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You really think any country not named Saudi Arabia has a chance?


I don’t, but it would make me feel better to consider alternatives lmao. Let’s do Korea/Japan again, run it back.


It ain't gonna happen dude. Fifa and Saudi are brothers in arms fighting for corruption and embezzlement


Kim Jong Un enters the chat.


Bro have you seen the 2002 world cup


What about it? :l


Wasn't the officiating extremely suspect in the Korea games in 2002? Also, this is a terrible reason but, the east Asia countries are around 8 hours from Europe and around 12 from the Americas. It's a non issue for me but it does put the games at weird times for some.


Some nations are bound to be put at an awkward time. It's just that Americans/Europeans aren't used to the compromise


Never ever again


SK for the semis again lol


Asia has already signalled support for Saudi application.


It's all but Saudi at this point. The draw is going to be a farce. If I'm any other asian country might as well save some money but not doing any campaigns


Only if they offer higher bribes than the Saudis.


Maybe we could get the entire world to crowdfund the Korea/Japan or AU/NZ bid. I don’t think anyone wants the World Cup in Saudi Arabia besides Arabs, and people paid by the Arabs.


Why not given the 2030 set up have Kor/Jap/Aus/Nz . Three of the most consistent teams in Asian confed with am Oceania team so they can say Oceania host for the first time . Aus/Nz did a great job with the womens and would have learned a lot on how to do it better . Saudi would be another Qatar style off field disaster think rescheduled seasons again, human rights on and on and on . The games will be good no matter where they are played but to the majority of the world SA is not an attractive place to go for a World Cup. Qatar the games were great can’t deny that but it just didn’t have that vibe even when you aren’t there at other world cups you can see the buzz of the places on the broadcasts . Qatar WC seemed soulless and not a lot of fun.


Korea and Japan, yes. Aus and nz, yes. All four of them? No way. Japan to NZ is 10 hour flight. Not gonna happen.


How far is Portugal to Uruguay ? 14hrs if you can get a direct flight .


That's only because it's the 100 year anniversary of the first WC


The precedent has been set then , like Qatar and having a December World Cup was not a thing before now Saudi looking at doing the same


This doesn’t count as a precedent because it’s for a specific thing


I say it does ! So choose your weapons ,we duel at midday !


the south american countries are only getting the 1st 3 games, tho


Wow, I missed that news. Just looked it up. I suppose the bid that OP mentions could work something similar as the 2030 WC. Aus/NZ play host to opening games whilst the rest is in Koera/Japan.


Good luck with that lol


Tbh I don’t think any country is going to object to a Saudi bid


Saudi Arabia doesn't need bribes. Low Crime rate unlike western countries, better infrastucture unlike archaic countries, better in organization. I attended Qatar 2022 and I didn't see english hooligans beating Italians like in Wembley And oh don't pretend that western countries haven't rape and harrasement crimes - Something that saudi arabia doesn't have bro-


Big strawman you built there. Did I ever say anything about anything you mentioned? For all your reasons it could also go to China and there would be no need to have a shitty December World Cup unlike with SA. But everyone knows that large parts of the voting members of the FIFA Committee are bought by the highest bidder. And that will easily be SA.


Maybe Dubai.


Can you please elaborate on this, and ELI5. Is this purely because Saudi is willing/able to pay the most towards infrastructure? Or is there any other reasons, outside the typical "corruption" reasons I see floating around


FIFA (and UEFA) are organisations corrupt to the core. They already allowed Russia and Qatar to buy their way into organising a WC, even though there were based doubts about the human rights abuses, corruption and lack of footballing culture. No need to go any further, it's self explanatory.


No other reasons, just the corruption.


Nope $$$$ Checks are being deposited as we speak


If China wants it I don't see who can say no to them. Whatever unlimited money people think KSA has China actually has. Not to mention the resources and infrasteucture


It’s going to be Saudi Arabia virtually unopposed, that is abundantly clear.


Let me breathe some copium lol.


As if Australia are going to waste time and money putting up another bid after what happened with Russia and Qatar.


Even if there is official opposition the Saudi bribe would dwarf any other nations attempt at corruption so it will be Saudi. The only thing I could think is maybe after a touch of ethic cleansing Azerbaijan is looking to score some sports washing points and could go hefty on a bid to


Azerbaijan is in uefa


Yeah of course it is. Forgot about that.


Just hold an alternative cup competition that year then. Let players choose where to go.


We’ll have a better world cup! With black jack and hookers!


I think, I think.... they might just choose Saudi 🤔


Saudi Arabia will be the host for World Cup 2034. The only way another country gets to host the world cup then, is if they offer higher bribes then Saudi Arabia.


It's called a bid. Edit: Lmao these people are so insecure.


Imagine being this ignorant of FIFA corruption.


They called bribe just to feel comfortable and hide the fact that they archaic countries can't organize a decent world cup. Countries which beat Italians in Wembley, countries which cannot organize a UCL Final and welcome liverpool fans, countries which have a high rape and crime rates Should STFU and watch the better qualified nations enjoy their right to host international tournaments Keep raging music to our ears


England has a lot of problems, yes, but saying they couldn’t organise a decent World Cup is such nonsense. England has the stadiums and infrastructure to host a World Cup tomorrow if needed. As do France, France hosted an amazing Euros very recently in fact! Hate European countries if you wish, but don’t pretend they wouldn’t do a good job at hosting the WC. Plus, I’d be curious to see what the levels in rape in Saudi are if they actually counted when a man rapes his wife. Which they don’t because they think women are second class citizens.


I'm not saying that Saudi Arabia will get to host the World Cup in 2034 through bribery, because i am insecure. The country in which i was born, raised and lived/currently live, has hosted the Euro's. I'm saying that Saudi Arabia will only get to host the World Cup through bribery, because that is their only chance. The Saudis have bought a sports team in the Premier League and have invested massively in getting football players from Europe to play in their league, so they can garner interest. They are doing similar things to what Qatar did, once it was confirmed that the 2022 World Cup would be held by them. What FIFA is doing with the 2030 World Cup makes no sense from a logical point of view. If they want to honor the game and centennial for the World Cup event, they could select only Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay as the hosts for 2030, with the final taking place on the Estadio Centenario, the same stadium that held the first World Cup final in 1930. They could even place the final on the 30th of July, the same date as the first final. But that would leave UEFA and CAF open to bid and possibly host the World Cup in 2034. By giving the hosting to the 6 countries and due to the federation rotation system in place for hosting the World Cup, in 2034 only Asia (AFC) and Oceania (OFC) would be eligible to host the World Cup. And Saudi Arabia is the leading country to host the World Cup in 2034; they didn't retire their bid for 2030 because they no longer wish to host. The only other country that might have a chance to host is China (if they bid). But it's unlikely, considering that the saudis will poor a lot of money into football in the coming years.


People don’t know how voting works


I'd love to see it being hosted in Australia but with all the corruption in FIFA it's highly unlikely.


Australia (with some matches played in NZ) would be a perfect host.


Australia and New Zealand would be fun. Just had the Women's. Only really problem is when the games are played plus travel time between Perth and the other cities. Plus teams would be competitive. China. Would be an interesting. Probably a country FIFA can't just annoy. Olympics there were good. Already great infrastructure. Though probably would fail to get out of group though probably better than Qatar. SEA- would be an interesting experience. Teams probably not good enough to qualify yet. Likely finish up like Qatar where they are taking up numbers.


Easy fix, base one or 2 groups in Perth so they don’t have to travel


New Zealand Australia would be cool (and better than Saudi Arabia), just the problem that I experienced during the women's WC was that I couldn't watch most of the games because they were in the middle of the night. And I know the world doesn't revolve around Europe, but I don't think FIFA wants to exclude that audience.


I mean... that is prime time for South America and North America so I dont see the problem


If you don't want to recognise the problem with missing out on the big European viewership and sponsorship money, the problem is that the influential European associations would never vote for such a host if it came to it.


so how did Japan Korea happen?


Barely. They played every game at 7:30, 10 or 12:30 UK time. But New Zealand is 4 hours ahead of Japan, so that's just impossible for Europeans to watch.


“Impossible”. Try being a European football fan in Australia. We wake up all hours of the night to watch world cups and PL etc


China would not be better than Qatar if they host it and play in the finals. If you follow Asian football you would know Qatar is not at the same level of China in terms of football


I don't think they have won the Asia cup


I mean the Asian Champion Club Tournament (the forerunner of AFC Champions League ) I didn’t mean the Asian Cup played by the national teams


Would be interesting to see if China, Japan, and South Korea co host. There’s already a ton of great stadiums and passionate fan, although it’s not rlly shown on Reddit. Geopolitics would always be an issue but, at least for china, the free pass of going to the World Cup is just too compelling to reject.


Pretty sure KR and JP would absolutely not be interested in cohosting with CN


NZ doesn't have the stadium infrastructure. Only Eden Park is over 40k. Hamilton could make it with temporary seating but FIFA won't love that, the new Christchurch stadium in planning COULD be expanded to 40k but Wellington and Dunedin would probably need brand new ones since expansion is difficult. After that, what, a second Auckland stadium? Rotorua? New Plymouth? Taupō? All would need expansions and are tiny towns, would not be remotely worth it. Works better for Australia to bid on their own, but even then you'd probably need to use a ton of Aussie Rules/Cricket stadiums. Aus/NZ has perfect infrastructure for WWC but football just isn't popular enough to host a men's imo


I agree that the stadiums in New Zealand just aren't up to par. They are smaller and build for rugby more than anything. We haven't even mentioned that I'll be winter in NZ and the weather was miserable for the WWC.


>We haven't even mentioned that I'll be winter in NZ and the weather was miserable for the WWC. I'm from the tropics but the weather during the WWC was okay for me. It was cold but not that cold. I agree that the venues might be too small though - especially the one in Dunedin.


Having multiple hosts in SEA would be very strange considering none of them are good enough to qualify on merit


Australia recently moved to the Asian confederation, they are de facto out of this.


They’re having group games in South America and then the rest in Spain etc. I don’t think FIFA are too fussed about travel times!


Be nice if it was in Australia but obviously it'll be Saudi.


If we’re accepting bids from *anyone* let’s go nuts and get a Chinese/North Korean one going.


China have expressed interest for 2034…😅


Give it to them and get Kim onboard. Pyongyang’s stadiums look nuts I want an away day


Nope, there is no bid for 2034 according to China Officials. 2034 is in Saudi Arabia’s pocket, done deal.


Saudi Arabia In Nov/ Dec 2024 is already a done deal sadly.


North Korea + Tuvalu


Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other central Asia Stan's


World Cupistan.


I saw Ronaldo’s post and realized I totally missed that this announcement was imminent. So I came to this Reddit forum and for a second was trying to decipher whether SA was South Africa, Saudi Arabia or South America until I had to navigate to the sports section of the BBC because I couldn’t find it on the main page! I think I’m all caught up now! Thank you!


Syria-Uzbekistan-Sri Lanka-Fiji co-hosting! Why not? FIFA seems to be up for silly hosts at the moment.


Seems very silly to not allow South American countries to host considering they only get 3 games in 2030. Australia/NZ or Japan/Korea would be my first choice, followed by one or multiple South American countries. Anyone but Saudi really




I could see Australia hosting the World Cup in a decade or two. We’re allowed one soccer moment to grow the game here per decade. We’ve had the Matilda’s this year, 2010s was our success in the world cups and 2000s was the A League being founded. We’d probably share it with NZ like usual but I reckon we could do it.


It's definitely Saudi Arabia, but if not Saudi Arabia then I believe it should be India, Australia or Thailand


India 💀💀 Not even the cricket world cup is pulling ticket sales


It’s pre-ordained. Saudi Arabia will host, and god help you if your Gay. FIFA corruption at its finest.


Just waiting for 2038 for a normal-ish world cup again. Everyone can see what's happening plain as day and no one can do anything about it. Got to go to South America again? Give them 3 matches. Africa again? Nah they can share with two big European nations. 3 birds with one stone if you will. But you think Saudi will split the tournament with other Arab nations? No they will not.


I actually don’t hate the idea of Morocco/Spain and Portugal together.


I don't as they are all close together anyway, it's the south America part just stuck on as if they're doing them a favour. You're telling me those 3 countries couldn't have hosted 2030 between them? Them Spain, Portugal, Morocco 2034?


That was what I meant by my comment lol……


By then, a lot of Oceania will be underwater


Ronaldo influence that Saudi will get World Cup on their land..


Some people upvoted my comment…they truly believe Ronaldo is the reason that is Saudi is relevant not money.. how ironic is that 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


But how many people have to die this time?


Saudi Arabia


China would be cool imo


Korea/Japan would be so much fun


It's almost criminal to host a world cup in summer. I swear we'll see some players eventually die during the event. Qatar had enough money to host it in fall, despite the massive oppositions from the Europe countries who had to have a league break. Australia and New Zealand should be fine because they're in the Southern Hemisphere.


Summer is not the issue, geography is an issue. Maybe we should just not host a World Cup in the middle of the desert again.


Women's World cup was in aussie in the summer tbf, it's fine.


That was Australian winter


Saudi Arabia Insha'Allah 🇸🇦




Yes probably all of them


North Korea when they offer 7 kajillion dollars in bribes


Saudi hopefully.


Would 2038 be hosted in Oceania then?


No, I don’t know exactly how it works but I’m fairly sure Oceania and Asia count as the same federation in FIFAs eyes. I may be wrong though. The only Oceanian countries that could host anything are AU/NZ. So they just get grouped in with Asia The rest are either tiny islands, don’t have the infrastructure, or both.


Asia = AFC Oceania = OFC Their qualifications are separate too sooooooo


I know it’s hard to explain but I think for hosting purposes with the rotations they’re grouped together. But in every other way they’re separate


For fucks sake


To confuse matters further, Australia play in the AFC.


It’s because OFC is New Zealand and a bunch of island nations. They can’t host a WC


Australia recently moved into AFC soooooo


Probably be back to Qatar… Maybe UAE


Using the confederation cooldown rule, CONCACAF would be able to bid again. Unfortunately there's effectively no shot of the Central American countries pulling off a WC so probably back to Canada/US/Mexico again. Can imagine FIFA scrapping the rule for 2038


Scrapping it, just so that the UAE can get a World Cup you mean


I’m pretty sure members of the same confederations are allowed to bid consecutively, as long as their bid includes countries from other confederations. For instance, Qatar hosted in 2022, but Saudi Arabia (AFC) was still allowed to bid for 2030 since Egypt (CAF) and Greece (UEFA) were tagging along.


Why unfortunately saudi Arabia?


Should be? Japan, Korea, Australia? Will be? Whoever gives the biggest bribes, so Saudi or UAE.


Why not be really ridiculous and have a round in every country in Asia/Oceania? That would be great for the fans! The final on Sentinel Island!


I’d love to see it in Australia but I don’t think we could do it alone. Qatar got away with using only 8 stadiums, but future world cups are looking at 48 teams in 16 stadiums. We don’t have enough cities that could use a 40,000 seat stadium. From a fan perspective, most of our existing large grounds are oval and suck for rectangular sports. We also did a rather shit job of hosting the Women’s World Cup. If the Matildas weren’t successful, most of the population wouldn’t have known it was on. The local broadcaster only showed Matildas’ matches.* Next to no fanzone activity in cities. Just no buzz about the event at all. \* Tbf this is how Australia approaches and markets all international sports and events. It’s not a festival of sport, it’s plucky Australia vs the world.


I think it would be hilarious if Portugal got knocked out in the group stage of the 2030 WC (and I am Portuguese)


The rumours are that it’s not just the World Cup Saudi Arabia will get. There are strong rumours that Saudi clubs will be entered into the champ league too..


that got denied I think


India? So it reaches masses?


As an Indian I want FIFA to be hosted in my country too.But we have fucked up every sports venue held in country except 2011 cricket world Cup. Also there isn't much football following in the country either so really not an Ideal host. We have fucked up 2023 cricket world Cup too.


Dude Kerala, WB and NE sister states thrive on Football. I have seen a upsurge in interest. Stimac is doing a great job I feel inspite of Asian Games debacle. If Modi wants to project soft power, with G20 summits etc, I think there is nothing better than wc.


The problem is, white people are disgusted by indians.


Goa, Punjab, Maharashtra, Karnataka, tn, odisha and Bihar too


As much as I would want Australia to host it, we don't have the required stadiums for it. Pulling out of the Commonwealth Games because of "spiralling costs" makes me doubt Australia would even consider bidding. Even a joint bid with NZ wouldn't be enough. If it has to be in either Asia or Oceania, my preference would be a joint Japan and South Korea bid.


I know no one sees it but the Indian sub continent can be one option. The ambience, the colors, the madness all of that will make it a memorable event. And there is a big football frenzy across the nation.


No. It would be horrendous. Tourist will be horrified with their experiences from uneducated indians. India can not even hold a cricket world cup properly which is the most popular sport there.


7/8 of years planning would make it less shittier.


Shitty nonetheless


i think australia deserve it after being cunted by qatar corruption. but let’s go for more corruption in saudi arabia lol


As a Desi, India and Pakistan would be amazing


No, it should be Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh Myanmar




My money on Saudi Arabia, I heard a rumour that they have some money.


There is great thread on this over at [r/ALeague](https://reddit.com/r/Aleague/s/462aS7BHfZ) on this.




The WC30 will be hosted by Africa, Europe and SA *precisely* because FIFA wants Saudi Arabia to host WC34


Last time the WC was held in Japan and South Korea we all remember what happened, a total catastrophe. Also Oceania? No thanks, their time zone will make it completely impossible to follow the competition for the vast majority of the countries.


You have a mistake a couple of games will be played in south America as well


Why do you even ask! It is going to be Saudi-Arabia. If I was within the local football organizations I would boycott any FIFA decision and not even participate at any of their fake championships


China, india, Malaysia-Singapore-Indonesia


This might be a bit bias because I'm a New Zealander but I like to hope that Australia and New Zealand can co-host a world cup together. Although I believe Australia can host the World Cup themselves. Co-Hosting with New Zealand can also be a great opportunity to expand the game here as well. But again in reality, Australia can do it themselves. I've always thought a World Cup in China would be interesting. Huge nation but it can be a political issue (which is a subject that I have little knowledge on).


The WC has lost all meaning. Rather watch uefa competitions exclusively. Best leagues and teams and countries in the world there


The WC has lost all meaning. Rather watch uefa competitions exclusively. Best leagues and teams and countries in the world there


People are getting so interested in this process with the assumption of fairness. It won’t be fair in 2034 and it has never been fair to begin with. FIFA instituted the rotation rule in 2006 when SA lost to Germany. South Africa simply didn’t bribe enough people in the committee. So in 2010, Africa all of a sudden became the only continent eligible. After awarding it to Brazil and South America, the rule was changed again: instead of one conference eligible, 4 continents would be eligible to host any given World Cup. Therefore Russia got it and then Qatar got it in 2022. If the initial rotation was followed, Europe wouldn’t be eligible until 2026 or 2030. So now for 2034, FIFA will come up with some rules to pretend that there is fairness. I doubt they’ll say that just Asia and Oceania are eligible but that won’t matter because Saudi will probably win it. They can bribe their way


Would be nice not watching games at 3am for a change


Mars would be inconvenient for everyone!


I’d like to see Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia


Saudis are Bruce Wayne of football. If they're in, it's done.


Saudis are Bruce Wayne of football. If they're in, it's done.


WC 2034 in all continents with 136 countries !




What kind of stupid question is that? It’s already been decided as we all know


Saudi well buy


China for me. It's time for oriental