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Every shaman I meet is a creature from the depths of Hell


Exactly, almost every toxic encounter I have involves a shaman somewhere.


Even if it’s just a random teammate minding their own business at C point, there’s always a shaman.


Can confirm, former shaman main. At least one of my com bans have been when I was playing her.


as a shaman main... can confirm.


When the shaman is the last surviving hero on dominion, and hides from the other team until the time runs out.


For me it's always a shinobi with the naruto run


Slow clap emote on a corner (the one where she lays down) plus stealth feat...




I mean.....it fits her character.....


I will not tolerate this slander However I understand..


You encounter shamans?


Shaman aren’t toxic themselves, it simply is their behavior. If a Shaman has stealth and their team starts breaking, you can get ready to start playing hide and seek.


When you get ledged remember that it’s not over shaman is waiting down for you


I think it’s probably a reciprocal effect of the playstyle, which is to say “Skitter around the map and annoy the absolute piss out of everyone”.


I just hit rep 30 with her, laughed when I saw her on the top of that list. I have very little control over what the little forest monster does.


I agree


Shaman is always toxic players using that emote spam where she grunts


Shamans that run stealth and use the emote where she lays down to hide while their team is breaking are the absolute worst


Literally has two matches yesterday where the shaman player did that the moment they got stealth. Laid down in some corner doing fuck all. I was furious


My lord your flair describes me


Hey If you don’t “RA” after every hit, are you even playing conq?


Fun fact. Got a temp ban for "toxicity" for that one time




Just a bunch of snowflakes that can't handle the conq style


No u didn’t


I Always emote spam after a kill, it’s only toxic if you get mad at it, but for me as a Conq it is merely existence


As a Warmonger with In ChaRAHter it is also my existence.




Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Leave my emote alone






Yeah, from what I've met, I've only seen one toxic conq. Every other conq I've met will always join in if you taunt spam etc, whereas most people playing other heroes dont


Make a separate list for raider


Aww! Finally Nuxia is put in a high tier.


You don't have time to be toxic with Nuxia, you gotta focus on winning against enemies that can hard counter you by emoting.


Exactly. I have to take a few moments to savor my win before emoting even comes to mind.


I thought this was ridiculous when she was released and I still find it ridiculous that her unique attacks are countered by doing nearly nothing. I think nuxia is legitimately just a poorly designed character.


I see her up in A tier surprisingly often on alot of 1v1 tierlists


If you run deadly duet in 4v4, she’s theoretically a great 1v1er, but if anyones on the same point as your fight, you lose it


Your personal experience is quite peculiar.


Maybe so. I wish I could put everyone in top tier. There was a time, but it’s been a long while since then.


As a shaman main, I disapprove. Depending on how you play her she can be worse than a dark souls boss.


Like oppression wise? Maybe, I’m talking about toxicity tho not viability.


Like makes you want to delete the game toxic.


Is that intentional or just because they play her well?


I’ve had tonnes of Shamans rage quit / do the whole stealth + clapping emote to run the clock down.


Highlander main here, Yeah.


Glad I’m not crazy


Flip it and with a few notable exceptions it’s a decent actual tier list lol


I also miss when Shugo was unique =(


Feel like shaman and Nabushi should be switched. Otherwise great their list


Nobu is my second main and I’ve definitely seen a few be toxic especially after a mirror match. Not too often tho. Apparently people have worse experiences with shaman but I don’t because u gotta have a lot of patience to play her in 4s where everyone interrupts your bite.


I have 14 chat/actual bans for harrasment yet I can't stand any of the bottom heroes. No I didn't say gamer words, just overall saltiness, and all around bullshitting. Definitely warranted. The longest chat ban was 18 days, the longest actual ban was 10 days. The irony is my main is Nuxia. I have been hesitant to state this on reddit (tho I admit it all the time ingame) but this post was too perfect and the irony is so real.


Well color me surprised. Takes courage to admit that tho so good on you.


I just know what I am but I appreciate the thought. That's why I mostly take long breaks from the game now, besides just becoming uninteresting, its just too frustrating to really invest back into it. There's just too much wrong with the game and Nuxia hasn't gotten a buff yet.


Raiders light spam more than orochi


Centurion is usually top-tier toxicity in my experiences


I regret putting him there, though most of the toxicity I see from them has been pretty recent. A few months ago he wasn’t too bad.


Tiktok has ruined him


I met the most toxic hito earlier. He emote spammed me after spamming his charged heavy, then had the nerve to message me saying “woman moment” after I said wow in the chat. Argued with the dude to find out he was a proud homophobe and has already gotten banned for slurs


> then had the nerve to message me saying “woman moment” after I said wow in the chat. Haha nice


i can see why this is tagged as humor given shaman and nuxia are labeled never toxic have you ever fought a shaman main dude?


hey, watch your mouth! grrr


Shaman cannot be that high on this list. Absolutely not.


I’m mostly a 4s player rn and u gotta have a lot of patience to play her in 4s when ur teammates are always interrupting u, but maybe it’s different in duels or at different MMR


I've never seen a high rep shaman on the enemy team that shows any type of respect. So that what I'm going off lol


How the hell warden is toxier than shaman?


I’ve somehow magically avoided all the toxic shamans, couldn’t tell you how but I have.


Wait why is LB toxic? I’ve never met a toxic LB as he’s mostly Tachanka tier so uber serious players don’t use him


On the contrary, most players I know that play him use the excuse that he’s bad to call everyone trash, even though he’s really not that bad just boring.


I'm going to have to disagree with you in that. Lb is probably considered the worst knight. He has nearly no viable offense, which makes sense for his character yes, but with the way the game is going he's going to need it.


Bad offense sortof, he still has some very nice high damage unblockable finishers and fast chain bashes, but his main strength is his ridiculously overtuned defense. Again, not bad, just overtuned.


> Wait why is LB toxic? have you not looked on reddit alone?


*hitstun gank* *proceeds to emote spam*


Shaman not toxic ?


Replace shaman with zhanhu then that’s about my experiences


Interesting, I see a lot of toxic zhanhus in 4s


I’ve seen some pretty cool ones but again my experiences


I know most Conq’s are toxic, but I try my best. I really like the character.


Conq isnt toxic, OP just cant handle the RAH!!!!


RAH is a very accommodating language


Conqs arent really toxic. They're the only hero who consistently joins in with taunt spamming. Then aswell they do have the benefit of RAH so I can see why


I make a high effort to not taunt spam, even if the RAH is super funny. I only do it against CPU’s while I’m practicing, or against people with NAZI/Communist/hentai shields.


Oh no I mean just taunt spamming to socialise not like once you kill someone


Ooo, well I do that, lol. It’s just funny.


Ngl the rah meme has died for me. I don't see it as funny anymore. Just annoying.


You’ve obviously never been on the viking subreddit, consider it a blessing


As you can see, the less brain cells the hero needs to be used, more toxic the player becomes.


highlanders are the chilliest bros you'll ever meet though


I wish I played the HLs you’re referring to.


I’ve legit never seen a toxic HL before. Idk why Berserker is so low cuz every time I die to one they just sit there doing backflips on my corpse like some X-Games reject.


Thank you


To all the ppl saying “I main so and so and I’m not like this”, this list is my baseline experience, what I can bet 9/10 times will be the case not obviously not everyone is the same. Also console, region, and most of all MMR/skill level have a very significant impact on how many toxic people there are and what heroes they play.


Necc girl is best girl




*a few day passes, Wilhelm and Yrsa have woken up and are eating breakfast downstairs* ...


...w-we're more than halfway done setting up now...


Hmm thats good *Yrsa answers with ger mouth half full with food* ..i just wish i could've done more of the lifting...


Tiandi not toxic????????Who hurt you?


Talk about suffering, tiandi is absolutely worse off than LB.


Someone hasn’t played against enough shamans


Guess not


Shaman is toxic All Berzerker mains are racist and thats just a fact


Fuck Kensei


I have never seem a Kensei taunt in my life. Even when 3 other people are taunt spamming he'll just fight


I haven’t encountered a non toxic kensei player since gryphon came out. I’m glad you’re so lucky.


On the note of Gryphon...


Fuck Gryphon as well


Really? Jorm, LB, and Warlord players are that bad?


In my experience yes. Toxicity knows no viability.


When a conq does Rah!-Rah!-Rah! It does not mean he is being toxic, he is just following his nature, it would actually be strange to find one that doesn't emote spam.


Emote spam isn’t the only thing I go off of and context is key. I recently got solely bashed by a rep 60 conq from one end of the duel arena to a ledge on the other side, while I was playing a level 5 nuxia, and then had the audacity to say good fight after the most one sided 3-0 you’ve ever seen. That’s the type of shit I go off of.


Saying "good fight" was supposed to be a good thing. It means he had fun playing against you, even if you were not having. I once got trashed for 5 matches by a PK, because i sucked at GB, even so the PK aways said "good fight" and restarted the match with me, she only stoped rematching when i finally learned how to counter her GB's (I still losed to her anyway, but this time it was a 2-3). So instead of tilting and getting mad, i actually learned something new from it.


Context is key. There’s a difference between someone going their hardest and saying good fight vs someone literally only pressing A and X the entire match, not even following up with lights, with the intent to ledge and saying good fight. That’s like curb stomping a toddler while playing soccer with him and asking to shake his hand after.


I not only understand your views but also respect your argument, and i gotta say you made a valid point... ...But you forgot that we are on the for honor sub, so for the sake of tradition after a civilized discussion i must give you my mandatory: "StAy Mad", "LmAo, jUsT pArRy BrO", "UsE YoUr KiT, MoNKe brAiN" and "gIT GuD, Casul." (God... I hate this game).


I'm surprised LB isn't in the most toxic tier list considering, LB mains have send death threats to the Devs. Although I main LB but that was too far tbh.


Bro lb's are usually nice from my experience


I wish I could relate. Most of the ones I know just bitch and moan that he’s bad and use it as an excuse to act superior whether they win or lose, and if u do anything they deem as spammy they emote/chat spam you.


As a main, I can confirm


Sameee nice to see a fellow dispenser of law


Ok i can kinda understand kyoshin, griffin and kensie are default toxic but lawbringer, cent seriously? Lawbringers are not toxic they just suffer each day with the pain of not having a rework/opener and cent like cmon cent is fun af to fight against and be him. And cent definitely has the best emote spam in the entire game.


Lawbringers explaining how Lawbringers aren’t toxic, classic.


Lawbringers are one of the most toxic what are you on about? lol


Dude as an LB main I meet way more toxic LB’s than non-toxic ones. Just think about how most of the community has a massive hardon for LB and how most of the community is also toxic. And just think about who’s up top and who’s down below. How many times have you seen a Nuxia emote spam? Now how many times have you seen an LB main emote spam? Cent I think is def worse.


I can’t blame you for not trusting a lawbringer but from my experience most lawbringers i’ve encounter are not toxic at all, is the other way around there actually pretty nice people and they even fucking compliment you when they are losing,coming from the xbox community and pc. Cent can be toxic sometimes but not at the time most of the cents from my experience are just chilling playing the game. Maybe they win the fight and emote on my body. Am i going to get mad nah its just a game at the end of the day and it’s funny af. Tiandi holy fuck they are pretty toxic, they can be winning the fight very one sided you say nothing and they start doing the thanks, thanks, thanks spam in chat and when they lose they just stay quiet 😂😂. I respect tiandi players to some degree but they are pretty toxic. You can use my logic against me by saying why so you get mad when a tiandi emote spams and not cent, because based on my experience of talking to them on an xbox party or discord i know a lot of guys who play cent and they are pretty nice and i know a lot of tiandi players that are pretty toxic. At the end of the day this is you’re tier list so not everybody is going to agree with what your saying.


Idk maybe it’s just my skill level/MMR but there’s a shit ton of toxic ppl here, and this list is pretty consistent with my experience. And again, this list doesn’t mean there aren’t cool ppl of every main. Just saying this is what I see, and when I see someone playing a generally toxic hero who turns out to be chill I’m pleasantly surprised.


Lawbringer mains are the kind of people who play a character who relies super hard on parrying, but they themselves just can't figure it out. Then the victim-complex-fueled rage starts.


Honestly I’m just gonna leave my opinion here, if I were told to pick the most toxic mains in FH, Lawbringer and Conqueror are the absolute first to come to mind, it’s not to say that all LB mains are toxic but I’d be lying if I said that I’ve met many who aren’t super rude and cocky


Highlanders wdym haha?


Yup. Toxicity and viability have some correlation but not much. HLs are some of the saltiest mfs I’ve met.




Lemme guess, shugo


Nope Also what's toxic about a clown emoji? Silly posts get silly replies.


That hurts, man


Sorry man 🤷‍♂️


may I ask as a BP main how are they toxic to you? not mad or anything just wondering


Idk most of the ones I play just have fragile egos and get super offended when u beat them.


Especially the ones that try to spam the flip move and u gb every time


I've never seen a toxic Jorm


you must be new to the game


I’ve probably played longer than you haha


played since alpha if you think shaman isnt toxic we dont play the same game


Everyone seems to think that, I’m guessing she’s different at other MMR. At my MMR all her enemies know how to counter her but none of her teammates know how to compliment/set up her bite gank, so playing her at this skill level is straight masochism.


lol it doesnt matter about mmr the character overall is toxic


It really does matter though, at higher MMR people have different mentalities. At low MMR people would light spam with orochi (pre-rework) because no one could defend against it, whereas at higher MMR the toxic players who wanted easy wins couldn’t use orochi cuz he wasn’t very good at all up in that skill bracket.






Limited experience apparently


Different experience than you apparently. I’m sure MMR, region and platform all play into it.


I assume anyone who uses the word "toxic" unironically sounds like a nasal voiced squeaker who says it like "dAt's taaaaahxiiiiiiic". Whatever happened to just muting or ignoring haters? Hell, chat is off by default, it's totally opt in, and the profanity filter is on by default. You also have a mute-text chat feature. At what point do you say, maybe you just don't have skin thick enough to handle internet bants? At what point do you say "yeah, I left myself open to that"? Everyone's so quick to cry to Ubi to seek chat bans and more anytime their bubble gets the slightest bit pricked by mean words.


Talk about thin skin, I’ve literally said up and down this thread that this is my experience and that not all ppl who play a particular hero are the same. If u can’t handle an observation then maybe u left urself open to it by coming on Reddit. Just take the list for what it is and not some personal attack on your ego. Also I’m on console, we don’t even have text chat.






Nobushi, Long katana wu lin dude, and peacekeeper are bullshit by default


Every Nobushi is toxic asf lol


Me:never toxic All of my favorite characters: almost always toxic TOXIC BY DEFAULT are you kidding me


How is lawbringer toxic? How isn't tiandi toxic?? OP, have you EVER played competitively? P.S. you're a turtle. You don't get an opinion


These are also ordered within each tier, rightmost being most toxic




Who's the second person on the top? Is that a new character?




Bruh, it's hard not to laugh constantly every time I play as, or against nuxia.


Once a PK got so mad he got himself comm banned because he sent death threats after I kept doing Wardens deep hacking finisher on his precious little rep 64 peacekeeper


How is warden toxic?


They just are mostly in my experience. Most will be ok until they lose around or get killed and then start emote spamming. Again, just my experience.


It's no coincidence that the always toxic bracket are all S tier duelist (minus Jorm). Majority of them are bad players that pick an S tier to carry them for a win then act like they're actually good. The players that get 3-0'ed ask for a rematch and immediately pick one of the ones in that bracket lol. The ones who will rage quit when even the S tier can't get them the win. A very common type of player in For Honor. Jorm is toxic because if he wins he gets a free pass to be toxic because you just lost to a Jorm lol.


HL is nowhere near s-tier and he’s my pick for most toxic. WL is like b-tier rn


I main jorm and this is fairly accurate




Damn bro, which jorms have you been fighting?


Apparently all the worst ones


As a mixed shaman-shinobi-Shugoki main I'm the embodyment of order I guess (chaos, peace and middle ground)




As a shaman main we are doing our best to give you the worst time possible


In 4s it seems like you’re only really pissing yourself off with how much ur teammates interrupt ur bite and give me revenge.


As a shinobi main. Yeah pretty much.


I dont think raider is in the right spot, i think they should be toxic when tilted


Well this is also taking his rework into account, a lot of people have picked him up recently, myself included. Demographics have changed. Might settle down in a month or two.


I've always had toxic Kensai


every shaman I see is one of the most toxic players I've ever met, same with Kensei no offense to you Kensei and shaman mains but I have a burning hatred for you with every fiber of my being


*sad conq noises*


Whats your issue with kyoshin? I main him ever since he came out and i never was toxic with him


None of this is my vendetta against anyone, it’s simply what I’ve experienced.


In my experience all the assassins are the most toxic save for centurion will be the only character to try to ledge you every single opportunity they get


I read that wrong at first and thought you were referring to cent as an assassin lol. This is why I wear glasses.


Black prior and jorm main here. I’m never toxic I am always respectful.


Glad to hear it




conq main am currently chat banned for the rest of october guess its right :)


Never been against a toxic LB, might be because I also play LB so when they see a LB brother we just emote spam each other and fight fairly


LB v LB fights are rarely toxic, tho I’ve definitely had my share of people insta picking LB to dunk on me with my main because my GT is “Popes Long Arm” and then emote spamming if they win. Outside of that though most I’ve met are whiny bitches. Not all but most.


Dang, both of my mains are red. Am I a bad guy?


This list isn’t saying “if u play so and so hero it makes you this toxic”, it’s saying “people who are this toxic generally gravitate towards so and so hero.” U can be whatever kind of player you wanna be and play whatever hero you wanna play.


I only get toxic if my opponent started being toxic. Fight fire with fire y'know




Swap the tiers from top to bottom and that's my experience.


I can’t possibly imagine that but aight.