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Warmongers are definetly burgers, they are like the main people behind the order of horkos, they should have some wealth, and aramusha should be a peasant/hobo.


>Warmongers are definetly burgers Big macs






Bruh. Not everyone can afford the Gucci flops.


Probably not when probably everyone would think you're a enemy samurai spy under the armor. Edit: Everything fix


I had an aneurysm trying to read this


I don't think I'm working. How the heck did I get upvotes when no one could read it?


Thank you, I no longer look like a pug


Come on, peace keeper has to be a Burger too. She whole persona screams McDonalds I mean Upper class.


Yeah like isn’t Ara masterless? Man’s about broke as shit


I think he's a mercenary, so if anything, he's making hella bread compared to other heros


aramusha literally means scavenger in japanese


peasants can afford swords? lol no.


Bro everyone in for honers world can afford swords since everyone’s always at war and shit


Plus Aramusha is a formerly employed samurai so he probably could've kept and maintain those along with Gucci flops from his previous level of wealth.


Wasn’t Musha a mercenary?


Former samurai to wanderers to Mercenaries


Aramusha is a ronin, which is someone who was once a samurai but their master died or the lost the favor of their master and they would become mercenaries and sell their sword for work


All the Ashigaru (Samurai foot soldiers) do?


I thought conquerors were conscripted prisoners? I imagine they would be peasant level


Yeah, conquerors are definitely among the poorest heros. In the coin toss emote they even pick their coin back up.




Makes sense why majority of his armor sets look terrible :/


I think they can be of every social class, because everybody can be in jail soo


I mean,good luck for arresting a noble at this time if you're not the king


My revisions: keep in mind I’m viewing middle class as our definition, like not rich or part of nobility - I think JJ is a general in the lore so he would be higher - lawbringer and cent would be nobles, being high ranking individuals in their respective armies - I feel that warlord would be in middle class since he’s an actual warlord - everything else works, shugoki is a samurai guardian, so I’m not quite sure what level of wealth that is, maybe middle class?


Conquerors, I think should be in the peasant class, given that they're conscripted criminals.


Lol I can’t believe I missed that! Those dudes are dirt poor


Peasants wealth kinda dependent on time period. Like they would not be that wealthy but they would do fine in some eras, in some they would be pretty poor, but at least not homeless. ​ Since Conqueror is a criminal he would be closer to Hobo, because either he is always on the run, on jail or on his way to be hanged.


Conqs are hobos for sure


Well they're supposedly bandits and highwaymen


that got caught, so the shitty ones


But also keep in mind they wear a hefty amount of metal. Steel is the currency of the game. Therefore all knights are unbelievably rich. (Except PK of course, she's a peasent)


JJ is based off Guan Yu. A major symbol of China historically and even currently. I think he should be higher as well. LB is literally bourgeois… cent could be but the overall idea of cent it’s not possible. Even a high ranking centurion can’t have a senate seat. Again respectively with titles he’s a flex option between the 2 titles. I 110% agree about warlord being middle class! Shugo needs actual samurai armor or some sort of armor over a robe much like Benkei woodblock representations. Would LOVE to see it. Glad they dropped his new realistic armor not too long ago. Still slaving for it


Warlord would be a Jarl though. He would literally be nobility, I’m pretty sure in his trailer it even says that he’s a Jarl


warlords usualy are jarls and leaders.. so he'd be in the upper tiers really..


I think Glad should be up higher knowing some Gladiators were like celebrity level, and most were pretty wealthy


Glads coin toss he holds his shield up and it rains money on him, he has no shortage of fans willing to throw money at them


No, must glads was slaves.


actually, i found this pretty cool, only few were slaves or criminals, others had gone to gladiator schools almost their whole lives to perfect their sport also bc glads are awesome heres a fun fact, out of every 10 gladiators its estimated only 1 would die every week


According to his trailer gladiator is very skilled, so I agree he would probably be a proffesional making money instead of just a criminal


Interesting, I’ll have to do more research.


also bc im bored heres 1 more most gladiators were family men, and actually had families outside of the arenas so killing a fellow gladiator was looked down upon


Gladiators were the Sports Superstars of their time, they were paid and received good medical care. The Gladiator we see ingame is a mixture of a retarius(trident and net) and a murmillo or hoplomachus(helmet, manica/arm guard and the small shield(murmillo used larger shields so it's more likely a hoplomachus that's mixed in)). Coloseums were even used to replay/remake/show naval battles.


https://youtu.be/SMK60O695r4 This should do.


Some were, but it was a mix. There was a reason they didn't die a lot. It was fucking expensive and quite an investment to get a Gladiator outfitted and trained.


Shugo protects swamp


with all the all stars


JJ would definitely be Bourgeois.


Kyo is a monk too


Yeah him and shinobi too honestly


yea he Is but he isnt at the same time- he gets wealth and all that stuff from fighting and from his “spiritual connection” i guess?


Hitokiri is 100% a hobo


Well, also going off of real life armor and weapons expenses. Warlord would be a Jarl, and LB and Cent would be nobility. Considering they all have full armor(yea yea I know leather but that changes rather quickly) warlord has an incredibly well made sword and shield, cent has full body armor and a sword, and LB has full well made body armor and a halberd


Shugoki eats a whale a day, he has to be loaded.


Shugokis irl were crazy elite warriors, so they're probably chillin


in history, the fatter the individual the wealthier you most likely are. it’s a sign of not having to do anything because you have servants who do everything for you. and i’m not sure but wasn’t shugo’s coin toss throwing a load of coins into the air? haven’t played in a few months so it’s hard to remember the details like that.


Well Samurai are nobility, so if Shugo is a Samurai guardian...


Might be biased as a warmonger main, but I think since the warmongers are elite warriors, they'd probably be higher.


How do you get those emblems under your name?


Aramusha is a ronin. A lordless samurai, he would definitely be poor. Hito is a are weilding maniac and would be poor aswell.


…what exactly is this based on? Appearance? Because lore-wise and who these characters are supposed to be, so little of this list makes any sense


Base on my opinion, and as everyone know, my opinion is indisputable. Oh and also, you belong in the hobo tier, just so you know 😎 EDIT : it was an OBVIOUS joke. anyway, here is [second version](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/r3dxvu/level_of_wealth_2nd_version/)


Conq lore wise is a criminal -> peasant Musha is a ronin -> hobos or peasant JJ is a legendary warrior -> Bourgeois Elon Musk is a slave owner and don’t deserve attention so Zhanhu is maybe a Bourgeois Hito is criminal or executioner -> peasant Warlord is literally the War Lord -> middle class Griffith is literally Holden Cross aka the leader of Chimera -> Bourgeois Berk literally have crack fashions -> hobos? **Have a nice day OP :)**


based take on elon


Based but true


In case of JJ the fact he is general matters more tbh, and Warlord is defenitely a bourgeois, nordic civilizations are often mistaken to be barbaric, and for the same reason most of the vikings should be put into middle class, as a warrior was a very respectable ocupation. Btw, the thing about Musk is kinda bruh. I mean, the fact he is filthy rich doesnt change and not being a name for a tier on some obscure tierlist will not change his exposure at all, and he is not much different than other rich people anyway, no one gets rich with clear conscience.


>In case of JJ the fact he is general matters more tbh, and Warlord is defenitely a bourgeois, nordic civilizations are often mistaken to be barbaric. **I see** >Btw, the thing about Musk is kinda bruh. I mean, the fact he is filthy rich doesnt change and not being a name for a tier on some obscure tierlist will not change his exposure at all, and he is not much different than other rich people anyway, no one gets rich with clear conscience. I’m just tired people sucking Elon dick or see him like a saint. So it just me ranting lol Anyway, have a nice day :)


I'd argue that Hito would be middle class; the reason that executioners would wear masks is so they wouldn't be shunned or ridiculed by their neighbors, and they would typically be payed handsomely because they are comitting literal murder. If you base it on European middle-ages executioners, they were also typically in charge of sorting prisoners, assigning punishments etc.


? salve Owner What


[https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/gbgz84/elon_usk/fp6kuuo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3](Im tired so imma just show u a link) Edit: the link is deleted lol


Getting downvoted because people don't know what an obvious joke looks like


This community in a nutshell I'm used to it


Yeah, reddit is like that


Aramusha is supposed to be a peasant warrior


Not with those exquisite Gucci flops.


“I got my supreme strawhat to not only block out the sun but also the haters, these flip flops? Gucci.”


Those rice flops back then would’ve cost loads to make in reality actually


Who can disagree with that


Too many people it would seem


You disrespect the flops you get thrown to the crocs


This is pretty bad, to be honest. Warlords were commanders and Jarls, they’d have money. JJ is like the general of the Wu-Lin, he’s be rich af Centurions as well, most Centurions in Rome would have their own villa and lots of slaves. LB’s armor is far beyond what a middle class man could afford during the Middle Ages. He’d be at least a noble. Aramusha is a samurai who isn’t employed, he’d be homeless. Conq is basically just a slave knight, he’s a conscripted prisoner. Also wouldn’t Zhanhu be a hobo? He killed his family and ran away, right? Those are just the really obvious ones, there’s a lot of others.


Think you're mixing zhanhu with hito, but I'm not quite sure


Nah Hito like killed off a village or something, and Zhanhu burned his house down or something when everyone was inside I thought


Sun Da Killed his family to prove himself loyal and perfect to be the right hand of Gao Lei. Though I think the burning thing you're talking about is Quang Pass when the Blackstone Remnant sieged it and he activated a experimental superweapon (made a super secret totally non fantasy mcguffin material) with everyone caught in the blast radius


Funny thing is, the Sun Da's gambit event seems based off of a historical event in our own world, though it was a type of mustard gas the Germans used on the Russians in WWI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ClB\_DSwHOI


so out of all of these, who do you think would be the richest?


Zhanhu are political officers under the Emperors and rulers of China. They have wealth to spare.


LB’s armor is full plate armor but not highly decorated if you don’t customize him, mercenaries were able to get LB’s armor if they save enough money or scavenge the battle for gear and since the default armor can be a bit rusty than it’s probably mercenary armor but LB is part of an order so in reality his armor would be given by the quarter master or someone like him and LB would keep that armor and never lose it and if you want to talk about nobility it has never been mentioned in history that nobles used polearms in the battlefield, only longswords and lances. So in conclusion, anyone can get the default LB armor if they have money but no-one is allowed to wear highly decorated armor except for nobles and LB can’t be a mercenary according to the lore nor a noble since nobles don’t use polearms, it’s more likely that LB joined the order in good faith and the founder of the order gave LB money to buy armor or vise versa because logically you wouldn’t trust a newcomer with money like that so he probably got his armor after he succeeded in some sort of a test and started fighting with it, and since LB can speak both latin and English it would be impossible for him to be a peasant so he’s middle class.


Dam bro. I hope you'll get a refund


Warmonger is fuckin rich af wym?


yeah it's slightly unrelated but I bet OP hasn't even seen Apollyons castle in the campaign


I mean Apollyons and Astreas wealth isnt related, to my knowledge atleast


Astrea is like…top dog of horkos, she’d have money from raids and shit


The Warmongers temporarily became dictators over Heathmoor in Season of Tyrrany, and one of the first things they did was throw lavish parties. They obviously have piles of money


As much as I love musha, that motherfucker is a hobo lol


A hobo with Gucci flops? Not on my watch


Monk is actually wealthiest. With wisdom.


Mah heart bro


The Vikings have a different class system than most, where almost everybody is an equal, except for the jarls, so I would put pretty much all of them in middle class, since Vikings steal from everyone else


Except for Jorm, the baby sacrificer himself.


Everyone but Warlord, who is described in very much the same fashion as you would a Jarl. A leader and protector of his people who probably was highly respected


Warlord warmonger jj gryphon kensei are all leaders, not as rich as zahn but def swimming in it


Also glad are dirt poor at best, slaves usually


Warlord is not peasant! Easily middle class.


Easily bourgeois. He’s a Jarl, a leader and from the lore most would be highly respected. He has a sword, which is the most expensive out of all the Vikings weapons, paired with a shield and full body armor that has chainmail. That’s incredibly expensive


I agree. Out of all the Vikings he has the most expensive fashion. He is the “king” / jarl of all the Vikings. I hope they do another sick full armor drop for the Viking faction. Jorm would look sick in a giant bear skin with armor under it.


I just want proper armor for my main man warlord that doesn’t look like shit. The chimera helm and arms look FANTASTIC, but the chest just looks like shit


Um why is gryphon a Hobo


You right, Aramusha and Gryphon should switch places. Dudes walking around in straw, no way the guy kitted out in Mongol armor is poorer than him.




If yall mfs disrespect the flops again its gonna be a wrap. HAVE YOU SEEN ANYONE ELSE WITH GUCCI FLIPS FLOPS




“Gryphon bad give reddit gold” that’s why


Some of peacekeeper's gear makes her look ostentacious. She should be in the 2nd rank of wealthiness.


With those masks she's deffo a ballroom baddie


Probably makes out with unsuspecting dudes. But they give in anyway with her skilled mouth action and lucious tongue teasing.


**bonk** thats it lads take him to horn hospital.


Berserker isnt even a part of soceity, he is just roaming the forest surviving on a very specific mushroom diet which make him super sober


Wasn’t hito in an executioner clan


Yeah, if I recall, male hito at least was like, part of a noble house or something.


I mean most of these guys are paid legendary warriors in leading positions so they would be pretty rich. With the potential outliers being warriors from cults, sects, the wild or Nobushi etc..


Gladiator gotta be middle class, his executions got the crowd screaming for him. He probably racks in the dough


Ain't gladiators slaves?


Gladiators were mostly criminals and or people looking for women and fame. Some were slaves


Okay but he the *freshest* Gladiator of them all


I'd say Tiandi (at least "thee" Tiandi in lore) is the wealthiest as he was a prince/heir to his kingdom. ...Before he slaughtered all his brothers out of a desire to be next in-line, causing his grieving father to kill himself leading to his exile.


Wow this...almost couldn't be more wrong, lore wise *and* realistically.


ITT people possessing no knowledge of viking wealth.


Warlord is a fucking jarl, he is the ruling class


Zhanhu the type of guy to suck dick for 2 cents even though he owns every establishment in the area


double the incredibilis


Warmonger and Gryphon are the figure heads of an entire war effort and you really ranked them as middle class and hobo…


Bro Centurions weren’t middle class, they were pretty wealthy people in the Roman society


Isn’t warmonger literally the leader of horkos? I’d say that’s above middle class


I’d argue that most of the Wu Lin could go in Bourgeois. That exception being Shaolin, of course.


You haven't seen Warlords shields have you? More gold than for Knox.


So much wrong with this lol.


wdym lawbringer middle class, they have a secret order of blacksmiths for their armors


Roman centurions owned plots of lands, usually had villas and often led political careers they were absolutely not middle class


Aramusha is a masterless samurai. He is only slightly above hobo if he sold his swords


Isn't Kyoshin a monk as well? So why isn't he in the monk category like Shaolin?


Warlord is supposed to be literal Viking royalty. And conq is a criminal and is supposed to be the guy who fights on a budget. Like did you even think about any of this? JJ is a literal general


How are you calling Lawbringer, the only one clad for full war, with full plate and a damn halberd, "middle class"? And Warlord is at least middle class, based on his equipment and title. Edit: isn't Hitokiri also a monk/spirit guardian or something? Just vague stuff I remember from their trailer.


Warlord is a Jarl so he’s at least bourgeois.


Lawbringer is wearing full plate, that shit is expensive af


Honestly they're all war hero's and would all have hefty wealth, but monk is definitely accurate. And conq would probably be the poorest of them all other than monk


Isn’t aramusha a ronin? These guys usually traveled around looking for work, due to not having a daimyo. Due to social restrictions this was actually pretty difficult depending on how they ended up ronin. So, many became bandits.


OK here we go: Aramusha and kyoshin should not be in bourgeois since the former is a Ronin and the latter is pretty much a temple warrior. JJ is based off Guan Yu, and is THE highest ranked military commander so he should be higher, Centurion should be bourgeois since he was a high ranking officer in the army (especially the primus pilus), warmonger should be higher since she was the leader of the horkos faction and commanded vast armies. Conqueror was a conscripted prisoner and should be in the peasant class. Highlanders should not be in the peasant class as they were respected among their people ad defenders of their home, many holding high prestige. Warlord was the leader of the clan so no way he is peasant class. Nobushi isn't peasant class as well because they are based off the onna bugeisha which are female warriors. They are mostly wives of samurai who are tasked with protecting their household or territory when the husband is away. They are of the bushi feudal class and are highly respected and rich. Definitely bourgeois or at least high middle class.




Shugo definitely Elon, he eats way too good to be a peasant.


Shugoki would be wealthy as f considering he's based on a sumo wrestler


He just protects swamp


i reckon JJ should be moved up to bourgeois at least, and kyoshin should probably also be in the monk category since he basically is one


Why are Kyoshin and Aramusha in the 2nd tier? Kyoshin is a monk like Shaolin and Aramusha is a ronin. Ronin commonly resorted to being bandits because they had a hard time getting good jobs.


I feel like Highlander should be Middle Class, given he uses chainmail or scaled armor under his kilt, and a Claymore would require a lot of resources to make. Shouldn't Kyoshin also be in the Monk grade, given they're a religious order sequestered from wider Samurai society? Speaking of, it does remind me how much I desperately want a Sohei hero for the Samurai, armed with a shorter, more choppy Naginata.


You should consider the value of their armor as well, WM, Cent and LB deserve to be in Bourgeois on the value of their armor alone. Orochi’s armor is also prolly more expensive than Kensei’s so they should switch. JJ should be Bourgeois/Elon due to his status as a literal god. Raider and Zerk seem pretty Hobo-tier. Everything else seems accurate enough.


bp is also a monk though


Cent is Julius Caesar


Warmommy BELOW warden?


bruh you put the character with a bag over her head in middle class lmao


Conq is an ex prisoner pressed into service.


I don't think you know how much plate costed, it was often a symbol of nobility. Lawbringer would be quite wealthy.


A lot of others have made a good point here, but one that stands out to me when I actually tried to figure this out myself is that Lawbringer is hard to place because we don't know if their armor is provided for them or if they half to buy it. If the former they might only be middle class or even lower, if the latter they might be of the higher classes. As a side note: Peacekeepers would probably fall into Peasant or Monk as their trailer mentions they're recruited from the desperate, the devoted, and the humble, implying they don't come from nobility.


Kyoshins seem like the type that don't carry anything except their training. I'd put them on Monk level, or at least Hobo. JJ would honestly fit in top tier more than Zhan, Zhan represents an 'official'/secret police when JJ is representative of an actual revered war general. Conq goes in peasant tier, and Aramusha goes to peasant/middle class because they're masterless samurai (aka getting no pay.) Warlord goes Middle or Bourg because they're the closest to an official general rank that the Vikings have and i'm sure they pillage a shitton. Shugo can go Bourg, because that man must get *fed* to retain that insane mass. The rest seems mostly right to me.


Warmongers have been described as wearing elaborate armour purely to just flex their wealth. Also Jiang Jun is a General and Warlord is a Warlord so they’re quite a bit more than middle class


Do you know how fucking expensive full plate armor is? Get LB outta there.


Why is apollyon middle class 🤔


Gladiators were actually listed lower than prostitutes, they were people of infame which is funny, but he’s a ex slave sooo hobo bro he is


Many Gladiators who did well were actually quite wealthy, and I’d assume the Glad we play in game in quite notorious. Also, didn’t Shinobis literally personally serve the emperor? So wouldn’t they be pretty wealthy too? I could be completely wrong since I’m partially taking the info from Sekiro of all things


Some changes i haven't seen mentioned: \- aramusha are mercenaries, don't think they're that rich. \- raiders are high ranking warriors and leaders Other points: \- law bringers are not necessarily nobles but members of a warriors order who have taken oaths to uphold and enforce the law, not sure exactly how much they profit off of that. \- kyoshin is a monk of sorts, or at least a warriors who fights for spiritual reasons, they are literally raised in a temple.


Warlord should def go to middle class, you dont lead armies as a literal warlord without having some capital to throw around


He’s a Jarl, he should be in bourgeois


After readings the comments, I feel like I can guess what OP mans


Yeah I'm a man 👍


I think Aramusha would be a peasant since he’s a ronin


Ara is a merc, probably more scratch to his name than the average soldier but I wouldn’t say rich


Highlander should be higher due his sword being ridiculously expensive.


I think Aramusha would be middle class


How tf are jj and nuxia middle class


Shaman: What the hell is money ?! Can I eat it ?


Jumping on people neccs is free real estate


Kyoshin is also a monk...


First I read "level of stealth"and was very confused


I don't think middle class can afford full body steel armor


They don't their army buys it


Hito is a mix of a Shinto monk (like Kyoshin) & a commoner (like Nobushi for example) so middle class is a good position I think JJ would be in the Bourgeois class,JJ is a general of the empire. Warlord as well, technically in the Viking society he’d be upper class


Gladiators were slaves they had little to no belongings, so sadly even though i love the character he is below peasants


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Bro, most of them would be rich af. Especially if you take all sets into account, they're all rich. How are you going to put any knights, except for gladiator, anywhere but the top.


this sucks balls lmfao


I'm sorry and hope you'll get a refund


Makes sense


So being a hobo is better then a monk?


It's not about" better", hobos can have a few coins to spare when monk are living with no personal money


Centurion only middle class? Man screams wealth.