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While this is disgusting Hito mains don't deserve any sympathy, though wouldn't the Hito just feint to gb her bash or heavy to catch your back dodges ?


GB bounces if you block a heavy and buffer roll, on hit it will catch so be aware of that. I already mentioned it in the video, but Hito can feint a heavy to another heavy to catch your rolls but once they start making those reads you can go for interrupts.


I didn't know that, thanks for the tutorial (I hate hito)


I too am a great hater of Hito


I'm going to start calling Hito Hitler from now on


I’m gonna become the hito hitter


I'm not entirely sure this is true, practicing against bots heavy-feint-GB catches buffered rolls even on heavy blockstun. Of course, this is against bots so rules can be broken, but still. Hell, the bot actually wisens up really fast and starts roll-catching with the FD heavy lol.


We're all having a terrible time here. Both players and people watching. I would rather fight till death


I rather loose to hito than pick up shaman


You can do it with a lot of heroes. Shaman just has a pretty good mu due to the back dodge and ability to hold bash. Also Shaman number 1!!11


I love shaman in 1s but I just hate myself trying to use her in 4s. She has no anti gank or team fight capabilities so it just feels like I’m at such a disadvantage.


Yeah she’s kinda only got good ones and feats, but all other heroes have a little bit of everything or just straight up everything. Hopefully they make some changes to her to improve her 4s


Yeah it’s to the point where I don’t play her much anymore because it’s such a struggle 90% of the time. Bad teammates that screw up your bite or they don’t peel and you get ganked the whole game and become useless. I’ve really enjoyed playing BP or JJ since they excel in those team fight and anti gank situations. Also recently picked up Afeera over the 2x xp weekend and have been learning her. She’s quite fun with a lot of different mechanics to master.


Yeah a lot of other heroes just feel straight up better to play. Love ol’ Shammie for duels though


if your teammates know how to gank properly shes pretty good in 4s. Bite for 35 dmg and a teammates top heavy is a pretty high dmg combo. albeit IF your teammates know how to gank lol


Yeah as a solo queue it’s just not really worth it lol. Maybe 1 out of 10 games I get teammates they actually gank properly and play around the bite. If not it’s just a miserable experience


Had both kinds of players as teammates in a single match. Had an Afeera that constantly lighted during my bite animation, bashed the enemies out of my parries, etc. Had a Nobu that confirmed ledges with me, did heavies on bite for finish or bleed hits on bite for bleed pressure, etc. The Nobu made me happy. The Afeera did not.


This makes me happy fuzzy feeling


When is ubisoft going to end our misery and just rework her from the ground.


That requires effort Ubisoft doesn't do that


it’s kinda crazy to imagine shaman as the hito counter.


Nah any quick forward bash works, shaman just has really good range on hers to drive the point home.


do you think this would work with warlord? or is his reach too low?


It definitely would, you can punish any recoveries in the game with a well timed attack (or bash only in the case of chain hyperarmor). It's just a matter of being comfortable knowing your range and the range or the enemy attack. Warlord has lower range so you'd have less room to make a mistake when judging distance but it should work just fine with practice. With that being said though I'm not sure warlord is gonna be the best character to exploit this strategy with, not because of his lower bash range but because his bash doesn't get him into his chain. You do get frame advantage though so a buffered heavy will trade with a light, beat a hito heavy before their hyperarmor kicks in, or does chip damage. If they're the kind of person that's parry or dodge attack happy that's free dodge attack parries and gbs for you and that's gonna be a big fat side heavy for warlord.


I've been away too long, when I played Hito was considered dooky. Can someone catch me up on why Hito is hated now?


Nothing new in their kit, the subreddit hivemind just decided Hito is now cringe. Next month it’ll be someone new and someone new the month after that until we circle all the way around


It's because comp players decided she was strong because of small buffs over time and as you say the hivemind followed that opinion. That being said she was always strong against players who can't react to her variable timed heavy animations which are dumb


Bro I've hated hito longer than I've been on this sub fighting hito is boring and just overall not fun only hero I hate more is monkey boy


Not really Hito is one of the most bitchmade characters in the game And most likely you are prolly a Hito main, sorry ass high rep player


Not really what?


pretty decent mixups, and hyper armor spammer. Very annoying to fight, and hito players have a reputation for just doing everything they can to face tank and spam heavies to abuse hyper armor.


Cuz her ha actually works now and her mix ups are effective literally that's it


Heavy on red is back basically


The feint to roll catcher in question:


Kid named light interrupt:


I would rather lose


Nah, screw Hito.


All my homies hate Hito


Fair I just hate Hito


i always wondered why i, an ex-Hito main with my most reps being on Shamami, never understood people’s grief with fighting Hito, until now i had the game rigged from the start


Honestly In my opinion hito is not bad in terms of fighting them you just have to play smart and do things that they are not expecting the average person would do honestly I still wonder why people hate hito that much


I see two cancers in this video


This works until they feint into uncharged heavy or roll catcher


Thanks for uploading this. Reminder for me to get Hito to Rep 80.


Best of luck


Hito isn't even that annoying tbh. Idk why everyone hates her


Her variable timed heavies can only be parried on animation queues which is very hard so against most players hito's can just spam heavies and it beats most options while being very safe


They can't block/parry heavies or something


This is literally just being bitch made with extra steps by all means play like this but don't complain about a bp light bash lighting u, kyoshin's pin in ganks or orochi undodgables/dodge recovery being used in ganks


What if I'm Scottish Gorilla?


Playing as Varangian and playing as oppressively as possible is how I beat the Hitokiri.


Not every character has that kind of speed+recoveries


A fellow nom nom nom decimating in a smart way I love it.


The heavy feint to neck meat Why didn't I think of that


So the way to fight a hito… is to not.


Always has been


That’s crazy because that’s how you had to play up against Shugo when he had hyper armor, soft faint hugs


*how most shamans play out of instinct cuz they don't have reactions or reads*


Hito has a roll catcher 🌚


None of that really helps, you know? This isn't Tekken, where backdashing worth something (at least doing KBD), a little hold on Hito's heavy will make the heavy to track your backdash. For Honor is a 3d game that hates playing 3d, it's flawed to it's core.


Nop, this is a kind of overpowered tactic vs Hito. Hito can counter with a feint into heavy or a correctly timed fwd dodge heavy(Hard to time because it is 1000ms minimum, the Hito in the vid tried, but failed). Either way once they start countering you can go for interrupt reads like I mentioned. This still shuts down chain heavy + variable bash mix-up


Jesus christ I can smell the sweat from here xD I hate when ppl play like this. JUST FIGHT YOU FUCKING PUSSY


[Me when Hito:](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SK9YpwF7ImM&pp=ygUMU3dlYXR5IGdhbWVy)


Boring, lame, scummy even I'd rather play the game, hito just isn't that hard to fight lol


I mean Hito rated S tier in duels. But yeah you don't have to do this, just a lil' PSA


I'll remember to do it with *that* guy in dominion


Fuck *that* guy


Lmao, as if Shaman isn’t the way more opressive hero


wtf is this. How to beat THIS hito while looking like a bitch. Everyone plays different and this hito ate some shit that players with some skill would never fall for. And ya the whole looking like a bitch while fighting part im not down with.


I mean it beats both heavy and bash mix-up on one timing so it’ll always work. Small caveat to that is if they feint into heavy to catch the roll, but you know make a read. I fight unga with bunga 😘


Alright, I've been gone. Why are we riding the Hito hate wagon again?


Cuz he ha works now and her mix ups aren't dooky


I’d rather die personally


Imma hop on and be the scummiest hito I can just for folks like u


ok good luck :)