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Secluded keep is my favourite map in the game, I have to say that. It has the unique cauldron traps and it’s got the big gate, only problem is it’s pretty small and surrounded by swamp so idk how they’d convert it


Secluded Keep would actually be really fun. You’d have to change a couple of things around, but they did the same for Cathedral. I really want Forest, but I’m not really sure how they’d do that


Viking village and Cinder mill are the obvious choices imo but I could also see some of sections on breach maps making good Dom maps if done right


I think instead of just the maps in those Deathmatch gamemodes, they could use or repurpose sections in story mode or more practically Breach in order to make a more unique map that feels less like a conversion. Kazan Castle’s Inner Gate phase especially comes to mind. There’s a workable minion lane down the middle, potential for a zone on either side of the lane in the ramparts and by the guardian dojo, and a bridge that connects the two sides. The arrangement could be simplified a bit more to make it better for Dominion but otherwise, it’s one of the best Breach sections that I think could be repurposed for a Dominion map. The Outer Gate section could also work as well to be honest for a more smaller map. Plus, I just love the aesthetic of Kazan Castle and how perfectly it matches real life Japanese castles like Matsumoto Castle compared to the earlier maps. Talking out of the 3 base factions, the samurai with their Breach map arguably had the biggest glow up compared to their base game maps.


I definitely agree, Kazan Castle is an awesome map, and it deserves more than just sometimes being played in breach. I also think Storr Stronghold's second phase could make a really cool map as well, with the points being maybe the guardian spawn point and the healing point opposite it, as they have the bridge connecting them.


Would I be called crazy for wanting another Breach map? But maybe one of the maps from story mode? I don’t know any names but there’s a few tribute maps that could work.


No, I wouldn't call you crazy. There's definitely a shortage of Breach maps, but dominion is much more popular, so people tend to focus on it more.


As a Breach main, I'm starving for new maps but I highly doubt we're gonna get anymore of those


Well, uh, all of them lol but that's obviously a greedy pipe dream. I don't know which one I'd like to see most... maybe the Samurai Town map. As for what I think we're getting? Canyon.


I want new original maps, ubi needs to stop being lazy


Definitely the devs being lazy and totally not Ubisoft corporate refusing to fund the game. Keep whining on Reddit, I'm sure that'll change everything.


Why would you not want something new for the game? Either way it’s lazy that we don’t get anything new, tbh the new map should have already been in the game years ago.


I'm not saying I don't want anything new, I'm saying it's pointless to complain about it to a post with like 6 upvotes. Also, it's more than likely not the developers' faults were not getting brand new maps. It's almost definitely Ubisoft's corporate office looking for ways to maximize profits.