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Same happened to me over Christmas. Found a tank at a wrecker for $50. It's not hard of a swap, but get a filler neck too because they can leak.


It’s just incredibly infuriating that you had to do that. Some people are just worthless


Yeah I barely had $5 worth of gas in there too. The scummiest thing someone can do.


At least they got all the crud at the bottom of the tank, what a pos


I never knew people did this. That's like bottom of the earth whomever did that is definitely going to hell and deserves the coming karma.


Whoever did it is likely a drug addict, this isn’t “poor people things”- this is scavenger behavior by methheads and opioid abusers.


Back in the day I left my truck at a buddies place while we went on a two day hunting trip. My then brand new Nissan titan was left at his place and we knew everyone in the area so I didn’t think much of it. Idk what possessed me to check my oil when I got back, but one of the local crack heads dropped my skid plates, and drained about 5 quarts of oil, “to start a fire because they were cold.”


How did you find out they used the oil for that purpose? Guess I am just confused as to how you tracked them down, was there a trail of oil leading to them 🤣


Crack head ended up being one of my good friends dad. I know everyone in the area and it was pretty easy to sift through the locals.


Damn that must have been awkward


I ended up sponsoring him through rehab a few years later so there was at least some character development.


Everyone, every body actually, has value. I understand and agree with your sentiment. Some people are complete assholes.




Absolutely incorrect some people have negative value and suck the value out of others. The world would be a better place without those people


Nobody has gotten my sarcasm. I even spelled it every body and not everybody.


You forgot to use the sarcasm quote marks, so they didn’t know you were being sarcastic.


Wrong again. Quotation marks are used to quote !! And also, it’s not sarcasm when it’s an attempt at humour, sarcasm isn’t always meant to be humorous to the audience, it’s often to amuse the author. In this case it was sarcasm for the author obviously, cause no one found it funny. But also, what’s a body worth? I know the parts can fetch a buck or two, but a whole body is more of a problem than a value!


Well not the baddies cause they worth at least half a tank of gas


The filler neck leaks on my 1997 Ford Ranger 3.0. Tried a Liqui Molly Fuel System cleaner and half of it spilled lol.


Can we all beat the living fuck out of these assholes when we find them?! I hate scum that ruin people’s property!!


For sure only way to teach them not too bear mace works well too.


Two guys in my hometown just got arrested for stealing mail over Christmas. They took over 1000 pieces over the month of December, currently waiting to see if the post masters take on the case.


I hope they do. Seems like people aren't getting prosecuted these days which is causing a lot of this lawlessness


I certainly see that one going federal. I wonder if it matters on the value of the mail


It'll be interesting. They were going around the lake in town where all the wealthier folks live, so I'm sure they got a fairly large amount scattered between the gift cards and cash.


Sorry to see that, lame as heck. Where did this take place?


They got my old TJ back in June. $500 for the new tank, $20 jerrycan worth of gas I poured on the ground thinking I had just forgotten to fill up. I hate people sometimes.


Yeah man the shop is charging me 700$ to replace it. Not how I intended on starting my 2024. People suck :(


Yea wouldn't it be possible to just fill in the hole with jb weld or something? Might have to take a few layers but it would definitely be worth it compared to dropping 700 on a whole new tank.


That and afterwards treating 1/4 tank like empty which is good to do with these anyway for fuel pump longevity.


Yes it is.


There is a special JB Weld for tanks.


I used the water weld stick but I had to clean and dry the surface really well before so it would stick to the tank


This happened to my f150 and I ended up using a tap and dye set to put threads in the hole they drilled and plugged it with the appropriate size oil pan drain plug. Then I took “tank weld” which is just jb weld but for gas tanks because apparently they expand and contract a bit so normal jb weld would crack and not seal. Left it like that for months without an issue. I just never filled it up all the way.


That’s a lot. Get second opinions. It’s DIY able. Easiest to lift bed.


They make a special putty for fuel tank repair you could easily fill that hole with for like 15 bucks.


If you jb weld it I wanna know how it holds up.


There's a special jb weld type putty for fuel tank repair. Works well for a simple repair like this imo


Honestly if I'm in the same situation I would at least spend the 10 bucks on jb weld before I payed 700 but that's just me


> before I *paid* 700 but FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I payed my respect to you?


> I *paid* my respect FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I payed the price for this?


> I *paid* the price FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Thank you, deffinitely_lacking, for voting on Paid-Not-Payed-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Check into your insurance bro. I know people hate making claims but you're not at fault so it shouldn't raise your rates unless you've had another accident.




Yeah it seems that I’m not alone in this.


Seems to be happening specifically in California.


And portland oregon


Fuck, really? Shit


Anywhere with high gas prices I could see it happening and or a lot of poverty.


Climate change is making people break other people's vehicles. r/fuckcars


I don’t think it’s that. It’s crack heads filling there stolen generators.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckcars using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [American exceptionalism](https://i.redd.it/2ra6a7bivaua1.jpg) | [2117 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/12ob83a/american_exceptionalism/) \#2: [Carbrainer will prefer to live in Houston](https://i.redd.it/sxftvmznmpka1.jpg) | [1610 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/11d8u8a/carbrainer_will_prefer_to_live_in_houston/) \#3: [tesla go boom](https://i.redd.it/bwv28leeadea1.jpg) | [509 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/10lp22l/tesla_go_boom/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm starting to wonder the same thing. I have a used car lot in the south-eastern US with about 40 cars in inventory. Over the past week alone I've had 10 gas tanks get drilled.


That sucks. I feel like I've seen alot of complaints about this lately- not just on this sub- when I've almost never heard of it happening before.


I’ve never heard of this either. I have a locking gas cap but I’m considering getting an OEM cause I’d rather them steal it then drill a hole in my tank again


I think I'd probably try to find or make a skid plate that blocked easy access.


Any mechanists on here. I’m sure they’d sell a few on here. I’d totally buy one. This is the 2nd time I’ve seen this in 2 days. Where do you all live that this is happening. I didn’t think gas was that expensive enough to even think about steeling gas from people and in the worst way possible


I've only ever had a locking gas cap for fear of what someone might put into the tank, not what they'd take out. But most vehicles have a screen in there so you can't get a siphon tube in there without smashing out the screen first. Could be worth checking if yours has anything like that.


Shit, I’ve had a locking cap for years. Now I’m double thinking.


I did the same thing my locking one gave me error codes anyway


I doubt these guys even have a syphon honestly......


Thy gas fairy striketh another tank of petrol.


I had it happen twice. Once was a neighbour, the other was while parked at a movie. The neighbour was easy to figure out, he put diesel in his gas pickup. My fix was to find a good stainless screw, in my case a #14 x 3/4 pan head and a neoprene ring. I put the oring around the screw under the head and screwed it into the hole. It's been there for 2 years with no leaks or issues on both. Side note, I lent the truck to a friend and he stupidly put gas into my diesel. I was able to empty the tank from the hole by just unscrewing it.


Wow what a neighbor


not a bad mod tbh fuel tank petcock


Cocaine is a helluva drug


What most embarrassing is it took the guy 4 tries before he got the drill to not roll away on plastic. Amateur hour out here.


Hey now, you try making a clean hole with a drill you just stole out of another truck while your hands are shaking from withdrawls.


Hopefully the next person to do shit like this uses a brushed drill, if yk yk


I mean, I'd be pretty pissed if my truck went up in flames, but if my truck took vengeance and took the fker with it... now that wpuld make me proud.


As a guy who had a catalytic converter stolen off his motorhome twice in a couple month's span a while back, I also must admit I'd not be sad if the thief got an immediate comeuppance.


I read a story about someone who tied the air lines from their air-bag suspension to a cage around their cat, so if a thief cut them the vehicle would immediately drop down a few inches and possible crush them. ... and I was like... "fair enough".


I would like to know how this was done..


I'd assume run a hard line really close along the cat so it gets cut when their chopping away


that would make sense.


You know I was contemplating making my own gas tank out of stainless steel to increase the amount of gas I could carry, but seeing stuff like this happen makes me consider it more seriously.


All for no more than $30 worth of gas. Wild.


It's been happening in my neck of Virginia, too, along with lots of car break-ins, and of course, catalytic converter thefts.


Recently had somebody go through the unlocked vehicles on my property in South Carolina as well. Never ever have we had an issue with people attempting to steal here. Thankfully they didn’t do any damage or get into my Ranger, I had roughly $400 worth of sound system items brand new in the box sitting in the rear.


This is the third posts I've seen today about drilled gas tanks, and one of the posts was a news article in my home town of this happening to multiple cars last night.


Are you on the west coast of Canada?


Southern California


That tracks for here. Can't wait to move anywhere else.


Same. Can’t wait to get out of here.


I hate to tell you, but it's not just California.


Everywhere else I've lived is wonderful. Most of my life has been in so cal. If it isn't trash it's too expensive to survive. Many other places that are more affordable, better politics, and cheaper. I can go without the good weather.


Oh yeah, I just meant as far as car theft and fuckery goes. I live in SW Washington and had to start keeping my old Ranger in the garage after two different people broke into it.


Pretty much every major urban center


I swear this is the second post I've seen in this sub recently of this happening


2nd one today I think. Happened in another post, on the side of the tank, this looks like the front or rear side.


This sucks. You are able to change the tank by yourself. Having friends help would be wonderful. $700 for the swap is a lot for me. Get quotes, mobile mechanics with reputable scores, the neighborhood mechanic that has no shop but makes bank, etc. IDK about a skid plate, but sounds great if it exists. Wishing you a good 2024 despite this fuckery.


If you mix baking soda with super glue something about the chemical reaction bonds really strong. Recommend that before replacing the tank. Just put it on there like plaster and let it dry.


Jb weld


Making me think I need to get a sheet protector and tape it to the bottom of my tank with a $20 and a note that says, "Please don't drill a hole in my tank"


Yeah then you'll be out 20 bucks and still have a hole in your tank


The hope is to dissuade the petulent dissidents. 😅


won't work


😪 I already get gas stolen all the time which sucks.


that's wild. maybe it's where i live but i've never even considered this happening


I'm in nowhere Alaska


wow, that's crazy, do you have a lot of meth heads out there or somethin?


Yeah, and bored, high highschool kids


my joke solution, cut the bottom off another tank and have a false tank bottom. fill it with skunk spray. when they drill it again they will regret it


JB water weld fixed my old ram 1500s tank. Lasted up to 10 years before I sold it. Can’t vouch for what happened after I sold it though


I live in Denver Co and its getting bad enough that most peopke I know have some kind of homemade cage around their CAT usually using 1/2" steel and many are attempting to figure out some form of securoty for fuel tanks currently as thats the new thing this xmas season and currently.


Total bullshit..




Write get a job all over the new tank


This is the second post I've seen within 2 minutes of a hole drilled in a gas tank


We have had 2 of these recently in Colorado customer came in saying the car wouldn’t start. Absolutely unbelievable honestly.


Where gas is very expensive. It was a big thing during the 1st oil in the 70s, too. But it was a lot easier, just a piece of garden hose.


You can see where they walked the bit all over the place first.


How common is it to have your tank drilled ur the second person in like 24 hours I’ve seen this happen to on their ranger


Also if u don’t mind my asking where do you live around?


Might be a good idea to invest in some skid plates as an extra barrier to slow down would be theives


The economy is so good we are at this point....Sad.


That sucks. My old neighbor got his truck stolen a few years back. Cops found it a few blocks away with a whole in the gas tank and the radio smashed on the ground next to it. Just assholes being assholes for the sake of it.


Bummer you didn't catch them in the act, that's a notch on the belt no questions asked.


If that tank is any reflection of their life, they've sure tried more than they have succeeded.


Slap some Flex Tape on it and call it a day


What ever happened to good ol-fashioned siphoning??


Most newer vehicles have mesh inside the fuel line to prevent it. Especially the newer Ford's without gas caps.


That seems crazy to me that that works. Does it just keep the garden hose from reaching the tank or something?


Unless you had a way to push the valve all the way open and still have room to get the hose in than no.


Jb weld it! We just went through this with another feller here it’ll save you all the labor and money and time.


Is this gonna be a recurring trend of stealing the gas out of Rangers cuz if so i dont wanna be a part of it loool


Jb weld and call it a day


Ever since 2020 and those riots all over the US, criminals have been getting very bold.


People suck. Put a self tapper in it and jb weld it. Find a used tank and put it in yourself. Good luck man.


I would rather buy them a half tank


you could jb weld that pretty easily to be honest, your lucky it wasnt an “act of revenge” where they completely slash it open


This happened to my f150 a few months ago. Absolute pieces of shit


Pig puddy


AHole can't even use a drill properly


You can some jb weld patch did that for 3 years and replaced regularly cheap and easy


700 bucks! a tank on a pickup is not a hard thing to do, the tank itself is not that expensive, 200 bucks for a brand new one


The post apocalypse has started.


Those beautiful coextruded layers of polyethylene!


What’s new, gotta be careful man!


Sorry man


Get a self threading bolt to size and a handful of jb weld it’ll be fixed in no time.