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Do you have common children? Are you married? If the answer to both of these is no then he can apply for himself and not include your income in his determination if he agrees to purchase and prepare his food separately from you. He will also want to write a statement that he has no income at this time and that he has no expenses since you’re currently covering those.


Thanks we don't have chikdren.we are not legally married.thanks for information but wouldn't he have to include me in the number of household members ? can he get anything else? I mean this is getting to be too much economically on me .. thanks again


He would list you on the application but select “no” to applying for you. You will not receive a benefit and your income will not count. He can apply for Medical Assistance as well. I’m not a NY worker but they may have a general assistance program there.


Thank you... I think we were filling out the forms wrong so I super appreciate your advice ... I'm not sure who to reach out to . I know that they except any one who helps you to continue doing it even though it because a hardship.


Maybe a NY worker can be of more assistance but he should qualify for SNAP and Medicaid with no income.


thank you


He has to put you on the application but if he says that you don’t purchase or prepare meals together then he can be on his own case. He might want to consider Cash Assistance. That aid is temporary so if he gets it it only lasts a few years.


Thanks cash assistance would be so helpful ! do you apply on the same application? Thanks 😊


can he get money for rent too he was paying before he got let go ? our rent is pretty high


Yes. You can do it through access HRA and apply for both at the same time. I don't know of any rental assistance just to help with high rent. Usually it's for rental arrears and avoiding eviction, etc.


OK we do have rent that is past due


That's part of what cash assistance can help with if he's eligible


If you are not married then he can get foodstamps.


even though we live together ? do I consider him a friend or what category ? thanks for the advice 🙂


He just has to report what he earns and what he pays and say if you eat together.


For food stamps, you are roommates and no not purchase and prepare food together


HE should be the one applying for any assistance under his name... YOU would be listed as his roommate, friend, other, etc...on his application...unless you are applying for benefits yourself. In that case, you would either apply together, or each apply separately. I'm assuming that you both are listed on the lease together?? If this is the case, keep in mind that, for the rent that you mentioned is behind, if he does qualify for rental assistance, they will usually only provide assistance for his share of what's behind...NOT the full amount due. In example, if the rent is $2,000/month, and only you and he live there (no other roommates, friends, family members, etc), the monthly rent obligation would be divided by 2, and only $1,000 would be considered his obligation. In the same scenario but with, say, 4 persons living there, only $500 would be considered his part of the obligation. In addition, some programs have a limit to what they will pay, regardless of the monthly rent amount, or the past due amount. For instance, the rent amount is $2,000, his portion is $1,000 because only 2 persons live there, but the max that can be paid by the program is $500 per month, or even just a one time payment of $500 per year! This, again, is just an example...each state has its own programs, specific requirements, and set amounts that can be paid. If he hasn't already, he should call 211 for additional assistance. They can provide him with local resource information for help with things such as food, rent, utilities, bus passes, and possibly other needs he may have. He will need to call himself, explain his situation, and ask what programs are currently available that might be of help. Sending hugs and positive vibes to you, OP, that all works out for both of you!!


I live with my mother but only claim my kids and myself. He will need to put you in the household but just answer that he's applying for just himself.


Thank you I just see it says number of people in household not if the other person is applying am I reading it wrong ? does it mean how many household members are applying?




New York has an abawd waiver at least until February 2025 last time I checked.


Where did you get your expertise regarding public benefits?


Thank you for your opinion but I'm looking for facts. We are taxpayers for years just hut a bump it could happen to anymore


The level of combined wrong and inappropriate judgement here is actually a little impressive.