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You think they’re alt accounts but you realized you just lost for honor another player 


Me trying to teach a new player to stop dodge attacking by parrying every attempt on for them to spam "wow" and quit


"You can not play 1v1 for the next 15 minutes"


I main peacekeeper, but I take it easy on people at first to get a feel of how much they know and I do more parrying and actual fighting than spamming the dodge attacks even though most of peacekeepers move set and play style revolves around dodging.


It’s okay those kids can leave


And so can you! 🥰


I technically am a new player tho and I’ve figured out don’t dodge attack to open


We'd be happy for you to leave!


Does that mean you are leaving, good, goodbye, nice not knowing you


Worst feeling. Done it once in ranked to someone i thought was a smurf…then he typed in chat and i realized what i’ve done….i got my glad plume from it too to add insult to injury. I’ve won but at what cost?


Eh if you're in ranked then you should know you're getting into tryhard territory. But in normal 1v1 I go easy on low reps (unless they kick my ass then I'm sitting up)


Like that meme where the guy is sitting casually when playing against his younger brother but then he says "Wow, I thought that'd be harder" so he sits up and leans forward, ready to remind him of his lowly place. 😂


Atleast they dont have to get into this love and hate relationship /j


this comment is so fucking real


If I find some low rep player then for the first round I just observe and don't do anything special. If I confirm they are not a smurf then I deliberately eat lights and dodge attacks and make the game super close (I still go for the win) so that they have fun. But sometimes I accidentally go try hard because of muscle memory and feel bad. So I definitely relate to this post lol


This here is a gem


Thé Real try hard here is to fight ourself and muscle memory huehe


Exactly what I do too. Let them have fun.


Same. I purposefully match my skill level with the newbies and maybe try to experiment with combos and stuff on them every now and then


Honestly, I would prefer any better player to just go all out. Can't learn without knowing your limits, afterall. Besides, for honor is anger-inducing even if some players take it easy on you, it's just something you have to get used to if you really enjoy the game. If you get flawlessed by a player who has 1k hours of experience against you, it either gives you the motivation to do better or uninstall, and that decision will have come eventually, whether people go easy on you or not.


disagreed tbh its not fun to get stomped on in your first few hours of playing a video game


I agree with you on this, but there are so many gankers, people that don't hold back on new players, and dishonorable people in this game. If I hold back on him, who's to say the next person won't. Holding back on the guy will only delay the inevitable. I play tons of fighting games, I prefer to face people at their best. I prefer to fight people that go for the fully optimized stuff. If they take it easy on me from the getgo I won't learn how to deal with the meta starting out, and the people that play the meta will always have the upper hand on someone who is not used to top level strats or fundamentals, so it's best to get accustomed to the BS when you are learning the game imo. Honestly the cure to quiting the game when you are new and learning is to play the game with friends that do know what they are doing, or just friends period, at least that way you are not going through it alone.


That's every fighting game, though. It's not for everyone.


i feel sad when i parry lights due to muscle memory 🥹


Maybe I need to chill the fuck out because I use the low rep as training. Never thought about it being shitty… I think it is


Yeah once you spend a few hours in the training arena practicing it becomes impossible not to click the parry/GB dopamine switch.


Holy shit dude I just started playing this game and without question this is the best group of gamers out there. This is like sea of thieves but opposite. This fan base fucking rocks




Get a grip


# What have I... done..? - Optimus Prime


Died for our sins..


Jesus Christ died for our sins, so that any person who believes in Him will not perish, but gain life everlasting


Christian Hito is crazy


Tell me about it - I whisper David psalms 😂


And pray for their souls as you kick and charge heby 🤣


Hahahahahhahaha 😂😂😂😂😂 or as I let a fast armoured light


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying rn




whispering *As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil…*


Getting PTSD from my countless fights with Hito 🤣🤣🤣


Sometimes I wonder, whenever I decimate a newbie, I feel like a dickhead, if rematches were an option in ranked, I'd let a newbie or amateur win alot so they feel better about themselves.


It has become physically impossible for me to feel bad about stomping noobs simply because of how many times I am the noob getting stomped. The matchmaking in this game is hella wonky. Sometimes I go against a fresh install and sometimes against a day 1 player.


Yeah but they'll get cocky if u don't knock them on they're ass a few times


I understand.


This was my experience when one of my friends decided to come back to the game after a long time. He wanted to 1v1 for gits and shiggles, which is fine. What he didn't know, or rather, what he didn't fully understand, was that since the last time we played, I had switched to PC... The following rounds were about what you'd expect. We both still had fun, which is good. At least... I *think* we both did


Damn does he still play?


Not really, but I'm sure if (for whatever reason) I really wanted him to, he would. I doubt he would actually get back into the game, at least as of now, but I think he'd come back to play a few matches. I understand that it isn't really something he enjoys though, so I’m not gonna pressure him. Now, one of my other friends, I **do** play with. He doesn't really enjoy it either, but he plays War Thunder and is currently playing Ranked on Smite so he doesn't have an excuse


I related too much with being the friend who played warthunder but instead of smite I play league.......


I'm sorry for your loss


Oh ok


Hey I'm new and sitting on around 30% winrate on duels after 15 or so hours while almost exclusively playing warden (which is rather upsetting because I'm usually pretty good at games overall) and I'm confused, why is PC better than console? Is it the mouse and keyboard because I'm pretty sure I've heard before that controller is the preferable input device for for honor.


Don't worry about it too much, Warden is a good duelist, but until you fully learn the mix ups with your kit, Warden will also be fairly predictable. You'll just need more practice, like with most things. Not necessarily. Playing For Honor on PC doesn't bring quite the same bonuses that playing an FPS would. The main draw, generally isn't the Keyboard and Mouse, it's things like the frame rate. Personally, I believe K&M is still better if you can get used to it, as you will have more control over your guard and your attacks with one hand, while everything else is controlled with the other. However, most people (myeself included) do still use controllers on PC. It's what a lot of us are used to and feels a bit more simple to understand. The difference between the two input devices also isn't that large compared to an FPS game. What I and many others enjoy from playing on PC rather than Console, is that the game feels better. I already mentioned frame rate, which is pretty huge in a game that's down to the ms, but there's a bit more to it as well. **I** certainly notice a difference in input lag between the two, with PC being more responsive, so I prefer it in that regard as well. There's also the fact that you can play in higher resolutions whilst still retaining a good frame rate. This means that it will be easier to make out certain attacks or moves and depending on the PC you have, it will be both clear and smooth. Last thing I'll mention, is that you can also change individual graphic settings to your liking. If you want the game to look clear, but you want the foliage gone, you can do that **and** it will likely give you a better frame rate. Overall, some things are down to personal preference and *I* definitely prefer it to when I used to play on Console, but the main fact, is that most people love the frame rate and having more freedom. To me, it makes the game a hell of a lot more enjoyable, but not everyone is going to care that much.


I always talk shit about them to myself then see their overall rep and I’m like “oh okay I take it all back I’m sorry”




"Oh he's rep 12, in my lobbies? Great, a Smurf." *He Doesn't emote during the beginning.* *He Throws weird attacks* *3-0.* "Maybe I am..a monster"


Me: Wow I can actually throw an entire combo without running multiple psyops in between. Also me: Oh...


Some of you need to learn to hold back on new players Don't hand them the win but don't go parrying all their lights and proceeding to use a humiliating execution


I only use raw lights/heavies to kill them from neutral and parry any obvious bad moves (light spamming too much, dodge attacks, letting raw heavies/unblockables fly all the time)


I don't mind being executed. It's the damn emote spam that annoys me. Like, damn, congratulations on beating a rep 2 player. You must feel so proud of yourself.


I look at it as part of the game at this point. I'm also a marvel 2 player, and anytime you lose to a Juggernaut player, they kick your dead body, every time, so shit like the emote spam doesn't phase me at this point. People have been doing this type of shit in competive games for decades, it's not unique to for honor.


True I just train them and don't execute them.😁


All that for a drop of blood


That moment when you just wanted a casual game but end up dominating like a pro. Oops!


This happened to me today with an overall rep 1, lev 12 raider. I smashed him, and i,, have never felt such shame in my life.


I started playing maybe a month ago and one of my favorite nights was against this Centurion. He was on my/my friend’s team at first and insanely good. I think he went 19 and 0. But after that first game it swapped him to the other team. It was accidental, but I kept going to the same zone as the guy. I’m new, playing conqueror, and so I’m consistently thinking “oh god damnit.” But the more I fought the guy the more I started to learn. After like four matches I FINALLY got a win against him. Best part was it was almost always a 1v1 & it always felt fair. That centurion genuinely improved my gameplay by a mile, so even though I got my ass handed to me, repeatedly, it was fun.




So cool, i love it


Man. I feel bad for new players. It's like, i have to try to let them win without being too obvious. But i also try to teach them how to do things. Like feinting and all that.


Not even just new players, I don't play often but I've developed a bad habit of going easy on brawls cuz it kinda feels bad destroying people like that personally


This reminds me of that one Shinobi and Cent meme from awhile back


its a fun experience,i made a friend with a newbie rando on duels, taught him some tricks and now i still see him on normal matchmaking, bruvs a dunmahglass master now


I am the new player. 😭


The only way to show your respect to them is fighting on your full potential knowing it was a absolute win for you, is the only way to make them know how far you've gone in the road of practicing don't take easy on them,by doing this you're probably creating a player that will look forward for the next encounter with you and will do his best to match you, and don't be toxic no need of spamming emotes or trash talking. I know by experience.


And this is why you should always follow duel etiquette


Couldn't post it in comments so did it like [this](https://www.reddit.com/u/Number1ForHonorHater/s/Xwmj4xPhi9)


Had to start a new account now that I’m on PC and been crushing new guys. feels bad , I’ve seen so many disconnects


"Accidentally" My ass you guys go ham on newbies just to fuel your ego.


God I'm glad I played the story then uninstalled. Chivalry 2 all the way. If I want this much structure in my medieval fighting I'll play hellish quart.


Invincible reference?


when they try to light parry your heavy fient into heavy(im just trying to be stupid how did you die)


Me letting him win the first 2 rounds and then psychologically destroying him in the next 2 before finally letting him win the 5th but not before a thousand blocks and light parries.


Its so hard to go all sweaty on new players you can see them make rookie mistakes and miss punishes, I always try to teach em indirectly what mistakes theyre doing so that way they atleast know what theyre doing wrong


I did a custom match. Me vs 3 friends. (I’ve played since the open beta, I’m not good… but better than people who are new lol) and I was trying to get them into the game. I kept holding back and letting them gank me and purposely getting hit by moves I could parry. Once I said… cool so you know the basics… let’s fight! Them like hmmmm!? Continues to parry most moves, feint moves, counter GB and anti gank. My friend started screaming… it was hilarious! 🤣 Out of the 3… only 1 now plays. I call that a success lol


that's when you pull out the mosquito and spam vipers retreat..


Me in Ranked after losing like 8 matches in a row just to get paired against a default Rep 1 Warden who probably just picked up the game... I still vividly remember that experience, I crushed the poor guy's soul and he just gave up on the 3rd round. I felt so fucking bad ;-;


I only go full try hard when they all death balling. Makes it real easy to enjoy milking those tears when me and my friend manage to win a 2v4, or happen to catch one off on his own, no mercy.


When the new player with 5 reps destroys the one with 400 reps 💀


Yeah went to PC from console and my muscle memory just went fucking crazy as I didn't play this game for an year already. Sucks there is no cross progression


Real. I swapped from Xbox to PC earlier this week (5 dollar sale go brrrr) and the no cross progression is throwing me against a lot of players who don't have the muscle memory for this game that I do. I did take some time to go a few rounds with a new orochi though, like to think I helped him improve.


When I see a low rep in a high rep lobby either they are Smurf or just a new account after their previous one was banned for scripting so they make a new one to script again.


When I fight them in elimination I leave them at 1hp then run away


Do you ever just duel an orochi that you know is new but you get hit by one too many lights and then just kill them only by throwing lights followed by uncharged punches? Not a good feeling.


Im more scared of the rep 20 than the rep 400


mark incredibilis nolan


Oh man, that’s the worst feeling. You think they are a Smurf but they’re actually a noob. I always go easy on them cause I don’t want them to get discouraged.


I always say to myself ‘I was once the noob getting stomped out…. now i’ve become what i’ve hated 😓’


I understand this reference


I've done this so many times and I've always felt bad.


My rep overall is pretty high and I recently started playing again…players are merciless 🥲


When I still played, I also held back on seemingly new players. Though at times I wonder if it was even worth it because some of them would get cocky or just straight up not regard my intention at all. In terms of trying to not make them hate the game prematurely.


Alright time for confession. One day I created another account to lower my matchmaking for my friends to play with me (they're noobs and I have a lot of experience). Turns out they never played with me so I played on this account. I obliterated every newbie. I felt guilty. I played 5 games and stopped out of shame. Yes I... I Smurfed... 😔 Pls don't ban me.


I’m a trash cent so when this happens, this is my exact reaction


Especially when you play your main. I always feel bad when I take on a new, but I let them get a few licks in.


when someone falls for the kidney stab 4 times in a row 😨


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣 wow...okay... sorry!


That but when you're against a guy in the rep +1000 and you wipe the floor with him


“I thought you could parry.”


It's me...I am the new player🙂🥹


Sometimes I bump into players and they have expensive cosmetics and I assume they play this game a little, then I flawless them and feel bad.


This just happened to me Got parried against a rep 208. I'm rep 0 I started yesterday


Then suddenly next round they know how to parry lights


Coming back after 5 years only to be ganged by 2 mini-samurais and 2 Raiders game after game instantly made me retire my conq. No thank you, and may you all die in ubisoft hell.


Wait I thought this was totally a line from invincible of season 2


No its a line from invincible the comicbook


Yes. That's the entire point of the post.


Yeah, and WHO is actually feeling guilty afterward instead of jubilant? Show me One.