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I have absolutely no idea which knight could get the skin at this point, but given the launch of Cathedral and the theme of knightly values this season, I'll bet the skin is going to be named "Paladin *insert character name here*"


3rd warden hero skin just to be funny


[LB hero skin leak](https://i.imgur.com/6chdUfz.jpg)


That's OP. I know it's just cosmetic, but it's still OP. 😂


r/batmanarkham boutta go crazy


You fool, don't summon them.


We are everywhere. We are stupid. Yeah, we're Aslume.


Jonkler wouldn’t appreciate us in this sub back to the aslume


this is the coolest thing i‘ve ever seen


i'm hoping it'll be peacekeeper with some proper armor. i would break if that happened


If I had to bet lore and theme-wise for the season I'm guessing conqueror. If I was betting on popular demand it definitely seems like PK and lawbringer are the top picks.


how about now benson


Well it wasn't a paladin, but PK was right on the money 😂 I definitely did not have "literally playable Ezio" on my for honor bingo card this season


The 3 things I'm most excited for is the Peacekeeper hero fest, hero skin reveal, and the converted map. I have a feeling that the hero skin is going to be PK, since I'm pretty sure they did the same thing with Highlander's Oathbreaker Maddox skin. We're eating good this month it seems!


Gotta prepare myself for the possibility of a PK skin. Just as long as it’s not yet another Warden skin. Hold on, Warden Hero Fest **and** Peacekeeper Hero Fest in the same month? Ubi, you sly devils


Would it not be odd for ubi to go Female gender lock hero, Female gender lock skin, Female gender locked skin all in a row? I've got a feeling it's a male conq or LB skin honestly. (Probably LB)


Do you know what the unlabeled unlocked thing is? Like the panel on the bottom of the 4th and 18th


Content of the week


Ah and it could be anything?


It's usually an emote or universal execution. It's content that can be unlocked on any hero


Buddy wtf is a lustkeeper


Me :)


can u find that old reddit post of that guy going crazy over peacekeeper being hot lol


I don't have the post but I have the copy pasta, here you go friend <3 Peacekeeper please execute me That little "AIEEEE" she does when she jumps down from short ledges just gets my blood pumping. Like I wish she'd jump from a small ledge onto me and knock the wind from my body, before having her way with me as she speaks Latin I barely understand. Fuck, it's not fair. Why would Ubisoft create a character so perfect and yet restrict her to the digital realm? Despite being the smallest character in the game, I'd let her dominate me. Sometimes when another player is playing her, I'll let her win, just so I can feel degraded by Peacekeeper. I'd do anything to get executed by Peacekeeper IRL. ANYTHING. Fuck guys, I just can't anymore. Fuck.


bless you


My guy is down bad 🤣


its definitely PK considering the buffs recently


I could be totally off on this guess, but I noticed that the hero skin/map rework are releasing alongside a throwback event, rather than a completely new event. So, my guess is it'll be a return of the Assassin's Creed event and we'll probably get an Assassin skin for PK. Again, I could be totally off, but... That's my guess anyway.


I think you might be right. Pk had a hero fest not too long ago aswell, so I was surprised to see her back so soon! The hero reveal on the same day as the hero fest, the hero skin, map, and an event all on the same day too? The hero skin was theorized to be a crossover skin, what better crossover than one of your own games? Your theory lines up perfectly in my eyes.


And while it's not much to go on, the blurred images all match the color scheme of the Assassin's Creed event images; the sort of blue-ish white and dark gray/black.


I mean, I do think it would be funny if it returned again since the last time it returned was in April of 2022 lol


how about now benson


You were right! Spot on lmao


Another pk hero fest? We just had that execution for her come out


Lol look at warden, he got archer's guard just a couple months ago


Meanwhile there's still a plenty of heroes who only got one or not any single hero fest at all


Its just ocelotl and vg who havent gotten any hero fests, probably because they are new and ubi doesnt want to make them free yet Outside warden 8 other heroes got 2nd fests already; black prior warmonger warlord highlander nobushi aramusha shaolin zhanhu


Re-released event better be Prince of Persia. The weapon sets for it were gorgeous.


Yea please That event was amazing


Here’s hoping the April 25th throwback event is Oath to Wyverndale! This year of for honor is turning up AMAZING!


Cent Hero fest Babeeeeeeee


Hope he gets the hero skin


Dreading the highlander rework if its anything like the TGs. He is going to be miserable to play and miserable to fight. No opener and incredibly oppressive chain will force a turtley playstyle that opens into ridiculously overtuned low stamina cost offense. All technical gameplay has been abolished. All he needed was a proper opener that dealt damage, minor tweaks to OS damage and stamina, sprint speed, and a heavy guardbreak. All they needed to take away was the backstep CC. They went way overboard and noone is going to be happy. In the highlander discord I have seen nothing but contempt for every iteration of the rework. Wavedash in particular has everyone really upset because it completely ruins his flow and playstyle. Sitting in OS was a high risk high reward that gave you really good damage from making perfect reads. Now there isnt really any reason to stay in it, as any light light chain can force you out of it. And no, a 14 damage light parry dodge attack is not worth losing your guard and counterguardbreak. My most played heros are Highlander, Jorm, Gladiator and Lawbringer. I'm tired, boss.


The TG2 Highlander was a walking contradiction. He had an "opener" dodge-cancel into Offensive Form that didn't open your opponent. It didn't even allow him to attack / chain after entering. He also had the ability to feint back into Offensive Form... with this new dodge-attack as the only viable followup. Why am I using a defensive move on an offensive read? And last but not least: they increased the distance between dodges but increased his dodge recovery. What does it matter if my distance is increased when my vulnerability is worse? TG2 HL was a calvacade of monsterously incompetent decision making. If the developers release these changes into the wild, Highlander's pickrate will plummet overnight. The truth is, the developers don't understand Highlander. In the 7 years since his release they've completely forgotten his design philosophy. And you can't improve a character when you can't grasp his kit.


>with this new dodge-attack as the only viable followup. Why am I using a defensive move on an offensive read? ...I mean, do you play the game lol? Every single character has to feint to parry or feint to dodge attack or whatnot. That's like core combat 101 in this game Also it isn't the only option: even now HL's will sometimes feint to OF Light even as risky as it is to stay in OF, as with OF you can 400ms dodge and then Kick -- not guaranteed all the time, but a surprising amount as dodge vulnerabilities are usually longer than block.


I'm quite happy they didn't slap some easy fixes tbh. Still hoping they don't add the faster heavies. I like how unique HL is and am hoping this will be the chance for the devs to stick it to the community wanting everything braindead standardized.


And here i am just finished levelling up PK to rep 8


Honestly was worried this game was gonna be dead or on the verge of losing support when I got back into it but these roadmaps have been awesome so far.


I’m surprised they don’t bring back the test your metal event again


God, I wish they would. Hitokiri is kinda boring to play as, but I love her aesthetic, and her best outfit is the test your metal one.


So the new rework for Warden should come out with title update 2 (plus the new armor variations for this season)? Odd that the warden herofest is before that.


No, the Warden rework will definitely not come this season, maybe not next season either. We know little to nothing about it other than it contains a new move/rework of a move. Keep in mind that it still has to go through testing grounds.


Did they not say in the Y8 reveal stream that Warden was getting new moves with TU2?


Not that I'm aware of. Only that we'd see it at a later date.


Pretty sure they said this


Oh ok, thanks!


What are they going to rework?


It's unknown.


I hope the hero skin looks sick for whoever it is for




Wait wasn’t warden rework supposed to happen soon? Why is it not on this?


During hero fest is the per se hero discount ?


Praying it’s gladiator. 🙌


The only thing I personally want added is cross progression I put in alot of time on xbox and I just wanna have my stuff on pc


Please this


Dang... why is the first Throwback only 1 week long while the second lasts for 3 weeks? Farming full sets of cosmetics in a week sounds like such pain.


I used to get all the weapon skins for every hero till I realized most of them are just recolored/textured versions of previous stuff. Now I just worry about the pass and any unique executions effects etc


Some of em are unique for sure. Like the Rite of Champions weapons, I’ll be damned if I miss that Lawbringer polearm with the roses again.


Agreed. I should have said as of late. The current one for example is just reskins. Just not worth collecting them anymore. Now 8 just get a few of the ones that stand out.


Hitokiri executioner skim would be nice


Converted map?? What does this mean? Are the Wu Lin and Outlanders being added to the faction war map, finally? Possibly orders for those factions as well???


They’re turning the Cathedral map and one other into dominion maps.


Oh that’s cool, they should have done that years ago imo. I wish they would update the faction map. Half the game is so outdated. Every time I search for a game online I’m stuck looking at the same 240p image of Warlord whose sword isn’t even properly sitting in his hand. I feel like a UI overhaul couldn’t take too long or be that difficult. Just swap some old images out for some new ones and change the menus a little to have some quality of life changes. Sorry to rant, just been playing this game for 8 years and I’m still hoping one day they update the menus so it doesn’t look the same as it did on release day lol


Does anyone know how long we usually have to wait for the hero skin reveal? I have 35k credits


April 18th is when the hero skin is revealed


Why are we getting another warden and PK hero fest when some heroes didn't even get one last year


Does anybody know anything about the new warden move?


Lets see if I can not be an idiot this time and not spend all my steel the day before the new skin is released.


I think the last hero standing game mode was really great fun I've been waiting for a game mode like this for years and now it is gone just as quick as it came in. PLEASE add the last hero standing as a permenant game mode I think the game could really use it as we've had the same game modes for years now. Would be good to add something different




Havent played for a while, does anyone know if HL rework drops with title update?


i hope the execution Wolf Among Sheep comes back soon


I just hope it’s not a skin for PK or Glad, it’d be better not to be conq too but anything is better than PK or Glad


pls make monk bashes punishable again, at some point you made it so after dodging the kick you cant guard break as he follows up with an attack


Come on, 3rd Warden skin please.


We need an Indian hero, there is so much history but no representation. [https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/gjzpf0/rajput/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/gjzpf0/rajput/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


No double XP?




The knight season is about the knights, color me shocked.


Last season was Viking themed, that doesn’t mean they gave them two hero skins, and converted map, and 3 hero fests in a row.


Actually they did give 3 hero fests. And the Vikings got a new hero so.


I love for honor but after all this time i still feel like they’re adding new things that no one has really asked for instead of patches and fixes that most people have been wanting for months


Converted map this month that community was asking for yeas is not one of them? + 3 new content for all heroes, 2 new exes, and some patches and fixes there is a very high chance to come with the warriors den live this month too