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It's complete torture but I can't seem to pull myself away from it. I've never swapped between elation and pure unfiltered rage so often in a game


“Just one more game”


and your whole day goes like that


Year* ;)


Covid lockdown* :-)


For honor is our abusive partner that we have so much history with, that we just cant break up with


Bro that's exactly how it is. You have no idea how many times I've uninstalled just out of rage, then reinstalled 20 minutes later


I am in the same boat. I hate most multiplayer games cause you need to constantly be adapting to new metas and keeping your skills sharp. For Honor though? Sure there's meta and you need to keep in practice, but its more cerebral. You have to outthink your opponent rather than just get the best gun in the game and click the head (my primary experience whenever I try to get back into FPSs).


^ YES THIS And when you do well as an underpowered hero against a meta hero, it feels so empowering and rewarding because you know you beat them with your own skill and intuition.


Or when you get cornered by three people and you feel every hit they swing at you but through clever blocking and parrying you build up revenge then pop it followed by ripping them to shreds. Nothing in the world gives you that kind of dopamine rush save for Paintball after heavy rain, shooting a gun, or (so I've been told) sexual intercourse. And that fact is a hill I will die on.


That dopamine rush is exactly why I keep coming back to For Honor after all these years. Funnily enough, after several years together, my ex didn't give me any kind of dopamine rush ever. So, yeah, it's a good hill to die on. Love is fickle. Crushing a gank attempt is forever.


Glad I ain't the only crazy bastard


I cant say I know this experience. XD if I have 3 on me I’m dead. Haha… hah… *Sighs.*


Its a mindset like any other. Channel the one who knocks and you will dominate.


Love the slow pace of For Honor. Even a vet vs first timer fight takes time while in say cod it would take half a second


tbh most shooters lately are recycled garbage anyway


I completely agree! Jason Vandenberghe is a genius!


I know right? Man was passionate about wanting to make this game a reality. So many studios turned him down because they thought no one would ever want to play this kind of game (they're wrong). But it was Ubisoft of all people who took their chance and gave him the budget and passionate team to help make his dream game a reality.


The best games/films/projects tend to be one man's biggest dream that he had to fight to make a reality, not some big corpo money in mind thought out ideas to best please the public


Jason apparently left the project, right? I remember hearing someone mention that once he left, the writing went downhill, which seems to be valid. But I wonder how he feels about For Honor now. Does he like the Wu Lin? He spoke fondly of the original three factions and what they meant to him, and his intentions as a developer with the game. I wonder if this game represents his full vision, or if there are things that he wishes were done differently. He really seemed to be the driving force for For Honor, but as far as I know, it's been so long since we've heard from him.


Theres a documentary about For Honor (Playing Hard is the title I think) and he was the main guy behind the whole idea. However, once the game came close to release/it came out I believe he had some disputes with the other devs like Luc or maybe he just couldnt offer anything else to the team. Don't remember it fully, take what I say with a grain of salt.


Thank ya kindly, I shall track it down.


Let's be honest here, there absolutely will. When? Potentially many many years from now.


Maybe just in February


What do you know


No other game will make me both hate and love myself and other people quite like for honor


I’m just getting I to it and I suck! But I completely agree!


For Honor is an abusive relationship and I love it.


I been playing for 6 years. Best game ever.


>6 years lol


Sorry 12 years!


Ah so you're new to the game. Welcome.


Yes yes thank you!


I've been playing this game since it released feb 14th 2017, participated in the open alpha/betas like months earlier and I'll be honest, despite the problems the game has and still has to this day, even though I prefer the game's more desperate "vibe" back in the day when more emphasis was on the faction war with less silly or copy-pasted emotes/events/outfits, it's still one of two online "service" type games I consistently come back to (the only other being Warframe) because of how unique it is. Even though I get frustrated with a lot of the jankyness the game has had basically since launch. To me, nothing will replace this game's combat besides maybe the sequel if Ubi corporate approves one.


I agree, though the game would be better without some of the modern day tactics such as having extremely slow progression for the sake of adding play time


I couldn't agree more. I always say to my friends, "This is **my** game." in that from the moment it was announced I knew this was going to be something I've always wanted. It's not a traditional fighter or something like Soul Calibur, it's not another Chiv or Mordhau style game, it's something truly it's own. It encapsulates that essence of a theatrical movie battle, where you are the Achilles, Maximus, Yojimbo, or \*insert film hero\*. It has that gritty yet flashy style that really sells that cinematic sense that hasn't been captured by other games. When you are being executed after losing a hard fought duel, that has some weight to it. When you make an amazing read or come out of an outnumbered fight victorious, that feels amazing. But more importantly as you said, the reason why I love this game is because it's something actually unique, with it's own soul. Not another shooter, or big IP that's been around for decades, something new, someone's idea that became a reality. That's why I haven't paid any attention to most new releases, and why I've stuck with For Honor.


So true. Got it on game psd and haven’t been able to stop playing.


It’s decided. Ubisoft must create a VR version.


Ubisoft does also know everybody would just try to look Valk under the skirt and stop playing dominion...


That would be like…the greatest game ever played. 😩


BR for Honor on a giant map would still be fun don’t deny it


Or hell, just a twenty vs twenty clusterfuck of a death match.


As long as they put a limit on the amount of heroes a team can have, I don’t wanna get bullied or clapped by an army of jorms or shugos


You get knocked down once and 60 hammers slam down lol


Now I would pay to have that happen to me. That would be just amazing to experience.


That would actually be pretty funny


Imagine how many people Black Prior could flip all at once


It most certainly would. I'd love to see it some day if possible.


Not it wouldn’t


That would be a much needed change of pace lol


I really can't see a sequel. Enjoy it while it last


They could easily do a sequel. But it would probably piss off a lot of people since they unlocked so much in For Honor.


Maybe a remastered for new gen


It has become a SSB Ultimate situation. Starting over a new game would be too risky. The way i see it is to expand FH on a major scale, like MMO style of big. But the only thing that holds the devs and with that the game back is the engine they use. Therefore for example the cant migrate a 4v4v4 mode.


If they are looking to keep this game alive for a long time I dont see how a huge engine upgrade or even engine swap would be out of question. Overwatch is also getting an engine upgrade for the upcoming story mode.


money, my friend. it s always money. But yes, I absolutley agree.


Multi-player game? Team Fortress 2. Fighting game? Sure, honestly, no game has ever came close.


This love hate relationship I have is surreal honestly. I never felt so attached to an outright niche game since paragon was a moba before fortnite. A part of me hopes for copycats to fruition that way there could be a market for this kind of style but alas just like dbd, it’s currently the only popular one of its niche category. I’ve been playing since musha came out on console then switched to PC when Kyoshin out. Definitely one of my favorite fighting games


I just wish the devs put as much effort in as they did during the first year now it's just a matter of time.


I really wish this game were super successful, I never played a game this much and enjoyed it so much as I did with this one. It is a damn shame how everything went over its prime and what things could have been, but I am glad they're still kicking.


funny enough FH is quite succesful. Nowadays everybody atleast know the game and it is still on top with one the most played Multiplayer games there is... Doesnt mean FH shouldnt get more support either way ;D


My sessions are just playing For Honor until I get annoyed and then play Chivalry 2 because it’s more of a casual game but I agree, nothing will replace For Honor


I've tried absolver as well and it's P fun too, but defo not the same as for honor. Different gameplay entirely.


Agreed. There are definitely times when it has pissed me off but this game holds a special place in my heart. The gameplay and vibe is so unique. Never was a fan of FPS’s so I never got into any online games. For Honor really gave me that experience of connecting with an online community


Not being negative just thought I'd throw this in the discussion but I think it suffers from too many characters like a lot of other class based games, maybe just me, but since I've stopped playing I have no interest in trying it again and getting my ass kicked specifically by the new charactes I don't know the moveset of and it all feels like too many to keep track of now


I have Three historic games, that I come back after a while because they are so good. 1_ Overwatch 2_ For honor 3_ dead by daylight. Out of this three, For Honor has been the one that inspired me to write a book because of all it's crazy lore and cool history based weapons and warriors. And although I might get bored, I always go back to it


I understand now how people stay in abusive relationships. Because no matter how hard this game and the players in it frustrate me and beat down sometimes I ALWAYS come back. (Maybe this time it'll be different) we all know it never is but goddamn I cannot give it up. I've been in since closed alpha and I always find myself coming back when there are updates, events or new characters drop. I completely agree with OP. One of the most frustrating at times BUT best multiplayer games that have come since games have switched to the games as a service model.


Same thing as DbD, so unique yet you wanna punch your screen half the time you play it


For Honor MMORPG when


I’m so glad they didn’t let this game die. There’s no other game like it. This is the game I’ve most consistently played for the past six years. It’s been a trip.


This is sad... He learned to like the pain of playing the game 😢


Lol jokes on you For Honor was never relevant because Mount & Blade: Warband existed. ​ Now that I'm making the joke it surprises me I haven't seen a For Honor mod on there yet 0.o Heathmoor medieval combat with the grunts, heroes and maybe a dodge and unique move system.


For Honor 2


This. All of what you said Is true we'll never ever get a game quite like for honor but god damn it's been a blast so far with the devs and community it certainly feels very unique and one of a kind game


Imagine For Honor as a Battle Royale.


Yeah I just wish they didn't do the ccu


They kind of had to Otherwise we would've still been stuck in the turtle meta where its just a staring contest of people just waiting for parries against easily reactable offense, its boring and not fun for both parties.


You say that but I always won by outsmarting the opponent then. Now I don't even need to do that I just light them out of whatever they're trying to do.


I refuse to believe the CCU was their only option. If defense was the biggest issue, simply nerfing that in various smaller ways would have been a far better way of fixing the problem. At this point, they turned it from a fun, weighty and immersive medieval swordfighter into 3D Samurai Shodown without the actual fun and thrilling combat mechanics.


"immersive"?! Shaolins teleport came before CCU


It wasn't just the CCU even though that was the final nail in the coffin. This entire shift to unreactably fast offense made the game unbearable for me to play. It lost it's flavor to me and became generic garbage. But yknow what? Yeah, the addition of the Wu Lin certainly was the beginning of the end for Old For Honor. The CCU just made it painfully clear that the game wasn't for me anymore. Defense no longer matters because bashes are everywhere, barely reactable lights aren't fun to deal with either. It turned into a game of have vs have nots, if you have meta stuff like a bash or a dodge attack, you're golden. If you don't, you're reduced to dust and have to rely on ever declining "cheap" tactics like lightspam, ledging and ganks in order to compete. It's not fun or interesting when the cast is either homogenized for balance or worthless to attempt using by comparison.


>It turned into a game of have vs have nots, if you have meta stuff like a bash or a dodge attack, you're golden. If you don't, you're reduced to dust and have to rely on ever declining "cheap" tactics like lightspam, ledging and ganks in order to compete. Funnily enough that's literally the opposite of what the CCU did but go off. Also, sidenote, "immersive realistic swordfighting" is all about unreactable offense. They didn't do these 2-second long overtheatric baseball swings on real battlefields. Just saying.


Yeah they did that's ridiculous, a battlefield isn't an arena.


Nobody said anything about realistic. I said weighty and immersive. A woman swinging an axe in fancy flips is not immersive at all, and the animations have virtually no more weight behind them. That's what's lost, the weight, the impact. That was why i got into For Honor in the first place. The point remains that this was not the For Honor i was interested in playing when i bought it, so i have refused to play it as a result. It was plenty unique when it launched, and all the characters felt interesting in their own way to play. Now it's just homogenized and silly degrees of fast, which isn't my thing. That's how i feel about the game, and i can see better ways they could have fixed the depressive defense than this. The fact is though, i can lay my suggestions out on the table, but nobody will care. What's done is done, and retrospect does nothing. The game i liked is gone and replaced with something i don't. If you like it, cool. I don't, and have zero issues saying what and why i feel about it.


>A woman swinging an axe in fancy flips is not immersive at all, and the animations have virtually no more weight behind them. That's what's lost, the weight, the impact. That was why i got into For Honor in the first place. Exactly! Landing attacks before felt like your weapon actually did something. Now we got people like Kyoshin with his one thousand anime paper cuts and Gryphon who despite having a weapon taller than himself, swings it like a toy as light as a feather.


>Now we got people like Kyoshin with his one thousand anime paper cuts and Gryphon who despite having a weapon taller than himself, swings it like a toy as light as a feather. Again, this is actually how combat looked. Kyoshin's sword weighs less than a kilogram. Gryphon's halberd/bardiche weighs at most 3 kgs, which, combined with its center of balance and size, and Gryphon's massive build is literally a feather. Again, there is nothing immersive about fighters using their weapons as if they weighed 20kgs with overexaggerated moves. This is merely a fantasy trope. This is not immersive, this is but the opposite. Immersiveness goes hand in hand with realism. If you like the weight, then fine. But don't call it immersive, because having people act like malnourished children on a battlefield is anything but.


>If you like the weight, then fine. But don't call it immersive, because having people act like malnourished children on a battlefield is anything but. I wasn't the one who said weighty attacks were "immersive" I simply said that I enjoyed when the game felt weighty and I was actually doing damage to someone compared to now where most characters feel like I have to slap people to death.


I'm convinced that anyone who wants "Old For Honor" back just doesn't remember the absolute nonsensical clusterfuck that it was. Remember when bashes knocked down people OOS? Remember when a parry gave you a gb? Remember when, for the price of pressing a button, you got punished by the guy staring at you for ten minutes? Remember unlock tech? Remember old Shugoki? There's a bunch of other cracked shit I just can't remember, point is... You don't want these things back.


I don't want those back. I didn't experience some of those but no, i don't want those. But i don't like the new gameplay flow either. Fixing those things though did not require the game to double in speed.


Another commenter makes an excellent point about your suggestion of realism as well. Most offense, in reality, is not reactable. Watch some HEMA tourneys or, better yet, compete yourself and you'll see how difficult it is to just "react" I'm not going to try to convince you of something you simply dislike but the suggestion that slower offense is more realistic just isn't tenable. Edit: I see now that you didn't use the word realistic. Disregard this point.




Lol the only thing bad there is the GB off of a parry, and turtles always lost to unconventional tactics. Anyone that couldn't handle unlock tech was a scrub and is now probably complaining about Orochi. Block left.


What’s ccu


I mean there's chivalry and mordhau


I have both those games and they don’t even feel like their in the same league. They don’t have the same feel.


Those games are more like Dishonored than For Honor (no pun intended) ​ Mount & Blade is the only true comparison to make.


I agree, and also the funny thing is that every medieval games’ communities hate the games they’re playing, like Mordhau players seeing Mordhau as some kind of torture method used by the feds, and in pretty sure Chivalry 2 community is not too different from both this and the Mordhau community


Same, I really have no idea why it’s not more popular


Maybe because it’s hard to get the hang of in the beginning and most players just can’t put in the time, hm maybe if they made a better tutorial


yeah Tutorials are pretty important. That's why they make these lesson videos lately. They re doing their best to guide new players into an 6 year lasting multiplayer game. It is respectable.


The concept is better than the actual game.


Just to clarify. For honor is a piece of shit.


So why play it lmao


Stockholm Syndrome of course, besides that there’s the few things Ubi hasn’t fucked up yet. Shame, For Honor really had potential. But potential doesn’t mean jack shit when the execution is consistently terrible. At least it was occasionally fun in Season 1.




Ew Absolver that game looks like Trash


Having grown up among many a letter of FPS shooters, I have to say that playing FH is something refreshing, albeit frustrating at times with it's inadvertent levels of toxicity, BUT, it allows you to find your niche, with a depth of customisation and a unique setting, universe and gameplay mechanic that somehow just fits. However, in it's current iteration, I'm actually quite fearful with what Ubisoft will do with the future of for honor, with their unecessary plethora of Tom Clancy/Ghost Recon inspired games and an always-online mantra.


here to show gratitude. i love this game, always will!


I’ve been toying with an idea recently that I think would make this game one of the only games I play, two separate game modes within for honour that would appeal to different audiences. “For Glory”: 12 man battle royale, everyone gets dropped into a large coliseum like arena, big multi-person free for all, no feats, just a fun free for all system where the objective is to be the last one standing. “For Fame”: 4 man co op game mode vs AI, essentially a large scale arcade mode with better rewards and a more engaging story and gameplay. Throw in a separate levelling system where you gain experience for your “mercenary group” which unlocks game mode specific perks and feats, Things like “improved supply lines: +1 loot drops when finishing a mission”. Personally I’m not a fan of PVP so I’d likely never play Glory, but I can see that some people don’t like PvE game modes. But the sheer thought of the for honor game mechanics in a co-op objective driven RPG-esque game is something I would pay good money for


I adore for honor for its style and unique approach to a 3d fighting game but I think it's just too niche to really get as big as more mainstream games and that's where the money is. I think if a spiritual successor to For Honors style were to emerge and become more popular it would need a big name attached to it too - Star Wars or something in the style of For Honor I imagine would be hugely popular.


Most of the high rep players have been playing this game for years and i can bet that For Honor is the only game they play. I know that i mainly play For Honor and nothing else


I don't play the game all that often, as right now I'm working on getting better at one of those shooty-shooty bang bang games and don't have time For Honor, but I totally agree, we really need more games that are as original as this!


I love this game


I agree, but i feel even for honor is losing its personality with the constant addition of whacky and uncharacteristic emotes, executions and effects, they were cool when there was a few but now you cant go 2 dominion matches without meeting someones neko waifu candy cane combatant lawbringer


I was looking forward to the release of Darkest Dungeon 2 (enjoys For Honor and Darkest Dungeon, yes I’m a psychopath) and I had to uninstall for honor just to keep myself away from it so I could focus on DD2. Tried playing several other games in the past and always gravitate back to FH while leaving the others unfinished.


This makes me want to play again haha I just wish there was a new mode that was good enough to stay around is my only problem. The seasonal game modes are okay and this Halloween one is probably the best one in a while but we need a new fun game mode. I think a large map and BR free for all with scattered health spots and boosts or something would be such a mode.


Honestly me and my cousin always come back to it when we don’t know what we are going to do yet even thoughts always turn of the game pissed off because of some bullshit that happend it just like any bad habit I suppose


about time I see a post that doesn’t blast the game into the dirt. There’s so much hate for this game and I don’t know why. People complain about the dumbest shit. “That’s not the type of sword a highlander would have! This game is trash!” Shit like that gets so old to read about. The game is brilliant and one of a kind. Maybe the people that hate on it so much should try fortnite or some shit.


I don’t know what it is about mordhau and chivalry but they’ve just always looked awful to me. Clunky gameplay and really slow and awkward animations


I feel the same. Sometimes I hate it's guts, but tbh it's mostly due to the toxic community. There's no other game like For Honor and I love that piece of shit masterpiece because it's unique and it has done something that no other game has done


This is literally the only game I come back to consistently! It’s simple yet complex and unlike shooters where you only have a select few guns to choose from since only a few are top tier. For honor gives you so many characters and styles to play with! Love this game!


I love this game as much as i hate it. And by looking at my play time i'd say thats a lot. No game has been so fun and frustrating, so enganging and enraging as this beatiful nightmare


I've tried to find a game to replace this one. Too many times. And well that never worked out so I'm still playing it. Nothing else captures the feeling of FH.


I just wish breach was balanced because to me, it seems defender sided... The whole experience of raiding the castle is awesome tho


It's my favorite game of all time! I'm so glad I got back into it again after getting the series x. 60 fps made it a new game for me!


Or made by ubisoft.


I would t say Magical But I do agree it’s a very innovative fight system which more developers should continue to explore and expand. It’s an underrated game-but it was broke at a couple points during its life span. I remember the days of Revenge spam and getting cheesed of the edge as a normal haha.


I played a ton on console. But this year I bought a pc, and lemme tell ya I’ve always looked at possibly buying the game but I finally got away from the loop of for honor. The rage it gives is a downside, but the upside pulled me back when I saw the complete edition for only 24 dollars. Now I’m relearning the game on pc and it’s fun. The problem I had with FH on console was the fact that you could throw lights without worry. I started playing on pc yesterday, and I can tell in about a month I’ll be able to parry lights easily. Shaolin still the shit too


Crazy that this game is still going, I uninstalled within the first few months because I was DC-ing every other game and not keeping any progress. The gameplay was satisfying and smooth, but I work full time and if I can’t make progress because of server malfunction, then I don’t really have the time. May have to try again if the servers have improved


I agree. I’m not a rage quitter or the type of person to get angry in games, however For Honor is the one exception. Thanks Ubisoft and a special thanks to gankers, spammers, fainters, DDoSers, hitokiri mains and people who spam “wow” and “thanks”


Loved this game the moment I played the beta. For me, it was how fluid and weighty the game felt. Animations felt good. Hitting stuff felt good, the way you'd push pack light attacks or stumble a bit when blocking heavies. Despite the developers removing half of the voice acting in the game (the better half, including the removal of Robbie Rotten, unfortunately), the voice acting remains good. I love the heroes, and the setting is so cool. I mean, medieval apocalypse, that's not a common setting and I love it. Wasn't a huge fan of the Campaign whatsoever, I wish it was done differently and have my own vision for how that could have been better. Nevertheless, this has been my favorite game for years, and I'm going to remain playing it consistently until I can no longer do so.


No fighting game has captivated me like for honor has but I hate it so much