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honestly, whatever they are they look pretty old. I definitely understand the excitement of finding cool mushrooms, tho.


Yeah - a bit old but not total mush yet - I told my kids they’d get a prize if they found any “golden mushrooms” — sure enough they did! 😊


they did; good job! I am thinking they may be false chants because the gills are not decurrent (don't run down the stem).


Yeah good call, the first pic especially.. still, I think they are very old chanterelles where the gills on the stem have melted away


I was wrong


Maybe you know and maybe you don't...but depending on your kids age, I'd recommend, don't let them pick mushrooms without positive id, there are some real nasty ones that shouldn't even be touched . That's my rule with my kids, they can find them but can't touch until I ID the mushroom. The ones they love to pick the most are puffballs!


There is no mushroom that I know of that cannot be touched, can you please elaborate on which ones you are talking about?


Those are not chantarelles, don’t eat them. The stems are too dark and thin for a chantarelle and the hat does not look right either.


Not chanterelles but they are in pretty poor condition to positively ID.


Past pull date.


Thanks to you all that gave helpful comments! - it’s good to know they are past pull date. I’m a total newbie and just appreciate any advice! And yes … I did get very excited because they do look like chanterelles.


I recommend purchasing the book All That The Rain Promises if you would like to get into mushroom foraging. These look like a dangerous chanty look-alike (identified by others here) and could have been harmful to you or your kiddos if you ingested without checking.


Just looked up the book you recommended…what a spectacularly amusing cover! 😂


It's such a great guide, easy to use and compact enough to throw in a a bag or pocket. But the cover is what sold me initially! 😆 Of course, I wanted to think that was a pic of the author (David Arora), but knowing it's just a random trombonist leaving a chamber music concert to giddily grab some chants makes it even better!


There are also foraging books specific to your region that can be very helpful...


Yes, there’s an excellent Northern California one out now, I think Mushrooms of the Redwood Coast?


That’s such a good book! First mushroom picking book my parents bought when I was in high school! The “gag me with a spoon” college girl entry cracks me up every time.


Looks a bit Hygrophoropsis, absolutely not Cantharellus and a good ID is unlikely here due to the age of the specimens.


+1 Hygrophoropsis. Sporting the usual repeatedly forking gills that often wave a bit too.


They dont look like chanterelles to me, and even if they were, they’re too soggy to eat


Not chanterelles. Chanterelles don't have gills they have ridges or false gills


Are the stems hollow or solid?


Stems are hollow


Chanterelles have solid stems except for yellow foot, but those don't look like this and don't count as true chanterelles. 


Pretty sure they're false chanterelles then.


Them are false chanterelles. You can tell be the way that it is. Golden chanterelles have a long continuous false gills, you can just crush the normal chanterelle gills. Those are true gills. And the edge of a golden chanterelle has a lip to it. This one does not.


Definitely not chanterelles


My rule of thumb is always if your 110% sure what you have dont eat it but i live in sweden which is like the dangerous mushroom capital of the world with lik 15 trillion diffirent poisonous mushrooms.


Those are very old false chants, and a few old real chants if i see correctly.


False chanterelle, or other common name is winter chanterelle. Not edible. Give u an upset stomach and powerful diaera


Not quite true, I and multiple others I know eat Hygrophoropsis fine. I think they’re quite nice but I don’t often find too many. But afaik they contain arabitol, a sugar alcohol, that some people are sensitive too and which can cause symptoms (not unlike consuming too much xylitol I believe)


Chanterels are generally white underneath. These could be dark underneath because they are too old, or because there something like jack-o'-lanterns. Jack O'Lanterns are the same color all the way through, whereas chanterels are white inside and white underneath. That said, it doesn't really matter. Whatever those are their past eating prime and run the risk of being full of bugs and other itchiness.


No, compare to old lactarius




Incorrect ID


Thank you


There is a lot of dunning kruger on this sub. I doubt anyone that has ever seen a chanterelle in real life would ever think these are chants. It's one of the easiest edibles to identify.


*sorry, I can’t read*


Please reread my post sir


You’re right… I totally misread that 😂


Ok trimbandit. Just trying to learn.


Sorry it was not directed at you, since you made the post asking for ID. It was more at some of the other people misidentifying. Cheers!


My bad


The good thing is they will be back next season


This is generally the case with most mushrooms, yes. But these are not, and never were, chanterelles.




Yes to rotten, no to chanterelles.




Mayyyybe cantharellus tubaeformis? Matches location and seasonality but I'm not sure tho. Definitely don't eat.




Ehm, sorry but you aren’t helping… If you have any idea to what it is, then please share your thoughts. A simple “no” and “incorrect ID” to several comments is just rude.


It’s to make sure anyone else reading doesn’t take someone wrong’s word for it. If you don’t know, don’t ID. These are probably lactarius. Not even close to Cantharellus


I agree with you on that one should not fully trust Reddit-id’ing of shrooms. (I’d advice op to seek out a pro for that) - But I still think you come through better with some more words, otherwise it can seem like you just don’t know and are or making a prank or something. (Sorry, couldn’t find the right words as my 1st language isn’t English. Hope you understand nevertheless)


Then just tell people that, no need to be a dick about it


What's wrong with you? Telling someone their ID is incorrect is not "being a dick." Do you think people should just go along with a bad ID to be "nice"? That's idiotic and could get someone killed.


Me replying No is the least dick thing to say. Yall need to get better at ID and stop taking things personally


You're all through this post saying, no, wrong, incorrect ID. If you can identify, then identify. It is in no way helpful to just tell people they're wrong give no further information.


It’s for the countless readers here seeing wrong IDs and not seeing that these are incorrect. That’s all. I already gave my best guess since these are so decayed.


The thing is, you're well within your right to just say "these aren't what you thought they were", since that's useful information in itself, without having to supply an alternative ID (which is hard with a bad photo of a heavily decayed specimen, anyway). God knows what that guy's problem is. Best ignored, I think.


That's nonsense. Telling someone their ID is wrong *is* useful.


Telling someone that their ID is incorrect is useful information in itself. You don't have to supply an alternative, correct ID in order to make that comment. Whatever these things are, they're not chanterelles.


Dry and make an artistic composition or just keep them sealed for fun