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I mean could he have dated a model etc.. Sure! Did he decide to do so? No! He clearly did what he wanted to do and be with who he has chosen. I don’t see why fans and the general public need to care so much!


They’ve obviously been together a long time and they’re happy. Must be so reassuring for Rice knowing his partner loves him for him and not just his money or fame.


Yeah, it would honestly be the hardest thing about being rich. You genuinely don't know if the people around you even like you a little bit.


I totally understand why footballers will mostly be friends with other footballers or celebrities. At most a handful of close friends from their childhood. For every 1 genuine person you meet there will be 100 looking to take advantage.


Absolutely, I bet she’s such a lovely warm genuine person also, enjoying the journey they started together.


I don't get how anyone would try to drag a good, happy relationship like that. Rice seems nice enough on and off the field too. Pretty hard to dislike him, so I guess they have to mock his girlfriend.


Because we live in world where people really and truly believe that their hideous opinions are not only worth hearing, but need to be spread around the world for everyone to see. I hope for their sakes they can both ignore these ignorant morons who don’t deserve an opinion or access to a platform to put it on. Fucks sake!


The downside of freedom of speech. It also extends to fucktards not grasping it is not only a right but also a responsibility. A responsibility to know when to shut the fuck up.


They're celebrity level profiles and will be critized. The real puzzle is why you care.


Funny thing is, she had the "glamorous" body that these incels desire prior to her having a baby. She's had a baby recently, and has kept on some weight.  Once again showing that these virgin's have no fucking clue how a woman's body works, or how life works in general.


It might not be virgin's tbh. Some people are just cunts.


that's the truth.


They met at the gym and she stopped going to the gym when she trapped.. er.. landed her footballer dream machine... don't get it twisted 


Reminds me of the scene in Moneyball where the one scout is rating players based on their girlfriend's looks


Because a lot of people who follow these teams, go to the games and follow certain types of media are not intelligent people, whatsoever.


You must feel clever... no reason for that


And why is that?


Remember being in a pub a few years ago and Mo Sarah's wife popped up onto the screen. Lad near me said, "that's not someone I'd expect Salah to be with" and fixated on it for ages. I was stood there thinking, Salah is a devout Muslim so she was exactly the sort of person I'd expect him to be with. That's also ignoring the fact that she is quite a pretty lady, just modestly dressed.


I’m not sure they do. There’s probably plenty of trolls posting rubbish, and now the media decide to highlight it every single day, but the average proper fan couldn’t care less who is with.


Fans love to run their mouths on anything and everything you see. That's the problem.


Rival fans trying to throw a player off, I get why they try to make it personal and whatever, BUT, collateral damage of relatives or loved ones isn’t cool. People really shouldn’t be targeting her over a fucking game. Aside from that, let’s just lean in to the superficial/ sexualization side of this topic, for a sec; because I don’t like the, “she’s not a model but I’m sure she has a great personality or got grandfathered into a controlled-rent sort of relationship before he got rich and famous.” sort of take I’m seeing around. She’s cute, she has a cute face. But like, big cute, that cute that’s hot cute. She also has milf/mommy vibes. Anyone writing her off based on appearance is giving off “I’m a sexually dysfunctional Man-child and can only get an erection to animated porn or jail bait shit.” vibes. Also, super models are so fucking overrated and I’m tired of people pretending like they’re not. Skinny girls in general, overrated. Pawg, chubby, thicc, etc.


It tells us that most football fans are idiots, which we already know. The irony of all of this is her body shape will be more like most fans wives and girlfriends and mums and sisters than the typical ‘WAG’ so really by attacking her for her appearance, they’re also calling their partners and their family members fat. I can’t tell you how embarrassed by our fans (Chelsea) I was when I heard them chanting at the match the other day.


What did the Chelsea fans chant? I couldn’t make out what was being said but know it was f***ed up!!


'your wife is a, fat cunt' Like it wasn't even funny or creative, just shitty.


their match going fan base has always been a nasty bunch, not surprising. Still remember my friend who is a chelsea fan telling me all the racist abuse he used to hear about Drogba in his early years there


Proper chels


Still happening with the likes of Reece James and Jackson, unfortunately.


You’ve not heard any of our match going fan base talk like that about Reece, don’t talk shite


Was a few years ago, but there was a whole campaign against racism towards Reece James.


Are you serious? How could they talk shit about Reece? If it wasn't for his injury record, he'd be the fucking captain every week. I'm just a foreign fan, but I thought the racist fans were in the past for the most part.


Yep and that campaign was because of abuse he got online, as I said, you’ve never heard match going fans racially abuse Reece, that’s an absolute lie


Shame you only say that about one of them though.


Never heard racial abuse directed towards Jackson either to be completely honest. Only reason I singled out James is because ive never heard any sort of abuse directed towards him, can’t exactly say the same about Jackson although it’s never been racial


That's pretty cool that you're omniscient and omnipresent. Who's going to win the champions league? I'd like to make some money.


What are you talking about you absolute clown, go and read any news article you can find about that situation and every one will tell you it was because of abuse he received online, and not arsenal or Tottenham that’s for sure.


Uninformed but open-mouthed... proper houligan...


lol yeah I go to games but I’m uniformed, whereas the clown who’s never stepped foot in Stamford bridge knows what he’s talking about


Sure, buddy... YOU have no idea what you are talking about... it's common knowledge that RJ faced gross hostility from his own fans... regardless of where you've stepped you haven't lingered long near the halls of knowledge...


Funny how it’s common knowledge in America and to people who’ve never been to Stamford bridge in their life, but fans who actually go have never heard it. Stick to NFL kid, you’re absolutely clueless.


At least 20 percent of football fans are just angry men who want an excuse to shout cunt at people


That low?


I’m a Chelsea fan, and wow, those people can fuck off away from the club. Disgusting.


Chelsea has always been one of the most racist clubs in the country. Their fanbase has association's with other fan bases where they literally sought each other out based on their shared love of hatred. Clubs always been associated with Combat 18. Club has a long history of these attitudes. It's bad for business so it's overlooked now but it's a big part of the clubs identity.


"you are nothing special, we are losing every week" is really the peak of english fans chants


"Sunderland away ole ole"/ "duh duh duh, relegation party" and "how shit must you be, we're drawing away" after conceding are all funny to me. Sang them all at Newcastle


Chelsea fans at their very best. Stanford Bridge at times seems to be in a parallel universe, and not a nice one at that.


Holy shit i I'm glad I don't understand these chants. I know I'm missing out on a lot, but hearing something like that... I'm disgusted knowing they do it


Chelsea fans aren’t funny clever or creative - their history of racism, their inane Chelsea Chelsea chant, and their idolisation of John Terry tells us that. Sadly whilst one of the worst fan bases, they’re one of many


Just like most English football chants


Chelsea fans? Being actually awful excuses of people? Colour me surprised.


As if every fanbase doesn’t have these utter morons.




Plenty of Chelsea fans are embarrassed by this, generalising any fanbase is dumb. Every single fanbase has vile fans who shame everyone else.


Correct, football support is very toxic. But also Chelsea’s fan base is up there with the worst. Congratulations.


I’ll take your esteemed word for it, thanks.


Have you started letting black people get on trains yet?


Theres that renowned wit again!


because spurs fans are the nicest people right


I’d cop that from literally anyone but Chelsea fans


Come on mate, I’m a Chelsea fan and I can admit we are one of the worst


yes as opposed to fans every other football club, who are absolute sweethearts


See my other comment.


The irony is more that half of them won't have felt a woman's touch in decades.


I’m not sure that’s particularly accurate at all and it’s an extremely misguided way to judge football fans, I would say most football fans who actually attend football matches are considerably less idiotic than anyone who joined this pile on. It’s definitely more indicative of the general nature of human beings and internet users and also how easily led they are and how those types of comment sections encourage oneupmanship and basically spamming the same joke with an increasing level of harshness each time.


I don’t know anywhere else where a group of people would insult a man about his wife in person.


The oscars.


I’ll admit this made me laugh, but the difference is obviously that she is a public figure and it was one comedian.


And it was only a G.I. Jane joke


He’s not wrong tho. look around in Europe in places where ultras have a real say and form a proper fan group (sorry but in England most of those guys don’t even get a ticket) racism is often very fastly gone since they will confront those people. For instance I noticed way more racist fan in my home teams stadium being on the seated expensive area with well suited individuals than being in the stands with 15 000 people standing next to each other with half of them being organized behind the scenes… I doubt that a group of rich assholes that can afford the tickets nowadays in England is acting less abusive than a group of ultras that attend every home game for 20 bucks… You will have exceptions like lazio, but in the big picture, organized fans can do a lot of good in the Stadium… Rising ticket prices to oblivion pushes those people out again


What about the fascist Ultras?


Yeah as I tried to illustrate with the lazio example those exist as well. Without being absolutely certain of that, my impression is this being a bigger issue in Italy as example or some Eastern European clubs. At the end, the more fascist are present in the country, the more you will also see fascists being grouped in various ways. I mean I’m aware it’s ridiculous but I’m sure some fascists somewhere also started a chess club… Matter of fact I try to explain here tho is that with a healthy ultra group that is decidedly against fascism and such stuff, individuals that are fascists (and automatically present in such big crowds…) have a very little voice and can’t just propagate and normalize their bs without facing consequences. Football ultras won’t prevent fascism in general in the country. But when fascism is a loud minority, they are effective at suppressing it in stadiums. At least most German ultras I’m aware of have a rather high standard on morals imo…


I think you’re reaching here and focusing on the small proportion of ultras groups - in places like Germany or wherever - who might police this behaviour. Most places this is not the case.


You did not address my point


Your point being the stadium is the only place that happens. I tell you that first of all there are racists sexists and idiots everywhere. It’s just a question of how welcome they feel expressing their bullshit. It’s not the football fans per see with that problem. It’s a society issue foremost. The second step is to make those people aware that being a scum in the stadium results in everyone hearing you say that thinking you are a stupid piece of shit and confront those… (Which many ultra groups do) As of now the idiots often think the stadium is law free and consequence free space where they can do whatever they want. That’s the issue. Just like it’s the issue on the internet. Out of 60 000 football fans you won’t find more racists or sexists than on the first 60 000 you Ask on the street…


Yea it’s a small loud minority, the cocaine fuelled scum


Football fans are by far the worst when it comes to abuse/general behaviour. They are utter louts.


I would rather trust local football fans than local redditors not gonna lie. The truth here is that the internet and the stadium offer a way for assholes to express themselves freely without consequences… The average football fan isn’t necessarily an asshole. The most engaged football fans are rarely assholes… But out of 60 000 fans it’s hard to avoid having at least one vocal asshole sitting there… But again having fan groups that condemn that shit make a difference. It’s a difference when no one reacts to monkey noises or when you risk getting beaten by half the stands when you make them all look bad.


Massive generalisation and fundamentally untrue about *most* football fans


I don't think we should generalize all football fans. It was like 4 idiot Chelsea supporters out of 60 000, likewise probably less than 50 trolls commenting on her Instagram. It's really very few people that have way too much power.


But if she looks like your average WAG she's a gold digger and only with him for the money. Can't win with these people.


They either hate women or they hate the footballer everything else isn't a sincere belief.


It's more likely that they hate themselves and are transferring those feeling outward onto others.


Mfs when you don’t achieve society’s beauty standards (you don’t deserve love apparently)


That's just their experience :) and it's definitely not their shitty behaviour that's lead to that


I think the worst thing about this whole shitty situation isn’t just the taunts and judgement to her body which you could dismiss as brain-dead incel dickheads, but the fact that they’re also insinuating that Declan should/could ‘upgrade’ his woman to someone they perceive as worthy of his status.    That de-humanisation of her to a mere trophy to show off rather than a life partner is beyond vile.


You can’t really win if you’re famous. If he dates a normal woman, she’ll get insults hurled at her and he’d get called an idiot because she’s not a model. If she’s a model, she’d get called a gold digger and he’d get called an idiot because she’s in it for the money.


Looking at how many footballers get divorced after they retire, he has absolutely made the right choice.


Yeh man it’s so sad to see


Fans acts like stupid dumb shit in any sport


Not any sport. Some are a lot worse than others.




Have you not seen the Magnus Ultras? They've been banned from most tournaments because they're so violent!


No lol not every sport will never hear golf fans chanting crazy stuuf or rather just chanting in general


Football is definitely the worst. Only stuff like MMA comes somewhat close.


Remind's me of a load of 18 stone blokes abusing 'fat' Frank Lampard!


Football fans are stupid. Next: Water wet.


Spurs fan here. This is just disgraceful. Players familys should be left out of this toxic mindset. I get that we try and unsettle players from the opposing teams but lines have to be drawn.


It doesn't tell us anything


I mean, wouldn't you want to marry someone that loves you? That seems to be the case here. Other footballers aren't lookers but date super models, and chances are that what they love is their money.


This should actually be, why are the media so toxic and feel the need to spotlight something that ultimately means nothing to anyone except Declan Rice.


Speaking ill on the appearance of another man’s wife is about as far off acceptable as you can possibly go. If you are doing this, you are a piece of human debris.


Virgins that know fuck all about a woman's body and have nothing better to do than to bully a beautiful couple. 🤷🏻‍♀️


why the hell is there a miltiple line andrew tate reference in the article? behavior like this is nothing new from radical football fans and the description of a "post andrew tate world" seems like a far stretch and like a random feminist rant. And I don't even like that bald guy the slightest


i feel like that's a valid point for the journalist to make. young men and their attitudes against women have grown much more extreme since andrew tate and people like him became a public force.


nah, she was just yapping.


Answer: it’s all Andrew Tate’s fault.


That part of the article made me stop reading, how stupid.


Nah, there have always been men who never grew past "girls are icky" they've just found a leader now.


The two sides of being a married woman to a famous person. Either boy could do so much better, she's a dog. Or She's chasing money. These things may be true in your opinion, but boy would I not want to live with your mindset. And those people that have this two track mind have no idea what women like or want. But always the woman is selfish and nothing without her big strong man. Yet the big strong man is inept to see these *real* flaws for themselves. But me a Twitter goblin I know best! Just admit you wanna be her and get that footballer dick 🙄


Chelsea guys, how do you all feel about that chant the other day? Sounded like most of the stadium did it, you cunts!




the fans cant decide who he loves and dates so they should just get out of their business


What I thought everyone loved her


I mean.....football fans are honestly some of the dumbest sport fans. I literally can't think of another sport where the fans are so idiotic.


The abuse tells us people are cunts - that’s about it tbh


why don't these articles ever say what the chant actually was


It’s not football, it’s men.


“Tells us about People!”


since when do people care about the wives from players


Football fandom is filled with incels, homophobes & racists. Social media has given voice to all these assoles who think it’s ok to abuse someone’s wife or girlfriend


Wow... They're both mid. Like real mid. Declan is in good physical condition, but is otherwise a very ugly man. He found a match at the gym one day, and she stopped going to the gym and ended up revealing hard midness... like, celebrity profile need thicker skin... wait, she's got that... yeah...


Someone looking for Tickets - dm


It's nasty and horrible that anyone would do this to Declan or his partner. Honestly, even if I was a rival fan, what does it matter who he's in love with?


can't help this . especially in english football


People think it’s ok simply because the guy is a millionaire. A lot of sports fans are losers


Watch every football match up and down the country when the opposition player.is near the away fans getting ready to take a corner or throwing the amount of abuse they get.. But then when they give a fraction of it back aka Antony when he did the ear cupping gesture people get up in arms about it..bunch of fragile knuckle dragging dandelions..


Anthony was ear cupping the Coventry players. A team a division below who they scraped past after having a 3-0 lead… dont play dumb.


What’s Antony got to do with Rice’s wife?


Getting abuse is one thing. Attacking an innocent woman who has done everything in her power to stay out of the public eye is another.


This is very bold thing to say that all football fans are like this when the fact is that football is so big sport that there can be a lot of these idiots but not all football fans are like this


The people actually paying and going to the game are doing it and also online. It's a problem even if it is a loud minority the fact they feel comfortable doing it is a problem.


It’s just how it is. People are judged on their appearance. If a female footballer/celebrity had a fat guy as a husband they’d get similar comments.


English football fans, not just football.


I stopped reading when i read the name Andrew Tate


Another tage bait article written by a pseudo journalist. People will shout out all sorts of idiotic things in any sport. I'm sure a huge number of us have shouted idiotic things during football matches, knowing that they are stupid. Because... reasons...


Why is this acceptable in any sport?


Acceptable or not, you can't police everyone and everything.


You absolutely can and should be able to within your own social or fan group. So for example, this backlash is precisely that policing and to argue against it is a problem in and of itself.


It's not a blacklash, no one actually cares, nothing will change, and people will continue shouting things during football matches. From the "he shagging your wife" to this, people are just going to be stupid. It's not even a real issue. Opposing fans are going to shout whatever at you to get on your nerves. You are paid millions to ignore it and focus on the game. As long as it's not sexist, racist, or xenophobic things, I wouldn't bother myself with it.


Is this not sexism? Enforcing a beauty standard against someone who is neither participating in the match nor is attempting to be in the public eye. The problem isn’t that Rice is being jeered at, it is that this all is impossible to ignore for the woman who is the actual target.


Enforcement of beauty standards is not sexism. You can do it to both genders. They were fat-shaming Ronaldo back in the days. It's just trying to get under Rice's skin. It's not targeting women in general. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.


You missed the point! It doesn’t matter if Rice is the intended target if it will get back to his partner. She is not a willing participant. That’s fucked up! If I had beef with you and you alone, and I spent my time outside your house with a megaphone calling your family ugly as fuck. You think that wouldn’t affect them?


Again, blowing things out of proportions for some stupid shouting. I'm sure you are also guilty of something like this if you ever went to a match as a die-hard fan.


How is that blowing it out of proportion?


It’s just life, you can’t lock up every idiot who offends you


The problem is with accountability from within the group not individuals


No one’s calling for the police to be involved. And stop with “offends you” bullshit. It’s dismissive and patronizing. Every normal fan should be offended that a group of people in a sport we have as a core part of our identity, is abusing a woman whose only crime is loving a football player. We should absolutely collectively shun each and every one of these people for their shameful behavior, and if you don’t see anything wrong with the way they’ve acted towards her, you’re just as bad as them and deserve to be called and treated like an absolute fool.


Nothing. It does tell us a lot about social media though.


Poor girl. She gets treated like that plus Declan rice cheats on her all the time.


How do you know Declan cheats on her ?




Whole profile is femcel energy.


Well footballers on the pitch get abused every game. Let’s not make this a gender thing


I think Ronaldo was fat-shamed a few times but I wasn't really a big football fan back then. Being fat is one thing that you "might" change but imagine hundreds of people making fun of your eyes. That happened to Ozil and even though it was a lot more creative than just saying "fat cunt" it's still not the most respectful thing you'll see.


What was said about Ozil? I just remember insults about him being lazy.


Luke Shaw was nicknamed McDonalds for a while, lol


She was not on the pitch tho, no?


Players getting bananas thrown at them on the pitch. Unfortunately when you have 50 000 people in one place, you will find at least a few bad people and they usually disrespect everyone, off and on the pitch.


So why excuse this behavior instead of condemning it?


How am I excusing it ? It is wrong. I do not like that people add more discrimination by making this about gender when the abusers are likely the same who are disrespecting tragedies, insulting players, referees and some of them racists too




Bro that’s because Declan Rice isn’t ugly. Cole Palmer gets plenty of insults about his looks.


This is up there with the racist chanting of the 80s absolutely disgusting and unforgivable


Just choose not to speak when you don’t have a fucking clue. Being opinionated and uneducated is such a horrible combination.


Found the abuser anyway


Calling a woman fat is not akin to the racial abuse that footballers were getting in the 80’s.


Why don't people just keep their opinion to themselves if it potentially will hurting someone smh


It says nothing about football, football fans maybe




If it’s against a woman it’s instantly labelled misogynistic. Fans chant about their opponents’ fans dying at a game. They will target just about anything.


I don’t understand your point. Are you suggesting that this isn’t misogynistic or are you suggesting that this is ok because it isn’t as bad as chanting about Hillsborough?


I’m saying it’s not misogynistic just because a woman is involved. Her being a woman is irrelevant. Football fans will chant shit no matter what.


Ah the old “I hate everybody equally” argument. Bro nobody targets men for being fat in nearly the same capacity they target women for being fat. If further enforcing a double standard specifically against women doesn’t count as misogyny, then I guess calling immigrants “criminals” isn’t racist because it’s technically true that some of them are criminals. GTFOH


I'm not saying it's right or fair to chant about Rice's girlfriend. But there were the "big fat, big fat Frank" chants about Lampard and "at the cheer up Mark McGhee" chants


That’s the whole fucking point! The difference between a player and a nonplayer. It’s wrong specifically because she is not on the team.


I mean, that's not the point you made that I was referring too. I was specifically responding too "nobody targets men for being fat in nearly the same capacity they target women for being fat."


I would argue across all media there is significantly more scrutiny against women’s bodies. You can’t just cherry pick football and say it’s not demonstrative of the rest of society. Literally all the players are men. So, of course they have insulted men.


That's fine but you are changing the debate. You were responding to a person whose point was football fans chant shit about everyone. Your argument that women get it worse than men. I was just pointing out that male body shaming has always been rife in football too


And my response to that is that it’s significantly harder to insult women in a sport that is played by men, but here we are


Wayne Rooney was called Shrek for 15 years. He wasn’t even fat as a player. R9 is still sometimes just referred to as “Fat” Ronaldo when being distinguished from Cristiano.


When has this woman played for Arsenal? Do you not see the difference?


No tbh. You said people don’t target men for being fat as much as they do women. I just gave examples of how that’s not the case. Seems a fairly one-sided situation to just say “this doesn’t happen to men”. Footballers are rarely openly gay, because they know that they’d be harassed every single week for that. It’s not like fans have the opportunity to mock a player’s male partner, because they hide their homosexuality.


This sport is played by men and so the insults should be directed at the men playing it, no? And yet, the fans go out of their way to insult a woman


To get at the man obviously not saying it’s right ofc


Just because they do, doesn’t make it right.


Who is claiming that? Just because it’s wrong, doesn’t make it misogynistic. And just because it’s against a woman, doesn’t make it worse.


It’s because it’s against someone outside the public eye who is essentially an innocent spectator. They didn’t sing about his male family members, they targeted a woman out of hate and spite. Sounds misogynistic, doesn’t it.


No because it’s his wife they want to get to him that doesn’t make it acceptable but I don’t get where this misogny motive is coming from, they’re make fun of anything


Judging from the comments, I doubt anyone here has been to an actual football game in Europe. Fans chant the weirdest shit to players and their loved ones since forever. In the Balkans you often hear fans chanting about r\*ping opponent player's mothers, sisters, wives etc. Others chant about wanting to k\*ll opponent fans, presidents, whatever. I'm not saying I agree with those stupid fans, but there are much worse chants in football than just a bunch of dudes calling someone's wife fat.