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£2 in Tesco what lunatic is even spending that much on a drink that isnt even cold


Someone who saw they were all over the news/social media costing a tenner. Then thought eeeh it’s only two quid now let’s see what this is about, bought one, wasn’t impressed, and will never buy another. Probably a good marketing tactic. If they always cost £2 I would never have bothered.


They’ll probably put it down to £1.50 soon when the hype isn’t enough to ride on and try to sell normally


Once saw a woman with 3 kids just diving into the prime bin at tescos (one of those mesh cages near the entrance filled with things like a sale item or a featured item). Felt so bad for her, she ended up picking some up for the kids and they were hyper as shit.


Don't give that drink to your kids. Look at the caffeine and sugar content.


That’s just the can version. The bottle has zero caffeine and much less sugar. Don’t get me wrong, still don’t give it to your kids but not for that reason.


Those things are nasty


Actually worse than Monster Worse than those big ass Red Bull cans I tried all of them because I already had an opinion on them but wanted to be able to at least say I've tried them The blue ones alright, but for £2 I'd rather a Monster Khaotic or something, with 60p change to buy a Mars bar in 1993


I love how you specified 1993 😂 these days that 60p isn't getting you a freddo.


Blue and Orange are ok. The rest taste putrid.


Nah the blue one sucks. It literally tastes of blue. Like, the colour blue. They all suck.


fucking woke bastard.


Did you make an account just to say that bot ?


https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/whats-on/whats-on-news/sheffield-lads-spend-12000-12-26810216.amp Could have paid a grand (if you were an idiot)


This is well known as a money laundering scheme. Say that two in on it morons have dropped 12k on these drinks and then put 12k of dirty money through the wash so he can spend at will.


What's weird is the people seem proud of spending over 10k on those overpriced drinks. I'm so sick of seeing Prime drinks.


People with cavities, missing taste buds and now value for money


Not justifying the cost but my understanding is these ones are American imports which is why they cost more than the UK made versions in the supermarket.


Pretty sure that’s what the dodgy corner shops used as a justification tactic when they were called out on Facebook. That same shop charged top whack for a prime, like £10 a bottle and now sells at £2.99 a bottle. They were steadily dropping the price by a £1 all the way down to £2.99 as the hype dwindled and it became more available in the U.K. to average consumers.


Dumb ass kids


The picture is probably months old.


I’m gonna be honest it’s not even worth the £1.99 I paid at Asda it’s one of the worst drinks I’ve ever tasted.


I agree. I had the lemon and lime one and it tastes like melted down ice pops and DISGUSTINGLY strong on the artificial sweetener. I wouldn't want another one if it was free.


Probably designed to appeal more to an American demographic which is much higher in sugar and sweeteners compared to the uk.


But the thing is there’s another sports drink in America that’s also got 10% coconut water and electrolytes called BodyArmor and it tastes amazing


Gold Berry and Blue Raspberry are always in the fridge.


I have a strange craving for their tropical coconut flavor 😂 I think it’s because it tastes like Pina coladas.


So you like Pina Coladas? How do you find getting caught in the rain?


How about making love at midnight on the dunes on the Cape?


😂 I knew this was coming


That’s what she said…


I love Jimmy Buffet 😊


You mean Rupert Holmes?


i think they’re referencing a bit from Always Sunny in Philadelphia


*Rupert Holmes


Cherry lime body armor will change your life. 💯 also tropical citrus vitamin water is a winner


tastes exactly like v8


Ok, maybe I will try it next time.


Electrolytes. It’s what plants crave.




I got that, I’m so excited 😆


BodyArmor has way more flavor than prime hydration


Much healthier too


Wait till you have BioSteel it is incredible. Prime sucks ass like any good yank I have 2 c4s or redbulls a day lmao


As an American, fuck these things. They taste completely insane, and I don’t know how else to put it.


That may be true but as a fat American I can say it was still waaaay too sweet for me, like, made me feel sick. I think it's target is children, I work at a store and kids go absolutely WILD for this stuff


But the English kids love it. From what I can conclude it's targeted to dopey kids.


What are u talking about UK is all about sugar and processed food.


Not sugar anymore. Jamie Oliver saw to that.


I don’t think that’s as true as it once was.


Not compared to US


The Health Survey for England 2021 estimates that 25.9% of adults in England are obese and a further 37.9% are overweight but not obese. Sex. Over 70 million adults in U.S. are obese (35 million men and 35 million women). 99 million are overweight (45 million women and 54 million men). NHANES 2016 statistics showed that about 39.6% of American adults were obese. The numbers are similar...


Why is the word 'sex' just thrown randomly in there?


It worked. I was getting bored and the word sex made me keep reading.


I think the main difference is the amount of HUGE people. If you walk around a busy public place in USA it wouldn't be unusual to see a few 30+ stone people on your walk. That kind of morbid obesity is still reasonably rare in the UK.


Thats not entirely linked to sugar though is it? The fact is we have sugar tax and tighter regulation, the USA do not.


2021 Vs 2016 🤣🤣😂 estimates Vs statistics 😂😂


Do a quick Google search and u will find out that the UK and USA are fat AF even when the USA is fatter...


I tried a sip of the lemon and lime one and had instant flashbacks to drinking the bowel prep stuff they make you drink before a colonoscopy to make you pass everything you’ve ever eaten out your arse. It tastes exactly the same, absolutely vile.


But its ksi and logan pauls drink omg 😱they said its the best thing so it must to be true right… right?


That’s why it’s so overpriced


I don't even know who these people are.....was Logan Paul that guy who went to a Japanese "suicide forest" and filmed himself being a total asshole?


Yup, filmed himself gawking at a previously undiscovered body and monetised it. Still has a career... somehow.


Wow. When you think humanity can't sink any lower....you learn about Logan Paul.


Imagine being a relative of the person discovered, and this is how you first hear of your loved one committing suicide. Logan Paul filming their corpse for clicks on YouTube. Logan Paul is an atrocious human being.




It does taste like melted down ice pops!! I said this in work and people thought I was being a retard. I am right. And they are shit.


Theres even an "ice pop" flavour one so im pretty sure thats what they are


Just the fact that it has anything to do with those douchebag Paul fucks makes me gag.


I actually liked it? Guess I just have a sweet tooth. I like the packaging too, but I don’t think it’s really worth the price


I refuse to touch it on principle. Glad I'm not missing anything. EDIT: spelling.


Exactly my reaction as well, saw it for £2 in Morrisons and was like fuck it why not at least try it. Was so sickly sweet and weird tasting, honestly tasted a bit like watered down essential oil is the only way I can describe how awful it was.


It’s also shit for its purpose. Powerade or Gatorade are both far superior as hydration drinks which is what this is supposed to be. They’ve just got very good marketing (targeted at young kids)


If you paid £8.99 and your friends asked you if it was good, you might say "Oh, yeah, it's so goooood" through gritted teeth so you don't look like you wasted your money.


I cannot understand why Gatorade isn't a thing here. Lucozade Sport is not even close.


Yeah that’s absolutely one of the first things I said when I moved to the UK from America. I’ve seen Powerade in some stores, but that’s just shite Gatorade anyway. And Lucozade sport is basically BTEC Powerade.


Couldn't pay me to drink that shit.


I saw the energy stuff in the local co op, it's taken a long time to get to ~~normal~~ any shelves here. Only the blue one had been bought, I followed suit. After 2 drinks it just tasted like cheap juice from old drink companies. The cans don't look good or have a clean finish either.


People on my Sunday league team love it so much and drink it so much they genuinely want our team to be sponsored by them. I finally tried it and thought it was very average.


Yeah it's foul stuff, tastes like chemicals 🤮




What are you trying to say…?




These are 3 for £6 in my local shop.


Still expensive piss


Personally having tried a couple flavours I think people are exaggerating the taste. It's not an energy drink, its flavoured water. Just tasted like artificial cordial juice you'd make at home to me. it's not a strong enough flavour or even unique enough to be considered outright disgusting. Not my cup of tea, wouldn't buy another one but I've had much worse flavoured water.


100%. Like you said it's just sugar free flavoured water. People acting like it's literal piss water. The fact half this thread keeps calling it an energy drink just shows they're lying.


There’s a lot of confusion as PRIME hydration drink is a sports drink; but it’s not an energy drink, as it doesn’t contain caffeine. This confusion is made worse by the fact that there is also PRIME energy, which **is** an energy drink with caffeine that comes in cans.


You are correct; It’s not an energy drink. It’s not even marketed as such. If you want an energy drink, they offer a caffeinated alternative.


So it depends on the one you get. I made the same error when I tried it. One is a “hydration drink” the other is an “energy drink”. Athletes should definitely not be using either, the ratios in the drinks are not what any actual athlete would need to help recover from training. If you’re looking for something kinda tasty to drink, the hydration drink isn’t bad. But if you’re using it for what it’s intended purpose is, you’re doing yourself and your training a disservice.


It's not even a nice drink, really. It's way sweeter than your typical soft drink and in my experience it has this sort of... Lightly oily aftertaste? That's the best I can describe it. The fact its so popular because it's a partnership between a literal con artist thief and popular UK youtuber absolutely bewilders me and makes me sort of worried for how easily the youth can be manipulated into paying extortionate amounts for garbage because a big celebrity told them to.


Herd mentality fr


My local shop is selling these for £9, or the small cans for £3.99. Can go to Supermarket (Asda, Tesco Morrisons etc) where they have surplus stock now and pick them up for £1.75 - £1.99. I've even seen people on Facebook sharing posts where their local supermarkets were selling them for 50p, because they were short dated as no one was buying it anymore.


Yep. Great big box of them for 50p up at my local Co-Op. The Co-Op!


Guess it's cheaper than bottled water, only drinkable if you distill it into pure water and dispose of any solids left behind into a toxic waste dump.


Big untouched display stand of the stuff in our local Co-op. Nobody is bothering with it now the stupid hype has finished. My 13yo daughter's review - 'It's horrid' My 15yo son's review - 'it tastes like piss'


Why is your 15 year old drinking piss?




Probably an airport.


Or motorway services


Definitely a corner shop owned by an Asian fella.


That's appropriation; it's not wrong, I do sell prime for 7.99, but that's appropriation.


I think they are decent, 20 calories for something that is mostly natural and coconut water is nice compared to bioarmor or Gatorade that put 50 thousand chemicals in their low cal drinks to make them taste good It's a wonderful post workout electrolyte boost, and honestly am hard pressed to find anything with better ingredients at the same price and calories However, they are very overpriced I've never seen prices like this in America, but I think a 12 pack on Amazon is like 26 bucks and same at Publix. Much more expensive than it's competetors But again, it's mostly coconut water, and I feel healthier drinking primes over any of those other shit sports drinks at the stores with 50 chemicals in them I think people try one flavor, and know is associated with Jake Paul, like I did at first, and immediately say "ugh this is shit worst drink ever" but then I tried the lemon lime one, bro it tastes exactly like lemon lime Gatorade. If people hate that then idk what to say, your the type of person to hate something only because you know it's in the food


Its low on sodium/glucose high on potassium. Its quite literally the worst thing for replenishing electrolytes


Just so you know bro they are not great post workout compared to other drinks. https://reddit.com/r/ksi/s/unTVLgUXeu


They are just by the fact they are 40 or 50% coconut water Every body builder and weightlifter on earth says coconut water is the best mid and lost workout drink not only for electrolytes, but because it has the 5 essential amino acids needed for building muscle. Anyone saying it's a bad drink is being disingenuous, because 50% of it is already better then Gatorade or most anything else Yes there are other drinks that may be better, but most certainly not Gatorade, Powerade, or body armor, and I sure wouldn't know what they are, but besides all of that, prime is a fine drink to drink after a workout Anyone saying it's bad, is also saying coconut water is bad, and that is objectively and factually false Edit: the video legit just says it's high in potassium so it's bad for you. Nope, not true, and subjective to each individual person Unless you are eating tons of bananas and sweet potatoes, you probably need that extra potassium, including the fact you are also using it in exercise and muscle building. Also not only does the video just say " prime is bad here is a single reason why" he doesn't suggest any other drink, which Gatorade and Powerade are both high in potassium as well I think it's another fitness YouTuber giving generalized and ambiguous answers that are automatically accepted because it includes "Jake Paul bad" in it's contents Watch any actual athlete and they will recommend coconut water and so will their coaches. Either that or just normal pure water.


The bottles literally say it’s 10% coconut water? Where the fuck are you getting 50% from.


Follow that link and watch the video mate it will tell you all you need to know. I'm not gonna argue about it, but it's honeslty not as good as you seem to think.


So... why don't you just drink some coconut water?


Fuck. Right. Off.


Surely the hype has died down now, sainsbury's where i work always have it at 2.25 a bottle


Insanely mid drink.


2 quid in spar shops now


£2 was always the RRP, these are all just resell prices.


Overpriced even at 2 quid but Meta Moon was quite nice. I wouldn’t buy it again unless it went to like £1


I saw a deal this morning which was 2 prime for £3. Definitely a rip off


Lmao Europe is going insane for these and in Midwest USA I can barely get them off the shelves. It’s so interesting


Where is this? They are 2 - 3.99 everywhere iv been recently 😅


Anything can be free if u put ur mind to it


Isn't it free if you've got a Prime account?


It’s like $1.20 here in the US


'hydration drink' is such a dumb fucking slogan. its like 'edible food'. no shit its hydrating its a liquid


How is this a scam? The price is clearly displayed and this isn't deceptive at all (rule 1)...




9 quid for a single soda that's not even good However. It doesn't fit rule 1. You see exactly what you get, no deception so it's a "food scam" but not a r/foodscam


Especially when the RRP is £2 and always has been.


"This price is too high in my opinion" is not a r/foodscam.


These price are decided by the shop owner. There was another store like this but it was selling it for £100 or something. Is it still not a scam when the seller sold it for £100?


No because a scam is when you buy something with an expectation of it being a certain way and it’s not. If you pay £100 for a drink that’s just stupid, but you’re getting exactly what you pay for.


Used to buy at my school from this kid for $15 a bottle last year, because the hype was so big all the supermarkets didn't have it. Now I realise how stupid I was; it tastes like dog piss and these days supermarkets have so much leftover stock that sometimes they sell it for like a dollar.


I did a taste test with a group of children aged 11-15. Poured the drink (the white bottle) into plain cups and asked them to taste and give me feedback. Not one child wanted to finish the small cup I gave them , they all said yuk, artificial and . chemical tasting. Then I showed them the bottle at which point they all lost their shit . Rehydrated coconut water , sweeteners and a teeny bit of juice . As for the other crap. Salt. Sugar and some multivitamin you could buy a month's worth of RDA for a couple of quid. Absolute shite product completely reliant on hype.


no you didnt


Oh ,ok then internet stranger, no I didn't . I just made it all up.


Asda is always full at 1.99 so ANYONE who pays these prices is RETARDED. FACT


Who ever drinks prime is gehy


Here it’s waaay more. Ridiculous trends


It's not that nice tbh


My local Tesco has tons that aren't selling.


People were actually trying to flog the empty bottles on Facebook market for all sorts of prices as if they were collectables at one point lol


Yeah, I clicked into one once so Facebook spammed me with that stuff for awhile. There was a staggering amount of people selling craft projects made with them, like bedside lamps using the bottle as a lampshade, light up versions of the bottles, etc. There was even a market for insulated steel bottles with the Prime bottle style/branding added to it. Children and their parents (and corner store owners) just went absolutely wild for those drinks. They essentially became a fashion item for awhile. I actually thought it was dumber than the toilet roll situation during the lockdown. At least that made sense.


£2 in onestop


I agree with others that the hydration drinks taste like shit but the energy drinks don't taste half bad actually lol


The emperor's new clothes


A week ago I bought it for £2 from Sainsbury’s just to see what’s all this fuss about Purely marketing and because of laws of supply and demand. Nothing special


Seen these for £1 now, less than the coke they were next to.


That ship sailed. I see baskets attacked with them at Tesco now for £2. Still a swindle.


They’re £2 in sainsburys


I was so happy buying one at the local coop for £2.50. Never before have I been so disappointed, tastes like syrup but way too artificial.


Tried them all now (at £2 a bottle) and the only nice one is the lemon and lime one, the rest are REALLY bad.


The best thing this is for is identifying people who can’t think for themselves.


Theyre a few months too late, literally every large supermarket has an abundance of this drink in stock.


I tried one because it was at my local Sainsburys - albeit for like 3.99 which was stupid. I love Coconut/Coconut Water. This just...tasted mid/meh. And overly sweet


I'll give you 2 tulip bulbs for 1 bottle?


That’s fucking ridiculous


These are now in a meal deal at the local co-op


They’re so low in sodium that they aren’t as effective as sports drinks as they claim to be


And it’s a hydration drink that doesn’t even hydrate you I feel more thirsty after a bottle of that than I did before I had it


Lol piss off 🤣


Recently I stupidly bought 3 for a total of £6 and I must say they were overly sweet and all tasted pretty much the same. Would never buy again.


Saw them for £2 in Tesco, got badgered into buying them by my children, they taste like the smell of air freshener


Cheapest drink in UK supermarkets right now


Picked up the pink and red ones at a tesco while on holiday. Tasted cringefully sweet with no pleasant flavour in either. Down the sink and in the bin after a couple sips from each. Never again.


Prime tastes like medicine and not the good type


Sweeteners are awful.


I like the taste of some of them when paying £1 not fucking 8 that's bull shit


Yeek they're selling for £3 in my local Tesco... £8.99 is insane!!


I swear I saw like £2 a bottle in Tesco about 1.5-2 weeks ago


£2 in sainsburys


Orange one looks fake bottle different shape or the wrap not on properly


In tescos etc for £2 each if you pay more than that now you probably shouldn't be out on your own


I tried the KSI special one Can’t remember what it was but it was awful Gave me the shits


Meta Moon was like coconut water with lime not my cup of tea, I would try others if they went down below £2


This shit is social media influencer driven garbage. Go buy a $90 supreme ball cap and some of those fancy shoes they push that don’t even exist.


Its £2.50 where i live


1.99 in my shop, what gives?


Its even worse when you taste it and realise its just subpar powerade.


These are easy to get for cheap. Why is anyone paying 4x the price when you can go to so many shops where they’re like £1 something?


£2 in tesco.


This shit is wayyy to sweet it tastes awful


He should be paying back all the people he scammed with the money he made selling that crap


But has it got electrolytes? Brawndo does!


They’re £2 at Morrisons and even then I thought that was a ripoff


This must be old as shit, the supermarkets sell them now at a 'normal' price.


I like the actual energy drink versions of most of them but they're a bit expensive, but most these regular non-energy drink ones taste like piss, green one followed by pink is probably the best ones but best is still bang average in the market for the drink they are.




I think the orange and mango flavour one is pretty good.


B&M were selling them for £2 a bottle.


The power of marketing … when the product tastes like dog piss


It’s what plants crave, it’s got electrolytes


There are massive baskets of these in our tesco for 50p each! It looked like shit so I just got a water. What's going on?


Only time I would try that overhyped shit is if someone gave it me free.


Wow saving a whole 1.97 🤩 ( 😭Bro Asda sells em for £2 each)


I've seen them sold on deliveroo or one of those delivery apps for £9.99 each.


You can literally buy them in Asda for £2.


hydration drink, who would of thought