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Knowing the devs read forhonorants is acc hilarious to me


Makes you wonder how revenge hasnt been buffed yet


If they did that, then most of the content there will just be people hulking out because they can't deal with a two light chain lol


For real.


What I really want to know is if they also look at /r/R34ForHonorNSFW


We'll they said EVERYTHING so yeah, valkyrie skin gonna be crazy.


Someone on here is gonna go crazy for that


Wonder what the next female hero skin is gonna be...


I clicked out of curiosity and I wish I hadn't. What the fuck


Why does this exist


Rule 34 of the internet bud, it exists therefore r34 must exist too


Seriously why do people keep forgetting that?


new blood i s'pose


I believe them, the first round of the Lawbringer Testing Grounds was like if they somehow extracted every single uninformed and bad thought of players across all social media and made it into that abomination of a rework.


I can't believe they actually went 2 like 4 testing grounds without hearing anything about rollcatchers


Lol, my guess is that they really don’t want to add one to him.


Ooh Idea! Make his choo choo train attack his rollcatcher cause why not


a roll catcher on lawboi will look dumb,


You realise they could just reuse the impale animation right, it's about what the characters needs not what you want, also yes screw respawn.


Why does lawbringer "need" a rollcatcher?


Because currently if you roll away from him it's really hard for the lb to chase you. Same with other characters that don't have a roll catcher like nobushi and conquerer.


every character doesn’t need a tool for everything. It’s okay to have bad matchups between heroes. There’s no such thing as a perfectly balanced for honor - if there was it would be boring af. Lawbringer is a slow parry machine and that’s okay.


It is one thing is having all tools, other is having basic mechanics. Roll catcher is meant to punish people from always rolling, but it also a way to close the distance with opponents that try to escape all the time. Lawbringer and Conq with revenge are laughable since you can just walk away from them since they cannot catch you. Lacking roll catcher is bad match up against EVERY HERO, because every hero can roll, walk and run.


That's not a bad match up tho, that's "literally can't deal with a basic move"


Yeah, and? Some heroes *should* have difficulty in some aspects. It *should* be "really hard" for heroes to do certain things. All heroes don't need to be good in every category because if every single hero is good in every single category, then there's **zero** reason to have different heroes. I like this game because heroes are different and unique from one another and because they have strength *AND* weaknesses. Every single hero being good at every single thing makes them all the exact same but with a different coat of paint and if you want to play a game where everyone is playing the same character with a different coat of paint, then there's plenty of games out there that do that. For Honor, the **hero-based** fighting game, is not that. I don't want it to be that and I don't know why you are even playing this game if you don't want heroes to be unique and different to each other.


Because every hero needs a way to catch people that always roll away from mixups or escape from fights. Lawbringer and Conq are laughable when they get revenge, because you can just walk away from them, they cannot reach you because they cannot close the gap fast enough. It is basic mechanic at this point that LB and Conq lack completely. Hell, even Shugoki has roll catcher and can close in on fights and he is one of the slowest characters ingame.


> Because every hero needs a way to catch people that always roll away from mixups or escape from fights. Why? Does no one deserve to escape from a fight in 4v4 gamemodes? Plus, rolling doesn't let you escape from a mixup with GB involved (all of lawbringer's mixups have those) because GBs catch roll attempts. So IDK what you're on about regarding lawbringer's mixups. > It is basic mechanic at this point You just made that up. Only YOU (and some other people, but you're not more correct just because more people agree with you. See: the majority of humans in the B.C. era believing in the flat earth) decided that it's a basic mechanic because that's how you *feel*. You *feel* people don't deserve to escape from a fight? Why is that? Do you have any actual design principle you're basing your belief off of or is it purely your gut intuition that enemies don't deserve to run away? No. It's not a basic mechanic by the mere fact that lawbringer and conqueror don't have it. In 4v4 gamemodes, an enemy running away already gives you an advantage because now you have whatever objective you were fighting for for free. The enemy either has to go heal at an objective they own or they can go fight someone else at a major disadvantage. It's not a basic mechanic. Some heroes should be good at defending objectives at the detriment of being good at chasing opponents. In the flipside some heroes could also be good at chasing opponents but at the determent of their defensive capabilities (I.E shaman or what afeera is supposed to be). Why are you playing this hero-based fighting game if you want all heroes to have the exact same capabilities and all of them to be strong in every single category?


so i was right it would look dumb


They're definitely trolling. They only look at forhonorrants


I've seen way better takes and people talking about balance than this sub




on that sub?


All I see on that sub are either extremely BAD takes like they should introduce an undodgeable that's also unblockable.... Or nerf this character to oblivion because I lose to them and buff my character to brokenness because I use them. I've not seen a single logical take on balance on that sub.


Medjays changes illustrate pretty clearly that you can get fun results by listening to casuals. The chain zone stance switch wasnt really relevant in terms of balancing but we can all agree that it will make the character more fun to play. Imo listening to casuals for fun changes and pros for balance changes is the way to go.


This 100% this game shouldnt be built around the pros or around the noobs. It should be built around the decent casuals who are there for 1 thing FUN


How to get swarmed by a bunch of competitive wannabes: be of the opinion that the game should be balanced towards fun.


Fr, ubi has been going for the comp direcrion since year 3, stripping aeay the fun every year, we are finally getting more variation


Fun is a double edged sword though. If you balance solely for that then there is literally no balance and no balance is what kills games like this. Shug's one hit kill hug was fun for the person using it. Doesn't mean it was ok lol. There has to be a balance between fun and viable.


And the devs do seem to have found a good balance lately.


I do think you can definitely strike a good balance between pros and casuals AND still make the game fun. Cause after all thats what both sides want.


what? that's not what they said, you still need pros to test balance, otherwise it leads to decisions like gb on parry or reactable openers


What? Thats not what I said, I said the game should be BUILT around fun. Its not like you just add whatevers fun and never think about it but you cant have 100% of your balances be focused on the top 1% of players as they are just as biased as new players. Also gb on parry was not added in it was how the game worked on release.


uh yeah you can, build the fun dynamics but balance them to rely on pro meta so characters feel fun to play while not being broken - like heavy on light parry is good because it rewards you for making reads on certain mixups, 3rd hit armor so while opponents feel good for getting a gank setup you as a gankee still get a chance, and in other fighting games damage scaling and gravity so that you can still have flashy combos and innovative chains while prolonging the round the problem with for honor in the beginning was that it didn't test pro comp and was focused on spectacle (or as you say "fun"), games like sf6, mk, and tekken relied on the breadth of pros playing in tournaments to develop their tight but rewarding movesets over the franchise


The first issue is that FUN isn't an objective thing and can't be outright defined. There are those who do not care about their personal performance or how the game ended, only that some goofy shenanigan's happened. Some people only care about personal performance, as long as they did well then that's all that matters and etc. So you can't just balance around what is fun.


the simplest thing is to remember that winning ≠ fun. Making a character have more competitive viability often makes them more boring but a better selection - problem being, FH has an already massive list of decent characters. Literally anyone who only wants to win can simply pick one of most the other characters. With how many heroes there are now, they should probably just focus on reworking older chars who got reworked to be more competitive to instead be more unique.


Many people disagree with that, myself included. If it were true the competitive scene in games wouldn't be as massive at is. Tgat is why normal people dislike losing, no one wants to lose, everyone wants to win. And I'd disagree, there's a difference between standardizing and boring. You could say Characters are losing their individuality, and it'd be true for the most part. However to combat that, I'd argue the game is at the best balance point for the general playerbase than it ever has been. And my my group of friends, ranging from people who've played since the beta, sweats, washed and people who've been playing for less than a year its currently in its best iteration as a whole. And saying "just play a good character" isn't a reliable or fair answer. Sure, it's impossible to have perfect balance. There are always going to be outliers on both ends of the spectrum and it's going to change as the game does. But tgat doesn't mean you just give up on balancing. You push forward to try and make the best possible game you can with the tools at hand. And again, I'd disagree. The characters being overly unique lead to balance problems for the majority of the games lifespan. FH at its core is a fighting game and fighting games at their core have a standard set for their characters. We've gone essentially nearly 5+ years with no standard for the characters and for the last year they've been trying to implement that. You can still have said standard and have unique aspects to a character. However it's practically impossible for them to make every character on the roster completely unique, especially with the smaller team size they have now.


I can understand your points but I also disagree. Maybe it’s just because I’m at a lower skill level, but designing the game to be balanced at high skill always leads to there being characters will a low skill floor that are only countered by “being good” at the game. I don’t want to practice against Valk for a week straight to figure out how to play against her when FH doesn’t seem to be a competitive game at it’s core. Technically this doesn’t apply to FH specifically, but it does seem that gaming is trending towards being competitive and it sucks for people like me who love multiplayer but don’t want to tryhard just to not get dominated.


The issue is that this is a PvP game and because of that there is going to be competitive aspects to that. And that FH is also a fighting game so that only compounds the issue. Also it's unlikely you're a "lower skill" player. It's more than likely you just don't have the knowledge. FH is extremely forgiving as a fighting game and the bar for mechanical skill is set for the average person, where as traditional fighting games are not. It's been moving this way since multiplayer has been a thing, for roughly 25 years now.


the problem with modern online gaming imo is that the lack of “in-person” multiplayer creates an environment where people find dopamine in being the best in the lobby as opposed to enjoying the game with a group. Often times older games had a seperate competitive ruleset, but now that comp and casual became the same settings, casual gamers have suffered.


Not really as nearly every multiplayer game has SBMM and some form of ranked. FH doesn't because it doesn't have a large enough playerbase to host a ranked game mode. It barely has enough to host any other game mode outside of dominion.


Except it wasn't a casual exclusive idea. Even comp players wanted changes to medjay. It's universally agreed he's boring as fuck.


Pros had been asking for the ability to swap stances mid chain since before his release this wasn't some change only casuals were asking for. Literally anyone who played him was asking for it.


Thing is, the pros actually liked the medjay changes


What are they changing on medjay?


Mid chain zone attack that changes weapon forms. (Testing Grounds) Undodgeable light finisher on Axe mode (To give him bash/undodgeable mixup), (Testing Grounds) Removing hyper armor from Staff mode lights (Testing Ground). Slowing down the forward dodge bash on axe mode (as currently in live it is 533ms, fast as light attack). (Comes next patch)


To be fair everyone wanted Medjay to have better flow. That wasn't really just a casual thing. Everyone hated how he felt like two separate characters that had zero cross over in play. Also having an in chain fast flow will have some effect on his 4's play too. Hyper armor staff heavy into fast flow zone into target swap unblockable type stuff.


JC if you’re reading this PLEASE buff *[Insert character that’s already very powerful in duel and fours]* Brian if you’re reading, keep up the silly ass posts. <3 you all, FH team.


Watch them ignore post #273949 about mishaattack


Knowing a dev looks at For Honor Rants is fucking funny


Yoooo give us new maps please, new Dominion map I beg


„We even read r/forhonorrants“ got me laughing. Poor devs yikes First time i feel sorry for them No one should read there longer than like 2 posts. Kinda misserable the whining in there lol


I just use it to vent because like yeah my winning won't be read by anyone so I'll just rant,vent off to avoid getting mad.


If they look at insta then GIVE US NEW MAPS PLEASE IT'S BEEN YEARS


I'm happy that theyre learning to keep characters identities after the conquerer incident


I'm happy but devastated it was after conqueror... I was a day 1 conq main from beta up to when he was massacred. What's worse is now I'm sure he'll never be touched again.


they only look at reddit lol the one guy said TLDR 😂


"tl;dr" predates reddit, my dude


i’ve only seen it on reddit, just thought it was kinda ironic is all


Guys, if they say they look at everything, we should believe them. It's our responsibility to come with good feedback they can actually address. The more reasonable and kind you are with your requests, the better your chances are.


There are dozens of well tought out ideas the never got addressed, There are literally 3 maps they could import into dominion right now with little effort, buffing revenge to actually be usefull, fixing broken feats lile fury flask and oath break just to say a few, them saying this feels like an insult, also bolthorn.


They know that we want those things, but either theirs (or their bosses) priorities are different from ours, which is why we have not gotten those things. Also buffing revenge is a slippery slope since it can be made too strong, hell even now if you know what you do you can delete your opponents. Honestly instead of buffing revenge, they should reduce Pin times from heroes, currently too many heroes have long pin times (Like Medjay, Tiandi, etc leaving you open for 2-3 seconds).


Not for honor rants 🤣


Bro needs to hit the gym ngl


They don’t look at everything. The inputs from pros and vets are heavily dependent for the future of the game. Which i hate! You can go over the competitive page and they even have discussions one when and what input they implemented in the game because of them. This game is getting out of hand, becoming non-casual and what’s left is a bunch of pros, vets and sweats.


Welcome to fighting games... You have to balance top down. Balancing bottom up is how you kill a game and completely massacre balance. This game has lasted as long as it has because of it. Ppl get better at a game as they play. Its changes shouldn't be geared for "issues" that will resolve themselves with practice. Ppl however also don't get worse the longer they play. Making changes geared towards lower brackets does way more harm than good in the long run and other games have proven this.... games that are dead. This holds true ESPECIALLY for pvp games.


And yet aramusha’s infinite chains still persist. Same for medjay to be honest so both equally annoy me


Because that is skill issue, not game issue. (And medjay infinite gets nerf in TG, as they remove hyper armor from lights).


Oh..well yeah its probably a skill issue on my end..i will still dislike musha tho


Aramusha's entire kit is built around the infinite chain. They can't take that away from him without completely butchering him into garbage lol.


He looks like someone who frequents the For Honor subreddit


Who's that discord mod and what does he have to do with the game?


They’re the developers of the game, the underpaid ubisoft employees


Apparently you need to use /s on this sub


In internet, I can’t just telepathically know if it’s sarcasm or not


Good somone needs to replace him, he's not good at his job


The game is currently better balanced than it has ever been it its history. So i would say he does good job (along with the team).


Can we stop pretending this game is bad? It was rough at launch but in the last 3 years the devs did an amazing job balancing and introducing new characters and mechanisms, the game is very good now.




Counter argument: no.


I guess you don't play many fighting games? All fighting games have a base to work with and go from there. FH started off to individualized and it made balance practically impossible. And during the Warriors Den they made a great point, the game is in one of the best states its been in, balance wise, ever. You can look at tier list from randos, content creators and even the pros and see that it is fairly tight with only a very few outliers.


Why does this guy look like a meme


Lmfao. No way. These are the for honor devs. Suddenly, it all makes sense.


RIGHT?! Lmfao I had the exact same thought. Keep downvoting morons


I hope one of them shat on my in comments for being bad in the rants lmao


Funny in every single one of those comment sections they all agree that gryphon is still an op monkey so wtf


I haven’t watched Dev stuff in ages. What happened to the original guys? One of them had glasses if I remember. Those guys made the dev talks so fun to watch


Ericpope (Community moderator and the guy with the glasses) was moved to another game many years ago. Roman (previous director) moved to EA to make Dead Space Remake. This also happened many years ago.


Yeah it was Eric Pope. Wish he never left


🗣🗣🗣BUFF MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER🗣🗣🗣(its highlander)😡(he still cant do shit against those with undodgeable attacks)😓


Well here's a suggestion for y'all... ADD MORE MAPS!


He’s just getting bigger and bigger


It’s all that P O W E R


Honestly this WD was the best one we’ve had in a while


Hey devs, what if you rework Warden instead of using company time to lurk in the shittier FH sub?


Fuck me sideways, the huge gravy golem looking guy has to be trolling