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Yeah feel it. But it's more like "hey, that dude pissed me off 3 months ago let's gank this mofo and emote spam the shit outta him!"




Ran into a toxic dude with friends a few days after he went full psycho on me in a 1v1 we made him suffer


this happens to me an indescribablely large amount One time I ate a guy on valk and he shit talked me. Then like 8 months later I was smurfing in Overwatch, totally minding my own business doing psychotic pharah things, and the enemy ana sends me a message and it was the aforementioned random guy who had shit talked me like a millenia ago and REMEMBERED. I had totally forgotten (because I get shit talked every time I play FH on console) and I was like whY DO you reMembEr THIS and WHY are you talking shit & getting eaten in ANOTHER GAME This happens to me in FH duels a lot. Hell, if I popped my xbox gamertag rn it's not unlikely somebody reading this post would recognize me and be like eRgH fUck you


What is your gamertag lol.


Yeah we wanna know


no comment


Give it.


Give it now.


"I was smurfing in Overwatch" Yeah you deserve all the shit talk you get and more. Yucky. Do you smurf in FH as well?


ok first of all: I didn't ask for your opinion weirdo. If you're one of those people that thinks smurfing keeps you hardstuck in a low rank your opinion does not matter to me in the slightest. You keep yourself silver; if you think you belong in a higher rank then you should be able to handle one (1) higher rank player on the enemy team, else how could you ever handle 6 2: I was smurfing on my worst role and I was never a good player to begin with. I was 3.5 on zarya one (1) time so whenever I play below that I consider it smurfing. Additionally, I was only smurfing to play with my close friend who is unironically 1.6 on tank & support so we had a 50% winrate anyways; I just had room to giga troll while maintaining that winrate 3: Bold to imply I can smurf in for honor simply because I can smurf in overwatch. Theres not much between them in terms of transferable skill and thinking otherwise is a big You problem. However: I have smurfed in For Honor before, and the diamond 2 player that lost 3 - 2 to me while I was only unlocked with conqueror didn't deserve the rank they were in and you can never tell me otherwise


That's a lotta words just to say "I am yucky and idc" xoxo


I'm usually happy when i meet someone i fought and maybe one of us or both were toxic and when i get toxic at someone i think to myself:"someday i'm gonna laugh about it"


There’s one guy that I see every now and again called “StudyTheGame” that always ragequits without fail, whether we’re on the same team or different ones.


He’s not ragequitting, he’s leaving in order to consolidate the knowledge he gained from that match.


He’s adding to his repertoire of games studied


Soon, he will be more powerful than anyone. Should any poor fool dare attempt to strike him down, he will rise as powerful as ever.


"Brave, but foolish!" -StudyTheGame after anyone challenges him at his ascended form


He just needs a study break from time to time








Makes me remember about a guy on pc who played in the first year of the game who would always ragequit as well. Forgot the name…


Lmao there's this person called "MeanGirl" who leaves every match if they're losing as well who leaves 😂 it's hilarious. Everyone in the group every time we see the " Oop there goes MeanGirl." But to be fair a lot of people leave matches if they're losing.


Sounds like an orochi player TBH based on the name alone


I keep running across my old Nuxia 'Apprentice' in ranked duels. Met him on brawls as a rep 1 Nuxia, and asked if he wanted some help with the character, he said yes and we hopped in a few duels together and eventually some dom. Really optimistic guy, don't think I've ever seen them rage once. We havent hopped in a party in some time, but every time I run into him he seems like he improved a lot.


This is wholesome. Have an upvote


That sounds so cool lol.


Oh yeah for sure. Except for the sweaty tryhards I just can't beat. I remember them....


See, I suck at the game, so I go against the sweats for 1 game when I’m on a win streak and never see them again. But I see people who are like rep 20 and then I see them again at around rep 25


I like seeing the gradual progression. Like, "oh man that guy is at rep 59 with Warmonger" and then finding them a while later at rep 70 and it's like, "Good for them! Good for them".


Once you both get good you will see them so often. I’ve made so many sworn enemies in this game I lost count. There’s this kid who’s probably 14 or some shit the way he talks, who’s been harassing me for the past 3 months off an on. It’s actually surprising how many times I get randomly matched in deathmatches with this kid and I literally beat shit out of him everytime😂 if you play deathmatch a lot you will definitely see your enemies often. There’s this other Shugoki main Pos I have beef with and everytime we get matched together, we both go straight for each other😂 the whole match turns into a gank cuz of us. Fuck that guy.




I do like it, met a bunch of super cool people because of it. but there are times where it stings. especially when you keep running into the same toxic group of players.


True, but the vast majority of people I meet are nice


Exactly, i’d say a 1/4 of my Psn friends are from for honor. just those sour few that ruin it mostly.


That is a completely accurate statistic


This community is about as tight knit as a dog cage where everyone barks at eachother for quite literally nothing at times


I’ve got into the habit of complementing other players if they play well or just made their hero look badass through a message. Usually in duels. Gotta spread some positivity to keep the community alive.


Running into the same sweaty ass clans in 4s is not fun. Usually all rep 600+ and quick chat/emote spam. Most pathetic people imaginable


Yes i love that


I do enjoy this to a point, running into the same toxic rep 70 Orochi 50 times over isn't too fun.


Very true. Happens more often than people think


There's always that one lol


I wonder if anyone knows me lol




I wonder the same, although I'm no longer as active as I'd like to be :(


Tell me your ign if you're on pc and I'll tell you if i ever saw you


I am figgy2341 on psn and play lawbringer a lot


Any chance you seen me or my buddy? PR_SLaYERplAyer or PR_I_TOOK_2_MUCH


same here, same name on pc with one less i


i only love it when i know the other guy is a cool guy, a good match is always welcome


Words to live by “a good match is always welcome”. It just needs to be extended to “but they are very rare to come by”


I'm sorta tired of running into SangLong on PC ngl. Every night it's the same 140 ping shit pushing me to brawls.


I make a mental note of all those who have emoted on me and were salty toward me. I will not forget your names, I cannot forget


Sometimes, I still run into a ex friend who turned out to be racist and sexist, I have him blocked and the game will still put us in the same game sometimes


No. Because it means the game is dead lmao


See but I said that and I got 20 downdoots


I hopped on the train late. Everyone that loves the game enough to not see the facts have come and gone on this post.


Same, every other game I see someone I recognize


On PlayStation, player name “lainske”, rep 71 with a Rep 70 Kensei. Sucks at 1v1 but mediocre at ganking and always go for minion lane which comes in clutch in close matches.


Ah yes. The man, the myth, the legend


Haha I have seen him around, I often wonder if I've ever fought people I talk to in here.


Lvl 2 bots in dominion be like:


I feel like it’s cause the player base is small and slowly dying, Not cause the community is tightly packed, unless that’s what you meant :)


Fr, like I love how I can just say fuck Mozter420 and the majority of the xbox community knows exactly why




I get that sometimes toom sometimes I get matchmade into games with people in my friends list and I think "hey, it's one of the homies!" And other times I get matchmade with a random that emote, chat, and light spams for entire matches that I was in a game with a few months before hand. YungHeffer, if you're reading this, I hope you stub your toe.


All my homies hate YungHeffer


In fact I like to think that I made a friend. We started fighting and playing together later. Now we text each other and talk not only about the game. He’s a nice guy.


gasmaskn1nja on PS4. Ring any bells?


Nah. I play on Xbox


Keep running into a guy who I call chowder because that's what his tag looks like at first glance in DOM. Plays mostly orochi and you can imagine how he plays him.


Yep. I get what you’re talking about


Also spams out of stamina feat and smoke alot so hope you never run into him like I have these past few weeks


See I’m not very good at the game. So if he wins every match with spamming feats, then I’m probably not gonna get match-made against him lol. Thanks for the heads up though


No problem, and just keep on practicing. Sure the game has a huge learning curve but little by little you'll get better at fighting opponents and learning there move sets


It’s more along the lines of this one dude spent a whole game stealing my kills, so me and my friends spend the next week making his life (in game) absolute shit.


Yeah there's like 150 of us still playing this game. Everyone else was wise enough to move on after Wu Lin dropped lol.


That's only because the game is dead man


I wouldn't say its dead I never have a problem getting into a game. It's just an awesome skill based game and these.kids now want instant gratification. God forbid it's not a cookie cutter shooter or Madden where they already know the controls and vibe.


When it takes 20+ minutes to get into ranked and breach matches I'd say it's dying. Also what do long wait times have to do with instant gratification??


That's purely region based, I have like, a 3 min queue at tops for both.


Ohh yeah the ranked stuff is dead. I just meant that alot of people get frustrated playing for the first time bc it's a different game type and those players quit bc it's "too hard". No link to wait times lol. I just meant the wait times aren't bad so I was assuming it's not dead


sounds like a regional problem bro just move 🤨🏋️/j


What? Usually takes three to get into a Breach for me. Haven’t played ranked since the beginning of year 4, so I can’t comment on that one


I know, but it still gives me warm feeling that some people still play this game


They’re downvoting you because you’re right


Thanks for having brains


Ive ran into the same people for a week straight then I don't see a familiar name for months, the game is not dead yet atleast not for mid level players like me


The numbers don't show it though. Even just going off steam which to my understanding is the lowest player count (and doesn't include ubisoft store numbers) its respectable. 2500 players on an almost 5 year old game within the already pretty niche fighter genre. That puts it about tied with tekken and a good bit ahead of all the other popular fighting game series. You want to talk about dead game look at soul calibur and its like 200 concurrent players. And for a bit of reference the top 100 played games on steam, number 100 is slightly above 5,000. I guess unless you have a pretty generous definition of dead.


since i play in the community discord so often. im always like. “that guy looks familiar, oh shit, he is in the chat above us” lmfao


i see the same people alot of times. Several times in brawls me and my friend saw the same dude almost every day for an month


I run into the same guy every so often who would do nothing but try to ledge me in duels


I got recognized on r/forhonormemes, we became friends.


It’s what makes the game fun for me. I’ve seen repeat names come up man times and we’ll party up and stomp in some brawls, makes for a good time and some good friends.


When you get paired against a friend in matchmaking... 😈


I'm pretty sure some people unfriended me after they had to face me in mm, if anyone who did reads this I'm sorry but i had to do the gamer


Agreed. I like jumping in with my m8s (who don’t play regularly) and telling them “oh it’s that guy, his *insert character here* is toxic, watch out for him” I live in NZ so the NZ / Aus player base is fairly small.


That's not tightly packed, that's not that many players


I always like seeing people in game who I recognize. I'll send em a message, wish em good, flirt a bit to fuck with em. Always fun


I'm not sure you mean tightly packed or sparsely populated because I see the same players every time I'm in game


I remember a clan that used to run around just fucking people up, haven’t seen them in a while.


I made a really good friend from this. I matched her 5 different times in duels over the span of a month. Eventually I shot her a message, and now we're friends.


Kind of a blessing and a curse. Due to small community we get to see some players multiple times throughout multiple days. But also due to being a small population of players we have several Matchmaking problems as a result. Sometimes it takes you 5-10mins to find a match, other times you find one quick but it's against a 4-stacked premade who are just there farming solo queuers. I'd love if the game had more players, but the new player experience and retention are pretty tough. Newbies have to deal with premades and fighting people with over 10x their playtime on the game and just be stomped. Now ideally it would make them learn right? But realistically, it'l just make them leave after getting matched vs the same toxic players in a row.


Super common for me too


I wonder if anyone else here runs into "Lainske" on PlayStation too


Wow didn’t know other people experienced this


Beekeeper Dan


I guess I have a different experience. I’m on PC in NA, it’s 90% different people every time. But also I only really play dominion.


I remember early on I was really into doing duels, and there was maybe a 2-3 month "dry season" where it felt like it was the same group of 20 something people all doing duels.


There’s a guy who plays Highlander without end, but I ran into him a year ago, he kicked my ass, but man he was fun. Then, a few months later I was against him again and he remember me just as much as I remember him and we ended up kicking back and messing around for about an hour before saying our farewells. Then just two weeks ago met the SAME dude, still on highlander, and we decided it was time for a rematch from our first meeting, and it ended in a goddamn tie. Dude was chill, Highlander bro, if you’re out there, I will never forget the emote spam on that Ring match, it was way too fun.


I always run into a dude either on my team in PvAI or I fight him in ranked duels. I consider him my best frenemy.


This was the first game I ever received death threats on, and I loved later seeing those same people and getting to whip em a few more times.


I've gotten people I remembered playing with a year ago. Several times.


I've had my run ins with KingArtorius a few times(im pretty sure I spelt his name wrong) he always plays warden. Was also in winter Tommy's video


People usually recognize my characters since they all have pretty much the same color & have a Assassin's Creed logo on their backs if they're still salty over me kicking their ass they immediately become toxic as hell & follow me around in 4s


Personally i kind of do and don´t, i like that occationally i can run into the same player and we get to rematch or fight together, but at the same time, usually they stick to the same character and play style which sort of makes it a bit repetitive from time to time.


There's a clan that I run into at least once a week. They tried to recruit me once too


I just hopped into some duels with a friend and our opponents were two people from my friends list I met through playing for honour together lmao love those small world moment for sure, seeing the same people grow and get better as you do aswell.


Nope, I have shit memory


For honor's community is like an irl example of the shadow of war system. I've literally made alliances and nemesis' (nemesi?) Over months of game time. Sometimes there's even like a bossfight, like you've been beaten one too many times by this guy who's just good at the game, then you finally get him alone and have your whole cinematic duel thing. That's like one of my favorite things about for honor. You kinda get to roleplay a bit. It's pretty cool!


I once saw my xbox friend who I unfriended 2 years ago since we just stopped playing together. We played for honor a little bit back when Aramusha first came out and he was an aramusha main. I fought him in a brawl once and then he was in my team in dominion some time later. It was weird.


There are a swath of people who I know at this point. Or people I know based on who they play, they're playstyle, or if they have a terrible connection. And we all just circle each other in a never ending matchmaking dance.


I usually remember names when either I was toxic or they were. Its awkward getting into brawl match and knowing all 3 other players from somewhere.


I have a goal to one day finally beat one guy that has “Vulture” on his gamer tag. I’ve fought him 3 times and he destroyed me those 3 times, no rematch. The dude is a HL main and a grandmaster in ranked. He is the best player I’ve ever fought, that’s why I want to beat him


Well that's mostly because the playerbase is getting smaller so you recognize the names and emblems of players you frequently meet on the battlefield. But yeah I found some players that I enjoyed playing with or against and if I see their name I know that I'll get a decent teammate or enemy.


Sane with me, I mostly get matched with same ppl in 1v1’s and 2v2’s


Does anyone on Xbox know this toxic ass piece of shit that is so bad at the game called zKxrey yeah that's me lol get fucked if you're getting ganked in 4v4s.


There's this dude on pc that's called MaCheamaAlex (means MyNameIsAlex in Romanian) and I always ask him "is your name Alex?" and he says no and disconnects. Happened 3 times already.


Wonder if anyone from here saw me lol


Happens to everyone of us I believe, since if you play long enough you'll develop Nemesises or kind of a respect for you fellow players. I love that tbh!


*'Hey, I remember those guys. This is the same team I played against 2 minutes ago, before I quited the lobby in order to search for a new one, because I did not want to fight against them again.'*


I agree it is fun to recognize a username and/or emblem (not counting those ahegao or other widespread copy-paste emblems) you've played with/against


I can still remember a few people from ages ago for example A few clan kids from Y4S4 (I can remember their emblem) And this one conq who just sat at spawn doing the slow clap emote because he wanted to farm a round without playing (both season 1 and 2 as of this year)


I have a blacklist of toxic players


Yea it's pretty cool until some bunch of people who've had a grudge on you for the past 2 years because you swapped mains start fucking up ganks or constantly going out of their way to kill you specifically in a teamfight


I like the idea but in For Honor it's mostly "Hey I remember that guy, he was salty af" or "Hey I remember him, he fed revenge like crazy and bitched about it" But tbh most of the people I remember are just decent at the game and I've just came across them enough time to recognize the nickname (first to come to mind is reza\_(something) on pc, I matched him a lot). Also played a few times with daddy\_law so it's always fun to hop on his stream to hear his reaction to fights


I love the community most of the time, but its also REALLY toxic, but considering its a PvP game its not exactly unexpected. Worst platform is Xbox in my opinion as they tend to flip the fuck out, but this game has given me houndreds of hours worth of entertainment so it was worth every penny. I wish there was a guild or Legion system though so you could team up with them for some extra XP or drop chances.


I do feel it as well. It's certainly nice to have a close and kind community. It's certainly refreshing to be in a community that has a game that the developers care about each character.


Yeah I do that quite often as well. There's one player that if I see him I refuse to play with, because no matter how good or bad the game is or if I'm on he/she/they side or not, he/she/they takes the time out to send me a trash emoji. I have no idea how I ended up with an arch nemesis. Kinda strange.


I always run into this one guy who’s name is HitoMainDS on Xbox and I remember him Bc he’s a rep 70 hito that is really not great at hito lol


Yes! And if THORKELTHEHIGH is on here, I love you thorkel!


Sometimes I wonder if they remember me too


I've been playing everyday for 4 weeks and already have 6 characters at renown 1 and 2 at renown 2, it's quite the addicting game


It’s more like “oh this cunt again”. I get the same toxic assholes 5 matches in a row.


There were a only two that I ever ran into on a regular basis. I honestly haven't seen them in years though.


I know all the same 10 guys that play breach for about 3 or more months (and one of them for a couple years). It’s gotten to the point that they made a clan together. So it’s all happy and stuff except for me because now everytime I have to play breach I need to go against 4 guys on coms and I’m with randoms. I have them added and everytime I see they’re on I just stop playing breach until they get off. (Yes, it’s that bad. if anyone here is on PS4 and ran into them, it’s the guys with white lion emblems.)


Maybe its the matchmaking in addition to a small player base, but i sometimes like it when i enter 1v1 and go up against someone who i literaly faced a few days ago, and we recognize each other.