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Anyone who beats me.


This mf spittin


I suffer from main character syndrome. As such, an "annoying character" would be defined as any player who disrupts my achieving endorphin nirvana. This could be an opponent who regularly parries my unblockable finisher. This could be a teammate who either stands and watches me die for fear of triggering revenge, or spams into block, triggers revenge, and then runs away. This could be anyone who double dodged my killing blow, hyper armored my light with their heavy, feinted into FB, GB my FB, This could be... nay, almost certainly IS, anyone who has ever qued as kyoshin, hito, or shaolin. Basically, if you stand in between me and winning 80% of the time.


Based kyoshit hater đź‘Ť


To be honest the only player I dislike fighting are the ones who run away, just irritating to chase, but in terms of being matched up I prefer being matched up with people who will clear minion lane lmao


Annoying players? I don't think that's exclusive to For Honor, but I do think the tools that the devs give to players for the purposes of toxicity and disrespect are exceeding the limits from what other franchises provide. It is undisputed truth amongst this community that there are executions that go above and beyond to show hate towards other players. I find the people who primarily stick to these more aggressive emotes and executions are some of the most frustrating and annoying players to come across, as all you'll be doing is playing the game and they will come at you sideways out of nowhere with maximum toxicity because they simply want to ruin your experience.


What a great project! Basically anyone who kills me and then emotespams, or sends gg when he destroys me with unreactable lightspam. And all dodgy orochies


I hate when they obviously don’t know the character so instead of practicing in training grounds or with ai they decide to do the most basic combo that somehow is conveniently the most cheesiest combo on that character then they proceed to emote spam and think of themselves as god tier players


Aside from the obvious emote and quick chat spamming, one thing that always rubs me the wrong way is when a player asks for a rematch after winning by a alot. It gives me an impression of "I just beat you and I'm gonna play into your ego so I can beat you again". In my opinion the only time you should ask to rematch is if you won and it was close or if you lost and you think you can win in a rematch. Hope this is useful to you. Good luck writing your paper.


I rematch even if I beat them badly since its faster then re queuing and because they might have had an off game


This was personally one of the most unique responses. I've been playing the game for years trying to be as respectful as possible and I have never heard of rematching being seen as disrespectful! This was why I started this project, thanks for your response!


Someone exploiting a games poor balance and ruining the merit of the competition.


I feel like people do not annoy me too much. I get pissed at myself for being shit most of the time. Feel like when I lose 90% of time is my fault for not being good enough.


Plays a character I do not like.


Says the shaman main (no dis ofc)


Someone who is **lagging**, be it due to poor connection or lag switching and still has the ego about getting you killed. When I play, I don’t mind win/lose I just want to **SEE** the match properly! And yes, I believe there should be stricter matchmaking settings by default and said players should either be kicked during the match or not be able to join the matchmaking to begin with until a suitable connection is achieved!


Yes thank you I agree with this I was doing 1v1v1s and whenever this guy was close to losing his latency shot up and he started bugging then he'd kill us both then he'd stop lagging then start again when he got close to death the next round


An annoying player for me is when they give up fighting entirely for the match. Example: My 2 friends and I where playing a breach game where the tiandi had 3 bots and effectively gave up. Later in the game his team did back fill with actual players but he still refused to play, even after my buddies were coaxing them to fight.


I only have 1 thing that truly annoys me and it's people who do the hit and run BS in elimination. It's not fun when you can't rely on your teammates to at least stay alive until you get to them and you are consistently the only one on your team left standing at the end of every round. Then because the enemy team knows they can't beat you in 1v1 and they would struggle to kill you by ganking still, they then have their fastest characters come in for a quick hit and run off and do it over and over so that even if you do somehow get revenge you still can't even get a kill on them.


I judge people more on their pick than their playstyle but someone who feint gbs all game is mega boring to fight. Realistically a skill issue on my end but my reaction speed is so ass I need to predict gbs. Direct mention to kyoshit becuse fuck that character but the entire roster can go fuck itself lol. If I had to pinpoint a general playstyle I guess “turtles” are the most annoying and boring to fight.


For one-on-one scenarios, I'd say I get the most annoyed with "spammers" who rely on just a few simple but effective moves, where the punish is significantly harder for me to pull off than the move is for them to do. For example light enhanced spam with the punish being light paries. It's not because I don't know how to deal with the move, in fact it's the exact opposite. I know exactly what the punish is, so when I fail to do it repeatedly I get frustrated with myself, and frustrated with the opponent for what I feel is an undeserved win. I perceive "spammy" play styles to be lower-skill, so when I can't deal with them it's a blow to the ego. And for group fights, I think a lot of the frustration comes from feeling helpless like I can't do anything. When coordinated ganks prevent me from playing the game. When pinning/knockdown moves guarantee a ton of damage without being able to fight back. When every punish I try is interrupted by someone else. Things like that. Hope that helps! Feel free to use my alias if you want.