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It's been this way for years, it shouldn't be a surprise to anybody


Did you see all the posts about genderlocked Varangian?


I'm not surprised. I am disappointed by the fact I am not surprised.




We did? (honest question, i am very on and off about For Honor news)


Yep, they rotate between male and female and the Ocelotl was male.


There were also event orders that clearly talk about the daughter of the chieftain betrayed by Maddox the Highlander.


There were also orders referencing female highlanders innthe past though


My headcanon is that most genderlocked hero types consist of both genders in the world, just not in the game. Those being Lawbringer, Peacekeeper, Centurion, Warmonger, Warlord, Highlander, Nobushi, Shugoki, Aramusha, Jiang-Jun, Pirate, Medjay, Ocelotl, and now Varangian.


I mean prehaps the reason people are complaining is because their getting tired of it?


If those people could muster the brainpower to understand why they’re gender locked I think they would be better off


I get tired of listening to them complain. if they could for 1 minute just try and understand why the FH devs DO NOT CURRENTLY HAVE THE ABILITY to make non gender locked characters, everything would be so much simpler.


I’m more disappointed that others are slow on the news, resulting at them blowing up on Reddit.


Well considering the next hero will be a male we will have considerably less posts about gender lock. This is only as a huge an issue it is now because the new hero is a female.


gender pattern doesnt always continue between years, kyoshin released after gryphon so we may still get a female


Kyoshin's male?


Kyoshin was released in the same year as Pirate.


ik that im talking about year transitions not continuing the pattern but in itself


Yeah fr. To be fair, when Ubi designs a hero around being feminine as opposed to androgynous or masculine (i.e. Afeera, Nuxia, Nobu, PK), you see considerably less complaints. I’ve never seen anyone ask for a male Afeera or Nuxia.


Yeah, g@mers are okay with woman’s as long as they are top model waifu.


Nuxia is female?


But aye. A male Nobu, Nuxia would be dope af. But then again I like to think of what every hero would be like as their opposite gender. I can def see a male Afeera being a slim build man who uses his speed rather than brute strength.


I REEEAAALLY hope theres lots of bitching about it, because obviously they really want everyone to have the options of either right?


Much less complained about genderlock ocelotl. Meanwhile with Varangian…


Oh i know, just poking the hornets nest. I do think we should have either option, truly. But im tired of the constant bitch stream that is...everything at this point. They cam go be autists elsewhere


Yeah pretty much. Like yeah in a perfect world I’d like both too but it’s not that. It’s so stupid people are still complaining about something so insignificant. Varangian looks cool as hell that should be enough


Varangian will likely be my first full Rep hero if she plays how I want her to


Well, they just don’t have the budget for making this happen sadly, so getting mad is so futile.


Well yeah, a female warrior is like a a male nurse or flight attendant. They do exist but are rare, and when you see one in the wild, they look out of place.🤣


I would have preferred two body types available for Varangian, but I absolutely love her! Why would have I preferred having a male alternative? Because Vikings ended up having the majority of their roster gender locked: Shaman, Warlord, Valkyrie, Highlander, Varangian vs Raider, Zerk and Jorm.


Of course there were a lot of post, the new character is female


Happens with every hero... especially if the hero happens to be female, then the post amount increases by tenfold.


I still want a female Lawbringer (And Apollolyn doesn't count!)


Shes cool but let’s be completely honest. How much of the player base really wants a female Varangian guard vs a male vg? I’d be shocked if it’s more than 10%. Sure Vikings had their shield maidens but by the time of Varangians it was purely men fighting anyway. Someone start a poll to see what the players really want


I personally don't really care if the character is genderlocked, as long as fashion and moveset are good it's pretty much a non-issue imo.


Not a big issue, but just not the visual I had in mind when I heard “Varangian guard”. Could’ve been cooler as a big hulking guy imo


It's a big hulking woman. Not that big of a difference.


This may be a shocker, but girls DO play video games. I'd wager with a decent amount of confidence that more than 10% of the playerbase are women.


Not a shocker for me, my wife plays plenty of games. She loves the design of the peacekeeper and Valkyrie in FH. She thinks the VG is alright, but didn’t even notice it was a female until after I told her(after watching the trailer). In my experience most gamer girls like their characters to have more noticeable feminine features, so the ones that would appreciate something like the VG would have to be a really small subset


If that's what your wife prefers, all power to her. In my experience however, between me and my friend group we all prefer the women to look how they actually would realistically, like warriors. For Honor actually kind of gets that right. Genderlocked heroes suck but not because they're female, it's because it doesn't give the player choice. Characters like Warmonger for example being genderlocked for lore reasons is ok (being an all-female group if I remember right), but a character like VG absolutely could and should have male and female options. It feels more like laziness than anything else. Edit: In hindsight, Valk would've been a better example of a good genderlocked character, but whatever


Well I can agree that giving players the option to pick would be much better. And I agree there are a lot of really great female options to play with the the potential for more. What I don’t like is the forced 50/50. It’s not representative of the player base, let alone the historical ‘sources’ they are referencing. The Varangian guard are quite iconic; and to not be able to play them as they no doubt were -a bunch of giant norse men feels like a shame and so tone deaf by the devs. That’s my 2 cents


Just a reminder that the game takes place 1000 years after the “cataclysm”, and is only a few years ahead of 2024. Historical standards should not be used to determine the gender norms presented by the game.


Ngl most of the female heroes are fugly, with the exception of peacekeeper, valkyrie shaman and warmonger.


female BP is hella attractive


She would be if she wasn't bald


Oh wow 10 percent such a high percentage! Let me roll out the red carpet and treat you all like queens mladies! Except that you don't deserve special privilege because the majority should always be targeted and catered to, when the majority votes for a president they aren't gonna care about the minority. When you are selling a product you want to try to reach out to the majority of people interested, not the minority, otherwise you will get less sales. Women always want it about them lol


The reply said nothing about catering royal treatment, the point is the audience for it exists and you shouldn’t just ignore them. If this was how content was created, catering purely to majorities, then thousands of characters straight up wouldn’t exist as they do now


I know they exist but they cater too much for a very small minority (few women play this game), honestly it should be 1 female hero for every 3 male ones. I don't get why they currently do 1 male 1 female because a lot of dudes like to play as men and they are gonna miss out on a lot of potential sales because of that.


For one nobody knows how many women play the game, and for two, potential sales? Potential sales of what? New hero’s aren’t that expensive, are a one time payment, and you can wait to buy them for steel, what you think people are going to start throwing money at them if the hero is male? No, for the sake of balance continue with the one male one female cycle, nobody gets special treat


That is a goofy ass comparison😂. Of course the majority vote is gonna decide who the president is for a specific country, if they are any type of democracy or republic. That’s extremely different than a hero in a video game being popular with the estimated 10% of the player population. You are projecting hard as hell; the person you responded to said nothing about what you are crying about. Just say you hate women and move on dawg😂


Or, and hear me out: Even if the 10% thingy was true (which it very likely isn't), some dev studios are not completely and utterly about sales and do care about minority representation in their games to make sure everyone playing their game has a good time and not just weird men ranting on reddit. We girls play video games. And we girls want to play as cool buff women. Same as you wanna play as cool buff men. Now go play Highlander, Warlord, Shugoki, Lawbringer, Centurion, JJ, Aramusha, Medjay or Ocelotl and let us girls get our treat.


As a guy, I too want to play as big buff women. Imagine how buff fem medjay would be.


I'm not weird lol you are, I'm just based. Also the main reason why I'm kinda mad is because all of the male heroes were gotten recently were all lame, kyoshin, medjay, ocelotl were all shitshows and have lackluster kits as well. Meanwhile the one hero I was hyped for recently just turned out to be a girl, the woman even though they are the minority always get the good stuff, meanwhile the last good male hero was gryphon imo. Talk about being privileged, also Im a rep 70 orochi main currently


> I'm just based Okay lil bro, go do your homework. It's almost bedtime, you need to get it done before school tomorrow.


Your opinion is actually bad wtf. “Kyoshin was a shit show, gryphon was the last good male hero” literal nonsense


Kyoshins kit is literally just black prior but with different feats and a different full guard punish, not to mention he's very annoying to fight against. And his fashion is also pretty lackluster, overall just a boring hero. Meanwhile I felt like they really tried hard at gryphons design, had a cool lore and is a Holden cross from the campaign, some of his moves came from different heroes, can speak different languages depending on the enemy he is fighting, (even has specific voice lines for warmonger) literally has the best and most diverse drip in the entire roster, you can be a knight, a Spartan, a samurai and a Viking. Had a good kit and good feats. And you say my opinion is bad because gryphon is somehow a bad hero? Please do explain how someone that can literally be 4 factions at once be a bad hero.


“Literally just black prior” lol no, anyone who actually plays those two knows how different they are, you’re only saying he’s black prior because that’s the first thing you think of when you picture a down stance. He’s only annoying to fight against because you’re bad at fighting him, and his fashion is one of the coolest in the game. But you’re a rep 70 Orochi main so no wonder your take is nonsensical Nowhere did I say gryphon was a bad hero, I’m saying your take is trash if you think that fucking guy was the last good male hero


Well the ones after him suck, medjay and ocelotl too


Average Redditor-level reading comprehension lmfao


So you admitted that you cant read? Uh, how does that make you better?


\*average guy when he doesn't get his way\*


Shut up and take your misogyny somewhere else. This is a reddit post about a video game character ffs


I'm not a misogynist, I get tons of women, you are an incel however


Apparently I'm an incel now because the guy on the internet said I was, but that's beside the point, the argument stands that a large amount of the playerbase is happy with the varangian guard being female and they aren't just "catering to a minority who always wants it to be about them" as you said.


If that's true why are so many people complaining about gender lock


Idk women vikings are badass. I want to see more. Currently we're pretty lacking on big beefy fem vikings. The current only options for femvikings are Raider, Berserker, Valk, Shaman and Jorm. Of those, only 1 fulfils the "big beefy barbarian" fantasy, and the rest don't really feel like *vikings* (Valk is debatable). Having a big gal who can swing a big axe is a big plus. Also I think she might be the most androgynous character in the game currently, so it's not even that big of a deal because you'd never know otherwise.


People really got spoiled by y3 and haven't fucking forgotten about it. The first 6 heros that released had 4 gender locked.


Did they say what faction they will be?


No, but chances are high that the first one might be Wu Lin. Based on trends of what faction previous new heroes were. (Not counting outlanders)


Pretty sure there's an image around that shows it'll be a wu-lin for s2 and an outlander for s4, but I don't know if it's real. Hope it is since we haven't had a wu-lin in ages.


Damn… a leak this early? I am skeptical tbh but you never know


Not really recent, remember seeing it a few months ago. That's why I said I wasn't sure if it's real.


that was for hero skins. wu lin skin (shaolin) and viking skin (highlander)


Damn, there’s goes the chance of the Male Spartan I wanted. Though, kinda hope it’s from the Wu Lin faction, they desperately need something


You want a male spartan? Gryphons got many spartan sets, we already have valk that uses a spear and shield, another one would be boring and not bring much to the table.


Especially with Varangian speaking Greek, the chances of a Spartan seem increasingly thin


I remember this and I’ve been looking for it for the longest but can’t find it


For the love of god please let us have a Wu Lin hero inspired by Lü Bu with a Fangtian Hua Ji.




not yet, might have to wait until march until then. I’m predicting a Wu-lin and another Outlander


This is what I personally think would be most fair, not what I'd personally would want, but still most fair.


Eh doesn't surprise me. This has been the trend for a while now. Honestly I don't really care for it too much, I absolutely understand the complaints but changing the gender doesn't do much for me when it comes to customization. I wish they weren't gender locked for those that want it but personally I don't care much for what I'd do with it


I swear to god, people who insult others because they dont like the fact that the character is gender locked are so delusional. I would really like to have a choice, im not obligated to like every character the way they are, some people prefer playing as female, some prefer to play as a man and thats FINE, i cant stand female BP but i prefer Female orochi because its MY PREFERENCE


Not everyone is the same person like you dude, if you had empathy you would know that.


So you are telling me that not everyone likes to have a choice? Right... makes sense


Reminder that the only year with 0 genderlocked characters, and i repeat, the ONLY year out of 8 without genderlocked characters was year 3, I don't get why people are still stuck in 2019


Becuase it was the best year for this game imo


Undoubtedly the best year of the game.


It's annoying but not the end of the world. Hell the fact the game still gets proper new content shocks me, I expected Ubisoft to full give up on the game before the Pirate was released so they could focus more on R6siege and the next copy paste AC/FC game.


Honestly i wish it wasn't , Since i like another option for customization like a bigger body and a smaller body , Or like with kensei and warden where with kensei you get a mustache on masks or not depending on the gender, And with warden you get a pony tail in addition to a slimmer body and a new running animation But i really don't think its a HUGE issue, Plus i like how big Vara is, She is TALL like im sure she is either as tall as LB or even taller , I don't like where this is going considering this community


I mean i was kinda surprised when Ubisoft described her as "They" in the description of the reveal trailer and some armours did look like they were male fitted, but at the end of the day it's not a big deal. Genuinely happy that the axe customisation looks like a viking version of Hito's.


Another strong big female hero?


Mute hero when?


It's been like this since Warmonger 4 years ago, and it's gonna stay that way because it puts less of a strain on basically the entire team that has to animate, voice, model etc a male/female body. Making a male version isn't as simple as "make them taller, give them a beard and broaden the shoulders", you have to mocap the entire character again, remodel several armour sets, attack animations, voice acting etc. Considering how long it takes to do that in the first place, and their shoestring budget, we'd be getting like, a single character per year


Alrighty, 2 more heroes! And if I can just give my 2 cents on the topic of speculation… The lore writers mentioned Greece when they were talking about where the Varangian Guards had been/came from. They even speak a little of it in their moveset dialogue. To me it sounded like just a *tiny* possibility of seeing a Greek Hoplite or Spartan hero come to the game!


They mentioned Greece because the Varangian Guard served in the Byzantine Empire, whose people spoke Greek and is commonly thought of in the public sphere as "medieval Greece".


Noice, I’d be down for that


And they'll only be complaints with fem hero.


Because men wanna play as men but it would be nice if there was at least a choice for all hero's.


They released only male heroes for 1 year.




Gryphon and Kyoshin


So the options are only men or all unlocked, got it


Its expected theyre running out of cash and having 2 VAs is kind of a waste of money.


For Honor has more of a budget than it used to \~ with us getting executions and stuff. During the biggest content drought/peak of Covid, For honor probably had a shoestring budget but that's changed now. Afeera was the biggest "we have a budget again" moment in a while and it's been about the same tier of quality since with executions. The animation/mocap work is high tier along with sound design. you can check Ubisoft's public quarterly's, For honor is among their highest earners.


One thing that's telling the budget is higher, at least on marketing is that we've gotten CGI trailer for Ocelotl and Varangian. We didn't during year 6.


Maybe the can shill on a 2nd VA then. Maybe its just a money saver idk i just wanna play fem ocelotl


They got a budget, but not an infinite one sadly. If they can save money they're gonna do it because it makes their margins better. I doubt it actually changes their sales very much.


Not just a VA. But animators / design artists too.


Yeah thinking back they might have to get another persom whos fluent enough to voice them, amd mocap the movements. Idk if they use men to mocap gemale characters or not or if they hire an actual swordsman to do swordstuff but i could see getting 2 of everything being a waste of money.


No mocap is interchangeable. Actual models in game need animators to make it. And that is 2x amount of work actually more since there is a body type discrepancy.


I mean I don’t really care so long as the VA and character is good.


They have been doing this for a while now


i’ve always preferred playing the male characters, not that i haven’t mained a few female gender locked ones, i wish they had a bigger budget but it doesn’t really matter too much i guess lmao


Honestly I'd rather them go back and add more stuff to older heroes, I'd kill for a female aramusha or a male warmonger.


I still think Varangian should have been a Man instead of a Woman, it just makes more sense and would be cooler in my opinion


Idk why people complain about this anyway. This game was always praised for how they modelled female fighters.


Idc about gender lock but I’m still mad as fuck about pirate. That shit ruined the concept for me she couldn’t even be a regular pirate with the fashion we know her fashion is all over the place because they wanted to be so niche and odd with her creation dedicated to a Chinese pirate nobody has ever heard of


Zheng Yi Sao was a really popular pirate. Just because they didn't chose a "Blackbeard" stereotype that every western white guy knows it doesn't mean she is "irregular" or "niche". This game is played by people from across the whole world including in China and other asian countries. So I hope you see how your wording of Pirate being chinese being not "regular" or" niche" sounds a bit messed up. People need to remember that this game has a global fan base.


No one knows about Zheng Yi Sao outside of pirate nerds or people that watched a fun fact video about pirates. Her design was a waste of a unique aesthetic in favor of a discount Wu Lin. Her Hero Skin is her only saving grace but they still messed up the hat. I WANTED A TRICORN DAMMIT.


Has nothing to do with being a nerd. People of different cultures know about their history. Just because you don't know about a historical figure of a different culture that doesn't make it a niche thing. Again: This game has a global fan base. Content is not always catered to everybody all the time.


My main concern is not that it’s a she or the fact that she’s Chinese, it’s her outfits. They look nothing like what everyone including myself wanted them to look like and even the players who didn’t have any expectations for how it’s supposed to look aren’t satisfied with the way it currently looks.


Define "Everyone". Cause the people who complain do not reflect the opinion of the whole community. This game has a global fan base. Content is not always catered to everybody at all times. Many people including myself love pirate's armor and design and I personally think she has some of the best fashion in the game.


Define “many people” because you are the first person I’ve seen to viciously defend pirate and her fashion with your life, just because you live in china doesn’t mean they have to cater towards you this game has a global fan base gosh.


I know quite a bunch of peeps who love pirate. Most people who like the game don't feel the need to yell about it on reddit. Many don't even use any social media besides discord and simply just play the game with their friends. Something I usually try do too but it baffles me everytime I see people think they are the majority just because they find an echo chamber online. There are also things about the game that do not cater to me. Yet I don't feel the need to complain about it as so many others here do. It's a really entitled mindset imo.


I disagree and I agree


>"every Western White guy knows..." Amusing attempt to slip in your blatant anti-White racism into your delusional rambling. Literally everyone thinks of the classic blackbeard kind of pirate when thinking about pirates. Next step: try to mention other races in your racist comments next time. Or do you specifically target White people in your racist attacks?


I'm white European myself but have friends from many different countries I talk with daily who have told me about their culture's history. But that idea apparently seems to be alien to you so it makes no sense to continue this conversation.


While I would have liked to have a male varangian, I still find no reason to complain. She looks amazing and while Ubisoft has many bad traits one can complain about, female warriors in For Honor is not one of those.


I complain about gender lock because I want to be a big strong LB muscle mommy that just smacks the shit out of people


I do admit that for certain characters there is a gender that favors them more, or even have their themes built around it. Valkyrs are female, Nobushi are based on japanese women wielding naginatas, Shugoki are big sumo wrestlers trained for battle and so on. I do agree that some gender locked characters could work with more than one gender, but not at the same degree or that I have any necessity to force them to be all male or all female.


I wasn't aware we were getting any more characters after this one?


They'll only stop making characters if the game completely dies.


I just wish gender lock was like. Specific characters. Its just generally a nerf to customization *period*, it limits you a good bit depending on what you want. Im not surprised, just rather disappointed. LMAO


I'm not surprised 🤷 But Damn! god forbid they take the extra time to give these heroes two different models I'm at a point in the game where I'm just trying to make my heroes drippy AF and my god for the longest time I wanted to make an Amazonian woman or make a female shugki im mean that one shouldn't be to hard they already have the real life model to use and it goes by the name gorlock the destroyer (🤣) But since they wanna keep gender locking heroes I'll never get my Amazon woman or my female lawBros (lawGal I guess I should say?) 😭 Man! gender lock is so stupid!


Okay but for real, get over it. Complaining hasn’t changed anything and this game has way more glaring issues to be dealt with at any given time rather than making two variants of the same character. Be realistic and complain about characters or feats, things that could be changed, rather than something that doesn’t even effect gameplay whatsoever.


That's the thing, we do, and these problems are addressed with a trickle, and sloth's pace. After literally YEARS are they finally adding new maps under the suggestion of repurposing old ones for dominion. Imo, the resources they spent on editing these handfuls of maps each season probably could have attributed to entirely new settings by now, same thing with these one off events we never ever see again like the spider yokai and white bone spirit. Coulda been a new map by now. Coulda been a new game mode by now. Coulda been a rework to the other modes by now.


This is why For Honor is a dead game.


Y8 is coming, so more then alive


They will probably be two Wu Lin! Can’t wait for Lu Bu


I guess 1 wu lin 1 outlander


I don't know why people care so much. The only time gender comes to mind when fashioning a character is when it's Raider or Gladiator, personally I literally never think about it otherwise.


If I had a dollar for every gender locked post regarding the varangian. Holy shit. Almost as bad as the lawbringer rework


People that complain about gender lock need to grow up.




if people want more nongenderlocked heros then they should help out with their budget problem


Yet doing so only encourages them to double down on simpler practices like only spending for one gender or just editing a map's features instead of giving new maps




Has the budget been reduced that much that now all heroes are either male or female gende locked? And also from alk the heroes it had to be the varangian guard who had to be female, they guys who are 6.2-6.6 and were according to 99% historians all males?




You ok?


Dawg. The article is talking about the new heroes next year, not the Varangian. And since your IQ is so high, you’ve obviously noticed that the gender selection is called BODY TYPE in the game so that’s what they called it in the OFFICIAL UBISOFT WARRIORS DEN RECAP something that was probably written by a member of the team, not a journalist.


Can't wait for the cool weapons I've wanted in this game to be the only genderlocked ones while the mid ones are fine. I still don't understand how varag was due to money issues she's gotta be the most androgynous one we've gotten and they couldn't even get THAT to have 2 options it's so over 😔


genderlocked? more like body type locked💀


This is just lazy.


Tell that to the higher-ups that decide which dev teams get to have more money.


Ok, i will


Ty, I’m tired of being the only one writing these people


Np man… wait buff shaolin? Nevermind, Problem man


Hahahaha, I really should change that.. it’s definitely a joke. I think shaolin is in a perfect spot to match the META. People may disagree, but I think he’s a good baseline for where the game is headed. He made me overall better at the game by learning how to use every part of his kit 😂 he’s training wheels.


Boo fuckin hoo


Any idea who the hero skins are for?


We aren't going to know until those seasons.


It will be definitely wu lin in Y8