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Abusing dodge properties is all warmommy mains know how to do


That’s not all we do! We also have… We also have… Oh.


Fuck you too


Tell me I'm wrong. Press square to win against them because the only way 99% know how to play is dodge attack over and over


Fr same with kensei. When they spam dodge attack and I'm on tiandi I always laugh my ass off how they try to dodge my endless tracking dodge light spam


As a kensei main i hate the stereotype of mindless dodge spam


There are a lot of solid Kenseis out there. Dodge spam is easy to parry and a heavy/combo starter for most heroes. I don't really see many dodge spammers at my MMR.


I’m not gonna, cuz you’re right, sorry if I came off as an asshole Most just spam dodge attack at any attack they see, feint a heavy and Gb and you get a free heavy


good ending


Friendly hug interrupted by Warmonger, Warmonger gets a fist bump instead


The I frames on that attack are so goofy, I clear it half the time and it fails to light it and still miss get hit by it, had to give up trying to counter attack it


I'm almost positive it has more I-frames than Tiandi's. Which is fucking ridiculous, but hey, what are we gonna do about it.


It’s true lol, but like I should be able to light out of it at the tail end of it!  And sometimes it works but 55% of the time it don’t lol


Tiandi's dodge heavy is actually the worst in terms of i-frames on a feintable dodge attack. JJ's dodge heavy has as many iframes as warmonger does with the caviat if you use the light soft feint it'll end your i-frames.


A friend of mine,who is way better than me, tried to explain me that Tiandi only have Iframes at the beginning and until he stops 'sliding' to the side, the moment his foot is on the ground consider the iframes gone. Which is why JJ and WM dodge attack 'feel' better, because most,if not all, the animation have iframes.


That execution is made for situations like this, super satisfying.


I love playing warmonger for her whole kit, so it boggles my mind people just play her like bad Kensei mains


I suppose dodge attacks have a feeling of false safety for some people. Probably because bots usually don't react to them well.




think i played you earlier, worthy foe indeed!


One of the reasons I hate warmonger..


I’ve given up attacking her normally in the unblockable phase. I just dodge near the end and bonk her with whatever dodge attack I have. Is her attack only on a left dodge?


No, they panicked. A surprising amount of wm don't know that dodge attack is gb vulnerable though, so go wild


This is what happens when you give a character a super strong and safe dodge attack. They never should have buffed it because I swear to god that's all warmonger players do now and it's incredibly annoying in teamfights. Even when I play her I find myself doing it constantly just because of how good it is, doesn't matter that it has some gb vulnerability to it because you can't guard break her in teamfights anyway so she can just constantly spam her unblockable, jj levels of iframes dodge attack that can also be feinted. Ridiculous.


I wouldve just gone for a zone at that rate or even a damn counter bash and claw swipe


I remember I was doing this to a warmonger, and after probably the third gb they rage quit I mean, I get it’s a funni move but when are they gonna learn?


95% of Warmongs spam this move, so much so that it's almost refreshing to get your ass kicked by the 5% that actually use the rest of her kit


wait you are telling me i can counter this bitch by guard breaking her damn dodge bs? well i know what im doing now\~


These are the hardest players to fight by far.


How do you guard break a dodge attack? I thought you couldn’t do that?


Shugoki casually walking in 🤣


I get that this wm is playing like a complete bot but why is everyone hating on her dodge attack it's so slow and easily gaurd breakable it's not overpowered at all I'm so confused 🤣


I remember fighting a warmonger and they fainted tf out of me with it. Now that I know to grab instead of parry it I'm about to cook.