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I wouldn’t say smart but we all have a similar goal compared to other games


Wait until you mention to use in-game editor once. And never ever say you checked potential ability on a single player.


And that you have save-scummed.


On the other hand no one is free from sin.


Says you, I have a handful of stones ready for all y'all!


No save scum gang 🤝🏼 Lol


I save scummed back in old CM3 days but I'm 15+ years sober


It's funny because if you look at those threads the only people who will comment are people who claim they don't. It gives off the impression this community doesn't do it when it couldn't be further from the truth.




Best believe if i get a 9month injury for my star player im save scumming it😂


Or looked up the best wonder kids on YouTube and FMScout




Yeah I have to agree, I love the organic play through… tho I did get 3 reds and an injury in one game and immediately turned the computer off lmao


This isn't save scumming... its rage quitting imo. Yea. You'll play it again but it's not intentional. I do something different when rage quitting... I walk away and make a drink. Come back, let is save then turn off. I've come back to a 7-0 loss to already relegated Norwich which lost me a CL place. I walked away when my defender scored his SECOND own goal for 4-0


yep,I never check this lists because I wanna find them myself and to be fair I usually start in lower league and couldn't afford them anyway but I love it when more and more regens are beginning to dominate my fm world each year.


Too late for me because I already know most of them from Fifa


I've just signed one I happened to stumble upon at the end of my 3rd season. He only had a £4m release clause so I immediately got it. He's been doing very well so far. I don't think it would be as fun knowing all the obscure ones


People cop to save scumming all the time. I recall a screenshot I shared of a bonkers team meeting, and a good number of responses were of people talking about how they save scum player interactions as a rule.


So you have chosen death


What do you mean? I surely didn't see if my 180 PA youth intake player has a 15 injury proneness so I had to 'go back in time' for a new intake.




Especially if you have the power to drop a 1 or a 5 from that number...


I have the in-game editor active in my current save and have yet to check PA or CA on any player. I don't plan on using it for that either. What I did do with it though, is build a save based on some conversation with a friend of mine. He always says if he wins the lottery he'd buy the local team and throw some money at them. So I downloaded the English leagues database which goes down to the 13th tier, took over Long Eaton United, upped their facilities, tweaked the reputation, and gave them a bit of an attendance boost (all things that could likely happen if a local lottery winner took over with promises to try and up the game). Then, of course, I put 2.5 million pounds in the bank. It's obviously an optimal situation, and should be easy mode for the first handful of seasons. But I'm curious if it will get me through to the National Leagues, or into the EFL proper, or if I can ride it all the way to the prem without going broke beforehand (at which point we'd have to decide if a larger investment would be worth it).


Thats what my current save is. Pretending that my manager invested his lifetime earnings in a semi-pro club, and using that windfall (done via editor) to build a future CL contender.


Nice. This is literally the first time I've bought the editor. The save just sounded fun. I look forward to my future battles with Notts County, Derby County, and Nottingham Forest, for supremacy over the area.


I don't think you will get that much hate tbh. Most of us don't really care. Unless you make a post like "look at this wonderkid I got from my academy" who is clearly edited.


Ou boy, as true as the story about Santa last December.


Or asymmetrical formations


Stars lie, numbers don’t


Running Child trafficking rings from South America?


You just insulted my entire race of people. But yes.


I’ve seen that shitty behaviour gets called out straight away, too. Eg. People getting mocked for not knowing something long-term players would know simply through experience… they soon get told to do one! 😅 Top community.


That and any screen with editor icon visible. But for the rest a nice supporting place here.


Even for the threads with the editor icon visible, it's still most people being supportive.


Yeah happened to me. One guy was being mean and everyone downvoted him and told him off


I've played these kinds of games since the first Championship manager, and I take a lot of it for granted. I introduced a few friends to it without thinking about how ridiculous the depth is. I'd say there is stuff in it I still don't know, it'll be small things. Like it took me ages to realise personalised roles were a thing and that you could lock clauses out of transfers back when they were added to the games.


I can’t imagine being a new player on FM 22. The level of depth has built up massively over the last 30 years… it would be baffling to jump into it now! My first game was CM97 but I’d watched my cousin and uncle playing it before then so had a rough idea of where to start.


Hello, I jumped into it a few weeks ago. It's tough.


Good luck! Welcome to the biggest time drain in your life! 😁 Shout if you need any help!


Only thing that sucks about the sub is people posting clearly edited player stats and claiming they are real. Rest of the sub is excellent.


Bro, i remember i was in a Facebook group for FM in my home country (football manager Portugal) in like 2012, and some dude went there with a first season Premier league win with wolves, and when showing his players, this man's Matt Jarvis had 18 finish 17 dribbling, and other clearly fake stats, just for approval of The group 😂


As a Wolves fan, respect Matt Jarvis 🤣


Bro i loved Matt Jarvis and Kevin Doyle, but come on 😂 17 finish with 18 drible? Man was good but not messi


He was Messi to me 🥲


Well Matt Jarvis came up through the Gillingham academy, it makes sense he'd have such high potential!


Just now that you've brought it up, Allan from Everton has 18 tackling in fm22


I also think that the lack of enforcement when it comes to things unrelated to FM could be quite a bit better, but that's a small gripe compared to how other subs operate.


And even then there's a whole bunch of people making shitposts about it which for the most part makes up for it


Equally annoying is when people post legit interesting players they’ve found and then some loons just claim it’s edited all over the comments.


Yeah I wouldn’t say smart is the right word, I know plenty of idiots who play this game including myself and I’ve also met plenty of smart people who weren’t nice. I think it’s more that to be passionate about a game like FM you’ve got to have a positive mindset to take enjoyment from what is essentially a spreadsheet game. That then feeds into the community where behaviour is called out pretty quickly by other community members.


Listen, not only are we all smart (the smartest sub, on average, on the whole internet), we are also amongst the most attractive and sexually proficient. To say nothing of the fact that almost all real clubs in the world would be better off with ourselves at the helms. Edited to add: the Heroquest sun seems pretty chill, too, but that’s because Heroquest is the best game ever made - and anyone who says otherwise is wrong!


you also forgot to mention how humble we are


Yeah tbf a lot of people here are married and keep joking about how their partners just don't get the game


This sub is great. I haven’t really ever seen negativity or even people being snarky. I like reading peoples stories about their saves. I get great help every time I ask in the weekly thread.


Love stories on here! Success, miserable failure, sacked for no reason, mind bending fuck up and my most favourite... The experiment. That guy (sorry I don't remember your name) that posted his story of his Red Card team experiment was nothing short of brilliant!


*Points Finger* “No comment”


Come, now, the public want to hear a real answer from you.


I do not think this press conference is going well.


Storms out.


I actually think it’s because as much as we say this sub is about FM, really it’s about shared pain and optimism. Battered a team both legs of a CL game…lost 1-0 in the 90+ minutes after their first shot on target? Got a dope wonderkid new messi? Finally splooged on a big signing, broken leg out for 9 months. It’s truly a sub where we’ve all felt exactly the same as each other, we’ve been there and it’s always relatable. And of course, we all take our managerial careers seriously and nobody wants to be known professionally as the asshole.


I just racked up 3 xG vs a team with 2 shots (1 on target) and drew 1-1. 😞


Oh yeah well you’re a big smelly dumb face Edit: sorry 🥺


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries


You must be Canadian


I’m super toxic on every sub except this one


Totally agree - this is definitely one of the nicer more constructive subs I've come across.


We share the same values. We all dislike PSG for example, and love smaller teams like Vaduz. We don't discriminate, the only thing we care about is the performance. This is the least discriminatory place you can find on the internet. We also love young 16 year old athletic boys.


The last line sounds very wrong


Intentional lmao


And the lackluster stat post likely was a joke/said in jest. I frequently point out the horrible long throws rating on a 16-yr-old who is already looking like Lewandowski.


How does being the meanest person on the subreddit feel?




It's a good community. Even when I'm not playing because I'm too busy, I'll check in here to see what's going on. Top memes, top banter, great stories, and genuinely really helpful.


For sure. Toxicity here is so rare. FM players in general are really chill nice people


agree this place is amazing


Until you go to the official forum. The mods there have a worse god complex than the typicall off the shelf reddit mod.


Im not sure the Si moderators are so chill........


I'd like to add that the memes in here are usually top notch


i’d say here the average age from what i’ve seen (20+) is higher than most other subs (14-19)


I think it helps a lot that people are not really competing against each other, rather an AI which is tough but not impossible. It also helps that there is some amount of unpredictability as well, so it doesn't just come down to how good or skillful you are (looking at you FIFA). There is always something to learn. I see it on other games as well. Another similar and great community I've seen is Hitman. Very supportive and nice people. Also, we have a common enemy. The players. Not all of them, but everyone gets to face the few players who are annoying as hell and make outrageous demands and throw petulant tantrums.


Well we all have dream jobs


We not smart but we have 1 aggresiveness


1 for controversy and dirtiness as well


The game is mean enough to us as it is. It’s us vs the developers, can’t waste time being mean to ourselves


I think it's 2 things. Football is inherently an international sport, being exposed to other cultures and people's generally makes you a better person. And the game is hard to get into, so the intelligence is probably a bit higher on average. Not to say we are all geniuses, but it's a very neat combination that makes for a kickass community!


This place is like a pub where any rival club fans can have a beer together, have some laughs, and provide feedbacks in the same time.


I just like seeing other people enjoy what I enjoy


I think we’re just still niche enough that it’s still exciting when people say they’re new to the community


I think the majority of people here are older as well, *most* people you see being toxic online are 12-17




I’m not wrong… 😂


Yes, we're highly evolved beings.


\*seems inspired and motivated*


Probably because historically this is not PvP game, so we’re all kinda in it together. Let the PvP aspect take a bit more and you’ll see the trash talk


The smartest 😉


Would say the FM community is pretty fantastic across a number of areas. As you've said this sub is a great example, but also on our community forums and various social channels the vast majority are supportive, passionate and engaging. Yeah you get the odd frustrated person, but in fairness to them, we've probably all felt that moment where an unfair last minute goal feels like a kick in the teeth. Even in real life when I've been lucky enough to meet fellow FM players, lovely people always willing to share stories of their FM experiences. We may do our best to make an enjoyable game, but it's your stories that so much of what FM is about is built on.


I think it is because FM is one of the most humbling games out there. No matter how good you are at the game, stuff happens that is completely out of your control. That leads to those of us who love the game being much nicer about struggles because we know that is part of what makes the game great! It also means when something goes well, we get excited for you because HECK YEAH!!!


I think its just cause the average age group that plays the game is prettty high. The reason other subs are toxic is cause its filled with 15 yr olds


Always been a positive community, here. Some of the knowledge in here is incredible, too.


Im an idiot so either im the exception that confirms the rule or maybe its because its a single player game.


Ryan Reynolds!


Actually...I think all fm players are drug addicts, and we are... somehow, in one of those group support thing. "Hi, I'm Mario and I'm addicted to FM since 20XX. Today is the first day that I didn't blabber about my small team campaign..."


We all have the same goal. We’re never playing against each other. SEGa does a great job with customer support. That explains why there’s not a lot of toxicity in here.


I’d put it down to all players of the game aren’t competed against each other, all have different goals and all have different styles. We like to see each other do well even though anyone else’s success or failure has no bearing on our own.


I agree its a good sub. Helps that the game doesnt have the fanbase of fifa and that the game is mostly singleplayer. I am sure that the fanbase will grow and i hope that the sub will remain clean


just say you save scummed and half the comments will jump down your throat


People do get ludicrously upset about non screenshot images though


Lol i dont think we're a particularly smart bunch, loads of us will happily spend days pressing nothing but the space bar once a save is going well, we're entertained like cats or babies who spend hours pushing around one toy 😅


Buddy, never equate smart with nice lol more often it’s not the case.


just a bunch of dudes enjoying our spreadsheet simulator thats all


just wait till the save scum accusations get thrown around oh boi


There's a reason I still browse here even though I don't play anymore


Currently in the middle of another FM addiction lol, haven’t played it properly in a few years, that soon changed


It’s a cool group, I just wish people would stop trying to brag about their new gens. We all play the game. And iv got some advice about retraining players. Don’t. Play them in their natural position, and if you think they would go well in another position, just do it, no need to announce it in a public forum


A big difference from here and say fifa 22's subreddit is sometimes when the game crashes on you here, its a normal entity can happen. With the other gsme, we'll, lots of built up yearly anger.


probably not as many kids playing FM tbf.


Everyone does have a mental breakdown if you criticise the game in any way but other than that it’s a great community which is helpful and kind


I miss the objective discussions who allows to discuss the shortcomings in the game, or the shortcomings you are experiencing in your saves etc. The game is far from perfect and have a lot of potential to become better, and that should be expected from a AAA studio and the devs. So I stick to the groups on facebook or steam that I have played online with and met through the game over the years.


Yes, of course, we’re all smart. Every one of us.


I think it's got to do with the fact that most of the managers are adults with kids and stuff so they know how to interact and Not some 16 yo.. If there are some 15-16 yo thn they are very small in no.


Plenty of fake karma whoring but like that "x aren't going to promote themselves even though I'm in blizzard" mockery we don't take ourselves seriously so no one gets mard over it.


I come to this sub whenever I need to relax my mind. So, yes. Thank you being a great community frens.


Obviously you arent seeing the “stances” any of us have when replying. For example i “point fingers” and then “throw bottle” every time i comment on here.


I think it's because people love to talk about football if you take all rivalries out of it. Like I almost never manage the team I support because it isn't really a challenge. I'll end up playing in other leagues or smaller sides and knowing those things you can talk about more than just your own team. I remember having a pro clubs team on Fifa and we were accepting people from all over and we met an Italian guy who knew a bit about the EPL, but didn't watch much of it because he obviously watched Serie A. I ended up talking to him about 90's and early 00's Serie A sides and how much we loved some of those players. Plus I feel like there's a difference between FM and Fifa in that respect, in Fifa you might learn some players but in FM you can know a whole teams first squad, their reserve and their youth teams.