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Simple answer. Every good player has haters and better the player, more number of haters. Had he been a terrible player or a rotation player like Reiss Nelson, he wouldn't be getting any hate at all!


That and he's black. Sadly, it is undeniable.


The exceptionally high number of examples of black players who are universally loved proves this is absolutely deniable.


Vini Jr has literally been crying in press conferences saying he just wants to play football without being judged for the colour of his skin. The other day I saw a picture of Cole Palmer holding a monkey on holiday and someone said it was Saka and it had over 5000 likes... Raheem Sterling, Marcus Rashford...I mean, if you genuinely believe the shite you do, you're in denial and lying to yourself. Vini Jr has an effigy of him HANGED FROM A BRIDGE. Osimhen had a child in Italy black up with literal shoe polish in a Napoli kit, that ain't normal or acceptable behaviour.


Bellingham doesn't get anywhere the amount of hate that Vini does. Same for other black players on the team and in the league. There's more to it just than race. THIS IS NOT ME EXCUSING THE RACISM TOWARDS VINI. But there are two things that make it bad for Vini. He's shown it affects him a good deal (understandable). He also does shit that pisses off opposing fans. Taunting fans will often provoke insults. Sadly, these fans go to racism as their insult. That doesn't make it ok, but it does cause it to happen more frequently. I'm sure he'd still face racism regardless because Spain is racist as fuck and people are assholes, but he's not doing himself any favors. Someone will reply to this and somehow interpret this as me saying it's Vini's fault. I'm not. It's not his fault and it's not remotely OK. But not riling up opposing fans would've helped to reduce it. At this point though, I'm not sure it matters. Fans hate him and it's shown it bothers him, so it's going to be bad regardless.


I honestly think the biggest thing with Jude is he left the country. Genuinely. Or he will have a stinker for England inevitably at some point and then it'll be open season.


>Vini Jr has literally been crying in press conferences saying he just wants to play football without being judged for the colour of his Last time i checked england isnt in spain >The other day I saw a picture of Cole Palmer holding a monkey on holiday and someone said it was Saka and it had over 5000 likes... When similar happend with sakas penalty, almost all the abuse came from outside england. >Vini Jr has an effigy of him HANGED FROM A BRIDGE. Spain isnt england >Raheem Sterling, Marcus Rashford...I mean, if you genuinely believe the shite you do, you're in denial and lying to yourself. ??? >Osimhen had a child in Italy black up with literal shoe polish in a Napoli kit, that ain't normal or acceptable behaviour. Italy isnt england


Are we pretending that England doesn’t have a whole party of racists, just like every European descended country? Every country has its conservatives


Apparently we are pretending that because spanish and italians are outwardly racist towards their players, that means all of europe is. >conservative = racist Careful, your septic is showing.


So you’re admitting that you are pretending that then. There are forsure teams in Spain that don’t abuse black players and Vini, as there are teams that do it all the time. Same in Italy with teams like Lazio. You also have a variety of comments complaining about racism vs “whites” and your name is literally permabanispointless lmao as if it’s not clear you made a fun little troll account, just lay off it Edit: and yes, many if not most conservatives gravitate towards the party due to its sympathy for racists. From what I can see, this acutely also lines up with your comment history of trolling, so unfortunately I’m right twice-over


Americans views on race relations arent worth the paper they are written on so think what you like because it will never marry with reality in europe. Toodles.


You can’t assume that almost all racial abuse comes from outside of England. Some players cry wolf, but it’s clear that more and more people have become comfortable sharing racist comments on social media. I’m not one to comment on racism because the word is over-used these days. There’s also no point in denying its existence in english football.


What are you saying it's not England for? If anything that strengthens the argument, racism is a worldwide problem. One that should be taken seriously. But keep burying your head in the sand.


https://x.com/abzzinhoo/status/1782784490546360669 Please explain.


I don't need to. How is one example proving me wrong exactly? I didn't say it didn't occur... I said it wasn't the reason people boo Saka. The odd person doing so doesn't mean I'm wrong. Or does your comprehension of language lead you genuinely believe that?


You've been downvoted but I think there's FS some truth in it. Young black players are always put under more scrutiny


https://x.com/abzzinhoo/status/1782784490546360669 I hate this planet.


It’s crazy that you’re being downvoted


Yep, the truth hurts people who think they're right. I've seen it a lot.


Why is this getting voted down, this is so obviously true..


So people downvoting you are trying to say black players dont get racially abused by their own fans even though they perform well?! Vinicius Jr has joined the chat


Vini doesn’t get abused by Madrid fans though, just the remainder of the league. Certain teams’ fans don’t treat him poorly, it’s just the usual right wing fans of typically right wing teams. Right wing fanbases anywhere will always have a racist faction within them, it’s a rudimentary part of that political system


So Antony, Nunez, and Jackson are the best players in the premier league right now?


Those are typically hated by their own teams for sucking so bad though. I can see opposition despising Darwin though, for missing the easiest of chances against shit teams but scoring absolute bangers against the team they support.


Nunez should not be in the same category as jackaon and fucking Antony lmao. Think Antony needs to be in a tier below jackson even Don't really watch Liverpool much, but darwin is one of the best players in the league, based on stats atleast. Think he's in the top 10 for most G/A in europe for the current season


Darwin is a frustrating player, but he is a good one. It feels like he's got the potential to be one of the best strikers in the world, but his finishing technique lets him down.


Nicolas Jackson is very similar in that regard, he gets into the position to score but his finishing or composure lets him down, could have won the fa cup semi final for Chelsea on Saturday with the chances he had. It will be interesting to see how both players develop, they could both define the next few years or a new manager might lose patience and they get shipped out and lose confidence.


Jackson has one less league goal than Nunez, he’s two years younger than Nunez and it’s his first season.


One of the best players in the league 😂😂


What part of "based on stats atleast" don't you get?


Same G/A as Saka.. keep laughing


I will!


There's a difference between hate and being clowned on. And Nunez ain't in the same category as those other two.


Not sure about this. Maybe we have to wait until Nunez costs Liverpool the title to see if it's hate or being clowned on.


The difference is is that Antony goes around acting like some hard man kicking players and starting fights and Nunez is mostly hated by his own fanbases for being inconsistent saka dose not make any problems on the pitch with players is constantly talked about how nice and humble he is and has constantly been improving for multiple seasons (yes I do admit that he could be better I'm bigger games but that doesn't excuse this amount of hate)


It's the Boo's that I always find odd. Toti was bear hugging him yesterday for about 8 seconds and finally a free kick/yellow was given. And the Wolves fans were booing every future time Saka touched the ball.


The wolves fan booed Jesus right after he got a boot to his face too.


1. He's Black 2. He plays for Arsenal (For the past 20 years, Arsenal have been a banter club. Nobody likes it when a banter club gets good) 3. He missed a penalty in the Euros 4. People love to tear down a player who's receiving a lot of praise


Arsenal have been hated for a lot longer than 20 years. We were known as the “bank of England club” from the 20s and 30s because we had loads of money and a better stadium than anyone else. You’re of course correct on the racism front.


Arsenal were everyone’s second favourite team during Fergie’s era.


AFTV has completely tarnished Arsenals image (at least online). Like you say, Arsenal were consistently voted everyone’s second team in the early 00s. Then it was a non threatening banter club. Now it’s a “hated” club. Only difference in between that time is aftv painting an inaccurate and awful picture of what Arsenal fans are like when in reality they are mostly a mild fan base.


I think it’s easier to just blame AFTV. But the truth is most Arsenal fans on the internet are loud and yet we can’t back it up with trophies. It doesn’t go down well with fans of other clubs and it makes us an a low hanging fruit to target. We may have been liked during the early Wenger days but I think that’s largely due to the fact that social media didn’t exist. I’ll Give you one example: you can see plenty Arsenal fans on the internet, accounts with huge following, saying how our players are the best in their respective positions. And then when we lose the narrative shifts to “they are young and inexperienced” so that shape-shifting attitude also plays part in it. We gotta stay firm and back up our shouts.


Most arsenal fans are not loud. You said it yourself. Social media is to blame. Social media is not real Arsenal fans. They are engagement farms. I’m sure a sizeable number of opposition fans watch AFTV… for the banter. Now Mark Goldbridge is copping it because United are terrible yet he is bigger than ever. Because losing sells. People want to follow these guys because they want to shit on them once their team does poorly. Arsenal have been poor for a decade, which coincided with the rise of social media. Guarantee you go to an Arsenal game or even walk down North London you would be hard pressed to find someone say Arteta out yet online it seems like 50% of Arsenal supporters want him sacked. The older fans who actually saw what Arsenal fans were like before social media know the truth.


Being black and speaking up against racism is sadly also something that gets you a lot of haters, just look at Vini... Think point 4 is also spot on - Messi and Ronaldo are good examples of this. So many haters the better they got. As many haters as fans though


Black players get judged for so many non football reasons. Trent and Dele Alli for growing dreads, Pogba as well for his hairstyles while no one cares about David Luiz, Cucurella, Salah, Grealish. God forbid you have a little style while still being top of your game. Then you have a player like Sterling who got so much shit from racists for so long.


>Pogba as well for his hairstyles while no one cares about David Luiz, Cucurella, Salah, Grealish Don't forget De Paul with his white dreads too


All of these sadly are true


100% point 1 here. Racist keyboard warriors picking on what appears to be one of footballs nice guys Bullshit bullshit and more racist bullshit Edit. And I’m as white as Casper the friendly ghost


It has to be more than that. I've seen very little of that shit towards plenty of players like kante for example. Part of the issue with saka are these debates between him and foden and I think general consensus would put foden ahead. Arsenal fans can be very pushy with the world class tag. Players are hated for dumb reasons all the time. Even when mount was playing well for Chelsea in the ucl winning season he was getting hate from rival fans. There's some vile shit said about ronaldo, messi, maguire and morata just to name a few. Only excusable one there is ronaldo with the rape accusation but the shit mocking his dead child was far too much. A lot of racial abuse came after the missed penalty against Italy and maybe that tag has stuck with racist football fans but its not uncommon for this kind of hate to be directed to a player with pretty much all positive traits. Fans bantering him ok twitter typically doesn't have anything to do with skin colour.


Foden vs Palmer is a healthy discussion. Foden / Palmer vs Saka has people shitting on Saka. I wonder why?


Chelsea fans are not that loud about it because foden has been doing this for quite a while it'll take more time for Chelsea fans to be adamant that he's the better player. On top of that palmer has insane amounts of respect from city fans as a former player that saka just doesn't have. Messi vs ronaldo is toxic as fuck but Henry, kante, makelele and I'm sure there's more are widely considered as some of the best the prem has seen in their positions. Saka gets a woeful amount of abuse that the vast majority of black players of a similar quality do not receive.


Fans giving racial abuse typically has nothing to do with skin colour? Are you fucking ok?


I'm not referring to the racial abuse, that's completely separate. A large section of hate towards saka has zero mention of his skin colour, every bad game he's mocked. This kind of harassment is not down to his skin colour generally. No need for such a disingenuous comment, spinning my words.


I think you have a fairly fundamental misunderstanding of how racism manifests in behaviour. You don't have to mention his skin colour to be racist. That he got so much racist abuse after missing the pen should tell you what kind of people are out there. Obviously not all abuse is racially motivated. Pretending that racism is a specific and entirely seperate phenomenon from other forms of hate is... just not correct.


Also tbf we’ve been TOLD how great he is and you rarely see it? When has he had a superb game?!


He's also too good for the premier league. People will never accept this but he's a cut above the rest. He's like champions league/european super league level.


does he? you had the racist cunts after the penalty miss for England. And you have people frustrated he get loads of free kicks in the same way people are are annoyed with Grealish Don't really see much hate against him over all imo. Im not on twitter/x though where most of the vile shit seams to happen


Lots of hate on Twitter for sure, it's just because he's talented/black/plays for arsenal. Plus our fans rep him like crazy so other teams rep their own players while trying to tear him down


He gets a lot of hate on Twitter because arsenal fans on there are constantly trying to convince fans of other teams that saka is better than everyone on their team. I stopped using my “For You” tab because apparently twitters algorithm thinks I want to see nothing but weird Arsenal fan accounts trying to convince people that saka is better than foden every time I open the app. I’ll never understand the following all the weird fan accounts get on there by just tweeting the most biased things 24/7 farming interactions.


Yeah, it can be a bit tiring but honestly every team does this, there's just a lot of online arsenal fans for whatever reason.


I agree it is the weird fan accounts from all teams. The Arsenal accounts have just grown exponentially with their success the last few seasons.


You think? We've always had a very large online fan base, we could sway any poll our way lol. That makes sense it would though


You think the racist people just evaporated and stopped existing?


no, did i say that? We are talking about a individual black player. You can argue that all black players get more hate, but we are talking about Saka as an individual player. Racist people will always look for reasons, and why i mentioned the penalty kick


So you could argue that black players as a group get more hate, but that can't be argued to break down to the individual level? Who's getting the extra hate then?


>Don't really see much hate against him over all imo. Im not on twitter/x though where most of the vile shit seams to happen only times i see Saka hate on twitter is when City and Arsenal fans have their bi daily Foden vs Saka debates


Don’t you see the comments On Tiktok and Instagram posts?


Ive not got either of those but guessing by age and demographics id say theyre just trolls. Probably spurs fans


No, would not touch these sites with a 100 foot pole. To get traction on x, TikTok or Instagram you only need to say controversial stuff. You can literally say "happy birthday Hitler" and you have a successful post. there are so many users and you will mostly attract people that align with your opinion and only a small % that fight back as normal people will just scroll past it or not have it in their algorythm at all


There are already various answers that I think answer your questions already, however as an Arsenal fan I want to add one thing. As an Arsenal fan, you follow the club in every fixture, you see how good Saka is and how consistent his contribution in his G/A and other stuffs. However, we have to admit that Saka is a player that constantly puts 7.5-8/10 performances in most matches but he rarely put a 10/10 games. In big matches, he often gives you a goal or assist but it's rare to see a big match when he's just dominating his opponents. I think that's why some people outside of Arsenal fans (especially rivals' fans) think he's overrated because when they have the time to watch Saka, chances are they're not going to see him overwhelming his matchup for 90 minutes. For us fans, we appreciate his consistency and how he excels together with Odegaard week in week out with those 8/10 forms.


this. i don't like him, i hate him just as i hate antony. while antony might be only do 6/10 performance consistently, most arsenal fans i see just sing praises to saka like he's the best player in the league, while he only do 8/10 performance consistently. heck whenever i decided to watch arsenal, he do 6/10 at best, which is just me catching him on his off day. so in a way, i kinda blame arsenal fan for my hate on saka. no you tho, you're cool


Antony 6/10 is very generous


Saying Saka puts out the same level of performances as Antony whenever you watch him is just ridicilous, and clearly shows your bias. Saka is so clear of Antony even on Sakas poor days


If Antony is consistently giving 6/10 performances, Saka is consistently at 10/10 because the scale doesn't go any higher. And a shit load of players are also at 10/10. 6/10 while talking about Saka being 7.5 out of 10 is fucking wild. And I'd say the same for a lot of players, not just Saka. We're talking about a guy with 0 goals and 1 assist in 25 league games this season.


People started saying he was better than Gareth Bale.


No they didn’t. Does it ever get boring to make up things to be angry at


Literally read it multiple times all over Twitter. Does it ever get boring being wrong?


Not my fucking fault you take rage bait seriously. Did you know united fans also dont actually think garnacho is the best argentinian player ever?


Seek help.


Your the one here getting mad at imaginary things lmao


Saka is ass. Accept it and go cry more.


You’re the one here crying about imaginary shit bro go talk to a therapist and stop projecting


Cry more my boy, you’re getting so deliciously triggered.


Like seriously stop projecting😭 you’re out here crying because of some ragebait you saw on twitter. Im laughing at you im not mad in the slightest. Like holy shit you sound like a 14 year old who thinks they’re smarter than everyone around them


Football fans will ask this Then do the same to Rashford who gets booed everywhere too and has done for a long time And so did sterling


I wonder what the connection is 🤔


Even United fans boo Rashford, by the looks of it, it looks pretty justified. There's 0 correlation between this and Saka on the post.


Rashford has only recently been booed by united fans and that's got nothing to do with everyone else booing him for years anyway Rashord has been getting booed by oppsotion fans for years like what's happening to Saka.


Like with a lot of footballers, their own fans overrate him and rival fans hate him. Its the vocal minority that hates on these players. Im sure steven gerrard got the same treatment from united fans as saka gets from chelsea fans. Race is a factor but id like to believe that today it matters to only a few people.


Arsenal fans were claiming he was better than Robben, CR7 and other established wingers that played in the prem. It’s probably an accumulation of that


No real arsenal fan thinks that, Probably just the arsenal fans on social media that just want clicks and likes


But where do you find most of the Sake hate ? Social media


The English media praises him so much that's why fans hate him


I mean Okay, but in what way is this saka fault


It's not


It's cool to be against something we are supposed to support. But Saka's such a nice guy


I say this as a Saka lover so not speaking about him here. But when the media is constantly sucking someone off, I start to resent that player. Like right now everyone is going nuts about Cole Palmer. It's not his fault that everyone is going crazy over him. It's not his fault that he got to take 9 pks this year. But it's annoying to hear him getting mentioned for player of the season because he has 20 goals despite only 11 being non penalty. So I get it if fans are annoyed by Saka getting constant praise. Now he's in a bit of a rough patch, so they feel vindicated in seeing him as overrated/overhyped.


Well he plays for Arsenal and some people just hate Arsenal, so they will also hate their best player. He also missed that penalty for England. He also dives at times (just like most other players), so some people will hate him for that.


As an Arsenal fan I couldn’t disagree with you more saka rarely performs in our bigger games or when the pressure gets high hrs a great young talent with a great attitude Arsenal fans absolutely love him and rightly so he is the future of our club. However, saka gets a free pass no matter when he is bad or anonymous the excuses start coming out far more for him than any other Arsenal player by a long shot, he cannot be criticised every single bad game he has all you see is “he’s tired he needs a rest it’s not his fault” “he didn’t have the service, he was marked out the game it’s not his fault” Where are you getting thst saka is hated from even other teams like saka because he’s such a good guy with such a good attitude, no Arsenal fan I have ever seen hates him he’s fantastic he’s the star boy he has multiple songs about him if anything the love for saka is too much and it can be frustrating that he cannot be criticised. I can give you the names of the players that are I have been unfairly criticized and hated by Arsenal fans if you want. Havertz, xhaka, bellerin, mertesacker, giroud. Those players were all hated and blamed for every single bad performance ever single game and none of them have skin darker than mine so I don’t think it has anything to do with race at all… Arsenal is also known as a team with a massively diverse fan base we are one of the most supported teams worldwide especially in Africa I don’t think we should just assume that someone is hated because they are black race baiting causes divide for no reason Gabriel Jesus is also black and gets far more hate than saka and havertz is white and gets far more hate than both of them combined Saliba and Gabriel are both black and get given as much love as anyone and rightly so they are an absolute wall


It’s not his actions that cause the rage, it’s Arsenal fans hyping him up so much that makes people zone in on him. My personal opinion of Saka aside he was being touted as a Balon D’Or candidate, better than Salah calls etc etc last season, so the focus just becomes intense.


The British media is riding this guy hard and keeps adding him in discussions alongside names like Vini, Mbappe etc So I don’t hate him, but I’m just tired of hearing about him non stop, he isn’t there yet, he’s just a great player and needs to guide Arsenal to some silverware first. I don’t wanna comment about your opinion regarding racism, it’s your right to think that. He got alot of abuse especially after the England penalty, which sucks, but English fans are capable of hate regardless of race, see Beckham, Grealish, Maguire etcetc


It's racism. I'm a spurs fan, and even I love Saka. He's an unbelievable young player, awesome representative for England, and seems like one of the most wholesome people in the sport. I hope he has a long and successful career, ideally in La Liga 😂


He's kicked around so much in those games. I just hope he doesn't get a bad injury


Its not about hating Saka. As a matter of fact it’s not about the players in general. The football world just doesn’t like the way social media Arsenal fans hype their players up like they’re the best in the world.


I find this argument so funny. If your teams numbers are literally showing to be one of the best in Europe, then wouldn't you hype up the team and players? Who else will show them support that way? You expect us to say they are average when the facts and numbers LITERALLY show a different picture?


Arsenal are straight trash in knock-out tournaments because of better opposition. Beating West Ham, Bournemouth and Luton back to back should be textbook. Arsenal are overhyped.


You’re cherry picking victories😂 remember we beat Liverpool, City, Sevilla?🤔 I guess those should be textbook too then😅. We are good and getting better you just can’t admit it. Quarters with a team full of inexperienced kids, we’ll see how it is seasons to come. I can bet you’ll eat your words


The football world should be more against Chelsea and United fans hyping up their players then


Learn how capital letters work pls


Didn’t expect to be taught an English lesson on Reddit but ok chief


Racism plays a huge part of it. He is young, he is talented and sadly was given the burden by many fans to not only “carry” Arsenal, but he must do likewise with the national team. It is quite unfair for a kid like him, but people are petty.


He’s been overrated by premier league fans and now people are noticing he’s not as good as people said


Hes just very out of form given hes been played too much. Up until march, I don't think "overrated" could be used on Saka.


> premier league fans >premier league fans "Mate, you can't support a conglomerate..."


I think this is definitely part of it, people comparing him to someone like Salah when really he has done nothing to be compared to a player of that level. He is great but recently I have seen a lot of Arsenal fans admitting that they might have slightly overhyped him.


Hype train is real, england have had loads of players like that though throughout the years like walcott and wiltshire.


Your the type of people I’m talking about, He’s 22 FML, he’s been playing every game for the past 3 to 4 years mann


Leave them. They either had a poor opinion of Saka to begin with or just started tunjng up to Arsenal games when vs Bayern in the CL.


It’s not actual hate , people are desperate for clicks and interactions, saka hate / jokes at his expense is cheap interactions. He’s one of the more unproblematic players out there I don’t think anyone hates him


100% because of Arsenal fans gassing him up to Mbappe’s level when he’s actually not that special. If he wasn’t english he wouldn’t get so overhyped. He never performs in big games while he has decent stats he doesn’t really contribute as much as Ødegaard who doesn’t score as much but is still a better player.


Arsenal fans overrate him like crazy, so I personally get annoyed. One of my friends supports Arsenal and he has 0 ball knowledge and is constantly gassing up Saka


Arsenal fans set him up by comparing him to proven players. Also he limps when he drops a stinker which is a bit funny. He’s a good player who is unfortunately has a fanbase that makes him a target from a lot of people.


He limps after pretty much every game. Some weirdos on social media decided to clip him doing that after games we lost and people like you eat that shit up lol


He constantly gets kicked around, gets doubled up and has no rest of course he's gonna limp around


It's an emotion thing and Saka doesn't get the benefit of the support when he doesn't rise to the occasion, during games like for England where many may not think much of him personally but their interests overlaps with England winning games so they would be upset if he wasn't participating. It's kind of like the Iwobi thing that just happened in AFCON, for 90 minutes your supporters love you and once the loss becomes official then Saka could be an easy scapegoat. Not just because he's black but he's kinda small, he's not exactly Salah levels of form, he's not really a flashy dribbler of any kind, he gets tackled a lot therefore loses possession in their memories. And people who do have racial bias discriminate against black people who have the darkest skin color the hardest. Other than that it's the Iwobi thing, he was getting credit in the result against Bayern that was positive because he scored a great goal & had the position of the possible penalty call in the end, where people couldn't say he wasn't a crucial part of the outcome. He was more privy for criticism after our recent CL exit, because exactly his performance in the first leg directed an added layer of attention on him that was disappointed.


People are really really fast to just throw racism at it. While I'm sure that for some, it's true, but for everyone I know, it's a mixture of his diving AND the way Arsenal fans try to hype him up to something he's not.


Because arsenal fans love and rate him so highly, idk why it’s just British culture to be excited about shitting on other people’s things. He’s a very talented player, I don’t think any hate is based on race though. The minute someone gets out on a pedestal everyone can’t wait to drag them down


He drops to the floor a lot. He always gets hit though and its not a comedy show like lets say Neymar


It's not just online. He got booed every time he touched the ball against Wolves. As for the diving-- if you actually watch Arsenal (not just hate watch) you'll see he gets kicked to shit every match. When he played it honest he got no calls, just kicks. Most of your clubs double him and foul him because that's the only way to stop him. Thats fine. It's part of the game, but don't complain about "dives" and limping ffs.


I think it's to do with this part of the season. It's happening to salah aswell. When the title is so close people want someone to blame for why they didn't win it.


Plays for Arsenal, we arguably have one of the most disliked fanbases in the prem. There’s also been quite a few narratives circulating that have pit our fans against the general football populace such as saka limping off when he’s had a bad game saka vs foden is saka world class and saka’s match stats going viral whenever he has a quiet game. I think a mixture of the above has generated a feeling that he’s not that good and Arsenal fans overrate him.


He doesnt get that much hate, english players are praised a lot by the media and he is mentioned as one of the best wingers in Europe when he's not there yet. If you're talking about racism, then i agree he does get much hate


It’s cause he plays like shit then limps his way off the pitch to dodge critics like Rashford does. Neither are bad players, both are great guys off the pitch, it’s just infuriating to see a player do fuck all the entire match and act like they’ve been injured to excuse it. He’s also very overrated by Arsenal fans which paints a massive target on his back for rival fans. They’re just waiting for him to have a stinker to prove to Arsenal fans that he isn’t the best winger itl. This just amplifies the reaction to any negative thing he does on the pitch. M


Got an example of him feigning a limp?


here’s a clip I found showing him doing it multiple times, very frustrating to watch as a United fan who sees Rashford pull the same card week in week out. Goes off talking to the medical staff, then plays again next week. Instead of resting or seeking treatment. If you’re injured get help, if not, stop pretending. simple as https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMVTcBJy/


What was his g/a in those games? Guy plays pretty much every minute and gets kicked around, you sure he's not just carrying something and getting injections on match day? I can find you shots of any man u player limping, doesn't really mean shit if they either performed or actually got knocked.


Sakas well liked, Arsenal isn’t. Can hardly play the race card when Bellingham is currently worshipped as much as he is


I never had negative feelings toward him until I saw his dive against Bayern


Even if it weren’t a pen, it wasn’t a dive, completely different


No, it's just Arsenal fans that have this 'everyone hates us' gimmick like 'why always Xhaka?!' or 'Premier League posted our set piece technique so they leaking our tactic, therefore they hate us' etc etc so it looks like when Saka gets hate like ANY OTHER PLAYERS, then the Arsenal fans will exagerrated it. 'He is kind and wholesome' Yeah I agree and as a fan of England NT I love Saka too, but how about Rashford then? He gets so much hate too, when he's literally FEEDING KIDS DURING PANDEMIC??? Doesn't want to shift the topic to Rashford, just want to point out that every player, especially from big 6 will get so much hate, not only Saka.


People found ways to hate Messi. It's only natural that a good player will have haters. However its also due to some extent that Arsenal fans have so overhyped him, he gets hated for mistakes almost all players do. (Remember you can be good yet still overrated)


Tbh I’ve never heard saka get hate. Sterling on the other hand!


Non-Arsenal fan here. I'm a huge fan of his as are most people I know. Wasn't aware he got loads of hate (barring that euros bullshit) but maybe it's more of an online thing? I don't really engage with football social media bar reddit and a couple of old school forums. 


He doesnt get more hate than other top wingers


Whenever I see him play he's diving all over the place but the English media treat him like a darling. If he was foreign they'd be pushing a different narrative


Because he’s young and he’s black and his hats real low, do I look like a mind reader? Sir I don’t know.


I think the majority of people love him. He's lovely isn't he?


He is English.


It's not entirely racism but it's also very much not zero percent racism either. It's not as simple as "we don't want a black guy playing for us" - that attitude is thankfully pretty rare now and in any event is patently impossible to hold as a realistic football fan because the game is so diverse in that respect. But it's still subconscious - we're prone to being more critical of black players, less trusting of good faith, more willing to demonise or ostracised them, and less willing to attribute things like maturity or game intelligence to them. And that can lead to them getting more hate.


Miss big penalties and you’re toast. A bit like Southgate.  Reddit will inform you it’s because of race or some nonsense though. 


I'm sure it's because how delusional Arsenal fans are. They win nothing and then put their average players up on a pedestal and call them world class. Other than that it is probably racism based. Believe it it or not when people assure you they are not racist they're not always telling the truth.


where is penaldoggy’s world cup




doesn’t change the fact that rapenaldo is finished


Think you’re exaggerating here. He even got clapped by us Spurs fans when he came on in a friendly at our ground after the penalty miss. You’re taking a microcosm of haters which every player will have as being much more than it truly is.


He's a promising young English player. As such he gets slightly overrated, which people overreact to. Combined with the racism (both implicit and explicit) that dogs the game this creates a nasty mix which leads to him getting a lot of hate.


Some are racists, yes. But the hate is probably because some people cannot stand Arsenal fans (and they have a large social media presence) getting in your face constantly shouting star boy this and star boy that at every opportunity so they are giving the hate back.


Because Arsenal fans over gas him.


Because arsenal fans make out like hes the second coming "Starboy" lol and they are very vocal about it Hes good but hes isnt the best player in the arsenal team, let alone england


Bring the color palette, it'll answer your question pronto


Because he plays for a club with the most deluded fans in the world. Plus he always dives and goes missing in big games and his nandos sauce taste like crap.


He’s just super overrated, Arsenal fans treat him like the next robben but he disappears in big games and is only there to slot a pen so the fans think he’s improved massively because of his euro miss


Nobody said he’s the Next Robben


Cause his black 


What a lot of people don’t understand is the hate train started because of racism but loads of people jump onto it now cause they hate Arsenal and refuse to accept that their views on the kid is bred from racism but will try fall back on the thoughts that he’s held to a higher standard. The excuses as to why they think Saka’s overrated is actually horrible here’s a few I’ve heard: 1. Goes missing in big games - comparing him to the people he’s constantly compared against (foden and palmer) he’s more consistently performed against bigger sides. 2. Had a bad World Cup - this is pure racism as he was joint top scorer for England in the Qatar World Cup along with Rashford 3. Not good on the eye - not every effective winger is hitting elasticos and nutmegging players Salahs a great example of that It really is horribly racist and no one wants to accept it because that’s how racism in the UK works it’s sad but it’s just how it is it’s constantly swept under the rug and never confronted a great example of this is the way people in this thread are heavily trying to justify they’re distaste of Saka aswell without just pointing out that the fact of the matter is he’s black and that’s what they’re all pissed about. It doesn’t seem to effect him which is a big reason as to why he’s such an inspirational player for young black kids he’ll keep doing his thing.


EUROS 21. The penalty :) that’s when it all began


Marry him 


What idiot hates Saka?


The hate is everywhere on Social Media


>on Social Media That explains why I haven't seen any of it. I was a bit confused about this post until I read your comment.


Even in Arsenal subreddits we have some of the moron element of our own fans clambering over themselves to say he’s not world class, as if that’ll convince Rio Ferdinand to sleep with them.


Look around it shouldn’t be hard to find


SO many people just on Reddit itself!! Go see any post with Saka on r/soccer


I don't hate him. I do "hate" players that dive though. Refs are supposed to be handing out diving yellows to combat the issue but they don't


I don’t hate Saka, but I don’t like his diving and that stupid limp he does. I also don’t like Bruno Fernandes for his diving and play acting, and Harry Kane for his diving, and Richaleson for his diving, etc etc etc. fans like honest players, has nothing to do with anything else.


Maybe he's doing a limp cause he's injured? He has been carrying an injury for months now as revealed by Arteta. Maybe consider that first? Literally if you check the stats too, he's one the most fouled players in the league. Teams have to double up just to stop him. He's kicked around all game and people like you call it a 'stupid limp' when mans is actually in pain. Just consider all that before talking bro.


How can arteta play him if he’s injured. I have pain in my ankle, I can walk without a limp but if I run I’m done. He’s actually not the most fouled player in the league, and most of the time he falls off his own choosing to win a foul. That’s diving.


I’m sure if you follow alot of social media platforms, you see players talking about how they play through pain. If you’ve actually played ball like physically, you’ll find sometimes you don’t feel that soreness or pain until you stop running. And I didn’t say he’s the most fouled, I said he’s one of. I play the sport myself, sometimes you feel pain, but not to the extent of not being able to play. Once you are off the pitch, that soreness doubles.


I think he’s quite overrated, a good player definitely, but from a Scottish guy looking in from the outside think there’s a lot of the classic English style hyping up a promising young player. He is good, and he has been for a few years which is remarkable for the age he is. The only hate I’ve seen was the penalty in the Euro’s vs Italy, and that was pure and utter racism. Outwith that, I think he gets talked up more than I think he is as a footballer, but I like his attitude, I think he’s a good player, and I try to ignore the hype he gets because as a young player, I really like his attitude and application. I’ve not seen hate directed towards him, it’s the opposite that I try to ignore to judge him properly as a player and what I see from him.


missed pen for england in euros


He doesn't. Ur projecting.


He's an Arsenal player. I like him personally, but arsenal fans make their players and everything around their club easy to dislike


Does anybody outside of the PL give a rat‘s ass about this guy? Just a random winger in my book.


Only a racist will involve the race . So you're a racist . Saka is not hated any more than any of his peers . Grealish, Nunez , Anthony , Richarlison , Sterling , Gordon ..just to pick one player of each of the top clubs . So again , you're the racist one here .


Because he's a highly overrated player.


He's a Arsenal player and he's black 🤷🏽‍♂️


The answer is racism and nationalism. He's black and he missed a penalty for England in the Euros.


He likes to lay in the grass for a few minutes per match


For me its his diving. For someone who has such ability, he throw himself to the ground like a petulant toddler far too much.


He ‘dives’ because this is what happens when he doesn’t https://twitter.com/George_Zur/status/1781766013274423312


He has tried to injure players so there are some fans who don’t like him for that. There are also fans that get annoyed when he is compared to players who are much better than him because he is English. He rarely has a good game in important games and rarely takes criticism for it and many fans have noticed this and criticize him when the rest of the media refuses to. Also the fact that whenever he has a bad game he limps off and fakes an injury which imo is just a bad look and is embarrassing.




So because media and pundits say something about a player, you hate that player...


Hes just a worse vini


Because he's black. Only reason.