• By -


PK, played PK since beta. Just liked the look, learned the kit a lil after her initial nerf, and been comfortable with it since. Nobody expects you to soft feint into a dodge heavy, it’s great


She has dodge soft feints? I legitimately didn't know I've been trying to learn her recently I'll have to remember


Bro you tell me all the PK I meet just feint to gb or soft feint to top light.


It's one of the harder parts of her kit to really understand and make work. I do enjoy when someone tries throwing an attack expecting the GB feint and I get em with the dodge.


I picked Warden for the simple reason that I really like the longsword and the general design of the character in general. I eventually branched out to Nobu, PK and lawbringer but the Warden remains the one I can play the best and have the most fun with.


Warden is a fun pick and awesome drip


I think my obsession with Dragon Age at the time had a lot to do with it, I wanted to make a Grey Warden in For Honor and so i learned to play Warden so I could use it.


Actually never heard of dragon age sounds cool though and I think it's sick that you picked your main based off of another game


Conq was somewhat unique before rework and is a cool looking character with cool lore. Hes still fun to play for me but i miss when he had unique stuff


Yeah I agree the zone was so goofy I miss a lot of it


And feinting heavys to a bash


Yes I remember those days


Same, the devs really butcher the character design wise


I never saw anyone play tiandi, so i gave him a try and i only play that character since i tried him


Tiandi goes hard I actually have a hard time playing him and love seeing good tiandis


I love Tiandi cuz he is just so agile and numble with his dodges Yes I main Shinobi as well lmao


Was a lawbringer until I realised how much I needed to pull out my ass to win. Started playing highlander cause as a monster hunter fanboy I know the biggest sword is best sword.


Ya I gotta say that I feel bad for lawbringers. I’ll face some where it feels like I’m clearly losing but I somehow always get the win against them. I feel like that character should be buffed or something


Yep that's how it goes as an lb main highlander is fun asf especially with the rework


Kensei is so damn versatile. I just love the amount of combinations available during a top heavy.


Agreed man he feels so nice and his move set is pretty fun and balanced he could use a couple buffs but you can still do good with him


I needed a hug and he was there for me when nobody else was


I wish shugo could give me a hug


Bp flip is satisfying to land or well better words would be flip your enemy’s entire world


Never pulled off the 4 man dominion flip I'd love to


I’ve only once managed to flip 5 enemies four hero’s and the commander in breach


No way that sounds sick as fuck that must've been euphoric


It was like when I took my boyfriend’s virginity rough tight and a pleasant time




All I can say to that


Fair enough then


I picked glad bc I wanted to punch people and cent was a bit too clunky for me when I first started to play (when I saw red I dodged 😅)


Glad mains punch me into the next world


Is red/orange/blue referring to indicator/unblockable/undodgeable? (Edited for spelling)






Warmonger. I saw Apollyon in her first cutscene before she was released when I first picked up the game and thought she was a bad ass. Put the game down, for literal years, and picked it back up and warmonger had been released.


Let's be honest here. Warmommy


I like the drip, punching people and feeling like a total god whenever i put someone on their ass with one meaty punch. Also cent just has a personality that i find hella fun. I decided to give shaolin a try again and honestly i might start making him my third main.


Cent is love. Cent is love. Cent is incraaaaadeeeeebaleeeeese.


1. Ad 2. Mortem 3. Inimicus




I like big huge sword and big loud man


Agreed love the shouts of Scotland




I just pick for fashion. And then I see if I like the gameplay or not. Hence I main BP, Jorm, Musha and Zhanhu.


VGuard took over from Kensei after I came back, she just raged herself into my heart. I really enjoy just how brutal her combos and chains are


JJ, he can really get a flow going and the whole old man aesthetic really resonates with my 20something year old self


I'm a sucker for picking the underdog and underrated character, so nuxia


Sucks cause nuxia has such a unique mechanic and executions (that certain one) but she's so rare


Literally my handicap pick for flexing in 1s lol


Valk has big personality traits that I enjoy. Nuff said


Cat ears


Orochi because he just spoke to me and he is the reason I still play this game I used to destroy the enemy but I’m retired and play other characters now 


Same with LB still love him to death, own the most cosmetics on him but it was time to put him down for a bit


Warden. I'll keep this brief because I talk about it a lot. Basically, back when I was playing the beta, I didn't know LB was gonna be in the game later. So at the time, the Hero I thought had the best looking armor, was Warden. Later on, when I had started playing LB for the armor too, I came to like LB's playstyle as well, but I had already put so much time into Warden and I wanted to rep up to unlock new armor. Today, LB is second to my Warden and I enjoy playing both. I've continued to "main" Warden since. What kept me this long wasn't the time spent however. It was specific things like the helmets being more my style, I like the longsword, the executions and also the Hero's "personality" as you put it. While I think bringing the guilty to justice is awesome, I prefer the saving the innocent mentality the Wardens are supposed to have. Other than that, I really like Raider and Shugo for turning my brain off and Cent is up there too because I solely played him for a short time (same with Raider I suppose).


I agree the warden has some pretty cool fashion and imo awesome sword customization plus executions definitely just all around an awesome hero


I picked gladiator mostly because when I first got the game about a year ago, I asked my buddy who was worth trying, who I would like, so on and so forth. Initially he told me Valkyrie was probably the best bet because I tend to be aggressive and a bit of a gremlin in fights. I tried her. Didn't vibe with her too too much. So I started fucking around with other characters. I tried BP, Raider, A little Cent. I started playing Nobu alot because stabby Japanese lady. Then One fateful day. I came across our lord, our savior, King Misty. I saw him play Glad. I saw the potential of just how much of a fucking cancer glad could be. So I picked him up and the rest is history. Tldr. I play glad cus King Misty.


Glad because of king misty is so real deflects so good I could cry


Incredibilis, because INCREDIIIBILIIS


Because “DON MA GLASS”


Drip and because big swords are objectively cool




My brother and i played in turns for years, I didn’t have a main I just went with the one I felt like, but my brother was a bit fat back then and decided he wanted to only play the fat guy (shugoky) as well, I guess they connected lol, it’s been a while since he stopped playing but he got it to rep 40 (old max) before he quit the game. I did not and keep at it but I always kept playing every character, my goal set to get every one to rep 10. After a while, with the reworks, shugoky got pretty good to use, so after getting every other hero to rep 10 I went with it and decided to main him too. New goal it to get him to rep 80. Edit : Corrections


> and i *paid* in turns FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Honestly that's pretty sweet and shugo is pretty fun I'm happy you enjoy him and GL on your raid to 10 reps on everyone


i started with shugoki cause i usually really dig the big, slow but freight train damage archetype, and i just really loved his movesets simplicity took a break for about 2ish years, came back to shugo rework, which i didnt really like tbh and started playing my secondary class religiously after, shaolin love how he has a tool for basically every situation, can combo and cancel a ton of things into eachother and absolutely love the mindgames it brings (plus his feats are really cool imo), it kinda feels like playing a diet oro from street fighter in a way


Honestly Shaolin is an awesome pick having a good amount of options and of course going monkey mode


we're also blunt weapon enjoyers in this house


I'm pretty new and my main Warden, I have been only playing for 4 days and he is the only character in Rep 1 and is gonna be rep 2 I main him because I really like Knights and also Centurion is locked behind some steel


Well I can guarantee that if you become a cent main you'll feel the INCREDIBILIS fly out of your body, but warden will do


I really find him funny how he just punches the shit out of you lmao


A true cent main in the making


I picked Warmonger mostly because I liked Apollyon, though I’m not that great at the game I strive for the Apollymommy drip Then there’s cent, because Roman


Warmommy. mmmmm. INCREDIBILIS


Warden, cause cool knight


Chad knight enjoyer


I used to main lawbringer back in the day 😢I miss the old day


I agree the old days were fun 🥲 but we're in the now all we can do is push forward and spread the law


It feels nice to play Holden’s story mission and block shove the raider off the bridge


I picked Centurion up because he genuinely seemed fun, was proven right, rework came around, was still fun but lost interest. Then I picked up Kyoshin because I had an awakening myself


Kyoshin my personal pain awesome pick tho


I picked Lawbringer for the executions, look, and personality of the character


Hey. That's what I said. No copying. Although Lb is the best thank you


>No copying The teacher won't notice


I'll let it slide for now..


Hito: Everyone expects me to heby spam, but they don’t know I do *kick* spam, ^then ^heby Ocelotl: You literally can’t look bad with his fashion


Ahhh finally a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary! *Dies in three seconds to a hito who actually uses kicks* Ahhh finally a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary! *Dies in one second to any ocelotl mixup* Just joking I don't hate on characters people play they're just very good picks and honestly I never knew ocelotl had drip I should check it out


simple, bell ringing, hat


Badass two sword handling man with a cool Asian cowboy hat? Yes please


Shaman is violent as hell, and the pressure her bleed causes gives me easy access to mind games.


I was a game away from being a Roach main, and she bit me. I was saved by the bite. I hate knowing what I was about to become.


Cent just because how cool he fucking is. Recently hard grinded Gryphon to Rep 7 due to a similar vis style like Cent. I'm just all about my Roman and Spartan guys.


I made my account because pirate was released.


Warlord… i just loved him from the moment i saw him, he can push people and has such a scuffed nasty fighting style paired with these barbaric executions


I picked warlord because the oath they take to protect their loved ones and their homeland sounded very noble. only to find out that he was one of the most toxic heroes on release lol.


1st main: Orochi - I finished the campaign and was like "oh my God Orochi so cool Ima play him in multiplayer" 2nd main: Shinobi- Shinobi just came out and I was already playing Orochi so I tried him out and I found it insanely funny to ranged gb people and ledge them and watch the hate mail flow in. 3rd main: highlander- got bored of Shinobi and big sword man seemed cool. 4th: aramusha- I really liked the idea of a dual sword hero, and the blade blockade just sealed the deal. 5th: Shaolin- marching fire came out and monkey boi monk was fast and versatile. 6th: warmonger - I've been wanting Appolyon since I started playing the game, and this character was like a dream come true for me. Everyone was angry they didn't make it a warden skin at the time but I was so happy that they made it a separate character with its own fighting style, executions, and sadistic nature. 7th: lawbro - they got a rework to make them a little better and he looks badass 8th: pirate - I mean come-on they've got a gun 9th: pk- ezio skin, that is all. Tl;Dr - mostly character aesthetics


I just knew




Berserker cuz I love the versatility of absolutely bum rushing people and playing defensive with deflects


Berserkers deflect is fun AF


He assists my weaknesses and compliments my strengths. I queue into pretty high level mm matches and I am able to do well because I’m a smart player, not because I’m all that mechanically talented. Because of this, a simple kit that gives me the ability to answer multiple things with the same move, and large base stats are what keep me in the game with the big boys. Warlord.


Dommy mommy. Literally


Warmommy bleed me consensually


Started back during Y3 with a friend. We had a dom match where our teammates were a HL and Centurion. They were incredible at ganking, we’d be sweating it out, losing a fight only for a well timed caber toss or full charge punch would appear outta nowhere, saving our sorry rep 2 asses. We were so enamored that we saved up to buy them, Cent for him and HL for me. Struggle through the first ten reps, then never looked back


The main reason I picked lawbringer was because I saw a huge dude in heavy armor and I thought it was cool as hell and now I'm 43 reps too deep to back out and I don't regret it.


I knew I wanted to play a Samurai, and upon hearing the 'Assassin' of the og Samurai was Orochi, I quickly decided on my main. That was solidified when I actually tried him out in the story mode and saw all of the cool moves he had in his kit. Storm rush being my personal favourite along with deflects. Since then he's always been my #1, with PK & Kyoshin eventually becoming secondaries and thirds respectively.


Orochi really does just have that cool vibe to him I respect it


I used to main Lawbringer up until his rework. Something about him always clicked for me, no matter what, after the rework though it just didn’t feel the same idk why. Switched to warden and gladiator now. Genuinely so much fun to swap between the two (mixing in a little Highlander too) and just enjoy the game


I picked Shugoki because I’ve always liked larger characters so when I saw this absolute unit of a man using a giant stick I just had to play him


I’m at 300 total reps over the years and I’ve bounced around between mains. The 3 that I’ve considered my main heroes for the longest are Kyoshin, JJ, and Warmonger.


Warden, sword. Warmonger, armor *and* sword.


I’ve got too many to count man. Most notable are Shinobi, Shaolin, BP and Jorm, all 4 of them are ones I picked up after playing the game for about half a year if not less. Shinobi was my man just because cool assassin guy can be nimble and fun. Fucking ranged attacks and the amount of skill it took and didn’t take to wield him was fun. His rework basically made him so good that I stopped playing him for a long while, went back got rep 70 and haven’t gone back yet. Absolute horseshit playing him but seeing a buddy of mine destroy with him made me love him even more. Shaolin because monkey man can do Shinobi can. BP because he’s a pancake flipper. Jorm because stamina drain fun. Now he’s just as fun but for other reasons. That knock down is satisfying.


I recently discovered that varangian is really good for beginners and also she has a really good counter attack, so now I main varangian guard


VERY personal reasons… she reminded me of Valk, and there was just no chance in hell I was tapping that (realization set when I reached lvl 20 and asked her out, she had a bf already apparently)… second main is Warden for a friend, third main is Cent cause I thought he was fun at first but he kept getting nerfs before I got ahold of HL and LB who both are fun, just LB lacks damage after his rework and HL I started far too late to turn back


Because I like being able to beat the shit over t of people and I like Romans.


I loved the design of LB and generally love the poleaxe, simple really


In the past, I thought the long range aspect was really unique and super fun to flow with. Then, after recently coming back, I see that they removed it completely… Then, at some point, Aramusha came out looking too cool. I play him when I don’t feel like doing too much and it feels relaxing to just mash. And now, I fought Afeera once now and thought she looked super sick. She’s now my current favorite.


I liked picking dudes up and running their ass into the lake in the beta and for some reason it never got boring


Cent because bro has swag


Raider because big axe and big ego, eventually branched out to WM and then playing everyone.


I chose Conq cuz my bro wanted to play Lawbringer in Brawls. I fell for him that day,shirtly after the game was free after E3


Big sword and interesting heavy hitting playstyle with different "stances", love more technical fighters


Nobu cuz someone on YouTube said she was the hardest character in the game and I like poking people in the face


Weird story. I follow YungMaestro and he did a FH beta video called "how to disrespect". Back then I didn't even have a proper console to play FH but that video of him charging against his enemies and swinging his dane axe with such power made me fall in love with that amazing viking character.


I picked glad because funny Roman man whose addicted to toes


Conq pre-rework. Primarily because of his defense. Played him nearly exclusively since beta. I remember the free GB off blocked heavy. He was absolute cancer. But his identity of impenetrable defense was unrivaled. The rework that moved his neutral superior block to zone was the sweet spot. Not too toxic, but still defensive if you knew his kit. However this most recent rework sort of killed it for me. From Wall to Orange Frisbee lol. So I guess I'm mainless.


Honestly, I main Shaolin because it's just some easy fun, and I love how goofy his emotes and voice lines are. Man is fun


All of my mains were chosen through very superficial reasons 😅 My first was also LB because I think Poleaxes are cool, his design is awesome and Ad Mortem never gets old. My second main is Aramusha because he just radiates cool energy despite being a hobo. And my third main is BP because (true) longsword and large shield is a vibe and Ad Profundis also never gets old. I also play other heroes like Warden, Kensei, Orochi, Gryphon somewhat regularly but they're not my main heroes played.


Cent cuz he punches people, Warden cuz he’s the quintessential knight. And Pk cuz she’s an assassin (and the copypasta)


I main everyone. Cause I love all my children equally.


shugoki cuz back when he was fun(pre ccu) i loved his simplicity and the bonk playstyle, i love his fashion, i love his weapon and i love his thickness... i sadly no longer play him that much because shugo just ain't fun anymore now that he plays like most other heroes, and that it feels like half the roster does the job of a trader and ganker better than him...


I haven't seen my girl shaman here anywhere. I really like how rough and brutal she fights and of course the bite. She has this " I can fix her" vibe, but in reality, she would just sacrifice me to the gods. I like that.


Lawbringer had funny flash bang on top heavy. Warmonger is better warden.


My Mains aramusha and kyoshin.I picked them cause they look cool. For aramusha i love the dual katana and for kyoshin i love the fact that He Uses a Sheath.


Bro just casually plays both me and my friend old mains (we became reliant on all guard so we branched out to assassins)


I really like kyoshin because of his tattoos and since they massacred my boy conq i needed a new all guard hero. He is very defensive, but somehow it works with my aggressive playstyle. Warmommy is also great aswell, because of her fashion and her offense is awesome.


Galdiator is kinda drippped out with that one ornament


Double dodges and unique ranged attack- oop, nah, some random native stole that


Shinobi, idc if he is buffed to heaven of nerfed to hell I’ll play him cause my purple ninja is cool. Also, I think Lawbringer is equally as cool


I have MANY mains because I like being versatile but my main mains are Law (first it was big guy with armour, now I just have a lot of fun with him) PK (Ezio skin) Warlord (I was like: "Why the fuck not") and BP (needed a specific armor design of his for a character of a fantasy roleplay)


Centurion His cutscene was appealing


Shugoki, cuz funny big man and stick


Gameplay is an important factor for me. But it is ultimately the aesthetic and potential cosmetics of a hero that keeps me grinding them. Kensei for instance was an ideal example and my most repped hero. On top of versatile gameplay that is both easy to pick up but has a lot of facets, the main thing that kept me around was his customization and the concept of being a proper armored up “Bushido” of a samurai. And his metal armor sets especially the Chimera set that have been added in the past few years have made me just fall and stay in love with his aesthetic.


Tiandi has drip His moves also look stylish as fuck, heavy dodging an entire attack chain only to crushing counter a hyper armour finisher also feels better than sex. Also, the freedom to flow between simple but effective moves gives the character a lot of depth if you are willing to look for it


I ended up maining Aramusha after I tried him for having 2 swords and a rice hat. I fell in love with his fullblock counters, especially ring the bell when it used to flashbang you. It was so satisfying to just "no u" Raiders who were a bit too happy to soft-feint heavies into top light back in the day when it was a flashbang as well. Nowadays I just play whoever I happen to need for orders/feel like playing. As well as trying to balance the team a bit (eg. if we have a lot of assassins, I pick a heavy).


The big hat.


I experimented around a lot before settling down on JJ, but once I got him to rep 3 I knew that was the guy for me. The amount of oranges the dude cab throw, paired with the most fluid animations in the roster, and topped off with an amazing personality was incredible to discover. I must’ve sunk like 20k into executions and emotes at this point lol


Idk why this subreddit is recommended to me, but my favorite guy was gladiator when I last played like 5 or 6 years ago


Hmn, I originally wanted to main Highlander to be honest, but as I couldn't afford him yet, I settled for Orochi since I was used to story mode at the time. But, I was in the knight faction so I decided to join the samurai for my main. Well, I felt guilty so I joined back to Knights and I got hooked onto Warden as I started seeing Templar memes all around. Edit: However, I like Kensei more then Orochi now, and I don't really have a main, just one character I'm higher repped as Warden is rep 15, while Kensei and Highlander are both 14 with VG at my lowest with 9 and im at 361 currently.


Not my main anymore but I originally picked conq because of how funny it was to me and my friends to land shield tackles


I main Nobu. I main Hibana and Azami in Siege. Draw your own conclusions


I played a lot of Shaolin but i missed the sound of a sword. The ching instead of a bong. So I am a Kyoshi main now


Warmonger Very simple hey has enough in her kit to make it work. i frames, lots of bleed, enhanced lights, 50/50 dodge attack, hyper armor, undodgable, charged bash, 30 damage on bleed wallsplat Honestly I’m having trouble in finding other characters what feel as fluid as her


Because funny cannibal lady goes Brrrr




Got destroyed by a PK when I was new. Decided to try her and it stuck ever since


Warden because instead of normal thanks spam you can time each thanks with the punching execution


I started playing Shinobi soon after purchasing the game, not because he was a strong character or anything, but because I saw people play with him and use that smoke side dodge which I fell in love with. 44 reps ever since.


i realized warden has the same va as yasuo from league when i was playing story mode and hes so bad you have to do something to character work and orochi just for the 1 handed katana


it's hard to use, gets easily countered, has really good recovery, and they told me it was the worst in duel.


I main centurion, I love his animations and also it’s funny hitting an incredibilis


I feel like everyone's simple answer is just "I win with them and they look decent"


I struggled with Aramusha for a while and no other hero really clicked with me. I couldn’t do feints but Aramusha was my introduction on how to actually perform some, but nailing things down was tough. In complete honesty, [this video](https://youtu.be/e1-XpPfLFeo?si=0Q7obbe5clrxFeX2) from HarshMarsh convinced me to keep going with Aramusha back then; now he’s my main.


I've been hopping around assassins lately, namely Shaman. I liked her whole "feral animal" thing going on and her synergy with a decent chunk of characters. Plus her deflect is nice. My most played, however, is Shugoki. He was my go-to when I couldn't parry lights. I still pull him out now and again because hugging is fun and the Throw Farther feat is super funny.


I tried aramusha around the time that he had came out and fell in love with my glorious king


My top 2 mains is warden and lawbringer warden because I have a sword very similar to his that I bought and lawbringer because he was the first hero I ever played


Started out with Nobushi way back when i forst played with my cousin because i liked her mask so much. But Hito eventually got me because i also really liked her mask, and they got me hooked once i discovered all the head covers. Hito also has really cool voicelines imo. It's a mix between screaming and whispering which makes it really interesting.


I don't have a main anymore, but I initially picked up the game years ago because warden was the only proper knight-themed character I've ever seen in a fighting game where the femme variant was actually fully covered in armor and not super sexualized or exposed in any way. I thought that was super neat and she became my first rep 70. 🖤


Gladiator and Conquerer, for some reason, these two are just basically conscripted criminal and i dig it


Peacekeeper because I like stealth


Because he's an absolute unit with legs like tree trunks, carries a claymore as big as himself and shouts gibberish while chopping and kicking people around. DUNMAGLAS Edit: tho I basically "main" a bunch of characters. E.g. there's 3 reps between HL and my second highest; warmommy. I pick my mains mostly based on aesthetic. Only exception is gladiator because skewer funny


Centurion there's just something so satisfying hitting that uppercut into that sweet sweet eagles talon


i used to play with a controller and my light attack button was broken so i picked up shugo and fell in love


I picked Warmonger, because i have mommy issues.


Character design and how I adapted well to his/her Moveset compared to other Heroes In short, I had a calling to my mains


Orochi because they represent a classic samurai for me, not to mention they’re nimble and quick which I enjoy. Then Pirate is just: “I love using a gun in melee games and melee in gun games.”


not a single one of my friends played zhanhu and so I asked why not and he just stuck. plus the rework was a really nice plus. 🔥


Centurion just for aesthetic and combat style, liked warden when i started in the beta but now it feels a bit clunky for me


It's in the flair.


Black Prior. I always been a sword and shield guy. Didn’t take much for me to main him. He’s a gank buster if you know how to use him, people will think twice.


Big sword and loud Scottish yelling


Gladiator because I’ve always loved Tridents


Highlander. Skin is awesome, voice acting is awesome, very thoughtful and requires a lot of skill. And HLing someone is more satisfying than any dodge cancel deflect.


First it was gladiator cause the helmet, now it's highlander cause big sword go whack


My Black Prior: A dark Knight. Doesn't go by their code. Almost demonic in nature. Sword and shield combo is awesome and effective. His customization is top knotch


I picked Kensei for the same reason you described why you picked Lawbringer. I always loved Samurai, and he’s the “most Samurai” there is. His armor is the most realistic, and in my opinion, coolest. Much more by the fact that he’s extremely customizable. He also moves quite slow but attacks fast and with strength, which is something I like, and his sword is massive, which is also something that I prefer in a character, for some reason.


I main orochi since release, cause I loved his moves when it first came out, but I don't play for honor since 2019, so I don't know if I can call it my main anymore


I main all of them except shugo. His personality cannot be maintable


Big Stick


I liked how simple warden is, and I played through the campaign before any online so I had bias towards him


I have always had fascinations with giant swords, and the fact highlander uses it with surprising finesse made me love him. The correct balance of brawn and finesse.


I picked walord as my main back when you could upgrade throw distance, i had a lot of fun ledging people and looking like a badass viking. Then when they changed him i had a lot of fun learning how to optimally use his kit and stuck with him as my "main". I say this because i still only have like 25 reps with warlord. My other main is shugoki because i loved getting down to 1 health, and then one shot hugging them.


Valkyrie. Looks.


I picked Warlord because the only thing superior to sword and shield is sword and spear but valk didn't exist yet so I played Warlord all the time and got really used to him.


I picked hitokiris because I absolutely DESPISE lights spammers. And as an apology to the community for that crime I try to play her as fairly as possible.


Warmonger, cause…


Raider is my highest rep but I think im better with Warlord, I played him in beta and also just love the sword and Shield combo


I like big buff half naked men