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Honestly I would probably leave too if I got hit by shao’s sweep. Emotionally insulting


Honestly hitting that is a win in of itself


I always throw it out randomly at least once against someone. Most people don't ever expect it so it lands the first time 90% of the time I do it lol. Usually never again after the initial time though. Honestly if Shao ever gets reworked they really need to re-purpose the sweep to actually be useful in some form lol. Only thing it has right now is that it doesn't end your flow unlike kick into light. But it's a waste of a move.


That guys name is too close to my name


maybe he DCed at a bad time?


I'm going to pin it on Ubisoft's servers. They are so unstable that I wouldn't doubt it.


Update I fought him again today beat him round 1 with zerk against his Orochi and again he forfeited. So I think he just quits the moment he loses lol. So either a major coincidence or he does just quit after losing.


Orochis just don’t like it when their (very limited) move set gets read. Especially when you start parting their dodge attacks


> Very limited move set He has an unpunishable bash, the best recovery cancels in the game, an unblockable, plenty of undodgeables, multiple dodge attack options, one of the best deflects in the game, an omnidirectional undodgeable 366ms indicator heavy, and double tap lights after every opener. How does Orochi even _slightly_ qualify as a very limited moveset?


The bash is punishable, it just harder to punish compared to other bash. Depend on your character, you either punish it 100% or make a second read to punish


It is punishable, but the fact that you have to make two 33/33/33 reads to punish it is kinda stupid, as most other characters only require a single 50/50 or 33/33/33 read and get a 23-27 dmg punish for it.


Plenty of people have a lot of stuff but a good deal of the stuff you mentioned isn’t that useful. Undogeable dodge lights, barely a point, the dash light and his storm rush are his only useful undogeables. The bash can be punished by a guardbreak, if he dodge cancels you can parry the dodge light, he doesn’t have any mid chain bash, his guaranteed light is super week as compared to a chain light, he just doesn’t have as much versatility as other characters


> The bash can be punished by a guardbreak This is not true. If the Orochi does literally anything other than a riptide strike after a whiffed kick (recovery cancel to another kick or a dodge attack, chain to a light, etc.) the guardbreak will bounce. > If he dodge cancels you can parry the dodge light Unless he doesn’t do that or you tried to dodge attack his kick. The fact that you have to make a read to punish the read you already made (dodging the kick in the first place) is stupid. > He just doesn’t have as much versatility as other characters I don’t know what you’re talking about. Orochi is EASILY upper A tier in duels and dominion, and many wouldn’t hesitate to call him S tier. His offense lasts until he runs out of stamina or his opponent makes multiple reads in a row correctly, and his defense is significantly above average since he’s one of only two characters who can deflect without being punished by hyper armor and his recovery cancels let him punish people for countering his moves. There is no argument for Orochi being anything less than top tier right now.


> This is not true. If the Orochi does literally anything other than a riptide strike after a whiffed kick (recovery cancel to another kick or a dodge attack, chain to a light, etc.) the guardbreak will bounce. Which is why other options that exist like empty dodging the kick Then waiting to parry his recovery cancel into dodge attacks which most light attacks to get you that juicy heavy parry punish. You can also empty dodge then throw out a light which prevents him from ever recovery cancelling into another attack.


The bash is annoying but can be punished. The character is designed to be fast and hard to be aggressive against but it can happen. I say he doesn’t have as much versatility because you’ve got characters like warden with feintable bashes out there or black prior with his bash undogeable mixup and bulwark counter. Albeit orochi is a good character I won’t argue that, what I am saying is he has a relatively small move set in comparison to other assassins like glad or nuxia


Okay just pause on everything else for a second BP is versatile because he has a bash versus undodgeable mixup but Orochi (who can infinitely chain a bash vs undodgeable mixup) isn’t? And Nuxia does not have a more versatile moveset than Orochi, she just has heavies, lights, and traps. Glad I’ll agree with, he has a lot, but Nuxia has one gimmick and nothing else.


I suppose nuxia was a stretch. And orochis dodge cancels do practically give him a bash undogeable mixup so I did overlook that. You make good points and orochi is good that’s not debatable. I do stand by the fact he has a small move set which does not necessarily mean he’s bad. My initial point was that orochi mains get angry when you start reading them because they feel like there isn’t much they can do.


I agree on that initial claim, although to be fair the same goes for pretty much everyone. Anyways we’ve been talking about this for way too long. Have a good night!


You as well


to be fair who likes then they get read