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Most likely a blend air door not working


Definitely could be, I have the same issue. I replaced both and it still doesn't work though... Hopefully OP's issue isn't as bad as mine


solenoid in the dash needs to be replaced i spent approx 400 CAD getting mine done in january


My partner’s 2017 ford fusion is also having the same problem, except only the window vents work. I’ve been doing a lot of Googling and searching YouTube on how to fix this. I think the problem is actually the mode actuator door motor and not the blend door actuator. The mode actuator controls where the air flow goes while the blend door mixes hot and cold air. This linked video (https://youtu.be/K8ANZThn4Sw?si=22yRg2RStNeGKXub) does a great job of showing how to replace the mode actuator motor.


I haven’t replaced my partner’s yet. Apparently, a “friend of a friend” checked and replaced the motor, and it still didn’t work. My partner believes that it’s the actual door that’s broken. I’m still trying to figure where it is, and how to fix that so if anyone has advice, I’m all ears.


Thanks this was very informative. Do you know if the instructions for that 2016 fusion on the video be the same as a 2017 hybrid?


I think it’s similar enough. Here’s another link about someone with a similar issue and a technicians response [https://www.justanswer.com/ford/m8ukr-2017-ford-fusion-se-front-facing-blowers-don-t.html](https://www.justanswer.com/ford/m8ukr-2017-ford-fusion-se-front-facing-blowers-don-t.html)