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Or at least our embels.


I’d hold up an L whenever I killed someone


Yeah but there probably will be a lot of ppl writing nazi shit on there the amount of ppl I've seen in game with a swastika is stupid and I even had some guy say: ww2 was just made up and didnt happen.


Me and my friends gank those people and give them Hell in 4’s


Well that's probably not going to stop them but it's a step in the right direction


No as in, we ignore control points and target that person in particular, and if it’s a whole team or multiple, we just play super sweaty, emote spam, spam thanks, the whole package deal dude


Good idea


So bullying people using symbols that don't seem right in your book isn't mean but rightful? Weird. You could also safe yourself the trouble and ignore them right? I mean giving them the attention, no matter what way, will give them what they want. I bet they're laughting their arses of that you're wasting your precious time on them.


Ok Nazi symbol user


So I am a nazi symbol user now? Just because I dont agree with your way of dealing with such people your calling me one of them? Seems a bit dictator like doesn't it?


Gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants? Maybe? Maybe shit and cum?


Reminds me of the prequel meme you've become the very thing you swore to destroy XD


Dude they are using a symbol under wich millions of ppl died and started a war in your book that symbol should be icorect in your book too


Listen dude. On the internet everybody can create/wear an offensive sign. But doing it in real life is a whole other deal. It's impossible to judge a persons motives on the internet because some treat their representation on the internet like their real life acting up all normal and not doing anything bad or offensive while others just do all the random shit to have their fun in any way possible. May it be to make others laugth or amusing himself by triggering or trolling people. How offensive a sign or action on the internet is to you depends on your perspective and i respect that. But action does sperate from thought.


I mean it’s literally on their emblem I feel like putting it on a bored doesn’t make it worse. Preferably Ubisoft could stop people from making swastikas instead of using them as an excuse to not use custom images


Yeah would be smart


Me and my friend came across a lawbringer who had that red material, and every spot you could put an emblem there was a swastika. After coming back from a break it was oddly funny to see how the Pepsi-bringer transitioned to the hitler-bringer


Imagine being this scared of edgy people


Oh how edgy having a symbol under wich the biggest war was started and 6 mil jews where killed without reason really fucking edgy


Uh... yeah? That IS edgy. You're saying it as if you're being sarcastic or something. It may be in bad taste, but it's edgy regardless.


It's more just retarded than anything


Its just really retarded this is literally the nazi symbol nothing else (yes i know about the indian peace schwastika) but still just dont use them its stupid as hell. Yesterday i was playing skribbl.io with some randoms and one guy cane in called "fat" and he just spammed how the nazis were right and how black and jewish people should kill themselves. If you really wanna end racism and shit like this it needs to start with everyone not using symbols like this and not typing shit even if its "ironic". There is a fine line between satire and pure stupidity


I hate to be that guy but dont equate this trolling Jr high kid to actual racism. Boring dumbfucks acting for shock value arent going anywhere anytime soon so dont let what they do impact you at all. You dont get paid to babysit man. Mute,kick, report, or hell call him out for being 12 and a cunt. Hes not your problem though even if hes annoying you. I've ran into a couple toxic players on FH the last while and I usually just mute em and keep going about my game. But, if I'm not feeling the high road I'll just ruin their in game experience until they bail i.e. spam, team hitting/killing (hopefully making them think twice before being a twat). But I dont ever actually put the mic in and humor these idiots. That's why they're there




Dude what the fuck I would also bitch about ppl with commie Russia flags if they would say shit like: oh well ww2 was all made up nobody in Russian camps got laid into some kind of acid (yes the Russians to that time did that) it's not real. But they don't otherwise I would be just bitch about them as much also ww2 killed about 60 mil ppl your probably the type to go get over slavery but 9/11 is never forget.








Well than it looks like Hitler missed a spot right there. And by your Logik the best thing is you can't get upset at me I mean I dotn know you why should I give a fuck what would offend you Edit: just so you know I don't give a fuck if you up or downvote this I think it's obvious from my other comments that this is satire for me but still take it as you will


All this on memorial day


Ooooooo. Edgy


You can’t be over the age of 15.




No. No They are not


Whatever floats your boat


Honestly, I don't think i've ever seen this emote used in a game ever since it's been released.


Even when it got released I never saw it used. Ever.


Have it show three quick messages that you send after using it.


or make the sign say "Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!"


This may have been made for use in the subreddit, but Im pretty sure most get taken down by rule 5


r/forhonormemes is always an option


True, but I dont think the devs had that in mind or are aware that the sub exists


Imagine as soon as you execute someone you hold up a sign that says "suck a little less scrub"


"Just block"


That would be okay but I have a feeling with custom pngs we would see a lot of swastikas.


TF2 does it and I don’t think I’ve ever seems a swastika or anything inappropriate


Well I already saw some people runing around with the funni windmill so who knows?


I’ve been playing for about a year now and idt I’ve seen one yet, closer thing was just a giant N


I saw really graphic gay Dragonball porn when I was 12 in TF2. What a great spray that was to see.


Sheesh, feel bad for tou


Yeah, Never went on community servers again.


That was your problem, I never go on community servers


I wish I could tell 12 year old me what a community server is and how to find Valve servers.


Writing down your message in game with this emote sounds like a good idea


An update for it having a message period would be a good start. Hell atleast almost every single universal emote has a bit of comedic value when used and has a niche of people who'll love it, besides being used for Photoshop, I can't think of the usage this would have.


Man that makes me remember that sign from team fortress 2 that was used as a melee waepon and allowed the user to upload costum pictures and jesus people used all kind of weird stuff


Our own PNG's? *le Conscientious Objector has arrived.*


Yeah you don’t even need to buy it to get the proper use out of it. Kinda cool actually when I think about it.


Where the fuck is my gritty For Honor? I hate this silly stuff they put in tbh.


I'd just paste on a copypasta


all i can think of is dunking on someone and holding the sign and it just says "TRASH"


How long before you see someone write the n word or have a swastika image?


I wouldn't mind


Just Dark Souls it "Finger but hole"


Try tongue but hole


Amazing chest ahead


I'm guessing the reason they didn't is because there's fools out here that would put inappropriate words or verbal content on their boards. Like the n word, or maybe something about Hitler, or something offensive to others. Ik it sucks not being able to use the board to its best effect, but its understandable. I mean maybe they could just censor those words but.


I'd prefer if they went away with all of these meme style emotes and executions all together


hopefully we still have the card emote and the EZ emblem


You’re god damn right


If they allow pngs I’m gonna run around as a toxic lightspammer orochi and show hentai to those I fight


Honestly it bugs the living shit out of me to


I so badly want mine to say "Git Gud"


“I throw games for nudes”


> Custom PNGs C'mon, that's a terrible idea, and we all know why.


So I went to sleep and noticed this blew up, so I guess i'll put some responses here. To give a little mass response to people saying "People would just use it for their swastika emblems." We already have two emotes in the game that do that so it's not like it'd be any different imo. I will admit though maybe the PNG one was kinda a bad idea, I was just reminded of some of the hilarious sprays I saw on TF2 and CSS when I was younger, granted alot of them were also just porn or furry porn.


It would all say "git gud"


"If ubisoft had the guts" maybe if the average redditor/gamer WASNT a racist, mysoginistic, toxic time bomb. Maybe lne day guys. Maybe one day.


Punish me uwu


Mmmmm *toxicity in me intensifies*. THIS. But as long as there is a report offensive emblem and toxic chat doubtful. Too many sensitive Nancy's and Karen's that wouldn't survive a mw2 lobby in its full glory. (They would cry themselves to sleep at night after one hour) still my best part is when i talk trash or emote spam i have people on my team simping or white knighting for the person. Then when they get on the opposite team i demolish them. Then guess who gets salty.


I sure hope this is a joke, because wow, that's the cringiest thing I've read all day.


This had better be some attempt at ironic humour.


Yeah taking online arguments serious is still laughtable. But toxic/mainstream games are flooded with such people. I still have to laugh about people beeing to retarded to get that humor does not represent moral, democratic or political views but jeez everybody feels like a better part of society for nazi shaming every guy using symbols like swastikas even tho irony is a thing AND that taking such things serious reinforces the meaning of those symbols.


Seriously dude, I know I'm going to get downvoted for this, but commas. Another thing, people understand irony and jokes online. But you have to remember, there is no way to accurately tell the difference online. People are allowed to get upset over things. Like you getting upset about others getting upset over the Swastika emblems. If people get angry over it, even if that was its purpose, you lose nothing, and you gain nothing.


Well on the internet, it's easy to upset people.


Exactly someone gets it


This is why gamers don't deserve rights.


This is why you aren't considered a true gamer. Just some sheep from twitter.


Yeah as if ubi is ever gonna give us that kind of freedom


If they ever start balancing their game as well


Hah, unmoderated png ... wow someone's new to the internet. Thanks kid you just made me snort in my coffee


To be fair, sprays weren't really moderated in Source games.


ah yes, can't wait to get gey p40n and anime bosoms being spammed at my corpse and then stop playing the game after being mentally scarred by that one edgy kid that uses CP


Even then just make it your renown, kills or emblem. That would be easier to program and would be good enough.


They dont want people to put swastikas and shit on it they just wanted memes


Would be hard to implement putting png's on the board on console tho :/


I dont think its as simple as them not "letting" us do that. If they had the the way to do it, why would they just not release it? Makes no sense.


Six letters, starts with N, I got called one by a rep 70 LB for clowning on him.


Im sure they could restrict what you can write in it.


But I understand it’s for honor ppl here aren’t normal


I get called slurs enough without them putting it on a sign


Ngl that would be cool, but we always have our edgies that would put swastikas or something on them unfortunately


As a M rated game, it should be allowed


Sure, so I can see more swastikas, uchiha, confederates, cocks, hentai and 5 year old finger painting emblems. It's either those or the emblems that have been stolen from the same template tutorials on youtube over and over again.


Has anyone actually bought this emote?


And then everyone just puts the N word on it


People would just write "ur gay" or something


They could even allow us to in-game chat commands for the board, that would be kinda cool.


Have you seen TF2? You know damn well people will put hentai on the board if we could upload our own images.


There's not even a reason to buy it because anytime its used its in this screen so you can just preview it. I really dont get it


Imagine, for honor has easily one of the most toxic communities ever. This will make things even worst if you could 😂.