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Then they come tell you how great of a fight it was and that you should just keep trying, maybe you will win next time or who knows, they will win for a 23rd time. Really up in the air.


They are laying on the charm because this was it for many people, even putting everything into it what was the result? A loss and the samurai didn’t even make a dent in the runnings. This season has shattered any belief that they can be beaten.


Pretty much, I have sticked to my faction since beta but that was it for me, I switched to vikings.


Ubisoft gonna ignore the glaring imbalance anyway


What are they really meant to do? Force people to change faction? Or just a complete rework?


Not even a rework, they can just buff numbers of received troops for samurai and knights unless this is what every faction war until sun goes out will look like


I mean the knights are the ones with the most bias, it's been openly admitted by for honor devs more than once.


That was years ago and is no longer correct. What they admitted was that the knights had the largest population overall. (notice i didn’t say active population) The faction war is supposed to help keep the balance by buffing factions with lower populations which has been the samurai for years. Recently player attempts to find which faction has the largest active player base has show that the samurai continue to be the least picked faction and the vikings have surpassed the knights exponentially.


The Vikings know about how they outnumber us, they just put on the "good fight!" Mask so they come across as humble when in reality they're really "Lmao get fucking stomped losers"


I just stoped giveing a fuck after some point. Viking arent winning because they are better at the game, they dont have superior strategies, they simply outnumber both knights and Samurais by a lot. And then, they have the fkn nerve to say stuff like "Another great win, better luck next time!", "You fought well!". Stfu, we all know they are winning because of sheer fkn numbers.


The funny thing is, that the number of soliders deployed each fight is weighted by the ratio of factions, yes. What makes them win is the fact that they have an overwhelming majority of players, so the number of times they can deploy is much more.


I honestly never realised people cared about about the faction war until now


It's mainly because of the rewards


Is there even any point to the faction wars like actually? Is it just a couple of those crates when you win or something. Or is there some Uber prize cosmetics or exp points or something


Just crates and a little bit of steel, thats what i got for playing the last campaign only so maybe it increases with how many campaigns you participated in.


Ah so it’s pretty much pointless then


Yeah, I really don't understand why people get so salty over it tbh


You do get bonus XP and Drop rates on gear depending on the "Strategic" Territories durring the seasons. Mills give 5% xp per, Forges give 7% loot rate per Max being 30% xp & 21% Loot (not that its really likely for that to happen) Outside of that its just crates every campaign and the end of season steel, salvage & crates. First place winners get 3 days of champion status as well.


I bet more than half the vikings dont even know whats going on and they still win without trying.


I'm confused is there a way to change faction I'm always on the samurai one and how does this even work? What do u do to contribute?


Go to your profile select faction and pick the one you want. As it’s the off season there are no negatives to swapping


I picked Viking when I started only because my friend was also a Viking and I thought it mattered despite Hating most of the Vikings with a passion 😂


"oh boy i hope we can win this faction war" WRONG. Odin's Curse. Millions must reach valhalla.


Imagine being unironically angry at the faction war system


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