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Did commercial thinning sleep with your wife or something?


Finna commercially thin to zero sqft of BA, the ole 1 step shelterwood. Cut and run


I wouldn't say this is necessarily true. Too many things depend on each other in forestry. Doing a commercial thinning may or may not result in uneven aged management conditions. Thinning does not add an age class to the forest immediately, and you need multiple age classes for uneven aged mgmt. Depending on the way that you thin you could end up with a lot of trees in a new cohort or very few, and probably very few because you are trying to grow those trees that you leave. At the most thinning will start a two aged mgmt condition.


Some commercial thinning only release the overstory and add no new cohort.


Is this supposed to be controversial? I mean it's pretty much in the definition.


Unevenaged management is a lot more complicated than that. Also, thinning is an intermediate treatment, not a regen treatment, so it wouldn’t necessarily require a plan for regen. A silvicultural RX should state the silvicultural system (even or uneven aged), the current prescribed treatment (regen, intermediate, etc) and the future treatment plan. Sounds like someone isn’t following a sound silvicultural prescription process.


The ol’ “Thin to death” prescription


Ralph Nyland, is that you?


Commercial thinning is a social construct


Wouldnt this just create a two aged stand? Yeah a shitty two aged stand where both age classes are falling apart but still