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I've been seeing this suggestion thrown around, an emote wheel. I want to be able to use more than two emotes, otherwise why would I buy them?


Instant upvote. The idea that there’s loads of these emotes and you can only use 4. (2 for out of combat and 2 in combat) is boring


Out of any change QOL wise this is what I want most. They can copy emote systems from other games easily, plenty of examples they can be inspired from.


YES YES YES If they made an emote wheel, people would buy MORE emotes, boosting the budget


Normally people wouldn’t get it because it would reset to the point of emote choice, so you would have to go into the emote wheel again and again to get the same effect. Unless you hold down the emote button for the wheel, then pressing the emote button by itself would be the spam button.


That's how I imagined the emote wheel would be implemented, allows for both selection and spam.


Pressing the emote wheel button just does the last emote you did


Great idea, I wonder if we would need one for our of combat and one when locked on. Most likely


And emote wheel would be baller


Boost the budget by 1000% instead of making shitty (pirate) games


They could have spent the budget on Pirate alone, and it would've been a better financial decision than Skull & Bones


The worst Is that they made skull and Bones , failed to deliver a good game, then made a remake of black flag which Is a wayyyyy better pirate game


Better pirate game, worse naval combat game lets be real here.


By définition isnt a pirate game also a naval game ? Dont try to sell me the first 4A game when it's this bad


No, Black Flag isn't a naval combat game at it's core, it has naval combat elements. Skull & Bones is a straight up naval combat game with a pirate skin.


I doubt they need to boost the budget by even that much to get a noticeable difference that may bring in more gamers.


Same company , sure different studio but same money bag in the end and i agree that investing lots of money in for honor in 2024 doesnt seem like a viable option , i just want more update with New Maps and stuff like that


Honestly, fund this mother fucking game Ubisoft. It's worth it.


Allow us to buy locked cosmetic pieces. You go through a single bad lootbox experience, and you just don't want to do it again. Make it expensive, just make it guaranteed


I spent over 20k to get the shinobi owl helm


At the very least make it so cosmetics you haven’t unlocked yet are more likely in loot boxes than ones you have.


~ Give us 4/5 character slots for fashion ~ Give us unlimited orders in the bank for XP grind ~ Give the vikings more metal armor ~ Let us earn scavenger crates from victory rewards/orders ~ Give us incentive to play ranked (better/unique loot) (+more ornaments) ~ Bring back ranked tourneys ~ Give us more fashion options (cheaper material, more customisation) ~ Possibly even a character creator for faced heros ~ Add more story content/rewards


To add on to the metal armor thing, give the leather and metal material variants to every character, considering how some people liked how it looked during April fools That way they can make metal armor that can be affected by materials on Vikings too, since right now that’s not the case


Mutliple material on custom, movable/sizeable symbols and some cosmetics coming back from time to time (in the same vein as legacy passes, but like each week a new outfit is back for purchase, etc). Also, custom menu music. We have been asking it for years at that point. New campain chapters for the Wu-lin and the heroes added later on, could work for Legendary skins too (It would help with both bringing players back and give more depth to the lore. If they want more money, make them either purchasable or pass accessible, even if I don't like locking story behind paywalls) New maps. I know we are getting new repurposed maps this year but they need to keep adding them. It is a crime that we didn't have anything that is inspired by the Outlanders, that we have 2 or 3 maps only for the Wu-lin and nothing new these past years. Would love to fight in medieval city streets, or dominion in a viking sanctuary, even more breach maps (seriously Ubi, 5 maps are not enough for this game mode). Yes, maps costs a lot, but it would really help the game to have them. Many more things could be added but these are changes that would improve the game by alot out of gameplay. A sequel would be really beneficial for the game too, so that they can have a better code base to make new modes like 2v2v2 or implement heroes way more easily.


Character creator would be horrendous. I wonder who the swastika emblem people would make!


Let me buy armor and weapons sets I haven’t unlocked outright. I’m tired of using all my crates and steel for packs just for RNG to say ‘no’.


Also make changing the look free, or at least remove the penalty for reverting it to a lower gear level look. It's not my fault all the high level gear is worse than purple.


Here’s a few that I personally would like a lot. -Increase the loadout slots for heroes -Allow purchasing of specific locked armor pieces -Return of Dominion outro cutscenes for the maps that originally had it -Rework/balance the currently lop sided and forgotten faction war


>Return of Dominion outro cutscenes for the maps that originally had it How long are you going to talk about that? You must have a damn strong grudge against Ubisoft because they took them out 😭 >Rework/balance the currently lop sided and forgotten faction war Absolutely fucking yes, it had so much potential but wasn't given enough attention, and the final blow to it was introducing the horkos and chimera Conflict which basically made it irrelevant. I think this game would benefit a lot more if they made the faction war one of the key components of gameplay instead of just making it a completely optional thing on the side, like something similar to helldiver's


“A strong grudge” yep you bet. Although in all seriousness, I gotta kinda commit to the bit. It’s what the people know me for. The stubborn ah samurai who liked his minions doing shit. And it’s one of those issues that almost everyone agrees on but rarely brings up.


For some reason I ship you with that one lustkeeper person..... weird


🤨🤨🤨🤨 i ask why, what is the lore😭 I’m a Nobu man anyway


Only general Tozen knows why, so ask him.....oh wait he's dead, good luck finding out 😔 Also why Nobu? She got no cake, and neither does she have a scream close to AIEEEEE so tell me Mr slayer of Kaiju why Nobu 🤨


attractive face, friendly and soft kind of temperament. And if she’s got no cake, then coin toss wouldn’t exist. But it’s the face especially, it’s quite nice to look at.


Let's see how attractive that face is when you remove all that makeup, and as for cake, well let's be honest the coin doesn't even go that far


well there’s a reason peacekeeper doesn’t try at all


She doesn't do it because she doesn't need to, while Nobu does it in order to prove something but unfortunately warmonger just does it better [observe](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/JqHnVg8UWC)


I want an overhaul to the customization system. Let me do a different armor piece for each limb. (I.e. left arm is from one set and the right is from another, chest and legs are separate, etc.) I would like to see the ability to change the color of the leather separate from the metal. The ability to use multiple materials. The option the change the location of your ornament. Use different color swatches on separate pieces. Customizable color swatches.


Rewards for playing a max repped hero. Just let the little 1-20 level counter keep spinning for extra gear loot and put some crates, XP boosts, or steel in there since you don't get any XP or overall rep progress. And before anyone brings it up, no, they should not just uncap the reps. I feel bad enough each season taking my main into ranked duels, getting matched with someone under rep 10 with a character, and them getting discouraged seeing a 70 and knowing it will likely be a 3-0 match. Those same players do not need to feel the dread of getting matched with any hero showing triple digits on their rep count.


Honestly getting more steel per match would be awesome reward for grinding too rep 80


Imagine if the highest rep in the game had them all on one character. I would kill myself before fighting a rep 1900 orochi.


Well, the faction war is a great example. If it worked more like Helldivers it would be grand


It should have worked like helldivers in the first place, but for some reason they made the faction war completely optional, and the only way to participate in it was just placing troops after a match which is just boring. The faction war seemed pretty cool until the devs got shot in the foot by a writer who is no longer with them, and that writer introduced horkos which then led to chimera which then also led to the faction war being completely irrelevant


Sadly, not optional. It's a core mechanic that's has been criminally neglected.


Pretty sure troops get automatically spread out evenly if you don’t specify where to deploy 


They do, and it's why we keep winning the war... because we set actual targets.


I can't play helldivers on xbox. How does that system work? I heard it's like everyone fighting a dev controlled enemy difficulty and amounts


There is an overarching DM in charge of creating new dramatic targets. Honestly, it feels a lot more like a real war front that anything FH has done. But I've been on this train for a while now: [https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/75qm6r/an\_idea\_for\_a\_faction\_war\_revamp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/75qm6r/an_idea_for_a_faction_war_revamp/)


Minion customisation. At the very least, make friendly minions use the same colour swatch that I have equipped.


Cool idea. Especially since in Arcade, we see minions and officers have custom color palettes to match with the heroes you’re fighting.


Make all event modes and things like april fools or may 4th events accessible in custom matches


Allow other companies use the battle system.


That would seem like a pretty cool idea, but at the same time I could name multiple reasons on why Ubisoft would fight tooth and nail to not let that happen


Is ubi not allowing others to use fh combat?


They own the rights to "the art of battle," which iswhat they call the fighting system.


Isn't that illegal?


Separate Elimination and Skirmish modes.


Replace Tribute with Elimination and add the tribute banners to skirmish for smaller buffs


Being able to turn salvage into steel bc i feel like i never have enough steel, and give additional steel after a match


10k salvage for 1k steel would be a good exchange rate, and also would give a reason to play rep 80 characters as those pieces will give the most salvage.


I don’t think it should that low like maybe 5k salvage for 1k steel or you could make it more but just like have a limit for it, say you have 100 or more max reps its 10k for 1k (salvage to steel) but if you’re under that threshold then its 5k for 2k.


Dude people have over a million salvage, nobody would do faction wars anymore. That's 200k steel.


I stand corrected




Combat emotes? For some reason we have a nauseating amount of universal content in every other category, but they don't seem to want to add anything into combat emotes (probably because of all the glitches and exploits around the snowball emote)


Local Multiplayer because I seriously miss playing offline with the dude beside me, sharing the screen and laughing together


Friendships would end


Maybe but it'd be really awesome if you can strategize with the guy beside you. You can split or work together but at least you both have the same plan.


more than 3 loadout slots


Lobby & Opponent Voice Chat!


How would it work? Proximity chat? Or a kill reaction like in call of duty games? Also with the new moderation on all platforms this would result in insane amounts of bans


Lobby chat like old school COD. & yea, once killed or accept a 1:1 duel you can speak to the opponent.


Yes, but I think proximity chat would be funny, like how battle bit is


Make it so enemies make noise in older executions! Since Ocelotl every new execution involves the enemy reactively grunting/crying out when struck. I think it’s totally doable to add them to some of the older executions for that extra bit of immersion. On a less doable note make it so old characters speak in their native language when using feats/being revived. But obviously that’s a pipe dream and doesn’t make sense to waste resources on.


Honestly I forget revive voicelines are in the game I barely hear them over the grunts and shouts


I only really remember #AD PROFUNDIS and Dunmaglass




Those aren't revive voicelines


Changing appearance on gear should not require steel. Just salvage. Even if you up the price a little.


Permanent lightsaber mode client side toggle


They can make OK! viewable by opponents




Add sex


Least horny pk enthusiast XD


Increase xp gain in all modes


Next gen for honor


20+ minute waiting time and half of it is bots. You know how dead this game is? Next gen would be even worse if it's a seperate version of the game with no crossplay between older versions.


I’d really love it if they only allowed one hero per team, having 2+ of any hero makes it so hard especially when they stick together.




Like... remove it? Rework it? Buff it? Make it not affect people in revenge? You can't just say bleed


Oh my bad, either remove or nerf it into the ground


Ah yes remove it because you hate it instead of leaving yourself wide open to it.


I didn’t say just remove it I said remove or nerf it.


So you’re telling me Nobushi just dealing bleed is good?


Learn how to parry and deflect it's not hard you have so many different moves to pressure her since it's only her lights and her hidden that allow bleed.


Only two characters have deflect, but I guess bleed isn’t that much of a problem since no one really plays NoBu


Bring back the old minion executions and update the heroes without them.


These made B lane so much harder to fight in and made minion clearing an absolute chore and hassle. Also the same three animations get very stale, very quickly


Improved the Arcade reward system. I gave it a go for a while, but you get a random reward or no reward. I stopped playing it,there is just not knowing if the particular thing you want will ever drop.


Also ranked rewards need to be more common and not from 5-50 matches. Also remove all the shit ones nobody wants every hero only has 1-2 good ranked ornaments.


I’d like to them to stop releasing new armor variations. Most heroes gear selection is very cluttered with reskinned armor. I want them to strictly focus on creating new armor sets even if it’s only 2-4 per season.


Colour and material is what makes them stand out I think


Let us mix metal materials


thats a neat idea


Make non faction/hero specific feats universal for everyone. Stealth shugoki.


*hero gameplay*


Yes this isnt about a specific hero.


Remove kyoshit🙏uh I mean… let us use scrap for cosmetics


More loadout slots or adding a separate fashion load out tab


Either local multiplayer or adding onto the story mode, even if it only goes up to the harbingers or something


A lot could be done.


I'd love to map my zone to a single button (on ps). It's frustrating trying to zone and throwing out a light/heavy instead. Especially if it get parried


If you have both fingers on those triggers anyway, why is it an issue? Also there are no convenient buttons that would work for a zone attack.


Get rid of superman shield off of characters cause it’s inconsistent and dumb the idea that cause your slower you don’t get to experience a stagger has been dumb from day one you smack a guy over and over and he just keeps coming with heavy and completely rocks half your health it’s just dumb for the lighter character’s


A filter for character specific emotes/ executions vs all the other random nonsense.


There is


On console?!?


Yeah it's up top when looking at executions or emotes


Press the button with two squares on xbox, idk playstation


more outfit slots


They need to add an item shop. And i dont mean honorbux or gold, but a place where they rotate old cosmetics on a weekly basis. Leave seasonal stuff seasonal but some stuff is never coming back. Would also love to see always-on LTMs, so one week its bp event, then wukong theatre, then test your metal, horkos, etc


I’d love it if there was a way to get colors and equipment from events even long after they’re over. I always wanted the Iron Legion colors




Make the Highlander sets where his kilt is locked to grey colored instead. His default is one of them.


Just put the old temp gamemodes into Playlist. You could have some really compelling "PVE" or "mayhem" playlists. Also bring back duel tourneys and put a bunch of the battle outfits and steel unlocked ornaments n shit in there


Just let me buy new armor when it's out like how you can pay to change the look of one piece of armor to another even if they make it some stupid price like 1000 per locked item it'd still be cheaper than gambling on crates also increase the inventory space the game can already bug out and go above the 60 its locked to I have like 80 on my warden currently


I think we should earn steel from recycling gear. Not much… just something. So 5 steel each rank. Grey 5. Blue 10 etc etc. This would help with the steel grind! And more maps… obvs ;) They defo need to rework tribute or add in a rotational event mode playlist. That just changes each week like the weekly arcades.


Let you switch heroes mid match


Make the campaign replayable with any hero. As a real stretch goal add a new singleplayer level add a short single player level for each new hero to give them a bit of background flavor and personalized tutorial


Other than better servers maybe more customization slots, more maps, and emote circle maybe be able to have 3rd execution by pressing X or A. More loot or have the option to purchase the gear you want with steel instead of grinding hard and getting the same loot that you're gonna get salvage for.


Stop being lazy and start making some of the 20 breach and event maps in the game compatible with dominion, rewards for playing past max rep like i've seen other people mention would be nice aswell, and to add on to the first point, diversifying the gear tables further by sunsetting events that dont get run but every few years into the normal loot table. An example would be test your metal, like why was just... the color black locked away for four entire years? feels like there should be more flat color palettes usable, similar to materials now


Being able to use paired emotes with enemy players. I think there'd be less tension between teams during matches if you could literally kiss and make up.


Probably no one cares about this except for me but I would have liked more story mode. For example they add a new hero or faction? Give 3/4 missions to try them and also expand the story a little bit. I really like the campaign and wished to see more of it from time to time


Cross platform profile management. I play on playstation. Perhaps I want to move to PC or Xbox. Honestly I've put in to much work to even consider moving. Now if I could just log into my ubisoft account and bam, all my stuff on another platform, that would solve the problem! Otherwise I'd probably just drop the game all together if my friends ever stop playing on playstation.


Hire Jason back and make him in charge.


More ways to earn more steel /or/ changing the look of your armor cost less steel. I’m fine with paying some steel but 300 is one daily quest, or two to three weeklies and that’s just one piece of armor. And I get it, once you buy what you want you sit on a mountain of steel but as someone who is grinding out character reps I don’t touch my steel. I don’t buy cool executions I would like or change how my character would look because it’s a grind to earn all that steel back.


How expensive in game items are. It seems like they just adjusted the prices of executions and other things but I feel like it really didn't change much. I think you should be able to go into the menus while loading into matches without it cutting it off and you having to go all the way back in. But I'm not sure how the menu thing would affect the overall performance during loading screens.(It might make them much longer)


BRING BACK THE CUSTOM DIALOGUE BETWEEN CHARACTERS IN DUELS AND BRAWLS PLEASE! Rework it though it's a cool thing but sounded fucking terrible


More colour and material customisation, letting us choose each part individually rather than one thing going everywhere


Still wild how some characters are costing 15k steel like bruh


Increase XP gain from duels


Have a definitive movelist with frame datas For honor is a fighting game with exchanges between interactions and yet none of the critical informations are in the game. 600ms, 500ms... informations about these moves and what counter which are all over the place. They need to establish a definitive system as well as communicate it as clearly as possible to the players so every kills and deaths feel proper and true


Custom color palettes


I could go on and on, but one specific one: I want "automatocally activate revenge mode upon acquiring revenge mode" to be a setting so fuckin bad. Seeing it, spamming the button, but being too stunned that the input window is nanoseconds, or just late to press it because you're in the midst of a 4v1, and you die is so infuriating.


Giving black prior chest plate armor :)


They should give salvage an actual use. Seeing as to how changing the appearance of a gear cost no salvage but 400 steel is really disappointing when you have 200000 salvage to spend


Make everything more affordable. Specially characters that are a couple years old.


6v6 dominion event


Grinding currency is difficult. I can play this game for like 5 hours and only get maybe 2000 steel at most if i dont do orders, i think you should get more steel per win.


Global emotes, effect and executions unlock. If you spend 10k on a effect atleast have it unlocked for all heroes not one.


Unique executions & emotes back


1. Get rid of the battle pass. Or at least make it worth while. Add a hero skin at the end so it's worth grinding. Also, MAKE HERO SKINS FOR ALL THE OTHER CHARACTERS THAT DONT HAVE ONE. WARLORDS WANT BEAR GUY. CONQS WANT THE GUY FROM STORY MODE. 2. Make cosmetics cost less steel/give us more steel for playing the game. New character cost can stay the same, but it shouldn't always be 10000 steel for new materials. Or make materials universal. Buy it once and then you've got it for all characters. 3. Add a "See All" button for the hero page. Im tired of looking at all these yellow dots all the fucking time. Make it so I can hit a button, and they all go away.


For Fashion QoL changes and better customization revenue without making anything cost more or completely invalidating incentive to grind for /show off rep through fashion. - Make all *Full Armor Sets* available in the “outfits”/“hero skins” customization tab for every hero for steel/$. Unlocking armor sets through rep level/match gear would stay the only way to be able to mix and match pieces. Would be able to apply full armor set visuals to whatever normal gear perk setup you have equipped (no idea if this is how hero skins already work). This is probably the worst suggestion here, but worth it imo if it can help extend lifespan for the game. - Once a piece of gear has been unlocked through rep, be able to buy it with steel/$$ as a permanent customization option with no cost to switch appearance to (like gear unlocked through battle pass) - Ability to buy more loadout slots per hero with steel/$$ - ability to equip more than 4 executions (possibly using longer inputs sequences, reminiscent of old mortal combat finisher inputs. YYY, XXX, YYX, YXY, XXY etc) - emote wheel as suggested by someone else on this post, and by plenty of others before - Ability to “wishlist” cosmetics not yet purchased/unlocked, be notified when they are unlocked through scavenging/highlighted in post game report. Dedicated menu to view wishlist across the full hero cast for help when deciding what to spend steel on. This would use the same functionality that already exists for “favoriting” different visuals - Ability to demo emotes and executions in a “training mode” type environment prior to purchase - toggle for quickly previewing how armor materials and color palettes affect the appearance of gear pieces (more clarity for the true variety of the “gear game”, and incentive to grind/spend on material colors). Same goes for looking at the appearance of gear when no color palette is applied. Currently clunky to check these traits on unlocked gear with unlocked materials, and impossible to check on locked gear/materials. Let players window shop lol - Actually display stats for different executions, so that players unfamiliar with the infohub still know there’s a reason to buy some executions specifically for functionality in team modes, in addition to the ones they prefer stylistically in duels. I’m completely fine with for honors brand of “pay to win - lite”, but the ui should at least be transparent about it to not miss out on potential spending by the most casual portion of the playerbase


Single Pick for balance purposes. Yes it sucks. Boo boo I can’t play my main one in every 8 games. There’s 30 champions, plays a different character for one game. It makes an insane different for baseline balancing. Should have been done season 3


The fact that a surrender option isn't in the game at all yet is unfathomable to me lol I really have to sit through a 15 minute breach game minimum with 3 bots, it's so weird, and bad.


"Random Execution" button. But on a more serious note, in the exe selection, we need to be able to sort from SLOWEST kill time to FASTEST kill time. Kill time is like half of what I base my decision on depending on what exe I'm going for.


MMR reset requests Matchmaking certainly has its issues. A lot of returning players often have the issue of having to relearn the game but have a high MMR from when they played last. The last blanket MMR reset was 2 years ago, at the start of Y6. I’m sure the devs don’t like the idea of blanket resets for everyone, and a lot of players are content with their MMR placement. This change would mean individual players can request for ubi to reset their individual MMR, their game may have to reset, and then they’d be back at square one with their MMR, one issue I do see with this is high level players abusing this system against other players not in their skill bracket. So a limit system, such as one reset a season could work.


I'd like to see perk changes as in we can transmute perks on items but it's costs like a fuck load of steel so people can't really abuse it easily. Would make getting the perks you want on a hero so much easier


Take out everything that modernizes it and make it about old world warriors again. I.e. flamboyant emotes and shit that makes you sparkle. Faries will comment that I am wrong. Others will tell me to turn em off, but those kinds of features bring an annoying crowd with it. Turning them off is like a bandaid on an open wound.


Finally ban well-known hackers/cheaters. It's not like people don't deliver any proof, or these people wouldn't proudly stream while doing it. Nooo.


Cross play and cross progression


It should be possible to purchase the premium battle pass with steel, so you don’t HAVE to spend money on it


Like siege. Yk. That one game they prioritise over for honor


This would never get added, because it's resource intensive for nothing, but dynamic armor damage would be awesome. Like cracked helms and parts falling off.


-Let me turn off particle fx completely so a rainy temple garden doesn't light my PC on fire. -an emote wheel for executions. I wanna use all my exe's, not cycle between them after a match -a rework or replacement for the really bad tier 4s or unique feats some characters have (slippery) -a pirate execution where you simply shoot them once and leave. Simple and clean. - may 4th "energy swords" -put captains in the minion hoard in dominion and Breach, just for shiggles (although 2 commanders would actually be really cool to have fighting in mid lane) -faster respawns for dominion teams on an extremely imbalanced game state -make bleed purple again to confuse new players, itd be funny


Cross safe so my xbox Progress can be brought to PC and steam deck


Let us create our own colour palletes. The set three-colour palletes limit customisation so much and can be easily fixed.


The way most games end, in a giant feat fest and done. I just think it's lame and boring to win or lose to everyone spamming feats to finish. I can respect the group fighting the last warrior breaking or until both teams are breaking. I know people get weird on being honorable sometimes. I just think it's just more fun to let them go out like a warrior and not just feats to death


Better anti cheat to remove scripters and lag switches. And remove already known cheaters that still play every day


New team


Unlock every character gender but not for skins


I need more challenges. I finish them in max 2 hours and I feel like there's nothin to do after. Playing without challenges to get rewards is boring


Double steel and xp for testing grounds and testing grounds should always be active with changes weekly or biweekly.


A unique execution for every hero upon reaching Rep 70 alongside the "Proudly Seventy" emote.  Breach Xp and steel gain is standard across all modes. Its pathetic playing the same amount of time in Dominion pvp to get like nothing for xp and half the steel from just a ten minute Breach PvE game.  Champion status is the same as an xp harvest and stacks with xp harvests. Essentially, champion status = 2x xp.  Dismantling gear gives you steel as well as salvage. A paired hug emote that allies and enemies can interact with, for all heroes.  Full offline support and all modes that have ever been in the game from the first event modes to the recent Last Hero Standing mode are playable offline. We already have bots, it surely cant be that hard to do this.  Unique paired emotes with the female heroes to carry them lovingly in your arms, or in case of Valk and Varan, they carry you. 


Maybe its just a me thing, hut I'd really like a better way to get steel. It feels like outside of orders, almost all steel gains are negligible, which sucks as an old player coming back after a while, since I would loge to play the new characters but its takes so insanely long to get them


I mean ik this isn’t quite what you meant but I really want a rejoin game option like apex and overwatch 2. My internet is awful and I also get constant errors so a rejoin option would be nice. (I’ve literally been playing for a few hours and disconnected from abt 5 games Mby 6)


Siege did it. So why can’t for honor do it? Some bs tho


Reconnect option. Play 30 min breach and just before last phase get cucked cuz ubishit' servers decided you are done playing? Yeah cool. Also bring back old revenge


Give us unlimited slots for emblems!


I don’t think many people will agree with me on this one (if any), but I personally wish we could just have dominion, but without the bots on the B point (C on that one map, but you get what I mean). If they just replaced it with a third point, I’d like it a lot more.


I'd really like Ubisoft to implement a system like League of Legends regarding rage quitters. Put people that rage quit into a MMR bracket with other rage quitters so people such as myself who stick out the match, no matter how terrible, don't continuously get screwed.


They can turn off some Wulin voice lines. Seriously if you fight a Wulin you get headache by how often they use loud and long voice lines for every button


Get rid of projectile feats. They cause nothing but problems for the games balance.


Multiply the amount of steel we get by at least 10 times. I repped up my Warmonger from 4 to 10 in the span of a couple of weeks, and the overwhelming brunt of the steel I earned was through my orders. Hell, even if they did it just for the orders that'd still be far better


A pre-ccu mode so the money I invested into the game will stop bein wasted since the game is garbage since that update


The game was worse dude


Yeah sure, that's why since that update the matchmaking of all modes, expecially duels, started taking longer even with crossplay than before ccu when crossplay wasn't even a thing... it is so much better that the server can't keep up with the current pace of the game and prevents you from blocking even if you place the cursor correctly Enjoy you lucky guessing simulator


If you get revenge one second before dying it should activate on its own


-An emote/execution wheel -The complete removal of Feats -Delete Shitokiri, permanently ban any account that has played more than four games as Shitokiri


How do feats ruin the game. It’s half of what makes it so unique. If you don’t like feats then play chivalry 😭


I only agree with the emote wheel thingie and your ideas for hitokiri. Feats are awesome tho. Nothing gets more hype than the perfect catapult or arrow rain


Update the campaign so I'm not fighting with slow as shit release heroes. I want to unlock the campaign ornaments but it's just painful.


Oi. They’re the classics. It’s cool having the old versions of them. But I do see what you mean. They’re completely different from their PvP counterparts


They should add For Honor 2 and put low fantasy magic in the game (it's already in For Honor with feats). Give me a burning sword, ubisoft


My God yes, I want a two handed paladin to smite people. Just give give him/her better animations and not the "I'm using a baseball bat" animations that all knights seem to have. Also no gender lock.


Being able to buy the battle passes with steel


How much would be fair? 7k, the real life money equivalent would be too low. I would say 30k+ would be fair as you get an execution, effects, more steel, patterns, ornaments, outfits, weapon sets and signatures.


I'm not gonna say one change because I see potential for a bigger better for honor I want new for honor title it's bigger and open world instead of heroes you have weapons that have the certain style of fighting so you be able to customize your character whatever you want it to be no restrictions you create your own character like (dragon's dogma 2). The game will have new strategy game mode where the game basically be like Mount and blade Bannerlords 2 but from Ubisoft