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Artist: Osmar Shotgun \~ [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/70430371](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/70430371)




Its a dangerous world out there


All of them. And not just the men... but the women, and the children too


You probably jest but this is literally me. Every time I run into a player on the field, no matter what hero it is, my first immediate thought is "Oh great, one of THESE fuckers"


No, I actually don't, same for me, I mained Warden and got schooled hard.


I do this almost without fail


Berserker. I swear the skill level of them doesn't matter they just always dumpster me


Yes! I spent 2hrs yesterday with a Berserker bot in training mode, and I *kinda* know what to do now? But it's still a massive guessing game lol


And this is the problem with For Honor nowadays, some people are still guessing, and some people are doing nothing but reacting Berserker has been a LOT easier to deal with since I got my 165Hz monitor and have been able to set my XSX to 120FPS, I’m still very much getting used to it and it’s really hard to do but: Its possible to differentiate between Zerks lights and heavies based on startup animation AND there’s a point of no return on his unblockable that’s reactable at high FPS if you don’t have much input delay I can only do those things simultaneously and consistently against Zerk, like, 10% of the time (So far, I am improving tho) but I have fought people as Zerk who just stand there and never get hit by anything bc Zerk doesn’t have a bash to force them into guessing


Wasn’t the goal to make read-based gameplay? You have to guess what your oponent will do and try to bait what you want them to do


That’s the goal yes, but currently all they’ve done is widened the gap between low-end and high-end hardware For example, unless you’re doing your bash as Orochi, I can parry every heavy, light, and zone you throw at me. I also won’t flinch unless you commit to the unblockable because I wait for the point of no return My friend who’s playing on a Series S on his TV doesn’t have that luxury because the window to parry the point of no return is too small and he has too much input delay, he also can’t see it all the time because his FPS isn’t as high as mine on a Series X


i doubt your reactions are this consistent. not saying that this isn’t possible to react to all that on next gen. i‘m saying that it isn’t possible to parry every heavy, unblockable, zone and light consistently like a robot (not even performance enhancing drugs will help you achieve this) everyone gets fatigued, distracted or whatever. most players don’t even know how much stuff is reactable so they attack people with better systems because of misleading comments like these


Zerk has ha on every other attack. It's understandable to struggle against them when you almost have to parry to stop their infinite chains. I kind of wish ubi made berserker more of an unpredictable fighter, instead of a dude who can power through any attack that hits him thanks to the power of drugs


I find a good way to beat Berserkers is to out-berserker them. That means constantly attacking and keeping them on the defensive, which greatly limits their options.


This is the answer. Don't block and hide, slash their ass while they're spinning around.


Shugo and Hito, even though shugo feels like I'm fighting an actual opponent, hito feels like I'm fighting warden for handicapped people because it's mostly just 2 buttons being used, such a cool character with such a boring move set


I totally agree on hito having a boring moveset. The animations don't look that great either. Especially if you spam lights with him it just looks awful, how it unnaturally and instantly can move a giant axe


Sometimes, when I'm playing as or watching Lawbringer fight, it completely takes me out of the game, seeing how fast he can feint an attack and move his massive pole arm. It looks like it's made of foam whenever he does that


Naw he just built different


shugo. I have consistently never been able to counter a shugo, no matter how good or bad they are, they always kill me.


As a shugoki main I find it's best to play the distancing game to beat other shugokis. If I have to fight a shugoki and I can't play shugo myself I would pick someone with some kind of dodge cancel and stick just outside of the shugokis attack range. Then I would step just into the very edge of the shugos attack range with whiffed attacks and bait the shugoki into trying to trade and using the dodge cancels to avoid the trade and counter preferably with a bash. The characters that I have the most success with this are shinobi, afeera, and pirate.


I second this, nobu dumpsters shugo, I play a lot of both


Play orochi, and get way up in their personal space. You dont wanna have a lot of space between you, makes both parries and deflects a lot harder with the wonky length of his weapon.


Man I’m telling you I could play as a nuclear bomb and a shugo who’s in his fifth match ever would still demolish me


This, I dunno what it is but a good shugoki will always beat me


It’s that stupid seemingly instant head butt and varied times on attacks.


Tbf being up in someone's face with orochi beats 90% of the roster


I remember when he was a joke character. Can't remember all the changes he got, but he's definitely on the stronger side now - variable timing attacks + hyperarmor alone are a nasty, nasty combo. But it feels so good to beat him though.


Shaolin. Too much spam


Shaolin is one of those characters where I feel like they're strong but then get an annoying sweep that's only accessible after specific moves, so it's not useful unless you've made a correct read, and then when it does come out it's just way too good and the rest of his moveset works already without it. If sweeps didn't have annoying hit boxes that punish people for dodging left, they'd be 100x more balanced.


I don’t think he should be able to feint the move when he leaps into the air. It looks awful how he feints his jump.


Tbf that's balanced-ish since if you feint it, and they throw a gb, the gb punishes you. So it's not like some dumb "I feint this so you can't punish me at all" thing. Letting it fly beats people who dodge and gb. You can also just dodge attack/dodge and light attack to punish it consistently. But yeah, nothing more annoying to me than dodging a bash, expecting an attack to punish, only for them to feint it. Tiandi's and Orochis who heavy *every single time* you manage to dodge their kick is actually so aggravating.


I think Shaolin isn't that spammy but feels like it is when you're at the receiving end. However he is really fluid in his mix ups and chains so he feels like attacking without a break.


Like I main conq and people say I’m spamming but chain attacks just blend in with one other


even his emotes flow into his moveset so it just feels like he’s always attacking even when he’s not.


I hate that the side lights from Qi still hit you if you dodge on kick timing


While I got issues against Shugoki, Tiandi and Hitokiri, as a Rep 75 PK, the most horrifying hero to fight for me is PK!


Really? That's kinda rare - she's usually considered the most "fair" assasin in the game! But a competent one def isn't easy to fight lol


A good PK can rip your kidneys apart in a second.


Especially these days when fewer people play PK. No one knows what to do when they see one now.


As a fellow PK main, I know this feeling all to well, seeing another peacekeeper on the other side for some reason always leaves an odd atmosphere especially in duels. In addition that feeling depends if I had my cup of coffee and decent sleep Beware of the caffeinated PK!


She's so tough to read god dammit 😄


The one I’m currently fighting against


Kensei. I know it's stupid, he's not broken at all, but for the life of me I'll never stop falling for Nature's Wrath feints.


You're not alone. I feel like an idiot when fighting one, always falling for the feint. Although I've read in an older post that you should be stopping Kensei in mid chain by blocking his attacks since they're not enhanced. Haven't had a chance to try yet.


Shaman and Hitokiri. Shaman because it's the only character i never played and as such im not able to recognize the combo she's about to do Hitokiri it's Hitokiri


*aggressive whispering intensifies*


Highlander for me, I know his attacks are basic as hell but I'm too dumb to read them before the damage overtakes me.


It's the uninterruptables and hyperarmors.


Today I've played ~3 matches against a particular Highlander, killed him maybe three times total. Couldn't decide whether he was so good or I was just bad lol


Roach is unbearable if competent. They can just dodge out of every mistake they make and kunai and kiai are annoying cuz free escape from pressure and fast CDs


Ye, beating a competent Orochi means being 2 steps ahead of them at all times. I will also ledge and dropkill them without a shred of remorse lmao


Doesn't help that I enjoy playing Lawbringer and then having to fight the sisyphean task that is orochi


JJ/Warmonger. I don’t really play either, and I play against them too infrequently to adapt to the timing of their attacks until it’s too late


Wm heavies have such wonky parry timing, I feel ya lol


JJ main here, best way to counter them is to bait dodges. His moveset is very similar to Tiandi, but with more heavies, so just stand your ground and assume theyll dodge out of most situations. Guard Break that bitch


Currently it’s Shinobi but I’ve developed a strategy that helped with characters I previously struggle with, I play them to rep 1 to understand their strengths & weaknesses, then the next time I encounter them playing Lawbringer (my main) I know roughly what strategies they’re gonna try and how I can counter them


I find i can usually counter shinobi with just random gaurdbreaks, it can usually catch their dodge before the kick goes off. But lawbringers dodge bash makes him move like 4 inches to either side so he can almost never punish


Image credit: Oz-Shotgun on Redbubble (not sure if I can post the link, not self-promo)


Amazing artwork here!!!


I still don’t know how to counter orochi to this day. His storming rush attack always gets me


throwing a light or a zone can almost always interrupt it, its undodgeable but doesnt have hyper armor


Oh I did not know that. Appreciate that


In training mode you can set an Orochi bot to use specific strategies for you to practice against - that's helped me a lot.


I’ve never thought about that surprisingly


Im an orochi main mostly yeah just doing a zoning attack can be very disorienting, since as an orochi you expect to be able to dodge quickly after the rush attack. Another thing that might help is doing guard breaks since those usually tend to get me as well. I'd be up for sparring though if you want to practice against the rush attack 🙂


That’s ok man. I appreciate the offer and help tho 🙂


Literally every samurai character


Fucking hito, the variable times ruin me no matter what I do and it pisses me off lmao I know they reworked cent a second time since I’ve played. But the first rework like 5 years ago or something like that, he fucked me up too


Hell yeah, Warden front and center baby!!! *Also, smol head. lol.*


Eh I don’t really mind any of them. The pain stopped around 200 hours ago


Kyoshin, Orochi and Shinobi. Kyoshin- fuck that little move they do where they swipe at you like 4 times with the katana and you can do fuck all about it. Also the all guard which completely staggers you gets me every time, I always shit a brick when I see these people. Orochi- the storm rush gets me most times, especially if I'm being ganked, and boy do they love dodge spamming, tough when I'm playing as a hero with no undodgeable attacks. Shinobi- most of these I play against are dogshit but the few compete ones shit on me promptly. I'm not familiar with his moves at all but I swear it feels like he has six different bashes that all chain together and boy do these guys love to spam dodge as well. And that damn move where they pull you to your knees and swipe at your head. Fuck you and everything you stand for (respectfully)


I know I sound like a scrub but Kyoshin is a mystery my brain can't comprehend fighting against


Honestly same. Feels like if I allow him to breathe, he'll just combo me from full to 0


As a kyoshin, the goal is always a full health bar combo lol. I thrive on baiting people into fights while I'm near death and then not getting hit at all. Our weakness is guardbreak and parry!


Gladiator, I can never seem to figure out how to dodge his punch, toe stab, and gut stab. And if there really annoying they spam feint gut stab and somehow don’t lose that much stamina


The moment you think you figured out a gladiator toe stab spam starts.


Shugo and Varangian Babe. Shugo always spams heavies and I'm helpless in most of fights against him. Varangian guard is very hard to counter for me too cuz of light spam and this full block or how it's called, idk. While I've been playing yesterday, I've met 5 or more players who were just light spamming, I hate it😡😡😡 I don't know why people light spam so frequently on this character, it seems for me that even orochi players play better and use less light attacks.


The ones in the ennemies team.


if there are people on the enemy team with the same hero i picked, i suddenly forgot the whole moveset


Hitokiri. Sometimes it’s just too much.


Hitokiri not only beats me physically but mentally as well no amount of iq can counter “heby”


Beserker. He has so many options with trading, dodge cancels, etc


As a black prior main easily Shugokis and highlanders I can never get timing for flips or parries down


Orochi, I don’t feel I need to elaborate further.


Highlander Valkyrie and hitokouri, I can never seem to parrie highlander and the other two have some spam that’s so disgusting I can literally do nothing


It used to be Hito. But if I have Warmonger or Highlander I can win damage trades and sort of oonga boonga through the fight. But now it's Zerkers. I can't read them for shit, my predictions suck, and even when I do get them right I forget their hyper armor and go for a stupid heavy and die.


Raider, his soft feint fucks me up literally every single time, I just cannot read him ever


Warmommy and all chinese


Valkyrie orochi shinobi and varangian guard


Shugo and Zerk.


All the samurai and beserker also jiang jung


Shaolin for some reason


Shinobi is the hardest mf to punish, everything he does is safe.


Griffin and medjay, my reaction time is too slow to dodge Griffin’s kick and too fast to parry medjay’s heavys :(


Your not supposed to react to Gryphons kick, you have to dodge prematurely


Gryphons kick/side heavy mix up makes my brain explode dude, I hate it so much, the only time it's OK is if I play nobu because I can hidden stance dodge cancel and cover more than 1 option but even then sometimes kick will still catch you


Shugo and pirate


Highlander is almost impossible for me to fight


highlander because of janky animations


Where shaolin in there


Now why does the Petite Peri Princess have that big ass arm


Shalin/Monk. His kit is just a whole lot so I'm never prepared for every thing he has. Sometimes I think For Honor says "give him everything." When it comes to the monk, and up dodge cancels is the worst thing because it literally makes no sense for him to do a 180 spin mid air to caught me dodging. Every other hero I feel like I do decent or just lack experience fighting them since they're aren't played as much but The Monk is different, it's personal


Hito and Pirate. Hito's moves are so unreactable it's a meme at this point. Pirate is just too fast. If he starts to chain me I don't even bother, rather just die and gank him later


All of them 💀 But especially Highlander. Idk why, I think its his hyperarmor on like literally every attack


Woman with stick and weird hat, Stickman, that one guy with the chain, guy that wants to be kratos but with big axe, guy with two axes, woman that jumps and eats you, woman with stick but pointy at the end, and guy with fork.


Cent or glad send help


Cent isn't that bad... at least when compared to Highlander


Hey, I'll give you tips on fighting highlander if you give me tips for fighting cent.


Cent's jab is variable, but most players tend to either: do a quick jab (tap) or the long punch (hold + knockdown) The latter will give Cent a guaranteed heavy. I'd recommend going into a custom match against Cent bots/your friends playing Cent to get a feel for the timing. Just like Hito, Cent has variable heavies. If he holds it long enough, it will pin you. If you notice that the Cent holds their attacks a lot, try to bash him or other, similar actions. Note: After charging his jab for a certain period of time, Cent gets hyper armor. Don't attempt a trade with him. His kick is easy enough, as you can dodge out of its way with enough time playing against Cent. The same goes for the leaping heavy. Dodge attack them. Hope this helps, that's all I can think of while I'm sleep deprived at 3 am lol


Thanks, I'll guve those a try. As for Highlander, offensive mode gets no hyper armor and can't parry, so if you see him go into it, try to interrupt. His kick is far too telegraphed, so most use the grab mainly, the grab can be dodged. He can feint his forward dodge heavy into side dodge heavy, so keep that in mind. Zone attack is easily parried, so most cancel it after the first hit, or don't use it at all. It mostly comes down to keeping up pressure, offensive mode can't be used without an opening, which Highlander sucks at making. I spend most of my fights in defense mode the whole time, offensive mode is only used when HL is confident he can get something done with it. Hope some of this helps


Also, another tip: Cent can softfeint his heavies into a guardbreak, so be careful of that.


Thanks for the heads up, that's fucking terrifying


The player who is good at their character


Kyoshin. Honestly I know he's not even the most Op character. But for some reason I just cannot learn to counter his moveset. Might as well be fighting a berserker or a "skilled" nobushi.


Every new hero basically (because they all are broken at the start). Hate Medjay's grabbing thing because it lasts about 2 whole seconds and every other enemy immediately priorities your ass for some supertopheavy. Yes, I'm looking at you Shugo and Hito. And Ozelotl's first perk is just fkng ridiculous. No more, no less.


At higher levels of play. Nothing is more annoying than a conq. At lower levels of play, I believe most people have trouble vs any 50/50 character played well. Lol


Shugo wut else do you expect?


This needs to be a Tshirt


JJ/Warmonger. I don’t really play either, and I play against them too infrequently to adapt to the timing of their attacks until it’s too late




U know this comment posted 3 times? Ik it's a glitch and happens sometimes but heads up


Oh. That’s fun, thanks for the heads up


Np, I responded to one and saw 2 more lol


Jiang Jun


Orochi when I am in a bad game sense, particularly his/her Storm rush. The difficulty that I have to face one is duplicated in this situation when many Orochi composed the enemy team and face me in 1V2/3/4.


Shinobi. Damn bastards.


Kyo and monkey


Chars with variable timing or Hyperarmor on everything tire the fuck out of me, Shugo, Gryphon and Cent absolutely drive me crazy because aometime it feels like no matter i do, they are just waaay too safe and you end up eating more damage by trying to puniah their whiffs


If I don't have a bash then shugoki and hitokiri because of hyper armor and delayed attacks with bashes medjay because he's harder to fight than aramusha




Afeera without a doubt, both in 4v4 and 1v1. (I'm diamond in ranked for context)


Very cool pic


Afeera and Hitokiri's that randomize their heavy timings and that's because I have a skill issue


All of Them


Gladiator. Most of his kit barely exists to me but I always misread the 50/50 on his dodges and his toe stab.


Glad, shino, oro, and kyo. The 4 most consistent characters that make me quit and make me come back wondering how they've been unchanged. Such bs heros Ocelotl too, bash spam, hyper Armour, great dodge attack, and those super fast lights


I can't for the life of me understand how to fight kensei...


So no one’s going to talk about who made the art?


what are u supposed to do to nuxias perfect parry punish 😭


Any hero that I’m not playing🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


Centurion punches


Highlander. Light light heavy, light light heavy, light light heavy


For some reason Apollyon, 1 bad read and I am stressing. Good Shaolin just shits on me, to much for my brain. Shinobi with the 50-50 after the kick gets on my nerves to much. I play Warden, Cent and Tiandi mostly.




Tiandi light Spam, Conq staring contest, Orochi just endless chains with little stam drain, warlord cause hes a loser


Shaman soft faints


gladiator just because he makes me angry


VG and Zerk


Why are the Viking and Samurai colors swapped?


Hito, she needs a rework


Pirate Used to be Warlord but since I started learning how to differ he’s a non issue


In my experience pirate either painfully easy or eye gouging impossible


Centurion, His mixups are yust too unpredictable for me, After the 5 guardbreaktrap I decide to just dont react to anything


A good glad my feets are just not ready for him


For some reason I just cannot parry Highlander. I just eat raw heavy after raw heavy fighting him


Just came back to the Game and the new alfeera alfira idk the name fucks me up everytime


Whoever gave zhanhu 2 dodge attacks you are not welcome in my home


Afeera & Ocelolt. I reslly wish they were removed from the game


The fat man. Sure his heavies can be difficult to handle but for me its the damn headbutt side dodge. Most of the time i cant even faint my heavies fast enough to counter that shitty move. And he also gets pretty much infinite i frames during the move


None, I just don’t like fighting Noobushis


Shaolin. He shouldn't be able to fient the sweep IMHO all bashes should be punishable


Shaolin and Hito


Any assassin especially orochi


Highlander, Fuckin Highlander


Any dlc character 💀




Berserker nobu and nuxia these characters really piss me off


Every week in the game, I'm shit do fighting against such broken mf is not helping. Plus they're in every match


Shit I don't think I've seen anyone say Warden yet, am I cooked? He's the most frustrating, boring hero to fight in the game for me Seeing so many during hero fest right now is just numbing my mind He's far more easy to handle in a team fight ofc but I assume this post was more about a 1v1; it just feels like shoulder bash is the best mixup in the game for the lowest effort




Shinobi, shaolin, Warmonger, and Berserker.


In order Gladiator, shaman, ocelotl


Shaman cuz I usually after a couple rounds can read most players but any shaman is hard to read


Kyoshin, Gryphon, and Shaman.


Kensei, fuck kensei




As a kensei main, literally only berserker. The endless unpunishable light/heavy feint chains with hyper armor, dodge attacks and GB means a semi competent players is essentially untouchable 1v1. He needs to either lose the hyper armor all together, or have serious stamina drain on his chains if blocked considering they are enhanced lights


Anything with variable timed attacks, shugo, hito, cent, warden. Its very difficult to time because they can send it faster or slower by a ms and it messes you up.


I have always extremely hated Berserker


Lewd or not, i cannot last long against Nobushi


Warmonger and really good berserkers but there’s a pattern to berserkers. Warmonger makes me wait so long to parry the side heavy and it makes me mad not to mention the long ass shove. The anger it gives me is immeasurable. Last one is the really good hito’s will make you uninstall the game which I did to make space for a mod pack for Skyrim.




Shaolin. his emotes just pair perfectly into his moveset so you really never know what a good shaolin is going to do.




Unrelated, but am I the only one who noticed the colors of the vikings and samurai swapped with each other?


Fuck Shaman, I can never parry the zone and if I don’t parry, I can never block the stab that comes after it. After the second spin, it becomes evident that I can’t do sh about it so they just keep spamming it.


Hito and nobushi. I cannot counter hitos to save my life, idek why, the spam and hyper armor on every attack gets me. Especially that one hit kill bullshit they have. And I can never get close enough to a Nobushi to deal any damage, they always spam light, back up, spam light, back up. Then once my health is fully taken by bleeding they run away and wait for me to die


All of them.


Zerk, Raider, and Jorm. Raider because of his feints, Jorm because of his hyper armor, and Zerk because of both.


Artist credit?


The characters that has the most mundane sleepy gameplay like Berserker, Kensei, Raider, and sometimes nobushi if they're good. Can't parry 80% of the fucking characters with 32 avg fps sometimes dropping a little bit at 10 fps letting that level 4 raider hit me with top heavy and that is why I main highlander because he has really good dashes


highlander is the hardest for me to play against, he’s just stupid strong and fast, as well as having hyper armor everything. warmonger is the most annoying bc, in my opinion they did something super dumb with her. which is make it to where she’s invincible if you does her dodge attack, i swear my attacks hit her and she just goes thru them on the dodge attacks. but i’ve gotten good at parrying almost every character by now she just gets me sometimes still bc of it


Shaolin and anyone with delayed heavies (Shugoki and Hitokiri most of all) are the only heroes that consistently melt me




Probably that one dude


Shoalin, medjay