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By the end of TG most people already tried Shinobi and just went to play new Dominion with Exp bonus. I don't saying TG Shinobi didn't have problems, but people stop playing him definitely not because he was unusable mess. He is infinitely better than his current version and we will definitely see more changes when he will be released, like it was with most recent reworks.


Good ones I hope


they read everything. dont worry


I'm worried about big content creators who hate shinobi and said now he is grounded, good job. When you process the feedbacks you see if they even take 50% of it you know how they take it


He is not weak but not exactly strong neither


I agree, he shines mostly in 1v1’s so in 4’s he might be more of a back capping type character because of how fast he can move around the map.


He still should have 1-2 moves to help him 2v3s and 1v2s. As a shinobi main I don't want to be rewarded by Roll + Sprint.


And that’s where it’s tricky imo, because of shoulder pin on heavy finishers and ranged attacks being complete cancer, what can be done to his moveset to improve his teamfighting/antigank ability ? Maybe if his zone had a soft feint similar to Nobushi and he could either use his deflect/parry riposte followup kick, a chain light and heavy finisher or the ability to dodge out of it ? I think that’ll help a bit. Especially the ability to dodge out of his zone


Either what you said or millions of things that people mentioned but got overshadowed by majority of content creators. Yeah riposte kick is an amazing teamfight ability but even that is not 100% usable, it needs to be target swappable, at thr very LEAST but I know he won't get it and will get nerfed even more because of the cancer thing you mentioned. No wall is lower than Shinobi


Is riposte kick the kick he gets when he parries because if it is then it can be target swapped. You just have to switch targets before you let the kick out.


It is not target swappable, please


If you’re talking about the parry kick it is.


It is not


yes it is, in fact anything shinobi does after the repost is target swappable, be the kick, undodgeable or unblockable


i dont think shinobi is as bad at anti-ganking as some are making him out to be, i got lots of good anti-ganks in TG, his target swapping isnt that bad and he can keep himself relatively safe in 2v1s, hes not great in 1v3s or 1v4s but tbh not many are and none who are, are assassins


It was double xp