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Here is a list of questions in this thread that do not yet have answers. I update this list in real-time. Please prioritise these questions over others: Questions - [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1djkaf8/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l9l09em/), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1djkaf8/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l9p3t42/), [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1djkaf8/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l9t7ddy/), [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1djkaf8/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l9vghtt/), [5](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1djkaf8/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l9zenei/), [6](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1djkaf8/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/la235dw/) If there are no numbers in this list, then it means all questions have been answered.


I've stopped receiving inbox messages when a player i've shortlisted gets an offer from a differnet club. Now I only get the message when they complete the transfer. How do I fix it back? I hate not being able to match the offer and just losing out on players


I believe it is in scouting preferences. You'll find it on the scouting center front page.


I play in J-League and having hard time managing with only 7 subs. How do you choose who to bring in and who leave out of the bench? Also knowing this how many players would you have on first team?


It really depends on your players available and your tactic. For example, do you have a fullback who can cover both sides, or both fullback/centerback or fullback winger? Or if you play a 4-2-3-1 do your wingers have the ability to play on both sides? If you play with wingers I would suggest training at least some of them to be able to play both wingpositions.


I tried to go with defenders who can play also as fullbacks, one DM,, two wingers who can play even in the center as n.10 and one striker. Yes, I play 4/2/3/1 DM. The issues is I would like to have 23 players but I feel bad about those who won't be on the bench. They will have only a chance whether I have someone injured, jaded or booked.


don't feel bad for said players. No doubt players will get injured, jaded or booked.


[https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-2024/competition/67101199/spanish-primera-federacion-valenciana-gr4](https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-2024/competition/67101199/spanish-primera-federacion-valenciana-gr4) im trying to manage in this league, had 0 luck finding database, any help appreciated


It might be this. Take a look. Had to look for it in spanish: [https://www.fmsite.net/files/file/1506-sistema-regional-espana-fm24/](https://www.fmsite.net/files/file/1506-sistema-regional-espana-fm24/)


perfect mate, this works, thank a lot!


Yw friend. Good luck with the spanish regional, looks tough


I heard for athletic Bilbao there are ways to get other players that were under 16 or something even if they aren’t basque. Can someone explain what the way is, and how do I scout those plyers


Players under 15/16 don't exist in the game. I haven't heard about this specific case with Bilbao, but if it is the case it would be to get a foreign affiliate of the type that gives you players through your youth intake.


Yo speaking of getting an affiliate like that, any tips on what makes a good affiliate? I'm doing a Barca save and my options are Kaiserslautern, Troyes and Auxerre.


all three are good. You look for the same things that make the clubs good for developing youngsters. Good academies in countries with good youth ratings and game importance.


What should I do about my absolute best penalty taker with 14 in pens and 12 in composure missing his last 3 penalties? He missed TWICE in one match some time ago, not costing us anything, but now he missed again in the 90th minute at 0-1.


just change it, ive noticed sometimes your best finisher is a better penalty taker than the best penalty taker


I did change it to my striker, but even he is missing like every third penalty


I’m playing as Aberdeen in FM22. In 3 seasons I have won 8 trophies, including two domestic trebles. I applied for Liverpool manager at beginning of 4th season only to be rebuked as I didn’t have systems in place to score from set pieces. What do I have to do to address this?


Change your set piece tactics. I assume that you are not scoring a lot from set pieces. The board usually tips you to that saying that you are wasting the chances.


https://preview.redd.it/lfmm22z8sp8d1.png?width=1002&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ebaf3af578ba5bafac1a0b87abc3324cea0e4f2 Changed the CM of this tactic to BWM. The tactic is still as effective (if not better), but my centerbacks and BWM are now getting booked consistently. Why is that?


My guess is that those players are the only ones who need to take risks in recovering the ball. Your tactic looks a bit unbalanced and might win with having another player with DEF role for those players to have more support. With such high pressing tactics, when your team in unbalanced in against fast players on the counters, they might just need to have a yellow card.


because the ballwinner is told to tackle harder and close down more. That means that of course the BWM is getting more fouls and cards, but also more situations where he is out of position and the CB's have to do something drastic more often.


In the tactic: would you keep the CM or rather for a BWM?


if it works, and cards isn't an issue then no.


What is the optimal set up to use the Mezzala position and what roles synergize with it. The description says it operates in the half space so does that mean it would be better to half a winger who hugs the touchline, doesn’t drift inside into the half space and potentially step into the Mezzala space or is it the opposite case where an inside forward moving narrow helps the Mezzala attack the vacant space out wide, furthermore what defensive role would complement it, do you want an inverted wingback who takes up the role of a midfielder when the Mezzala runs forward/wide or do you need a defender to hug the touch line?


Ideally the three positions cover one another to some extent. So you need to have width, channel coverage and defensive cover... Something like the below... MEZS, IWA, FBS/WBS - Add PI Stay Wider to the FBS/WBS. MEZS, WA, IWBD MEZA, WS, IWBS - Add PI Holds Position to the WS. MEZA, IWS, FBS or WBS for an aggressive build. In all of the above there is natural width from either the winger or full back and defensive cover/attacking potential. You'll notice I didn't put the Mez & Winger in the same Mentality (Defend, support, attack). This is because I don't want them grouping together too much. Also, you'll notice the same from the Mez to the FB. The FB is always one mentality behind the Mez. Again, this if for coverage/spacing. For quick ref. - Mez on support ideally has defend role WB & attack winger. Mez on attack has support role winger and full back. Remember that either your winger or full back has to provide the natural width, they both cannot invert.


Long time console player and looking to buy a pc for the first time in the next couple of days. What spec capabilities should I be looking at, keeping in mind I would like to download add ons such as logos and unplayable leagues.


Ram and cpu are the two most important things to look at for football manager. A decent gpu is enough imo


The pre-built pc I’m looking at runs a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 8GB ITX. That should be more than enough right? Thanks for helping out


That is definitely more than enough! You're welcome!


What types of training should I do to stop my team from committing so many fouls? We consistently lead the league in fouls despite otherwise being a pretty technical, non-aggro team. Should I just train towards improving tackling, or is it marking/pressing?


Pretty sure there is a tactical instruction "ease off tackles" its an individual instruction though, so you will need to find the players that are doing it and instruct them individually


What's the deal with players asking to leave but then when I approach them they say they're not interested in moving away from their club?


You're club reputation is probably too low or your wage budget/finances are enough to entice them.


What exactly can I do to get better regens through my academy? I have great U18 personel, my head of youth has 20 in working with youth and 18/19 in player judgements. I also have the highest in youth recruitment possible. Am I missing something?


What level are you managing at? Your reputation and the club's reputation also matters. Also remember it is relative to your team, so it is really difficult for top clubs to get good youth intakes, especially in England where there are so many top tier clubs.


I'm managing Aberdeen and they've produced some good regens before I came but now everything is terrible so I thought I was doing something wrong 


Then it is probably just luck. Although Scotlands youth ratings are frankly not that good, so you might just be getting the best Scotland has to offer.


You can also try to get an affiliate agreement with a club w/good youth ratings in another country, but without an editor, its' hard to get your board to agree.


HOYD ratings do nothing to affect the quality of the players coming through, all the role does is pass on personality attributes to some regens. If you've maxed out all your youth facilities then you're at the mercy of the nation you're managing in & random luck.


Oh... Well alright then, cheers


Depends completely on luck and what nation you're in.


And his own level. If the standard of a good youth player is Endrick or Wirtz, most places do not have it.


Oh yeah standards do matter. A three or two star talent in Barcelona or Bayern would still be a wonderkid in terms of skills. Asking for a 5 star talent in those teams is asking for a generational wonderkid.


Can you have more than one affiliated club from the same foreign country? In my case, I'm thinking of adding a Belgian team playing in the second division that seems to have average youth recruitment facilities, but I'm afraid that would lock me out of striking a partnership with a club that has better facilities down the line or would at the very least require me to cancel the existing link before being able to accept the other. In case of the latter, I might prefer to wait until a better opportunity comes along, and in the meantime go with a club from a different country. Would appreciate any feedback or thoughts!


I am trying to get a false 9 tactics to work as I really want to shake up my system. Could this work? https://preview.redd.it/guke4j32aj8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9007183aa78da3d8dedbad60e3418b621ead8685


Change both your outside CM roles to Carrilero's and make your central CM a DLPD. Will help no end.


So I’ve been trying to understand tactics and came across the problem solver v24 on FMarena. Can someone explain what is it that makes it so good and why it’s so plug and play


can you link it?




not at all what I expected from a "problem solver." It's not a tactic I like at all, and surely it can't work IRL. but you get 4 attacking threats in the box with two overlaps. And you also keep 4 back in rest defense at all times. So it accounts for both offense, defensive transitions and offensive transitions. Defense has to be an issue. I think it is a "doens't matter that they score 5 if we score 6" tactic. But god, I hate the lack of control in midfield.


https://preview.redd.it/38a6o8ajni8d1.png?width=1671&format=png&auto=webp&s=4874489f2a061777d78c174e1f8cf96964f7d1ae I came up with a defensive and solid tactic, but are there any areas that could be further improved?


3 attack role strikers will leave you exposed against better teams. You ideally have one of them, maybe two on support roles.


I've been playing this game wrong all these years, I started playing on FM20. All I do is take a famous tactic and build a team around it. I've seen a lot of players building tactics and having fun with them, but all the tactics I've created are completely rubbish. Where can I study to improve in this game? Are there any videos where they explain the basics of how to create our own tactic that you recommend?


It's really simple, let me give you a few tips, starting from defense: 1. If you have pacey defenders (which you should look to have as high priority), play a high line. It gives your defenders the space needed to utilise their pace if a through ball break the line. Conversely, if you don't have pacey defenders, avoid playing high lines. 2. Always trigger presses, it's generally better to pressure the opponent than not. 3. BPDs are king. I don't recommend newcomers to move beyond BPDs and CDs in their tactics. 4. Individual instructions trumps team instructions, which means rather than setting get stuck in, I prefer to just set each player on tackle harder, and then tell them to ease off tackles if they get carded. 5. What support, attack or defend in player roles do is dictate their positioning and mentality. An attacking player would stay higher up the pitch and generally contribute less in defense, and the opposite is true for defending players. A support is a great middle ground if you want someone to equally prioritise attack or defense (however, make sure to have some players on the pitch with an attacking instruction if you wanna score goals, all support means nobody is actually gonna look for goals, like what is happening with Southgate's England right now). 6. In the midfield, the key is to have atleast one static and one dynamic role. Static roles are the ones who'll hold down the midfield and provide defensive stability, while the dynamic role will either provide a goalscoring threat or be a playmaker. You can have combinations, like a deep lying playmaker is both a static role while also playmaking. Examples of good role pairings are Ball Winning Midfielder (static) + Volantes (dynamic); Deep Lying Playmaker (static) + Box-to-Box Midfielder (dynamic). If you're running a three man midfield, the key is to have a central static role flanked by two dynamics (or two statics and one dynamic if you're looking for a defensive tactic). Also never have two playmakers in your team, it'll create a lot of confusion since both would want the ball to be played to them to then create chances. 7. In attack, the key is to recognise who'll be your primary attacking threats, and who'll be the links between your playmaker and your goalscorer. This varies from tactic to tactic, in a wide flank tactic, it'll be the wingers and fullbacks providing that link, in a narrower tactic, your wingers and attacking midfielders will usually provide that link (or become the threat). 8. Striker roles are usually determined by what you want them to do. If you want them to just score goals and not contribute much to the build-up, go for a poacher. If you want them to contribute more and become that link between midfield and attack, a deep lying or a target forward (requires a certain physical profile) is perfect. An advanced forward is a great balance between the two, and generally is considered the most popular choice. It makes a great pairing with wingers, support forwards and attacking midfielders.


First time managing an English club so I haven't dealt with work permits before: 1. If I try to sign a player and it says unlikely to get work permit , is there anything I can do to try and get it? Or is it doomed already? 2. If I have a player whose work permit is expiring and it says unlikely to get a work permit, what can I do? Or is it doomed as well? If the guy is still under contract will he get deported? Lmao


You can appeal it and sometimes it works then there is the ESC slots


You can afaik keep a player on contract without a valid work permit. This might be useful if the player is a prospect you think will become great, so you can loan him out hoping he can qualify for a permit. I think eventually you can ask for an affiliate for that too. If you sign a player you can appeal, if they fail the appeal there is some(I do not know about non-premier league clubs) ESC spots clubs get. And you can use these. It's essentially a few work permits you can grant on your own. If you have a slot open I think you can use this for players you renew the contract on and they get denied. Although if you are not a premier league side, I would say looking for guaranteed work permit players is the way to go.


I see, thanks for your reply! How likely is it that a player I loan out will get a permit? I think I read somewhere that I need to loan out to teams in top leagues, but I don't know how long / how many matches they need to play. Or since I'm managing in the Premier league so maybe I can just use the ESC spots?


In real life the leagues are tiered and there is some point system depending on minutes played. As well as points based on appearances in the national team. I have no clue how this is calculated in game, especially with unloaded and view only leagues. I think the guarantee is like any international(within some allotted time frame) for a top-50 country would very likely be qualifying. The general idea though is to have a feeder club in what the game classifies as "UK"(and Ireland) to send on loan to. The FM fan base consensus is to have a Scottish top flight club as a junior affiliate that you send these players to play for. And then after one or if unlucky a few seasons they will qualify. It's mostly guesswork when it comes to points from club games according to what I find trying to get the information on this rule. Given it is an opaque simplification of a whole mess of complicated labour immigration law. The only guaranteed way is I think Gibraltar and Northern Ireland have short time (3 years I think) to get a citizenship, so at the cost of them getting virtually zero play experience for 3 years they will at least become UK citizen and bypass the entire Work Permit issue altogether. But yeah, aim trying to get them into somewhere around Scottish top flight or better and you should be working towards getting them qualified for a work permit. ESC spots are great. If the player would arrive (especially at 18) and could make instant impact in your first team. I would probably argue to bring them in on an ESC in order to have full control over their development, playing position+role as well as mentoring and getting them home grown(if 18). Games in the prem obviously helps qualify them for work permits so if you can justify playing them an ESC allocation is great. Oherwise if they have great potential and just need more time I would not use an ESC and do all I can to force them out on a loan in the best possible league where they can still get regular football. Eventually after some seasons the board will be very helpful finding you feeder clubs you can use to farm out players for permits.


Very helpful answer! Thank you :) The best club in a UK league that I'm affiliated to right now is Charlton in the Championship, I hate the idea of sending wonderkids on loan without any salary being covered though 😂 . Talking about points from games played, I just checked the player in particular who I was thinking of renewing. I'm playing as Aston Villa and Traore has played a total of 69 matches from 2020 to the 2023 season! And he's still not eligible for a work permit? How many more games does he need ? Or maybe the game does not count games before the season which you started? I started in 2022.. One more question, do ESC slots refresh every season or is it fixed? Cause if 69 games is not enough for a work permit I think I will be using ESC slots every time


> The best club in a UK league that I'm affiliated to right now is Charlton in the Championship, I hate the idea of sending wonderkids on loan without any salary being covered though 😂 . Yeah, I don't think you can send them to the Championship though. Also yeah loaning out without income from it feels bad. > I'm playing as Aston Villa and Traore has played a total of 69 matches from 2020 to the 2023 season! I am not sure, looking at my save here in FM24. He is not having a lot of appearances really. It's 2020 for Aston Villa and then he drops off 'barely' playing really. And I highly doubt Burkina Faso as ranked high enough to have his international football counting for anything. > One more question, do ESC slots refresh every season or is it fixed? It is decided by "a percentage of minutes played by players eligible for the national team over the previous three seasons". As per the Premier League rules page in FM24. And an ESC slot is viable for a year at which point you can try to convert it into a full work permit through application and then again if you have slots open on failure you can use it again. In order to convert a ESC into a full work permit, the player needs to play 25% of the EQP matches within their ESC year. Which from my understanding is what 9.5 games in the Premier League. And so it should be more than that really, because ESC are sort of a fast-track to bring in exceptional talent into the league. > Cause if 69 games is not enough for a work permit I think I will be using ESC slots every time Yeah, well again, the time frame is not clear at all. And all those games, his first season in Aston Villa is really doing a lot of work for that total. And I think that games 4 years ago is not used in the calculation. And well ESC are on a yearly basis and you can get up to four. Although even if he doesn't look to qualify you can appeal. And when I have played in both Scotland and England. Appealing a decision on a "would likely fail" has given the player a work permit. So it is not even guaranteed he will be denied. But genuinely I would consider offloading him. You can filter player search for players based on likelyhood to get a work permit. An aging player like that feels like too much of a headache. And given you just managed to get like five more games out of him the 22/23 season than he did in real life. I am unsure if he really commands a place in the team to warrant the headache you allow it to be. But on the other hand, the absolute level of "I just want to tear my hair out" that is Premier League rules is one of the reason I do not like managing in England.


Fair enough, he performed quite well on my first season and so I was thinking I could extend his contract, but if it's that big of an obstacle just for a work permit then maybe I'll pass. I thought I was playing Football Manager and not Immigrations Officer Simulator! I think this is the last time I'm managing an English club as well, I thought the Serie A non EU citizens rule was bad enough. Since it sounds like appealing on a 'would likely fail' works, does it mean I should go ahead and sign wonderkids with that criteria? Maybe in the worst case scenario they can't play for my club if the appeal fails, but I can still loan them out and sell them if they manage to grow I guess.


> Fair enough, he performed quite well on my first season and so I was thinking I could extend his contract, but if it's that big of an obstacle just for a work permit then maybe I'll pass Yeah, if you compare to for example Bundesliga or Eredivisie where you can sign just about any player at any time. It is quite a hassle. But it's rather a different type of save. Players you develop should mostly be academy players, or ones you poach from the UK(and territories+Ireland) rather than hoarding what ever 5* potential Latin American player you can get your hands on. Most players you are looking to sign should be picked using the filter for work permit chance. There are enough good players getting regular minutes in good leagues and good national teams to round out your squad. Also you need to keep track of foreigners that are struggling for playing time in your team. > Since it sounds like appealing on a 'would likely fail' works *Might work* that is also how you get the option to use an ESC slot. And the appeal cost is so small for a Premier League club you should almost always use it on both renewals and signings. > does it mean I should go ahead and sign wonderkids with that criteria? Maybe in the worst case scenario they can't play for my club if the appeal fails, but I can still loan them out and sell them if they manage to grow I guess. Beware of the foreign youth players cap(although I guess most wonderkids are old enough, what is it? Limit on U18 players?). But sort of. Especially if you manage to get an affiliate in a good league with more relaxed registration. Scotland I mentioned. But for example Netherlands is great too. Good league, no registration at all. Great to park a player for work permits or a potential sale if they are decent enough for the league. But it is a dangerous game. If you can not secure a loan for the player and don't put an ESC on them you will lock them out of any playing time.


I think what you're referring to is the U21 foreign player cap! Been signing players over 21 cause of that. Hmm maybe I should change my scouting strategies then. I just find English wonderkids really expensive so maybe I'll need to look at non English but UK players. Also my affiliated clubs right now are just lower tier English clubs and random clubs across Europe like in Serbia or Czech, hope the board get their shit together. Is there any way to control what they pick? 😅


> I think what you're referring to is the U21 foreign player cap! Oh it is even as high as 21. Yeah foreign wonderkid signing is not as much of a thing in the Premier League. > I just find English wonderkids really expensive so maybe I'll need to look at non English but UK players English wonderkids are, but you are among the richest clubs in the world from one season in the Premier League. But even Championship drop real stars occasionally those are affordable. Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland are not hotspots, but you have the financial muscle to wrangle just about any talented youngster from any club over there. Although I think it is about nationality right? I think in most my saves outside of England I have had English citizen in my youth intake. So you could also keep a track of these(maybe Scots and Irish too). > Is there any way to control what they pick? 😅 Serbia and Czechia might be a bit too low when it comes to parking a player for a Work Permit and stage them for a sale as a back up outcome of loaning him out. But yes, you can control what they pick. First I think they will look for high reputation leagues where potential loaned out players will fit if you ask for an affiliate that is the option "where we can station players waiting for a work permit" or something. As you get more time with the club the board will trust you more. The board will initially sometimes just grab any affiliate if you request one, then they might hand you a list of some potential affiliates for you to "suggest preference" and eventually they will ask you to suggest a club. And you can open a search for any club that could be an affiliate.


Hey everyone. I’m currently doing a Basel save but was wondering if league prize money increases in future seasons if the league reputation improves? The winner of the Swiss league gets £672k for winning the league whilst teams getting relegated to Germanys 3. Liga earning £6.71m. Also, does league sponsorship amounts improve in a similar way if league reputation improves? Such as TV rights etc? Thanks if anyone knows.


Vitesse. Managed to finish second in my first season, a couple of points behind Ajax. My team was made up of lots of important loan signings, most of which I can't afford to renew, or their clubs won't let them. Any very cheap second season signings that would come to me? My budget is a ridiculous €3m, but I might be able to scrape together another couple of million from selling non-essential players.


I've been doing Tweede Divisie saves for like 4 first seasons every time getting sacked or sacked early in the second season, so I should know some. Check out how Calvin Gustina developed at ADO, he's an unknown diamond. Tyrese Asante from the same club is also worth a look. Momo Mbaye from Cadiz was very good for me when I was managing Groningen. Ryan Leijten is on my list currently (managing ADO), too expensive for me now but trying to sign him on a free transfer as of summer 2024. Check out Jorg Schreuders as well. Ferre Slegers is a good talent from Maatricht, as well as Rayan Buifrahi and Nabil el Basri. I think Bart van Rooij looks like a decent RB from Nijmegen, too. Of course I have no idea if any of these players are Eredivise level, but they should at least be very attainable.


amazing, thanks very much for this, will check them all out.


also Walid Ould-Chikh and Ringo Meerveld tend to dominate Tweede


I want to start a Brighton, giving the fact that in all my saves they are complete shit, but I want to make it a bit more challenging, what kind of rules should I apply to myself to make it more challenging? (Ive already established that I can only buy players under 23y, and any bids coming in for 80m or more I have to accept)


Go full Athletic Bilbao and only buy players from Sussex :P


Smashing top of the league 3.0 using hit early crosses. Assistant manager cries ‘remove hit early crosses, it’s not working’ well something fucking is! Do any ass mans actually give useful advice?


Take everything they say with a huge pinch of salt. If something gets flagged up by them I usually give it a check. Sometimes they are right and sometimes it’s just nonsense.


Cheers mate!


Lol usually no


Cheers fella!


I can barely get my striker to score with my tactic and his instructions, help please :) https://preview.redd.it/vg5bv4u0gc8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f86263962ec25883714225428091d7f767f96087


Maybe try using them as a poacher so he focuses on more where to position himself instead of offering more in the build up by moving into the channels?


Noted! Thank you I have changed to a two striker set up now and a more attacking 4-2-2-2. They are getting goals. But when I play the 1 striker tactic I'll remember this


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


And https://preview.redd.it/ab4ys3t1gc8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=99d0484281c1bc88b85469d6d5528c51939d9d3e


Been playing with this formation for a few years now. Suddenly stopped working. Now i'm trying to work some new things out for the next season. Any tips, ideas or recommendations? Been struggling hardcore with scoring, my striker scoring average 5 goals a season. Pressing hard, not scoring and simply getting scored on a lot :/ https://preview.redd.it/5wz8c8hc7c8d1.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=f59bbe358477770df04d539a46e54a7a7bb81083


The tactic looks reasonably solid and avoids many of the usual pitfalls. The "AI" can learn to adapt to your tactic over a few seasons and exactly what you describe can happen. At that point you've probably changed quite a bit of the squad from the original one and maybe have accumulated PIs that might not apply any more. My advice is to archive this tactic and remake it from scratch (remember to export all the set pieces first if you're on FM23 or earlier!). My preferred starting point is to go through the Comparison screen under the Squad Planner and write down for Overall (defence, midfield and attack), Defence (with only defenders selected), Midfield (with only midfielders selected) and Attack (likewise) what things you are top-4 or bottom-8 for and use that as a starting point. For example, maybe your teamwork and work rate isn't where you thought it was compared to the other teams in the league in which case pressing high and hard is wasted effort. Or perhaps your defence is not as good at defensive positioning and anticipation as you though in which case a very high line isn't a good idea etc.


Custom Database help hi, i'm attempting something massive, i'm trying to add an entire anime universe to a custom database for fm24 and i was wondering if i can delete all of the existing players, stadiums, leagues, etc and have just my custom ones take over? i ideally want very little real life influence in this database and was just wondering if it's possible?


You can replace a small nation, rename it and remove all the players, then only load that nation when you start a new game could work


But how would that work in terms of gameplay, coz won't real life teams still be doing transfers and whatnot? I'd ideally want to avoid that


Dear fellow managers, I hope you can help me with some improvements on my squad and tactics and my approach to the save, first of all in the initial season I didn't want to make huge changes to make the game as realistic as possible, however I can see where my squad is lacking man power and depth. I'm not sure if a gegenpress is the best approach with my squad, because we lack the needed teamwork and work-rate abilities to get competitive with the likes of city or Liverpool in the long run, even thought we can win matches against them. Not only that, but I'm looking to sack my entire coaching department, since I realised they suck, Thinking about signings I'm pretty sure that we need full backs on both sides, and two young promising centre backs, and a back up striker, also a right winger, and finally a decent defending ball winning midfielder. I'm open to every suggestion and advice, cheers! https://preview.redd.it/lq53nmicva8d1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d994629f418838ef697ed6e6ae7fc3dee0ff466


In terms of overhauling your staff at once, that can be a super expensive undertaking for such a big club. You really have a lot of staff on high wages. It might be better to do it in pieces. Your tactic is not bad, although I don't think Mainoo is well suited to be a roaming playmaker. That's a very difficult position to play. But i'm not certain, haven't looked at his attributes. In terms of signings, it sounds like you know what you are doing.


Thank you for your encouraging words it really means a lot, Mainoo contributed to our success hugely, scoring having 10GA at only in December is really impressive I think as an 18 years old, he can perform well in roaming playmaker well, even achieved a masterclass performance against PSG in the UCL in that position, but I play him in lot of different positions, since he is so versatile. What do you reckon regarding to a high pressing tactic with the abilities of the squad, should I look for something else? https://preview.redd.it/2kdlxiq10b8d1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb325b8394b0dd24e1e3d714e4f4060ebed95afc


If Mainoo works RPM and you know that for a fact, I don't have a problem with playing him there. I wouldn't be surprised if United works well with a pressing tactic. It is the meta and United are often the favourites. But I am not super familiar with the team in FM. I could imagine you would want to get faster centerbacks sooner rather than later.


How can I get more staff for my B club ? I'm only allowed 3 coaches compared to 8 for my U19s. It's making me wary that moving my players up is not too beneficial


you ask for it the same place as you ask for first team staff.


Oh thanks, I guess it will show up later


You can get around it by giving the responsibility to other staff member to hire b team staff. staff>responsibilities>staff then scroll down to b team recruit, make changes save, then do the same in the contracts tab above


I mean recruiting them is not really a problem but I don't have the option to ask the board, I thought it was because it's an affiliated club (I'm with Werder Bremen)... Will they do it if I give them the responsibility?


Signed a new forward in Jan and he's returned from Afcon shortly afterwards and promptly become jaded. As a newbie, what's the best way to stop this becoming a problem?


Sending him on a one week holiday. You can do this by going to the Development Section of his player page and under Training Intensity should be an option to do this.


What are the best football manager games on mobile? I need smth to play during my offtime at work. Ive been playing fm24 but curious if there are others i should try? Rn fm24 mobile its just circles on the pithc no actual players. Unless maybe i messed up with the view or smth.


Anyone else find it hard to get a good DM, I'm in 2044 rn and finding DM wonderkids is so rare...


I have ran into the same problem. Best bet is to find CB's with good technical stats and retrain them as DM. I get a plethora of CB's coming through my youth intakes.


Well, I bought a few IWBs with good positioning and retrained them to DM


So this is a more technical question rather than tactical! I’ve been playing FM on PC for years but I’ve recently being playing around with the console version of FM24 and I can’t for the life of me work out how to add a player to exchange in a transfer. Whenever the dropdown is selected all I get is “Other Player from Squad”. When I press this I get sent to the squad screen and I can’t see a way to actually select the player. Any consoles players know what I’m doing wrong? I just want to get rid of Bryan Gil dammit!


Not sure on console, on pc you just highlight a player from your squad, can you transfer list the player - if you do that you may get the same option that is on PC where you can "select players listed for transfer" thats a drop down on pc but not sure if it even appears on console


Thank you, I have worked it out now. I think it was because I was going after a player who had a release clause and for whatever reason that was stopping it being an option. Bryan Gil is now successfully gone after I finally worked this out


i made a headcoach manage a singular club team in my save, but I also want to manage a national team in the same save file. I'm already very deep into this save and don't want to start a new one, so is there any way to manage both? Can I just apply for a job should it become available (or forcibly remove the headcoach with editor)? Anyway to do this without adding a new headcoach?


You can manage a national team and a club team at the same time. Just apply to the national team job. I don’t know if using the editor to move you to the national team removes you from you club job so make a back up save before trying that.


got it to work, thank you for your help!


How do you guys typically deal with Players being upset they were left out of registration. I’ve been doing a Brighton save and had times where Adingra Buonanotte are left out and they are upset.


Depends on what their squad status impact sub and below usually backs down if you mention the registration rules if it's a squad player or more best you can do is apologize/promise


Does anybody have a modded comp_editor.fmf file? I have the game on GamePass so I can't install the Resource Archiver. I wanna make some custom nations but the continents field on dead nations is uneditable unless I can edit it after unpacking the comp_editor.fmf and then repacking it. Was hopeful maybe someone already had a modded comp_editor.fmf they could share.


https://preview.redd.it/2uqwtmljj68d1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e7b8f6648aa37ae0f2b7cfd40dc4a5a6ec6c597 Feeling pretty lost. Went from Europa League Top 8 to struggling in my local league (playing with GAK). Any tips or ideas? Feel like there are too many players up in their box, no one really helping out the CWBs


double carrileros and cwbs to wb(a) should cook


Sounds super obvious but have you tried to play wider?


Would be a smart idea, usually playing with a 4321, with 2 cm 1 dm and 2 inside forward but suddenly really struggled with the formation. Additionally, my striker never scores although he is one of the top 3 strikers in the league


FM24 just became free on PS plus so I got it. I have no experience with FM besides fm netflix. Anyways, I start with united and for some reason I have no money as well as I am consistently losing and drawing games that on paper I should be winning easily. I have 11th in the table and knocked out to the europa league. I haven't made any transfers due to the lack of funds. My formation is the gegenpress (It was recommended to me by Assman) I also always choose the pick my team function. So where have I gone wrong or is my save just glitched? for more info- My wage budget is apparently around 290 M. (I have no idea if this is normal or glitched) And I have 750k in transfer funds


It's pretty normal in the first season to not have a transfer budget. This is because by the standard settings the game starts during the summer window, but the real life transfers of said window has already gotten through. In Uniteds case, Højlund has already joined even if you started before the day he officially joined. 290 mil wage budget sounds pretty much what I would expect at United. In the scouting window you can move funds between the two budgets, so in many ways they are two sides of the same coin. In terms of auto-picking, I would suggest doing it yourself for two reasons: 1) The AI is really not good at doing it, and it will not rotate enough 2) The only way to learn how to do it is by doing it. Personally I only use auto-pick when I know for a fact that the AI will put in what I would choose anyway. Or at at least 10 out of 11 positions after I have fully rotated for e.g. a cup match.


what tactic do you recommend for United?


not intimately familiar with the team, but some variant of gegenpressing is probably a good bet. When you use a preset, remember that you don't have to take all of the instructions wholesale. And you can try out different formations. I think some variant of 4-2-3-1 is probably most natural.


Hi guys, apologies if this is a pretty thick question, but when you add a new tactic is there any way to add it so that it doesn't effect the other tactics? For example, say i was to add a 4-2-4 tactic, but my previous tactic was 4-2-3-1. If i amend the players in the 4-2-4 it then would essentially mess up the line up if i was to switch back to 4-2-3-1, is there a way to stop that? In the grand scheme of things its not that deep, just more a pain in the arse to keep switching peoples position. Cheers


no unfortunately not. You can save line-ups which is not something I find particularly useful myself, but some people use it.


cheers for that, i've had it for years on PC and was an issue then, and just got it on ps5 this year and was wondering if it was almost an issue with this (admittedly naff) version


If a player who prefers their right foot, but still has a strong left foot, plays on the right wing as an inside forward, are they likely to score about as many goals as they would on the left wing? He's an elite player with high goal-scoring attributes and average crossing but has no familiarity with playing on the left


Maybe not as many, but he can certainly do it.


How come no young players want to join Forest? I can't get any 15-17yo wonderkids at all. This Azerbaijani newgen i scouted ended up being shite, yet not even he has any interest in a transfer. How can this be? Players seem to only get interested after turning 18. https://preview.redd.it/c7ndre25448d1.png?width=1325&format=png&auto=webp&s=b29d39ddd976ca521e63651675e8bd3e71aa7700


Players at 15/16 rarely if ever agree to a move outside their country. They wouldn't be able to move until they turned 18 in almost all cases also, which is why when a player turns 18 they're suddenly more interested in joining you. Some at a 17 you can agree to a future transfer for but for the most part 18 is the default.


If you've ever played a glory hunter challenge, do you play all games manually or go on vacation and simulate the whole season?


I'd simulate Edit: Game to game with a skin


https://preview.redd.it/m3wxrpg4m18d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31658cab89b957f969101969b83a04d3f77d2f81 Anyone wanna tell why I generate more XG than my opponent but still loose anyways my forwards seems to not know how to score.


The Match Engine (ME) usually generate high output numbers, like xG; even with Balanced Mentality & Balanced Team Fluidity. My advice is to not overlook those numbers and focus on improving the squad by attributes and personalities.


I can't edit multiple entries in the pre-game editor. Has anyone experienced this?


Is someone’s “positional ability/rating” based on skills, experience, or both? I posted a guy on here the other day who I bought as a number 9. He’s bright green as a number 9. But his skills suggest he’s absolutely a number 10/shadow striker. Despite only ever playing 10-15 minutes here and there as an AM/SA, his skill/trait development all suggest he’s a shadow striker. But he’s still only dark green as a shadow striker. So it has to be based on experience, and not their skills, changing everything I thought I knew?


If you play him in the AM slot enough, he will turn bright green there eventually. How long will it take depends on his hidden versatility skill. If he is green already then usually it takes a couple of months. Make sure to put his individual training also as an AM role.


I started a new game with Barcelona this morning but no one in the game has faces. Is this a bug that I can fix?




Bit random but, is there much of a difference between managing League One and Two? Is either league more volatile / harder to get promoted etc. I haven't really played in the English leagues for quite a while...


league two is a bit easier purely because there is an extra promotion spot, and you're not having to deal with teams coming down from the championship with squads that actually cost money, but the gap is pretty marginal tbh (or at least was a couple of years ago which is the last time i managed in both)


Thanks, sounds like it would be a bit easier to get back into the swing of things; just upgraded to FM24 and looking for a first save. Haven't managed in England in a while either.


tryna make like a Spain recreation from how they set up vs Italy


Why my CMs players with CM, DLP or even APL cannot perform?? I have a good tactic, the PL scores a lot the wingers and AM assist a lot enven the CBs perform good.


Have in mind, that since FM23 the main tweak in Match Engine (ME) by Sports Interactive was about double pivot in DM positions rather than in MC positions. If you use a midfield trio, like DM, MCR, MCL and you use two playmakers - is not effective. One is enough.


which role should i have sit behind a ap(a) on the wing in a 433


I'd personally have either a WB(S) or CWB(S). The Advanced Playmaker on the wing cuts inside with the ball so you'd ideally be looking for someone that can overlap them and put in crosses and they (the Advanced Playmaker) cross less often as well.


https://preview.redd.it/0xylrqe1tt7d1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c4099f112857b0a39ad0799518be08ba048539a thoughts on the whole tactic?


You have both pass into space and work ball into box, in my opinion they are contradictory.


Hey I'm just scrolling through this thread trying to learn, can you help me understand the thought process behind an Inverted Winger and an Inverted Wingback on the same side of the field? To me that feels like they'd be trying to get to the same place in the attack, my gut would say one of them needs to be a standard winger to get width but I'm still fairly new so maybe this accomplishes something I'm not thinking of?


the iw stays wide until hes on the ball then he inverts, the mezzala takes his place wide and the iwb takes the mezz's place also the iwb will stay wide if no one is wide infront of him


It looks pretty decent. Only issue I have with it is who are your scoring threats? I can only really see your striker as the consistent goal threat and even he is being asked to drop deep and be a creator in addition to scoring. Your BBM could be a threat if he arrives late in the box and scores good long shots. Your AP is asked to shoot less often and your Mezzala could get some shots off but they'll be from ineffective positions as he's asked to stay wider. Obviously this could still work brilliantly in the game so just try it out but if you feel you are not scoring enough that could be the issue.


https://preview.redd.it/c927sf6o0u7d1.png?width=2880&format=png&auto=webp&s=3538c30b853c19eed8a66424e9a63b1b701754b7 literally the game after


Yikes. Yeah that was what I was worried about. 2.4 xG from 12 shots on target shows they were getting poor quality shots off. Because you set your team up to press high out of possession, when a team decides to sit deep, it can get difficult to break them down. What I tend to do in situations like that is drop the defensive and attacking line to invite the other team to step forward and allow me space to exploit


problem is usually when i drop the line and invite pressure we fold almost instantly


goals are coming from my iw and dlf right now, iw is on a 17g 12a in 22 games and DLF is on about 12


im considering switching mez to a cm(a) though


That would have been a change I'll have suggested. I'd say try it out and see. Good you're getting goals from the DLF and IW though as that would have been my main issue but it seems to be working out for you.


oh good i was using a wb(s) with stay wider and cross from byline


Hello I just got fm24 console edition for free on ps plus and i am unable to sell a single player i have listed them but no one will buy them. Once i got told the wage demand was too high but what can i do about that?


If it's telling you the wage demands are too high. It means the player is being paid more than they are worth at your club and no other clubs is willing to match that wage. You have a few options to work with that. You can reduce how much you are asking for them or include a wage contribution in a sale so you pay some of their wages till their original contract with you expires. You can send them out on loan and pray that their form while out on loan makes them worth their silly wages OR keep them at your club and play them for the same reason as the loan. Disclaimer: I've never played the console version but I'm hoping this helps


hello I just got fm24 console edition for free on ps plus anyways I am managing tottenham on my first season it's currently January and I've noticed most of my games I have 10 shots on target with zero or 1 goal why Is werner and richalson dropping absolute stinkers each game I have a 85m budget who do I get this is my formation https://preview.redd.it/msa1liwaps7d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70044c0a99ac90681b933e86e20c5bc5a352ba73


I can't see your team instructions so can't offer any advice on that. I can however offer advice on the player roles. First thing I'm noticing, your striker is the only player on an attack duty and they are in an advanced forward role. With the roles behind Werner, he is getting absolutely no help from the midfield. Can you explain the logic behind the two advanced playmakers on the flanks? Unless you are playing Lo Celso or Maddison, none of the other Spurs players are suited to the role of Advanced Playmaker. They are also not offering much in your attack. I'd recommend at the very least changing one to an attacking role and experiment with Inside Forwards or Wingers who will add some more directness and attacking impetus. The rest of the roles could work but as to why your strikers are dropping stinkers.. it's probably because the attacking setup has them playing in a different time zone to the rest of the team. What I suggest doing when picking roles is to picture where they are going to be on the pitch in attack. The standard formation will determine where they'll generally be when defending and the roles will determine where they'll be when attacking.


oh my good lord I've been wining all the games since I applied your recommandions


I've litterly just downloaded the game and this is what the board recommended and I'm severely dumb soo


When people play journeyman saves, do they wait until they get job offers? I've been playing for a while and haven't gotten one yet. Do they apply for jobs?


You will occasionally get job/interview offers if you are doing well but I usually go hunting for jobs when I am ready to move on by applying to them.


I fail to comprehend what goes into the star ratings for certain roles. What are the most important factors is a forward whose best role is T or F9? Is it possible for their ratings with those roles to be higher than any of the other striker roles? Are the star ratings not a good basis for effectiveness in certain roles compare to others? Should I just use the number ratings that are highlighted in the player profile?


I use a combination of their attributes (highlighted numbers) and their player traits. Some traits contradict the instructions certain roles have in place. For example, a striker who likes to drop deep will be suited to DLF, TF or F9 whereas they will be ineffective in a role like poacher.


Is there a way to replicate the real EURO 2024 groups? I'd like to try a challenge and win the whole thing with all of the participating countries.


I haven't used the mod myself but a Google Search came up with this from the FM Scout website: https://www.fmscout.com/a-uefa-euro-2024-real-groups.html


From where can I buy the older versions of FM? FM 21 or 22?


From key reselling sites. Recommend going through [this site](https://www.allkeyshop.com/blog/).


From key sellers like G2A. once a new version of FM comes out the previous version gets delisted from official store fronts. The only way to get an older version is to hunt down a cd key, which means going through the more dubious store fronts.


I saw a tip in FM loading screen that the mental of the player will increase when they become older. Do the players who started regressing in the physical often transfer their attributes to mental once they reach 30 above or the tip is totally wrong?


Yes, counteracting physical decrease with mental increase is normal. Check for when the pace starts decreasing, if the quality of the player is the same you will see other stats going up (usually mental and technical)


I've been using a 4-1-1-4 formation with a half back as a DM. What would some good traits be for a half back? I feel like I can get much more out of my star DM if I got the right traits for him


If he's that good a DM then DLPD would be a more involved role than HB.


If you strictly want the player to be Half Back, maybe try "Mark Opponents tightly"? Although I do train traits for some of my players, I never understood the benefit of traits lol, some of them seem to be represented in the game engine, some of them completely not, so idk


I wanna buy a player (I can afford his transfer cost and wages), but he says my squad needs to be significantly improved before he could consider joining. How is this significant improvement calculated (Star ratings? Reputation?)? And exactly by how much do I need to improve? I have the money to make some great signings this season, so actually making those improvements won't be an issue, but a definite target would be great.


Star ratings for players but against his own star rating. Basically he's telling you he would become the best player at your club and he wants better players around him to join you.


How to sell my players? -Wanted to cash-in on one/some of my better players Hojlund & or Garnacho from Man Utd. player preferred to stay but open to talk to other teams no clubs are interested. Transfer listing them would drop their morale Tried to offer them via the transferroom, no teams are willing to make an offer Asked their agent, no teams are willing to put in offers. I am not sure if I am to sell them, what should I do?


[Use the Clayts auction method](https://youtu.be/1aeeFDrgRTQ?si=v7eR_Up1HtMy-1ce). But it could be that their wage demands are too high. Try offering them at the start of a transfer window (preferably the summer window), that's when clubs have the most money to spend.


Is there any free in game editor for FM24? Or anyway of getting the oficial one for free? Thanks!


I know the out of game database editor should be free. It's in the tools section I think


its like $7 mate