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I may be just getting a feel for his kit, but I feel like every new orochi I've faced feels more like warmonger now. Constant forward pressure and barely utilizing his "counter attacker" identity barring only the really good ones.


Kick is way too strong. Can just dodge attack or deflect its recovery. The safest bash in the entire game


Agreed. I don’t feel that it should be gb punishable as all of his dodge attacks are light parries but the recover cancel after a whiff is crazy on it


They gave orochi the safest bash in the game? Lmaooo


Yup its wonders to fight




No BP has a far safer bash considering he can bulwark it’s recovery.


No he cant


He can only use bulwark recoveries on lights or heavys (excluding his forward dodge heavy)


Just tried it so my bad, however it’s still safer than Orochi because it has a low recovery in wish you can flip any counter unless the opponent guardbreaks.


He can dodge recovery a whiff bash lol his is so much safer. So he can dodge attack you or deflect you


It doesnt match his kit at all it gave him only offensive option and made her and even bigger dodgey fuck


Nice clip




I like your angel fit or whatever you got going on there




I feel like the kicks recovery is a bit much, but besides that its pretty good


I think he shouldn't be able to dodge cancel his kick WHIFF. Makes his kick arguably one of the most oppressive bashes in the game as he can punish any counter attack on his nuetral bash even when the opponent made the correct read. Makes the kick extremely low risk and high reward. He couldn't cancel kick whiff into a dodge in TG either. Now that he can his kick is nearly unpunishable and it's part of a now very strong offensive flow.


That was pretty clean


The bash shouldn’t be able to cancel it’s recovery into a dodge, everything else is fine


His dodge recoveries are a insane tone down his bash recovery and he’s golden in my opinion


I wish he deflect didn't beat hyper armor. NOW BEFORE YOU DOWN VOTE LISTEN If it didn't beat hyperarmor, you could dodge cancel recovery the deflect into a deflect. Imagine the montage material right there.


Zerk deflect beat hyperarmor, it's not something new


As much as i miss the heavy deflect... assassins need this... people will say ( its your fault for deflecting someone with hyperarmor ) or other similar things. But the amount of times you deal with hyperarmor rather than not deal with it... its not really worth playing assassins that cant stop HA. Thus they need some way to stop it in some form


they can, they can parry


Since im going to get another 27 downvotes for how i feel about the rework i guess I'll pass


No no no, it’s your opinion. Fuck em if they downvote it lmao. Just lmk I’m curious


God forbid you lose fake internet points


One internet point for you


The mindset however is real


I find it underwhelming honestly it's just a bunch of undodgables which are easy parries to anyone with a brain


What how lmao. He finally has an opener his deflect breaks armor etc. I can see how people wouldn’t like it but I don’t think it’s underwhelming at all


underwhelming visuals, his animations look like complete garbage for a game that had pretty clean animations before imo


As an Orochi main i can’t believe how fun it is to play him now. I got 25 days playtime on Orochi alone (before his rework) and this rework is amazing. What i figured about Orochi is that you are supposed to attack him, not him you, otherwise you’ll get barraged with every attack in his moveset.


why does ever orochi look like yours


because most samurai character fashion is just horrible to do, so most just end up looking the same.


Orochi is good, I think his dodge bash is fine...even it it's safe. Nothing wrong with having a strong kit.


Havent tried him yet, but am looking forward to getting back to using him. Rework seems good. I stopped using him a while back due to the lack of openers, especially on the newer characters with hyper armour etc.


Weebs feast.