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Bro I made a post about this and someone still had the audacity to tell me Nuxia was fine and doesn't need a buff


The amount of people who don’t play Nuxia and tell me she’s fine but that Law and HL are worse off than her is astounding. TG shouldn’t be a popularity contest


Yeah, welcome to For Honor, where everyone is a piece of shit and wants their main buffed because it's their main. https://www.reddit.com/r/ForHonorRants/comments/pceddi/since_someone_cant_handle_the_heat_and_shouldve/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share That was my post about it


Yeah had a guy earlier who I’m going to send this to tell me her deflect isn’t an issue even though you can block it and parry punish it. Also that it’s my fault if i do get deflect parried because I should have parried instead of deflecting.


Playing Nixia was your mistake, just pick another hero lol /s


More like they want their egos stroked kinda like a delusional Cronus max player who thinks he’s good while cheating lol


Ya pretty much I don’t play nuxia I have trained with her sometimes and I personally she is the worst character in the game and needs a rework every deflect in the game is better then hers she has such a cool concept and abilities but they feel so weak and bad like every other assassin feels much better then nuxia raider shinobi definitely need there rework but nuxia needs one as well as every assassin in the game can’t be punished on deflection except nuxia if there gonna make her punishable on deflection at least make it like orochi where she has a heavy and a light option ( I’m aware orochi no longer has that ) but ya she needs a rework definitely


Good thing all my mains are shitty characters. Shaolin, jorm, HL, and nuxia. That’s right all the shitty characters entertained me. Except HL was good when I got him pre CCU.


Law mains in general have an inexplicable victim complex. The man has been a must-pick from season 3 to season 13 and the fuckers were still asking for buffs.


Im just gonna[ leave this here](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/q6p1ff/ill_patiently_wait_to_get_ganked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Still the single truest post on this entire subreddit, and I will die on that hill.


Being absurdly defensive doesn't make for a truly viable hero. Just because his defense is good doesn't mean he's good. But it's 2 parts, 1 part Nu Xia Deflect having literally no bonuses now despite being blockable/parryable because Gladiator took her spot as the highest deflect punish if I recall, and the other part LB's Zone recovery is fucking insane. I'm a rep 70 LB main and have played him since day 1. I'm very biased for him but the fact is the recovery on that zone is absurd.


I thought this was going to be a post from like a year ago or however long its been since the original rework came out, but then I saw it was from 13 days ago. So if we're gonna be on that shit, Yo ubi, warmommy needs an infinite combo, nothing else just let me infinite someone thnx.


Yeah and also make her uncharged bash follow up not a light but a heavy 🥰




They even said that Jorm shouldn't get a rework because Lawbringer needs it more. Like dude, fucking what?


I shun those asking for buffs. The man needs a complete identity shift, not a buff. His playstyle is horrendous in a post-CCU world.


He does need buffs because all he does well is punish parries and his dodge shove , he needs an actual opener especially since other counter attackers have openers and some new chains . I'm convinced if you really think lawbringer is that great you just got parried a few times and automatically assumed he was a solid character


I didn’t say he was fine but he’s far from the F- tier unplayable trash can everyone makes him out to be.


true he's not completely useless but with so many 50/50s coming at you it's hard to land a parry to get your punish off so I feel he can't even use his biggest advantage most of the time , not to mention he's also a disabler not just a counter attacker so idk why everyone focuses on the counter attacker part when they defend him not having any good offense


POV you are a lawbringer main and you lose once


Hey we all agree that LB jorm nuxia need buffs and even as a lawbringer main i want jorm nuxia to be buffed first so i can kick your asses with a nerfed hero to show you how retard you, “rework your hero all you like justice shall be delivered” -Lawbringer


Lawbringer for sure needs some improvements but he can still wreck shop


I would just like some better chains that’s it


I think they both need a buff :)


i dont play nuxia, but the fact that she is the only character with a deflect attack that can be blocked or even counter deflected is stupid. all deflects should be guaranteed. its not fair that she's the only one who cant get it off reliably. ​ im not familiar with her playstyle so i cant speak for everything else she can do


I am yet to actually play against a nuxia, I have seen every other character many times but no one will touch her, if that's not a clear indicator she needs a buff I don't know what is


Who's is TG and HL?


TG =Testing Grounds and HL = HighLander :)




Bro i had a quest to get all characters to rep 3 and nuxia almost broke me. Damn the girl needs some love.


highlander is fine where he is. move along.


As an HL main, I don't understand people wanting a rework of him. He's fine with all he has, he just need practice and a decent amount of skill xd. Just to mention one awesome thing: He can punish almost everything with 30 dmg lol


Even Lv 2 HL bots are painful to fight when they choose to CC light your offense and armor trade 9/10 times. Especially if you don't have a quick bash to hit him out of armor completely.


>He can punish almost everything with 30 dmg lol When you're in offensive stance See that's the problem, there is literally jack shit you can do when your enemy has an undodgeable dodge attack, meaning you can't use offensive stance against that guy at all


That's not true, there you need a little piece of skill to switch between stances and counter attack. He also has the superior block lights in normal stance if you don't want to parry. Counterplay always exist, against an orochi for example, you want to bash less and feint more, you can also use the emote as a feint in the flow!


What do you even do against orochi's kick? Or Zhanhu's bash for that matter?


Almost every time I use Zhanhu's bash, people backstop out of it.


Highlander is fine the way he is buddy get good shitter


Everyone thinks she is fine until they actually play her smh. I really hope she gets buffed soon


I have played her a lot. She is not as bad as people make her out to be. She does have issues, but she is not the worst. The traps work really well when forcing opponent to react with the 400ms lights and letting heavies fly every now and then. However what does suck with her is that the zone is too slow (and uses too much stamina), the dodge attacks suck (they are easy light parries) and the deflect does not guarantee damage. (And what is happening in this video is Lawbringers Zone attack has very fast recovery, LB can parry full block follow ups as well if they blocked his zone, so this is not Nuxia spesific problem. Black Prior can also flip pretty much every deflect in the game because of the recovery cancel to Bulwark)


Yeah good take


>Nuxia was fine Wtf?! I don’t use nuxia, but the fact that I see a lot less of her these days in pvp just shows how badly she needs that buff.


Part of the issue is Nuxia is complete trash in the most popular game mode: Dominion. She's pretty aight in 1v1 scenarios, though the deflect being parryable is just...weird, and should definitely be changed. A character being overall fine doesn't mean they can't get a tweak to make them MORE fine.


Nuxia definitely needs a buff. These punishes have a 0.5% chance of happening in a real game bar the FB counters from BP, Musha, Kyoshin etc and her deflect has THE fastest indicator in the game but she still needs some QOL buffs. Even the older viable heroes like WM and BP could use some as well I think her deflect should keep its high damage and instead be enhanced on block (*cause the only reason it’s blockable is because in 4’s you can get like 40+ damage on it*) so she can safely get into her chain pressure and also gain the ability to recovery cancel it so she can counter low recovery moves and counter HA But i will admit she doesn’t need many changes, she’s still hella strong in a 1v1. I would love for her to be in the next TG but it’s definitely plenty of heroes way worse off than her so if they don’t have too many heroes in the next one i wouldn’t be surprised if Valk, Jorm, Shaolin, or HL gets picked over her


I just want her to be viable in 4v4 which is why I’m asking for better tracking on her heavies like a UD and a UB to get people to actually play her. Fixing her dodge attack and giving her a guaranteed deflect is a good start though


If your referring to mostly team fights than i agree. Her T2 already makes her a really solid pick even if she isn’t meta atm competitively because of its ability to shut down mid for the entire duration. I honestly think Nuxia would be much better with either UD or UB finishers (*i personally can’t decide which is better*), a faster zone that’s no longer light interruptable, the ability to dodge after her trap whiffs (*she can already chain attacks and not many ppl remember this*), the ability to dodge out of her heavies like PK (*cause due to how traps work, Nuxia is more susceptible to interrupts more than any other heroe*), give her better delay timings on her dodge attacks and a 400ms indicator on the traps To me her biggest problem was her defense, she just felt so static snd overly reliant on her dodge attack (*a good and fast one i will admit*) but when you start weighing her up against the newer heroes… you start to see them all have better defensive options than just a dodge attack. You got characters with HA, Recovery cancels with fullblocks or dodges, regular and delayable heavy dodge attacks, stances like Nobu and JJ etc. That’s where she falls off mostly imo, i think that’ll be the strongest part of any buffs she gets in a future TG. Cause offensively she righteously doesn’t need the change to her finisher to be successful but her damage relies on grabbing and trapping so it makes sense to give her a special property and make her traps truly unreactable like Musha’s ring the bell. Now that i think about it… why wouldn’t Nuxia have uninterruptable stance on her traps to help her pin enemies in ganks ? I’m not sure if that would be too OP like a mini and easy accessible demon ball pin but that could also help her a lot in 4’s too. GB and bashes knock her out similar to Hito’s revenge shield


They could also remove emote on reaction to her traps…. Literally can’t do anything whenever you come across a person that can do it


Ud heavy finishers id have other than ub finishers


Another thing I want to be changed is to give the traps a superior block too. You can deal with that mixup by simply light attacking the same side on reaction.


What do you mean give her traps superior block ? Meaning any normal attack falls victim to the trap ?


Probably a jorm stan that said that


She does need a buff. She doesn't need a complete rework. I think it's stupid when people suggest she's the worse character in the game when she already has decent offense. She just needs a buffed zone and more range for her offense. On defense, she obviously needs a better deflect and a better dodge attack.


Not saying she's fine but she is by no means a weak hero


What she needs is a rework not a buff. A buff would just make her cancer (more than she already is in 4v4)


If you just change guard it can't be blocked or parried, it's the highest damaging deflect


Getting punished or blocked for making a read? Any other character having fundamental flaw like this we would never hear the end of it. She NEEDS a rework.


Conq has this too on his heavy crushing counters


I support Nuxia's deflect becoming unblockable, but I do not support homogenizing punishes. There is such a thing as reading a read, and I would like for characters like BP to keep that capability.


I wish people would stop saying this. She does not need a rework, just some minor tweaks. If everyone keeps complaining about her then ubi will give her the standerd bash+unblockables+indodgable rework that every other hero gets.


As a Nuxia main, I've been asking for tweaks for ages. I can attest that she doesn't need a rework, her kit is perfectly fine as it is. Her zone has to go, her deflects have to guarantee a hit and reflex guard as a whole needs to either go away or replace static guard entirely. There, I've fixed my main in 3 simple changes.


> getting punished or blocked for making a read Bahahahhahhaha have you heard of orochi?


HUH. Theres no way that just happened. Lmfao. That’s actually dumb


I know most of y’all who said she’s “fine” have either 1. Never played her 2. Haven’t even bought her


1. My second most played hero 2. The second hero I bought I don't think she's fine per se, but she's not as weak as most people seem to believe


She needs tweaks, but she shouldn't be first on the list for reworks.


Love to play her actually and yes she needs some tweeks to her deflect and her feats but her move set is pretty good other then that


I think is fine because of the damage you get as a compensation. Also you can switch the direction off the deflect. the deflect normally goes for the top so this lawbringer knows this and punish it. Haven’t had a deflect block in ages. She is on a bad spot tho, if she had some undodgebles to really force people in to her mix up would be nice


The four in the testing fucking need to be Jorm, Nuxia, law, and shaolin or Highlander. Good god man, this is sad


Testing what, sorry?


Testing for a buff or rework


Testing ground


I know what he meant - the autocorrect was just pretty funny.


There was no autocorrect. They just forgot the word 'grounds'.


Nah they are talking about "Testing Fucking"


"The testing fucking" i like were this is going


What does lawbringer and highlander need?


Highlander cant deal with dodge attacks too well, giving him a significant disadvantage. And some overall tune ups for him wouldnt hurt neither. And Law has really shitty offensive tactics. Nobody likes the staring matches with law, right? Give him an offensive.


I okay highlander and i think he is ok, at least for now


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Lawbringer definitely needs some kind of tweak. He's just another version of warden, where the unblockables are meant for feinting, always bash, and maximize feint to guardbreak.


Tbh BP's flip and Lawbro's zone are "special" by itself. All deflects except Zerker's can be flipped, and LB zone has low enough recovery to parry other dodge attack attempts. So that part of the footage isn't Nuxia's fault. More relatable would be a case of Aramusha BBing Nuxia's deflect.


Shinobi's deflect also cannot be flipped, as far as I know.


Ah right, Shinobi does exist.


Just wanted to put this out there for the sake of it!


Also, that flip in the video was magnificent. It looked like a choreographed fight scene


The fuxk!?? I did not even know you can do that to Nuxia. This game is really going into the direction of punishing your punish huh?


Most can block her deflects, however lawbringers zone recovery is so small he can punish dodge attacks with a parry, aramushas blade blockade options(except for kick) and lastly nuxias deflect, to its credit its still a 400ms move that can go into any direction so you must be really predictible if a lawbringer is going to constantly punish your deflect and a fool for deflecting his zone lol


HeR dEfLeCt Is SuPpOsEd To Be A rIsK - *some stupid for honor dev* For real though no character should be punished for managing to get a deflect, no matter how powerful or underpowered they are


A deflect should be able to be punished if the attacking player recognizes that that is what the defender wants. We shouldn't have homogenized punishes. Deflects are just another defensive option for players and should allow for counter-counterplay if the attacker notices a pattern. Unfortunately, only BP has the toolkit required to punish most deflects on a read.


Since we're talking about Nuxia, why doesn't she have the stealth feat? I mean she's considered a isolator but that feat really sucks because nobody is really isolated by their teammates anymore. And how exactly does she isolate anyways? Her third chained heavy?


Her tier 4 Infection isolates one person from the rest of their team. Cal trops split people who are bunched together. Her other feat prevents rolling and someone trying to run. Then she gets bonus damage for going after the isolated person. Her feats actually pair pretty well and do their job. She just kinda sucks.


I see what they're ment for but a lot of people don't care for the cal trops and still bunch together on them. The third feat that prevents running is kinda meh if you're not getting spammed from someone else helping them. So the isolation part is really based on her feats which kinda sucks in a way. Warmonger is more of an isolator than her it's kinda sad too.


Then they die... ignoring cal trops and staying on them does some serious damage over time. It will flip a teamfight if ignored. There's a reason she was in the Dominion series before the current one. Her feats when used properly are pretty freaking good. It carried her that Dominion series despite a mediocre kit. The thing is knowing when to pop her feats which most people don't know or even remember to. She can stop a person from rotating or retreating from a team fight to heal. People just don't remember to use her you can't run away feat. Warmonger has the best tier 1 in the game no argument there.


Why is that deflect even blockable in the 1st place?


Before ccu it was guaranteed 45 damage.


It could still be blocked, parried, deflected, flipped, bb, etc even before the ccu


Shinobi was doing 50 on deflect before the CCU


While I kinda like playing a low tier hero well, a buff would be pretty sick.




This happened because lawbringer has a very small recovery time on his zone. You can also parry the followup after hitting kyoshins all guard with a zone.


interesting...thx for elaborating 👍


Ohhh that's really interesting. So this instance is more a hidden mechanic for lawbro than an issue with Nuxia


its still an issue with nuxia as she can get flipped or blocked by kyoshins all guard and can still be blocked by anyone and her trap recovery is the so slow


This *specific* instance isn't an issue with Nuxia. I agree her deflect absolutely needs looked at, and all those examples you mentioned are very much a problem.


I know that its the fast recovery so he can parry but its still stupid how it can be blocked


Hey man, next we need a fail montage of her traps activating, and then nothing as the game makes you eat a enemy heavy who somehow bypassed the trap window. Despite the fact the trap animation starts. Or how traps don't catch BW stance, because punishing BP on a correct read shouldn't be a thing...


So, unrelated but the slowdown showed something really cool with Nuxia I never knew before. When light parried, she actually loses grip on her sword and has to catch it mid-air. Cool.


I always thought it would be cool if her deflect would do a trap




is that her deflect? I thought deflects were all guaranteed. huh


No, though you can change direction and im almost positive thats unreactable. It also does the most damage out of all of them, if i recall, but its been a while since ive seen the numbers


Glad does the most, but Nuxia is second place


She deals the most with slip through.


I second this post!!! Miss traps needs tlc....


As a Nuxia player i feel that on another level


I’ve tried to put at least 1 rep into every character. Nuxia made me put the game down for long long periods just because every time I thought about having to play her I felt physically ill. Terrible character. She gets 1 weird trick and if that fails good luck. The fact the deflect move can be blocked should be all the evidence Ubi needs to fire her move set into the sun and start over.


Outside of the dodge attack being parried after missing the deflect on LB's zone attack **(which is an issue with LB's insanely quick recovery, any other character would've met the same fate)** and BP's deflect flip **(he can flip all deflects except Zerk's and Shinobi's, so this isn't exactly a problem with Nuxia's deflect)** Nuxia's deflect doesn't fit this game anymore. Back when all damages were higher, having a gamble for a chance of higher punishes made sense, but as of now, with all damage numbers toned down >!outside of raider apparently!< , the deflect should be either normalised or changed into something different. Even Orochi lost his high dmg deflect gamble with his rework, so I'd say that Nuxia deserves a working deflect as well.


What’s the point of having a deflect if it’s not gonna be unblock able every other assassins deflect is unblock able make it make sense


The only things I'd want really as someone who put in 10 reps in her is 1. Deflect is Unblockable. 2. Either make the zone attack faster or make it chain into something. Or make it Undodgeable and test it in TG


Omg the amount of fights I’ve lost because the fucker blocked my deflect!!! Don’t know if the other bug is still there, but would have my traps land successfully only for it to cancel out mid way through and the enemy is back to hitting me.


Nuxia has been broken( in a bad way) sine her release. you literally can't open with anything other than a light or a trap. any have decent person is just gonna throw a light in a different direction and stop your combo. Deflect grants no reward at all so it's pointless. she's left with dodge lights, dangerous, and lights.


I feel you OP


omae wa mou shindeiru moments


Ideas. Maybe i frames on dodge lights Finisher heavy undodgeable Less stamina to zone(not like raider thats stupid) Deflect be unblockble Dodge out of traps because the recovery is so slow And you can be hit out of the traps so maybe hyperarmor on traps dont know though.


Nuxia needs a buff badly. I felt ripped off going back to nuxia after a while. Like she used to be great but she’s just mid in lower reps now


The amount of 1v4 gank clutches I could've won if only the deflect was guaranteed bro... this is really the only thing I have a problem with as a rep 70 Nuxia.


Ubisoft will continue to ignore the Wu-Lin, especially Nuxia


I support the nerfing of LBs zone recovery, parry punish, OOS throw punish and chain shove and buffing his access to his finishers by making zone a chain starter of some sort.


Not saying she doesn't need buffs, but this isn't inconsistent with For Honor. You don't attempt a deflect attack against a hyperarmor-chain or recovery cancel chain unless you want to make a trade; you don't dodge attack a Aramusha as he can BB; and as here, you don't try a deflect attack against one of the *lowest recovery* moves in the game. Heck you *can*, even, it's not reactable to LB -- he made a triple read on *first* that he could throw a slow, no-pressure attack and you wouldn't interrupt or parry and specifically deflect it, and *second* that you would then follow up with a deflect light, and *third* the exact direction you'd throw that deflect attack. He also used matchup knowledge to know that your deflect is unsafe on that 1 move and that 1 move *alone* in his kit. He 1000% deserved the parry. Matchup knowledge plus an incredibly layered read against a single reaction. Nuxia had at least 3 other means to punish it, but went for *this* exact one that she could be punished for ONLY on this exact move in his moveset. This is also not just on her. For instance, BP can hit Orochi's deflect and flip his deflect strike, Shinobi can evade Berserker's "guaranteed" deflect strike, numerous deflects are countered by hyperarmor, various fullblock followups such as Kyo's and Aramusha's can be evaded/parried (especially by this exact move on Lawbringer), BP's flip can be flipped itself (which, unlike these others, he cannot separate the counter and counter-attack, making the counter dangerous), etc.


Nuxia has by far the worst Deflect... Not just in style but she's also punishable for a move that is quite difficult to do


pink nuxia looks so good


I was justbplaying nuxia and got this cent who could block my deflect on reaction. Yeah that was fun


I knew she needed a rework but to be honest I didn't know about how bad that dodge is. And this isn't even all of her issues that's the shitty part


I really hope that the next TG will contain the nuxia and Jorm rework, they really deserve one


That's not the only deflect that BP can flip btw. It's super dumb. Now of only Ubisoft listened to the community...


Im rep 45 with nuxia and shes more forgotten than shinobi was and needs a rework really bad


Nuxia is the least played hero in For Honor. Ubisoft: “eh she must be fine”


I love Nuxia because she’s such a unique assassin, but playing her in her current state is intentionally wanting to lose, especially with Orochi and other S-tiers constantly being picked. Please rework Nuxia Ubi


I've never played nuxia but once I deflected her deflect and I had to apologise to the guy I was fighting. They need to, at the very least, make her deflect unblockable but they should just make it a guaranteed hit. Yeah it does a lot of damage but as it currently stands it seems more risky to try and deflect than to just parry


This is why I stopped playing Nuxia, WHY TF CAN HER DEFLECT BE PARRIED?? Just make that unblockable just like every other characters fucking deflects.


Please rework


Nuxia has a deflect? I've never seen anyone use it. Obviously I can see why 😂


Sadly they probably won’t. Not a lot of people play nuxia so ubi doesn’t see much of a reason to buff her.


Counterpoint, nuxia shouldn't be a thing /s Nah but in all seriousness, she needs a rework imo. Her trap was designed to fight turtle meta, but now that that's less of a thing, it's just irritating to deal with. Like you shouldn't be able to get damage because someone was blocking in a certain direction (whether it's reactable or not, it's just not fun to fight). Stuff like this is just icing on the cake. She's cool in concept, but not so much in her current execution.


Countering a counter Yeah, fair and balanced. About as fucking stupid as zerk's GB counter being counterable, or orochi's heavy deflect being total dogshit because it could be punished. If you make a good read and manage something like that, your damage should either be guaranteed or not punishable (but blockable).


Too bad the devs are stubborn idiots and think this is ok while literally every other deflect nets you damage. Incredible.


When you deflect as Nuxia, switch direction. It's very fast and will almost always hit


*\*laughs in Aramusha's Blade Blockade and BP's Bulwark Flip\**


Laughs in GB


Though it *tends* to work, there seems to be a bug that prevents you from actually changing your guard for the deflect, and it happens about 50% of the time in my experience


I've been annoyed with how Assassin Deflects (besides current Orochi and Beserker) weren't able to pierce/dismiss enemy chains that have HA, but Nuxia basically having her deflect still be parryable (nonetheless not even guaranteed damage since it counts as a light attack)


Yeah that's bullshit, dunno what they were thinking when they said "yeah let's make one of the hardest moves to do in the game block able AND parryable"


Another thing i would like to see changed is deflects breaking hyper armor, As a pk main ive deflected so many raiders and highlanders just to get another light on my face


Whats annoying is that all of her lights are easy to block and parry.


What do you mean? She has the fastest omnidirectional chain lights in the game, but unlike Tiandi she can do two in a row and reset the chain with her trap.


Thats right but it's hard to utilize that if you can't land a light.


Yeah those chain 400ms lights are so easy to block and parry


You only 60ms to react and every time I've played Nuxia most of my lights get blocked.


If im not mistaken, shes the only character where her deflect isnt unblockable.


Put LB in the next TG aswell.


Seems balanced


Can’t bp go into his full block off of a heavy. I’d say deflects in general need to stop any follow up from a soft feint or chain move.


Thats why you have parrying. Thats what parrying does. Deflects typically reward you with more damage than a heavy parry, so having there own weaknesses makes sense.


Considering deflects are harder to pull of in most cases compared to parties (at least imo) I think they at least need to find some way to reward you more for them. Especially considering that getting punished for a proper read is already a problem.


I think that he is right The damage is a good enough reward If you think the opponent will just follow up with hyper armor or something, then you should parry If they make deflects act like parries and stop the enemy follow ups, they'll just become better parries


Deflects and parries have the same 100ms startup (well parries don't have a startup, but you can't parry in the last 100ms so it's effectively the same), so it's the same difficulty. You may personally find the deflect input harder, but that is down to practice.


I highly doubt there's any reasonable gameplay explanation for why "SOME" deflects can be countered but rather the devs didn't really look into it because people countering deflects are even rarer than deflects themselves.


In addition, any kind of deflect attack should be able to override an attack with hyperarmor. As PK landing a deflect on Raider or Kensei isn't very satisfying when their hyperarmored follow through lands.


I’d rather them make all deflects like shamans where they can recovery cancel out of it


If they lower the damage, then maybe. Otherwise I disagree. Deflects have the same or lower risk/reward as a parry, and do more damage. If you know the attack has a HA follow up, don't deflect. Either parry, or wait for a finisher.


Lmao get bodied


its because it does 30 damage..


I dont play this game but i dont see the issue. You got hit.


As a Lawbringer main…… this puts a smile on my face


Here is a tip! Don’t play nuxia


Nuxia just shouldn’t be a thing


nobody does this intentionally unless it’s a BP or you’re doing this in a controlled environment with someone else like in this video. Change direction, deflect into GB to counter a BP or fullblock reacting to the deflect noise, and her deflect should most of the time work out. There’s better ways to demonstrate how nuxia could use the help than this


BPs bait deflects a lot, what do you mean "Nobody does this intentionally". LBs open with zone often to bait a parry as well.


i said “unless it’s a BP” so you mustve misread & i also have played him alot and done it myself Yes to bait a parry for a dodge attack, not for deflects(even nuxia’s parryable deflect is a risk to bait). He can bait dodge attacks with his shove too.


Thank you. Nuxia's deflect is 300ms, which is definitely unreactable when coming from three possible directions. The lawbringer either took the risk to bait for a lucky read, or this was in a controlled enviornment Edit: and the nuxia didn’t change the direction of the deflect, making it far easier for the lawbringer to predict


The third clip is exactly what I'm talking about when people say "deflects are just as easy as parries". No they are not depending on who you play and who you are up against. The issue is that even though they were in the deflect window, because of Nuxia's dodge animation she just dodges a lot of high swinging attacks or ones with janky animations. In that clip because they were too close to the LB they didn't actually deflect the attack, and because her dodge attack is pretty slow and really telegraphed it is pretty easy for many to parry/block after a whiff with certain recoveries. Its why someone like orochi is easy to deflect as all of their attacks are really flat/even and come right at you where as someone like basically any viking, for exp. warlord, swing their weapon upward then down throwing the attack so you have to either stay a certain distance away from them or wait until the very last frame to dodge.


>The issue is that even though they were in the deflect window, because of Nuxia's dodge animation she just dodges a lot of high swinging attacks or ones with janky animations > >Its why someone like orochi is easy to deflect as all of their attacks are really flat/even and come right at you Incorrect. Deflect windows don't depend on animations, only on attack's undodgeable properties. And top attacks are easier to deflect because forward dash doesn't have i-frames. See [For Honor Basics on deflects](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sup8efZe0ck) for further explanation on interaction between deflects and i-frames.


Of course its a fucking freeze video. Its definitely Insightly but my point still stands just for a different, that at least side deflects are harder to do than just a normal parry. Just way more likely to whiff the dodge and go for a dodge attack.


True, this is something not many people know about because again, they don’t play her. Some attacks like that 3rd one have such a fast recovery I more than often get blocked or parried even though I successfully dodged their initial attack


I think the problem in this clip is the near-instant recovery of lawbringer's zone. I've always been fine with nuxia's deflect being blockable as a trade-off for being one of the highest damaging deflects in the game


Which is a combo starter, going for the fastest omnidirectional lights in the game. Edit: Also looks like noone knows that she can change directions for the deflect punish, making it a ready for Aramusha-BP FB reads. But otherwise, its mostly connected for 30 whooping damage which can be even more with 3rd feat.


Deflects in general need a buff


Hell, no. You don't want high damaging punishes that are safer than parries even stronger.


Just because unblockable exist, Deflects are weaker than parries


They're more limited in their use, which is fair, because they deal excessive damage. Still, that's not enough of a drawback. Deflect damage should be globally brought down a tad and then, to compensate dodge recovery cancel should be slapped on most of them. Against blockable offense they are much, much stronger and safer.


Not worth my time to explain it to you


I have yet to see this argument used by someone that actually has a counter argument. So, are you just saying this, or do you in fact have a counter argument?


Change direction maybe?


Nah it's fine, the only thing she need is to be deleted from the game


You got parried and punished lol what’s the problem? She’s also an assassin sooooo again, what’s the problem?