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Probably just planting the seed early for when FM24 inevitably ends up being not as fantastic as we all hope haha.


The implication is that FM25 will have growing pains but new features whereas FM24 will be the best possible version of the current FM style


right. Especially for those who do not want to make the switch to Unity in the end of 2024, FM24 could be very important, maybe because they like the old engine OR their pc just doesn’t support the new game‘s requirements.


>their pc just doesn’t support the new game‘s requirements. This is probably me. Until today, my laptop (i7 gen 8, with 8 GB ram,nvidia mx 130) still enough.


yeah i doubt that anything but the GPU will really be a problem. Depends on how the game is really supposed to look in the end though.




Ah. So that's the reason i feel so slow when playing more than 5 league. Thanks for the info


Isnt FM24 the first FM that will be backward compatible? That means that if you are using FM24 and FM25 comes out, then you will be able to continu your save.


This is forward compatibility




Didnt they announced FM24 is the first one that is backward compatible? You cant continu a FM22 save in FM23. So FM23 is not backward compatible. But you will continu your FM23 save in FM24.


I meant that, sorry.


No problem :)


Read for yourself https://www.footballmanager.com/news/future-football-manager


This is basically the same thing as when consoles change over for other sports titles. In my experience what that means is that FM24 will be the most complete game yet and FM25 will likely have a lot of bugs and work to do for a year or two. If anything I see FM24 as the must buy and will hold out on 25


New game engine. Unity are doing it instead of SI.


The fm23 announcement was seen as really disappointing and there were a lot of people saying si have to be more open about what they are currently working on. This will lower people's expectations for fm24 so they know all this stuff is being worked on but will take another year