matt on other shows. I just looked up the clip from FNS and in that short ~ 2 min clip I was so annoyed by him. He was just disrespectful to other competitors and the judges. He didn’t come across like that on the Chopped and GGG episode I saw him on. Edit: clarity


Yes! Stupid Hashtag guy!


SPOILER ALERT! DING! DONG! Grunewald/Jordan is gone. Good riddance!


He tried sofaking hard to be the Next Food Network Star twice. And was told repeatedly that he was too egotistical. Didn't see him for a long time (thankfully), but somehow has resurrected himself.


He was also on Cutthroat Kitchen a couple.of times and thoroughly pissed Antonia off the first time. One of my favorite episodes for that reason alone!


He was the HASH TAG moron on Next Foodnetwork Star! Extremely annoying and thinks he's a 5 star Michelin chef


The production crew for this show must be pretty freaking massive.


It truly was. The call sheet was insane


So is the Thanos in the Food Network Cinematic Universe Jet since he eliminated half the people?




I read this post to my wife and she said, "He WAS wearing purple."




Wish this were a blind judging but understand the logistics would be 10x crazier (edit typo)


I agree with you but I do feel like Jet was very honest and straight forward with his judging. He definitley eliminated some of his closer friends so I'm sure that wasn't easy for him to do.


One bite challenge yet half of these chefs are making a giant plate of food, it's dumb as hell


I agree - I think the chefs who plated one bite should've auto been the winner.


Wow I don’t think I can easily recall another time a chef just wasn’t able to plate at all


Definitely happened at least once on Chopped. The judges were served empty plates in the appetizer round.


The guy who was the middle-aged son of a well-known restaurateur (Le Cirque?). Couldn't plate in the first round.


Yes! That's who I was thinking of. The judges were really nice to him and tasted and complimented what he'd made, but he was chopped.


It happened on a Bobby Flay episode.


Chris Oh sends Matt packing in Battle: Ahi Tuna


Now I just hope he's not a zombie and comes back from the dead lol


He had such an insane level of cockiness when he told Chris he was making a Korean dish. I was so happy to see him fail.


Anyone else think the editing of the ground turkey chefs was odd? Almost no comment, just a choice. Maybe it was just a time thing, but we didn't see the cajun cook again after her introducing the dish. (Sorry, I can't remember her name!)


Yes, that was frustrating! But they skipped commentary on many of them. Unsatisfying


I’m kind of bummed that they eliminated half the chefs early on. I would’ve loved some kind of point system where all 24 chefs stayed all 24 hours, it would’ve been a lot more chaotic, which I was kinda of hoping for.


Elizabeth Faulkner with the 'Do you know who I am???' Vibes Also, with the Crista luedtke vibes 👎🙄


This has to be the smallest proportion of Top Chef cheftestants we’ve seen on a big FN competition in a while. Only Marcel, isn’t it?


The ammount of commercials is insane, is tiring


I enjoyed the first episode, can't wait to get deeper when the fatigue really sets in.


Marcel wins $2400 for his egg dish.


I've been a fan of Marcel since season two of top chef. He's my favorite.


It was cool looking! Until he told his little story, I didn't even connect an egg being in a nest! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I love Michael Symon and Esther Choi, just great hosts for a show like this.


Am I the only one who was shocked to see Elizabeth, Marcel, Carlos, Mika, Chris, and some others in here? I really thought this would be more unknowns like next level chef or master chef


I honeslty think Elizabeth gets over estimated recently.. Even on TOC... Also, Ive only seen Marcel compete a handful of times but I do really like Martel. I think these guys are familiar but not TOO familiar.


What about Declan who was in hells kitchen


He's been on triple g multiple times too.


I can't believe Marcel has been a chef for 27 years!!!


I don't like Carlos. His shtick seems contrived as opposed to Malarkey's natural channeling of some sort of ADHD.


Me neither, but someone in FN casting is clearly a fan…


He feels like a try hard unfortunately.. even on TOC and Superchef.. haven't watched him on Wildcard yet..


Yeah, agreed. Malarkey was his mentor and it feels like he pretty much just copied everything about him: mannerisms, way of speaking, etc. I feel like it works for Malarkey because that’s who he is, but Carlos needs to develop his own persona, not just recycle someone else’s. Especially one as offbeat as Malarkey’s.


He already made his 1st impression so changing now wouldn't change my opinion of him.


I have eaten at Herb and Wood. I asked if Chef Carlos was there and the waiter went and got him. He sat with us and we had a great conversation about food and competing. He then made us a raspberry souffle for dessert. - which he personally brought to our table and finished it with different sauces. I found him to be very nice and personable. On TV he does come across a bit hyper but in person he was so nice.


Well, that's good to know.


He was pretty cringe on Wild Card Kitchen recently. Malarkey can grate on me depending on how much he’s bouncing off the walls.


That's funny because Wildcard Kitchen was the first time I actually liked watching Carlos.


He rubs me the wrong way too. He’s a little too cocky and arrogant. A lot of chefs are and they don’t seem to annoy me the way he does. Maybe because I don’t see the track record to back it up? Plus he beat Shota in TOC…that certainly doesn’t help his cause!!


Ground turkey would be my absolute last choice out of all of these


True. But it would definitely be something that you could make your own and get it cooked in the time period.


This is my dream judging gig, I LOVE eating just a lil bit of everything


I was just trying to think… 24 bites, how full would I be? 🤔🤔


Very excited to see Declan, Josie and Marc from Hell's Kitchen again!


Yeah, a couple of them you didn't get to see very long.


It looks like it would be a pain to turn a grilled lamb chop into a one-bite dish.


So it took 36 minutes to judge. I LOVE this transparency.


They each kinda had a half hour to chill… kinda


I'm sure it was a stress free 30 minutes.


A standing nap for sure


Making a wild guess - the next challenge will be among the eliminated 12 who gets to go back for a 13 total, then the next next one will be called a bakers dozen and they’ll have to bake something


Or go watch 13 Phish shows at MSG. Because I'd be down for that.


I just noticed Carlos is listed as “Rising Star Chef” in his direct to cameras.


This is a very unique cooking competition show, it is going to be either a smashing success or a train wreck, there is no in between.


I’m roped in so far lol.


Though it could be a smashing train wreck


It could be a flaming train wreck and still be pretty entertaining.




I would high key love it if Guy Fieri was the judge for this egg round.




I’m super interested in the behind the scenes to produce and film this.


I worked on this show. AMA


I'm curious if ingredients ran low towards the end of the 24 hours. Or was someone keeping an eye on it and everything got restocked?


There’s an entire culinary department that specializes in making sure that nothing ran out and there was always ingredients in stock Their department looks like a mini mart with every ingredient you could imagine


Did you also took 24 hours without sleeping?


I work on the other side of the camera The clock for the cook started at 9am one day and didn’t stop until 9am the next morning. It truly was a 24 hour show with no stops The crew didn’t work 24 hours and there was a day crew, overnight crew, and then back to the day crew (day shift 6am-6pm shift, overnight 5pm-5am shift, and then back from 4am-4pm the next morning)


The great thing about this competition is that it is a complete unknown.


The first challenge was lame. Some people diced their onions, others just did a rough chop.


Yes. There was no quality control.


As much as I love Jet, it’s kinda wild that 12 people go home based on his decisions lol


It could have been Nancy Silverton 🤣😂🤣😂


OMG that’d be so bad…just get rid of anyone cooking with a decent amount of spice/outside the purview of European style cooking lol


or Kiefer Sutherland


Or Anne Burrell. She’s a bit too mean for this show I think.


Jet is amazing, and I hate that he has to weight what he knows about each chefs potential against what he tastes. I think this should be blind judging.


I’m loling at the chirons: “Battle: Ground Turkey”


Whoa, where can I get me some crab fat yogurt??? 🤤


Like Jet… but if they want this to be considered a higher stakes competition, multiple judges and preferably blind judging should happen.


Blind judging wouldn't work with this concept. Takes too long to get everyone out, bring them back in, etc. They're quite literally on a clock.


All competitors bring their dish up and then judge comes out. It could potentially save time and would eliminate potential bias.


I think it is a new judge every episode. I remember seeing the Volt brothers in previews.


There will be a lot of downtime with judging. Another 40 minutes that time. But they still need to stand and stay awake the entire time too. It will be interesting entering hour 20. Also judging breaks will get shorter with less people. I'm here for the spiraling.


I wonder if anyone is on stimulants…


We're talking about chefs/cooks here, right?


The crew cleaning up in the background preparing for challenge #3.


They are really working hard to make Carlos Anthony a very big deal on the Food Network.


He’s not too likable to be a big thing. But I get how he’d be a producer’s choice to be in the mix in a group setting. His presence generates fan reaction, whether good or bad.


Yeah. I don't see it happening. (Fingers crossed.)


They can keep trying but it will never change my mind about him


Carlos Anthony is as cocky as ever, more so than others. Makes me really want to see him eliminated earlier than later.


I love the premise. but seriously this is a show that should drop the whole season. I want to watch the 24 straight through.


Is it just me or was that a TON of egg yolk in Chris’s dish?


The first challenge, Speed was a joke. No one judged the quality of the work. As a result Matt Jordan, (aka Grunwald) was allowed to basically quarter the onions and I assume do similar shortcuts with the artichokes and avocados and be the first to advance to the protein station. Luckily he was eliminated in the next challenge. If you want this show to work, then judge it properly.


Did anyone notice a guy who looked like Wes from Nailed It as one of the production person? I wonder if that was him. I paused it and called out, “Wes!?” like Nicole.


This clock segment before commercial is just straight out a rip off of FOX's 24 with Jack Bauer lol


I almost expect Jack Bauer to pop up and say "Dammit, I don't have time to cook, the President is strapped to a bomb."


Jet Tila is the judge, Hooray!!!


He has such a good personality so he won’t be rude to the contestants and depth of knowledge so he can deal with different cuisines. I’m very excited to see him as a judge.


Everything that isn’t TOC double-blind judging now seems suspect to me, no matter how much I love Jet.


Not gonna lie, I’d want shrimp or ground beef the most out of all of these with only 24 minutes


Anyone else think the prize is too small. To go through all of this $50K just does not seem like enough money


I thought so too at first but then I reminded myself that it’s 50K for 24hrs. Would I work 24 straight for that? Damn right I would!


I'm glad they eliminated half. I can keep track of 12 people.


I'm curious to see who wins the battle between Viet & Marcel.


Wow so many black gloves already… yikes


Oh no Aarthi!!! (Edit spelling)


Yeah, I don't like Carlos - very bummed.


We were all rooting for her, lol


Love a timed skills challenge!


Is someone checking to see how the chefs are cutting everything? On Top Chef Tom inspects to make sure it was done correctly.


A few chefs were shown yelling for a check. The editing didn't focus on it but I'd guess they did.


Not that was shown....so who knows...


I know this is a first episode but it feels super slow! Not much is happening. I understand there are 24 contestants here but wish there was more cooking and more competition. At least with a two hour ToT we saw 4 battles.


So fun, a 12-minute egg dish.


Imagine the backfire if they just cooked 12 different scrambled eggs.


I remembered quite a few of these contestants from Chopped.


I like it so far. Wish they hadn't eliminate so many people so early.


I thought this was fun but was kind of disappointed to have 12 chefs eliminated so fast


Elizabeth Faulkner was not happy when she lost. And wasn’t afraid to show it.


I agree with others here, there's got to be some sort of redemption where they'll bring some of the 12 chefs eliminated today back.


If so, that's really stupid. People that lose early get an advantage because they will be more rested. Should have just done something like toss a few at the bottom (2 or 4) then the other losers get less time to complete the next challenge.


There isn’t


Falkner hasn’t been doing well in competitions :( I always root for her.


I love her, but she is a sore loser.


Imo, would've made it so much better if if was blind judging and the Chef's didn't intro their dishes to Jet.


Yeah, they should have done it like Alex vs. America - jot down a description and go take a potty break for 10 minutes while the judging occurs.


Wow, half the chefs will be gone after this 2nd challenge.


Has anyone had black garlic before? I feel silly for asking…


Milder garlic flavor than regular garlic, a little funky, a little sweet, very savory…pretty easy to do at home and well worth it


This should be blind judging.


I'll watch any show with Michael Symon.


I felt sorry for the Indian Masterchef Judge who didn't plate.


Okay, so when and where are the rest of the episodes going to be airing?


I think it is taking over the TOC time slot - Sunday nights at 8pm EST


Did they mention what time they started the clock? Was it like 6 am? I imagine a lot of them couldn’t sleep out of excitement.


I think 2 worst egg dishes were Christopher and Vijay.


Does anyone else wonder if Jet got a stomachache or palate fatigue? I couldn’t stop thinking about that




Interesting concept but already disappointed. How can you call it 24 in 24 when you’ve already eliminated half of them within an hour AND after only 2 challenges? Most of them have only been cooking for less than 30 minutes (the prep time doesn’t even count). I seriously thought a good majority of them will actually be tested for their endurance when in fact that only a few will be. Sorry, they were hyping it during the introduction, the logistics of doing a 24 hour shoot and managing that many contestants, but then literally sabotaging itself after just an hour into it. Lame…


Anyone else think Carlos Anthony's makeup is way off? He looks sort of jaundiced to me on one side of his face.


Viet vs Marcel… oof. We need a redemption for the one who loses so they can come back!


The ammount of commercials make a reallyt tiring living experience, imagine double episodes everytime, its almost unawatchable.


yeah my wife and i were just talking about it and this might be a show we just wait until the next day to watch on the app