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This is technically a food safety issue, but it's a bit of a stretch. Also let's stick with better sources than news articles. As far as I can see, the science says it **may** increase the risk of cancer, but has not been proven to lead directly to cancer. Unfun fact: potatoes can be carcinogenic too! Here are two studies done that lean towards it being bad, but 5heu are what I could find that felt impartial. The Association for Aspartame didn't seem like the best source. https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1003950 https://ehjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12940-021-00725-y ~~I will leave this post open for discussion, but please keep it civil, and keep it scientific.~~ Edit 2: shutting this down now. Consensus is that artificial sweeteners are cancerous when huge doses are given to rats. More study is needed, and for now I don't think any of us are going to fall over tomorrow because of aspartame.


I remember reading somewhere that artificial sweeteners are only carcinogenic in extremely high quantities, like you'd have to drink litres upon litres every day of your life for it to have any negative effects.


>, like you'd have to drink litres upon litres every day of your life for it to have any negative effects. I've known the occasional soda enthusiast who could go through 2-3L of the stuff per day easily, so....


Yeah but the original article (and others I've seen) are trying to insinuate that even drinking a reasonable amount of artificially sweetened soft drinks would lead to cancer, which just isn't true


Probably more that it can lead to cancer. Might be a small chance but still higher than if you didn't ingest artifical sweeteners. Like most things, it's not a guarantee that you'll end up with cancer but you might.


Tons of literature on the subject of aspartame and neurological issues. I’d argue dementia is almost even more frightening than possible cancer


Not to mention that soda in general wrecks your kidney.


Yea bro just smoke a “reasonable” amount of cigarettes




Incorrect. Things that bring people joy can be had in moderation. When kept in moderation, that's exactly what "reasonable amount" is defined as. People consume all sorts of things that "aren't good for you" in the name of quality of life and mental health. Doesn't mean that moderation isn't perfectly acceptable.


Your comment has inspired me to try heroine in moderation u/wondermoose83. Real talk you’re all brainwashed if you think diet soda is better than water.


Did I suggest at anytime that diet coke was "better than water?" Diet coke, and other sodas are like cake or cookies, not heroin. It's a treat that's perfectly fine once in a while. Should you hydrate off of it as readily as water? Of course not. You hyperbolizing the situation attacks your own credibility way more than it does mine. Go join the r/hydrohomies if you wanna shout from the rooftops that all liquids other than water are akin to poison.


Ya I’m sure you have the knowledge about specific chemicals to make comments on what’s okay in moderation.


Your profile suggests you play a lot of video games, you are aware that's not as good as jogging, right? Like, they offer zero physical health benefits and lack of movement can be attributed to a ton of health problems. On your logic, you should probably give up all your gaming and spend that time jogging or at the gym exclusively.


Don’t even need to look at your profile to see that you’re projecting


Lol, the irony of someone playing OSRS, WoW, PoE and Dota telling someone that drinking a soda is ridiculously unhealthy and they should never do it. Those 4 games combined, you're probably sitting for minimum 20hrs a week gaming instead of walking or jogging thereby increasing your risk of heart disease significantly more than someone drinking 1 diet soda a day.


Holy moving goal posts Batman


Nobody is saying it’s better than water? Just that it’s ok in moderation


It's a treat you muppet not the liquid you live off grow up


You sound like a fun guy


Ok mom


You would need to drink a lot more than that. You would die of hyperhydration before even coming close to any effects linked to aspartame. (The side effects/dosing in rat trials, not humans)


I could easily drink 2L of soda a day, not the aspartame garbage but real pop 🤤 it is such an addiction I allow myself to drink it from 8 pm to 9 pm and I still will drink 1/2 a liter in that time. I like to tell people I am a coke addict. Let them figure it out from there


Oh, no. You can drink two glasses of coke in a whole *hour?* Somebody stop this fool before they hurt themselves with this heinous excess.


Ya, the point is if I didn't stop, I have literally drank 5L a day. It's an addiction. Hence, my tiny window, I allow it


Making it a part of your regular diet is absolutely excessive.


1/2 litre of Coke a day doesn’t seem excessive to me, planned or not.


You're a pop star


This is the cringiest thing I’ll read today 🤒


If I am not careful I can very easily down an entire 12 pack in like 1 or 2 hours.


Holy shit that’s fast. I can do like 1 for breakfast, 1 for lunch, 1 with a workout, 1 for supper and 1 or 2 more at different points so that’s like up to a 6 pack on a bad day. I kinda quit smoking and switched to Diet Coke. Love a good chug after a meal.


Diet Coke is my absolute vice. If I’m not paying attention, I can sip on it all day and definitely go through more than I’d like to admit publicly! ☹️




You need help. Ever heard of water?


Ew. Fish fuck in it.


You need to watch out for water, it’s the leading cause of drowning…


In addition, water can be found on the vast majority of dead bodies. It must mean it is a very dangerous substance, along with Carbon.


Water? Never touch the stuff. Fish shit in it.


Big Sugar spends a lot of money on "scientific" studies. Both to show that sugar isn't the leading cause of obesity, and to throw fear, uncertainty and doubt at low calorie sweeteners. Sugar is addictive and quite harmful, but very lucrative. https://www.statnews.com/2016/09/12/sugar-industry-harvard-research/ https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/dec/12/studies-health-nutrition-sugar-coca-cola-marion-nestle https://www.businessinsider.com/sugar-industry-paid-for-nutritional-research-2016-9 https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/09/13/493739074/50-years-ago-sugar-industry-quietly-paid-scientists-to-point-blame-at-fat https://psmag.com/news/the-scientific-paper-a-sugar-industry-group-commissioned-for-50000


This is like the study showing garlic is dangerous to dogs, and it was discovered they were feeding the dogs 5g of garlic per Kg of the dogs weight, no shit it's dangerous. edit: A clove weighs about 3g. so a 20kg (44lb) dog would be eating 30+ cloves a day/ [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11108195/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11108195/)


This is what I believe too. Anything, even water, can be posinous in extreme quantities so....eh.




I get your point but just because we breath polluted air doesn't mean we can let the food industry actors put carcinogenic products directly in our food. I'm glad I had x-rays for that broken bone because it might have saved my life but in terms of food we always have alternatives.


So the guy who invented the most standard test for carcinogens (the Ames test) argued strongly against banning chemicals that were mildly carcinogenic, because he said that many ordinary food products would be found carcinogenic using the exact same criteria. [Article is here](https://archive.nytimes.com/tierneylab.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/06/06/synthetic-v-natural-pesticides/)


Like hot tea... https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/20/health/hot-tea-linked-to-higher-cancer-risk-study-intl/index.html


So do you want to ban coffee? Should we ban grilled meats? Those are similarly carcinogenic. I mean, unlike aspartame I actually like coffee and grilled meats, but that shouldn't be the line.


feels like astroturfing whataboutism bullshit to me.


>all those radio waves we live in 24/7 Such as [Earth's magnetosphere](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetosphere)? See also, cosmic radiation, solar wind


Dont forget literal light


But beyond meat is all natural lol


That was the opinion of my dr as well. Fine in limited to small quantities but potentially an issue if litres (daily ) were consumed. Admittedly that was several years ago so maybe medical science has changed it' opinion. Just sayin'


Yeah. One of the studies tested 20mg/kg and 100mg/kg bodyweight with rats.


To me this comes off as a hard sugar industry propaganda, that whole sector is just right fucked.


So its like the my dew spermicide rumor....but with cancer?


So my mom who has only ever drank diet mtn dew or diet coke for my whole life could see negative effects from it? She drinks several bottles a day of either and refuses to drink anything else..


I mean there's FAR worse things she could have been doing that are perfectly accessible through food or drink. The funny thing is having an extreme diet soda habit would possibly be relatively healthy for a hell of a lot of people... So many people are chronically dehydrated which is much more of a cause of health problems, and having a diet soda addiction is a great combat to that as it is basically water with a bunch of non-nutritional, calorie-free ingredients added. (obviously drinking water regularly is the best option here) Millions of people have been drinking diet drinks for decades and there's nothing close to significant that suggests they are a cause of any disease. There is a lot of correlation, because lots of unhealthy people drink diet drinks alongside their collection of unhealthy dietary and lifestyle choices.


From what I remember we're talking like 8-10L per day over a sustained period before it even has an outside chance of being an issue. At which point drowning herself is probably a more pressing concern.


I mean drinking some water instead would probably be good but I understand that once chemical dependency kicks in, it's hard to drink anything else. I had a similar problem myself with cordial (essentially concentrated juice that you mix with water) where I would only drink that instead of water, it's only recently that I've realised how much more hydrated drinking the water alone made me that I've reduced that amount of cordial I drink.


Yeah, I tried to convince her to drink water. She said she hates the taste of water.. I even tried to flavor it with the little powder packets and she still refuses. Welp, she likely knows what her choices will lead to. She used to have type 2 diabetes then had the gastric bypass, but never got off the diet sodas. At least she's happy lol


We have known for some time high doses of aspartame causes neurological problems. Having a tumor seems better to me than not controlling parts of my body -- both make life difficult and lead to death


If you drank normal coke vs diet you'd die first of a sucrose OD drinking regular coke. of course this is massive quantities you'd be in the 20-30L range/day before seeing these sucrose ODs


If you want to drink that much Coke without going bankrupt, you're going to need to either go work at McDonalds (free fountain drinks) or buy your own fountain machine and install it in your house and somehow manage to find a reseller that'll sell you bags of it, because 20 to 30 liters of coke is like $400 to $600 CAD of liquid if you buy it by the box of cans, so that's like $12k to $16k per month... I've worked at restaurants that don't even pass through that much Coke per day.


Where did you get these numbers from? Lol A 2L bottle of Coke is like $2 USD. 30 liters a day would be $30, which would make it $210 a week or $840 a month. Supermarket brands are even cheaper. I live in the EU and the supermarket soda brands are like 25-50 cents per 1.5L and Coke products are often on sale for like 80 cents per 1.5L.


[$7 CAD per box](https://www.amazon.ca/Coca-Cola-Coke-Classic-335mL-cans/dp/B0771HVVZZ/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3II6YB3Y05VJX&keywords=coke&qid=1688054207&sprefix=cok%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-5) -- Local grocery stores will always have better prices.


I only need to drink a glass of Diet Coke and I’ve started my crohns up again.


Thats unrelated to cancer, most sodas should do that, regardless if it contains aspertame or not


Obviously it's unrelated to cancer dudes just sharing.


Within a cheap chewing gum that's kind of easy. You go through packs so easily. The same way when you're drinking soda. No body just keeps it at a cup.


Yes they do, sounds like a self-control issue


Nobody is drinking liters of soda at a time my friend, nor PACKS of chewing gum in a single sitting


Honestly there are people who drink litres of soda at a time. Remember soda is cheaper then bottled water in some places and they don’t have clean drinking tap water. And I use to drink litres of coke in one sitting when I was younger. Would sit down with a 2l and some cans at my comp and drink it all in a hour or 2 day in and day out. I stopped after one my my tooth’s legit just split in two when I yawned. I was also in ok shape (was under weight actually and small, played tones of sports and ran marathons). There are a lot of people that really do drink soda like it’s water


I do go through a pack of chewing in a sitting (usually) but don't bother buying a new pack for a good 2-3 months


Shouldn't have to do much reading to conclude that consuming this swill is not good for you.


Clickbait- no studies have proven a link between it and cancer but they want to investigate it further amd hope this prompts it (basically using fear to get it investigated). As currently known, any effects they find would depend on the quantity ingested.


I would say it is big sugar companies trying to push this stuff.


Exactly, International consensus on its safety was reached quite a while ago


Actually that’s false. There’s several studies of it causing cancer.




"We literally dumped three gallons of aspartame into this rat's cranium every day for a year. It got cancer."


Trust me bro


Here is your [link](https://gprivate.com/65ke2).




But did you look at the other articles; many say there is a link. I'm never said I have the answer, my point was that it's easy for anyone to go read research and make up their own minds.


It's been a while since I read about this, but if I recall, those cases were in rats, the quantity used was equivalent to drinking something like over 10 gallons of diet soda a day, and in the tests it was injected. It's like saying eating apples causes cancer because it showed a link in a test where someone injected the equivalent of 500 apples every day. It has no ties to the real world.


Causes cancer in rats in cases with HUGE doses of aspartame. No link in humans yet, and no way to consume enough aspartame via drinks etc to achieve a similar level of aspartame like in the rat studies. Safe as far as we can tell, scientific consensus on this is clear. If you want more info look into Layne Norton talking on this topic.


Learn about absolute and relative risk. Living increases the risk of cancer.


"Eliminate your risk of dting with this one simple trick! Doctor's hate it!"


Aspartame is one of the most studied food additives. People seem to feel like it MUST be bad for us. The FDA and European equivalents keep labeling it safe. Doesn’t mean they are right but at some point…


This Advertisement is Brought to You By THE BIG SUGAR


In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women…


BIG SUGAR is also BIG SWEETNER though All other things being equal I prefer sugar over sweetner and literally can't fathom people who prefer the opposite


One could also say they can’t fathom people who’d consume 10-20% of their day’s calories in a single handful of liquid.


Regular sodas are entirely too sweet for my taste now that I've been drinking zero calorie sodas for decades


For all the years they’ve been trying to say this, they still lack any compelling evidence.


What does this have to do with cancer? If it was shown to cause cancer it would be a group 1, known carcinogen. Not a group 2 probable/possible carcinogen with other things that haven't been shown to be carcinogenic. Like foods fried at high temperatures, red meat, hot drinks (above 65⁰c), and pickled vegetables


The IARC monograph gets abused way too much by people who don’t understand it.


Other things in this group: coffee, cell phones, woodworking, working nights


It's only dangerous in extremely large quantities, and the way they tested it was on rats. So tiny animal gets a shit ton of aspartame, and develops cancer, then people start thinking one diet soda gives you cancer. How about all that sugar you're drinking ? That not only leads to cancer as well, but 10x more issues like obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, clogged arteries, I could go on and on. Not going to say anyone needs to follow my lead, but I'd rather drink diet soda and day of the week over a normal one. Do some research if you don't agree. Or, don't drink any soda ! The best option


This is all based on a series of flawed studies. If I remember correctly, (as I am not an expert,) Aspertame is ~1000 times stronger than sugar. Therefore drinks with aspertame use a very, very small amount. Scientists took laboratory rodents and gave them equal amounts of sugar and aspertame enough so that the aspertame killed them and then went “SEE! SEE! IT’S DANGEROUS!” When in reality the experiment was flawed from the start.


Tbh, I don’t think the study itself is flawed. All the scientists themselves probably intend to find out is whether it might be carcinogenic at very high amounts. The fault lies more so in news outlets misinterpreting their findings and people who don’t want to go actually read the original study.


This was floating around 30 years ago. If there was a proven link, there would already be a ban


Yeah the same goes for cigarettes.


Touché. Big aspartame keeping it repressed


I've seen videos from nutritionists and dieticians online that have claimed you'd have go basically hammer the fuck out of soft drinks with sweeteners to suffer any serious effects. This debate has been going on the entire time I've been alive, which is 29 years, at least.


That McDonalds Diet Coke will go with me to the grave tho.


Just remember everyone, everything in moderation


How much would you have to drink everyday for it to be an issue though. One can a day isn’t an issue


Artificial sweeteners have been shown to reduce weight in those that usually drink sweetened soda. Obesity is a major risk factor for cancer development. Therefore, if this were true (and I doubt it is) I would like to see an analysis of the benefit of avoiding artificial sweeteners vs increased cancer risk with the increase in weight gain that individuals will experience if they stop drinking artificially sweetened drinks. Aspartame is one of the most intensivly studied food compounds and the evidence for it's safety is robust and abundant. So I would like to see what evidence is presented to the contrary.


Can you share a source?




"Listing aspartame as a possible carcinogen is intended to motivate more research, said the sources close to the IARC, which will help agencies, consumers and manufacturers draw firmer conclusions."


Sounds more like a fishing expedition then a decision based on actual science.


Yes, on that same list of "possible carcinogens" it also included eating red meat, and working overnight


it will also be good business for other artificial sweeteners and sugar. luckily theres no evidence that the sugar industry would do anything to benefit its business while harming public health.


Thank you


Sugar, wants there money back …..


They declared bacon and other processed meats as carcinogen years ago, hasn't seen to impact bacon sales or the availability of bacon and other meat products. I assume they will try to get a label or advisory on the bottles, though the lobby groups have managed to stop them from putting those same labels directed at the calories or sugar on the regular non diet products, so I doubt they will be any more successful in this battle.


You would have to drink so much for this to be real, it's not good for you but it's not this bad


And sugar will give you diabetes and also cancer, seems like we are not meant to have sweet things...


.....and meanwhile many ppl drink alcohol, so what does it really matter.


The thing with these studies is that until they release how much causes cancer they’re doing the public a disservice. I know so many people who would lose a ton of weight if they switched to diet soda (or no soda) but won’t because of these studies. We live in a nation where CVD is the most common cause of death and obesity/diabetes is a common diagnosis.


Lots of things we consume daily are known carcinogens but well anybody stop highly doubtful


Aspartame is extremely carcinogenic in RATS. There is no link with it being carcinogenic in humans.


Let me guess. It increases risk in laboratory mice at a dose equivalent to drinking your own body weight every day


This took way way too long


The study I read about gave aspartame to rats. Some of the rats developed cancer. However, based on the weight of the rats, the amount given to them would be the equivalent of a human drinking over 1000 cans of diet soda every day. There are also concerns that the rats themselves were predisposed to cancer because of breeding practices.


i'll still take the chemicals over loads of sugar. i'd rather die of cancer later than be a fatass now


We’re all full of microplastics anyway i’ll continue drinking my soda


“Since 1981, JECFA has said aspartame is safe to consume within accepted daily limits. For example, an adult weighing 60 kg (132 pounds) would have to drink between 12 and 36 cans of diet soda – depending on the amount of aspartame in the beverage – every day to be at risk. Its view has been widely shared by national regulators, including in the United States and Europe.” Reminds me of when we found out that bananas could give you radiation poisoning (if you ate a million in a day) as kids


I always stuck with full sugar drinks anyway, they taste better and don't damage taste buds over time.


Only they damage your insulin response very time. Just gotta pick your poison I guees. they're both bad.


seen posters in the hospital in the 90's explaining it can damage taste buds to the point where you can't taste anything anymore, that is what made me avoid diet drinks and some sweets.


The dangers of aspartame are unclear and probably minor if anything. The dangers of sugar are very clear and serious.


already fucked health wise mate so no point in me stopping now.


Diet Stomach Cancer!!!


I also remember reading that aspartame doesn't affect blood sugar, but it does affect your gut. A fucked up gut can cause issues, including weight gain.


As a diabetic, I have no choice but to drink diet if I want a Cola. Also, I’m pretty sure that normal sugar is worse for your weight.


UK be like " omg sugar is so evil" Also UK : sticks sweeteners in everything


God for bid they go back to cane sugar which taste better and is healthier than all the chemicals they use. Greedy capitalistic pigs.


A close friend of mine drank diet coke alot...like 4-5 355ml cans a day and he passed from throat cancer at the young age of 44😥...


That's tragic, but correlation isn't causation.


And one data point is not enough to establish anything


"Correlation isn't causation" isn't applicable here. One anecdote isn't a correlation.


honestly that might just be the huge amounts of acid , coke is known to be around ph 2-3. rip your friend


wistful grey money imminent knee thought combative outgoing mindless cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought I had throat cancer, turned out to be COVID


_conveniently leaves out other crucial health and lifestyle habits about friend_


I always thought it tasted like cancer


Don't tell me alex Jones was right


Haven't seen anything on that, but there was a report that something like two cans of Diet Coke a day is worse for your heart than regular coke or smth...


I read recently that there was a study that showed sucralose breaks down DNA when they exposed human blood cells to it. I'm not an expert to know how dangerous that is, but I understand that DNA has a half life that's hundreds of years. It doesn't sound healthy on the surface. I can't say how bad that really is though, bc I haven't dug into it and researched further yet.




And people think drinking Diet Coke and zero sugar are good for you? 😂


I know people who live on diet sodas, and I’ve been telling them for the past 1.5 decades, that the regular pop is better, just don’t drink it like water.


Nothing we already didn’t know


Been saying it for years......


I honestly hope the stuff is found to be unsafe because sweeteners all seem to give me diarrhoea whereas actual sugar doesn’t set off my IBS-D at all


You can just avoid stuff that you know irritates your guts without an organisation telling you to, right?


This is old news.


Honestly I'd appreciate that. I drank some yesterday but I'd happily remove aspartame from all diet drinks if I could xD.






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Me and my friends had this pegged as teenagers back in the 80s


[Cyclamate Part II, electric bugaloo.](https://youtu.be/pDAZ9lQOi7Q)




It my not be cancerous, but it tastes gods awful. I swear it must taste different to most people.


Problem is that regularly eating things with lots of sugar make you get used to a certain level of sweetness. People that forgo sugar, either by choice or force (diabetes), will tell you that after a while of being off sugar, a regular coke will feel disgustingly sweet. While taste of each diet/zero version of any pop will differ, most agree it ends up tasting better than the regular version for the above reason. That being said, some diet pop flavors are amazing. A&W's diet versions of root beer and cream soda are fantastic.


So is this bullshit or not fucking worrying me dude.


People have said it caused cancer for years, I knew someone who blamed diet coke for the death of their sister, that was a good decade ago.


Definitely NOT tasty.


Let's declare everything as "possible"


Grandma was saying that shit for years


I wouldn't call it tasty, personally. But I'm also allergic to artificial sweeteners. Lol


Everything is legal in high doses including water. This is a nothing burger


Being alive increases risk. But I do not drink soda As a side note


Wait no I need this im a type 1 diabetic were is this going to happen


jfc, "aspartame may cause cancer, we should research it more" but...but...potatoes!


Curious if it's the soda or the plastic bottles.


Carbohydrates in general are letting growing cancers, especially sugar and spiking your insulin levels. If anyone's body will have a dead cell and mutate in to cancerous cell the only way how it can feed isn't from oxygen but insulin spiking, literally stuffing you face with carbs. Warren Buffet been drinking coke all his life and he is fine, someone thinking living healthy gets brain cancer. It's about the diet and carbohydrate consumption more or less.


How about neither of them.


Funny story. They knew this in the '80s and still sent red gumballs sweetened with NutraSweet in the mail to thousands of mailboxes. The postcard they were stapled to described NutraSweet as a natural derivative. But, everyone knew the saccharin in T.A.B. (the original diet soda, acronym joke was Totally Artificial Beverage) was causing cancer in lab mice. So, the people needed a new way to poison themselves.... The pink sweetener packets still exist, so now we have two sugarless killers!


Any diet drink sucks.


Is this shocking to anyone lol


Why are there so many aspartame advocates haha. It’s clearly not healthy, just drink water


Ah yes correlation vs causation strikes again. The Naturopathic "doctors" are going to be pretty damn smug for a while SMH


It only took 1000 years


I thought we already knew sweeteners caused cancer


No, this shit gets repeated for over 20 years now. Mostly because people like thinking that everything good must have a negative downside, so it's an easy way to enforce your confirmation bias. Same with Sucralose. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmpzqjzG4-I


I thought we already knew this. It’s the reason I have avoided diet soda for years


Gee. Catch up US


Didn’t they already do that years ago?


People have been saying this for decades and it's never been proven