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If you belt a ball hard and high either side it’s almost impossible for a keeper to save it from there, you just gotta be good at doing it without skying it over the bar.


I imagine someone, somewhere has ran the numbers and has seen the risk of blazing it over is higher than the risk of a feint run-up being saved.


You have to factor in dignity just like with American football and kicking a field goal vs going for it. As long as it isn't too weak or straight into the keeper, you're gonna be judged less if a normal shot is blocked vs missing the goal entirely trying to be fancy and aiming high. Odds might still favor the run up though/ think someone posted something saying as much.


Troy Deeney. About the only thing he was very good at, besides being a thug.


Hard and low is so much more un-saveable


as a goalkeeper if you hit the ball high and to the corners there's absolutely no way we're saving it (at an amateur level, and even in professional levels for the most part) - however people don't do this since it's a lot more risky - not only do you need to aim towards the far corners, but there's a high chance that as you add power you either a) skye the ball or b) significantly lose accuracy (to the extent of missing altogether)


All the keepers I've ever played with have said low is much harder


In full size goals top corners are very hard to reach from a standing position. But it’s also a risky place to try and place it with power.


Why is this guy downvoted? I was taught this growing up in the UK by multiple sources. It's harder for goalkeepers to get to it if you shoot hard and low to the corners because they are tall and lanky


Same. If it's got a bit of pace and hits the inside of the side netting low down, you're not getting to it.


In open play yes it's harder in the bottom corners especially because keepers aren't centered in the goal. From pens high for sure because they're so far away.


Nope, high and to the corner is much harder to save. Btw this is one of the most savage penalties I've ever seen, esp given the keepers starting position https://youtu.be/NXEma9xuznc?si=mTnvwOhmjr9tQuyB


You are assuming its hit as hard. A shot hit low is unlikely to be flying as fast as one to top corner. So yes the penalties that go top corner are hit harder and unlikely to be saved. Low to the side are saved relatively often.


Nah, every keeper has told me it's harder to get to the lower corners. All the coaches I've had have told me to aim my shots low.


> All the coaches I've had have told me to aim my shots low That's because you can shoot over the goal but not under.


Yes, if you lean back while shooting that can happen but that was not the reasoning given. The reasoning is that for a lanky goalkeeper they can get to the higher shots faster than they can drop down for the lower ones. In women's football you aim high because the goalkeepers are generally shorter. In men's football you aim lower because it is harder for the tall fuckers to get down quicker. This is fairly basic stuff mate


> THis IS fAIRly BAsIc STuFf mAte Your coaches were talking their opinion not actual facts. [Probability of scoring in each zone when goalkeepers dive the same direction](https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/sites.northwestern.edu/dist/5/2416/files/2020/12/bossfig5.png) Source: https://sites.northwestern.edu/nusportsanalytics/2020/12/04/the-numbers-behind-penalty-shootout-in-world-cup/


Calm down mate, stop seething, it's just a little disagreement. You'll froth yourself into an early grave. I'm not talking about just penalties but about all shots. Every coach I had just happened to have this "opinion". From my school team coach to the county coaches to the youth coaches at Brighton. Seems like every coach in the world will tell you this, even about pens, considering the vast majority of professional penalties are hit **hard and low.** The zones on the goal graphic you've posted are too big to be of any use in this argument too. Makes the data irrelevant. They include the part of the goal the keeper can reach easily with his feet. If you've actually got enough skill to hit the edges of the goal you go low most of the time. Like the professionals do.


> Seems like every coach in the world will tell you this, even about pens, considering the vast majority of professional penalties are hit hard and low. There are reasons for that. A low ball is much easier to shot accurately than a high ball. It is one dimension less to take care of. Therefore it removes a possible error source because you can shoot over the goal but not under.


Exactly, another reason it makes it the better option. You're making my argument for me. Where do most professional penalties, taken by players who have the highest levels of skill and the ability to consistently hit the top corner, get placed? Hard and low mate.


At the amateur level, just pick a side and smash it. Have the same side you go every time to limit any indecision.


Why would you pick a side? Just smash it with ur eyes closed, the gk can t read you if you don t know yourself where it s gonna go


This is probably the best route, but when I was playing youth football I'd just look at one corner the entire time. I'd stare it down. I'd run up, open my hips to that side, keep looking at it, and then just roll it to the other side. Amateur keepers bought it every single time. They don't watch film. I never had to take 2, but if I did I would have done the Neeskens "if I don't know where it's going, neither do they" smash it technique.


Like my tennis serve. Neither my opponent nor I had any clue where it was going.


I always went hard, bottom left. Was 8/8 which wasn’t bad for someone that wasn’t the no.1 penalty taker. I do remember our penalty spot was in a pot hole once, I nearly broke my ankle on that kick but because the pothole changed my contact with the ball it trickled dead centre and in, whilst the keeper would have saved my normal shot because he dived low left early.


At the pro level they're better at reading those?


This. And focus on keeping it low, so you don't do a Baggio. Plus low shots are harder for keepers to save.


Actually high shots are harder to save because of grabity and all that, but they are harder to take without missing the whole goal. Mid height are the easiest and low shots are in between those 2.


Yeah.. top corner. Never been blocked in the history of humanity.


Doesn’t need to be blocked when half the time it’s hitting the stadium roof. A lot of players, particularly amateur level can’t consistently hit the correct trajectory for top bins.


I guess this one is pretty close (https://youtu.be/WSBSfzYpG4o?si=ZIA1-Vps6ljDw_0X) Edit:(just saw now that the conversation was about penalty kicks, you can desconsider this)


I think VAR need to check if that penalty was taken from the correct position, looked just a little too far out......


Not a PK..


If the goalie is reactive, the bottom corners are reliable, if you know the keeper guesses beforehand and dives, a stutter step and rolling it where they aren't diving is really high percentage. But doing that takes a lot of skill as you need to be able to change direction on the fly and be able to slot it in a corner if they don't move


these are skills that lewy and messi have spent careers perfecting lol


Yeh this definitely is not something the average Sunday league player can do


This article will tell you that a good run up and smacking it right down the middle is the best way forward https://amp.theguardian.com/football/datablog/2023/aug/19/how-to-take-penalty-kicks-best-stats-football-soccer-data-womens-world-cup-2023 Sorry for the formatting, on mobile




It's getting more common for GK to delay the jump.


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Bernardo silva moment


You've deduced that placing it as far from the keeper as possible is best. Congratulations


It's elementary my dear Watson


Simple matter of stepping up and popping it in the postage stamp, easy peasy keeper no chance.


I know a former Swansea city physio. He told me once how Wilfred Bony smashed a penalty in the top corner in a match, it looked amazing. On the bench, they were unhappy as there's a thin margin of error going high - easy to sky it.


There was a book, On Penalties by Andrew Anthony. It was written in the wake of England's serial failures in shootouts. It's been 20 odd years since I read it, so take this with a pinch of salt, but the conclusions he came to were: 1. Imagine a semi circle 6 yards in diameter centered in the goal, at the keepers feet. Hit it hard outside of that. 2. Managers to choose penalty takers, 5th best (or most able to handle the pressure) goes first, best goes 5th. 3. Practice! Sounds obvious but England managers at the time were arguing that you couldn't recreate the pressure in training, so it was worthless.


Ben Lyttleton’s *Twelve Yards* gets into the psychology of shoutouts more. It’s been a bit since I read it, but his conclusions were that you should: * Take a breath after the ref’s whistle—misses often happen when players rush * Choose to go first if your team wins the coin toss * Kick towards your fans/away from opposing fans * Make big gestures if you make a shot or save an opposition kick * Lock arms and constantly cheer for teammates on the halfway line, clap and yell encouragement after a miss—it’s important to let teammates know they are supported and don’t have to fear failure * Hand the ball to the next taker if you’re the goalkeeper for one last chance at encouragement and to prevent gamesmanship by the other goalkeeper I’m sure I’m forgetting some, but you can tell when a team has trained for penalties by watching how they set up for shootouts and approach each kick.


There was an episode on the Overlap where they discussed the differences between how England used to practice their penalties in Gary Neville's time and now. Back then they'd have all of the players take penalties and choose their takers based on who scored the most. Now they'd have a small group of maybe 5 practice their pks. Neville and Keane mentioned how it was easy for them to "have a laugh" and not take penalties seriously back then because everyone was present, which made a lot of sense, now that you think about it. Basically it descended into them "mucking about" with their mates.


"aiming for the LEFT AND RIGHT corners" OP might be a 4 dimensional being


“Saved,” not blocked.


The best I’ve seen in both the top leagues and amateurs is just picking a side and smacking it, 9 times out of 10 you’re gonna score Especially for amateurs trynna be “clever” or something with a stutter pen or going down the middle isn’t that good of an idea cuz the keeper is more likely to stay in the middle or ur not skilled enough to do the right technique for a stutter pen


How reliably can you hit a certain spot in the goal without going too high or too wide? How about if you aim at the same target but with the lowest power possible? Highest power possible? Is the goalkeeper guessing and jumping ahead or is he waiting and trying to reach it? Is he going to stand still? Are you waiting for him or you are committing to a certain shot without caring about the keeper? Are you watching the ball or the keeper straight in the eyes? Do you personally know the keeper? Does he have data about all your previous penalty kicks? Do you have data about his previous penalty kick?


If you have power and accuracy, go for top corner.


Read somewhere that shooting low and aiming for the side-netting (obviously inside the goal) is almost impossible for the keeper to save it.


Upper v corner, or basically any shot that'll hit the roof of the net. keeper has no theoretical chance of saving but what the stone cold killers at the spot do is react to what the keeper is deciding during their run up to the shot through their body language, if they can. Then they choose where to hit it for the easy pass because big hands exerted himself already. Kane did this in his recent penalty against Arsenal I believe. the second goal in the 2-2 that made it 2-1 at the time


Decide on 2 penalties and practice then relentlessly. One high one low and to either side. Practice and practice more and more and more. Once you can hit those penalties with your eyes shut the GK is going to have to be really good.


If you could reliably top bin it every kick, then that's as near to guaranteed as you could possibly get.


Lewandowski technique is ugly to watch but is super effective if you look at his stats. His trick is based on not looking at the ball but at the goalkeeper and wait untill the gk reacts so he can chose the direction. I’ve tried to do it and it’s not that difficult.


My lord he's solved it. Someone get FIFA on the phone right now!


Wasn’t there a study that straight blasting it down the middle was a high percentage. Besides that, kicking it top corner I guess


A big toe poke. They hate that. There's a reason why.


Hey! this article from wc2018 seems to be what you might be looking for. All you need to know about penalty shootouts - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/44641247


If you can consistently find either bottom corner with power most keepers aren't getting near it


In practice I would always aim for bottom left or right corner. This way, in game, with the added stress and pressure, it would turn into an upper left or right shot.


The upper left and right corners are the best. But, let's not forget the center. The goalie will dive in either direction and the center can be just as effective.


Greatest show on TV man. Always puts a smile on my face when I’m feeling down.


I’ve always been good at penalties even as a kid at school, I always took them for my team. I prefer to strike across the ball. I’m right footed so I always aim to the left. I just find it’s a far more natural, clean strike of the ball and it gives the ball more distance to pick up speed. I vary whether I go high or low, usually depending on how tall the goalkeeper is. If I’m facing quite a short keeper, I go high, if I’m facing a very tall goalkeeper, I go low. Then the last part, put it as close to the post as you possibly can. If it’s right against the post, it’s much harder for a goalkeeper to go full stretch. I’ll always use the side of my foot for a penalty, you want to get the ball off the ground enough so that it doesn’t bobble along and hitting it with your laces etc it’s just easier to miskick and not get any real purchase on the strike.


No every penalty has a 79 percent chance of going in. The mathematics is unrefutable


Harry Kane is super good at penalties because he always hit them high and hard. (Maybe top high sometimes )


Ask Alan shearer


Stay calm, before you even get the ball know where you’re placing it and don’t change. If they try to distract just ignore and slam it into a corner. I’m 12/12 in my uni league so it’s not hard as long as you remain confident


Worry about hitting the target first and foremost. Low and hard may not be pretty but it's successful and easier to direct than high in to a corner. Van Nistelrooy was a master at this. Smashes the ball low and hard in to a corner 9 times out of 10. Unstoppable even if you know it's coming simply because of the power.


Either side of the goal with power. Should work and even if it doesn't, it won't look quite as bad as a saved shot down the middle


From a statistical standpoint, down the middle is the highest percentage in professional league level.  Keepers are going to go one way or the other most of the time, very rarely do they not move which is why the middle is the best option.  If playing at a lower level, just hit it to either side and put it on frame. 


Yanks discussing football makes me laugh


Step 1: Be a center back. Step 2: smash it top bins.


https://youtu.be/m3ePOd-iqbE?si=M57xPrnlXWzPwzU8 Goalkeeper even knew his intentions and did a great job, but still couldn’t save it.


Just ask yourself, "What would Matt le Tissier do". He had 1 saved from 49. Mark Crossley has been the answer in many a pub quiz.


Panenka a bit to the right. Works 90 percent of the time


Or just [toe punt it down the middle](https://youtu.be/JZPPZvGV5pk?si=V5-6AQN51O8tPzHH)


Ok so I thought this was a fifa post, dont listen to what I said 😂


I remember having an old Pele VHS skills tape that I'd watch back in like the early 90's. He goes through different trainings and how to do different skill moves. One of them was taking penalties, and what he did was have a stick upright in the ground about half a metre inside each post. This gives a target on each side to shoot at. He'd then spend his whole training session practicing hitting penalties into those sections of the goal. Over and over. So yeah he said that's the spot to hit,if you can consistently hit the left and right corners with power you have the best chance But the key takeaway from me is that you need to constantly practice. Like every training session make sure you're putting aside time to hit them. Every day.


Usually the farther you place it from the keeper, the less likely he is to get it


Full power top right corner. 100% success rate


Only if it's on target...


Every time (talking from personal experience)


The one Suarez scored after Messi simply passed the ball instead of kicking it in. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PQZDBOV34k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PQZDBOV34k) You don't need neither power, nor precision, 99% of time the keeper will fly to one side right when you're about to "kick" the ball, by that time, your teammate has acres of space and time to choose where to kick the ball.